The ARCTIC NEWS THE JOURNAL OF THE DIOCESE OF THE ARCTIC St. Barnabas Resolute Bay, NU Epiphany/Winter 2020/2021 BISHOP DAVID ’S MESSAGE Let’s Be A Holy Virus What in the world is happening with the World? COVID-19 is creating fearful uncertainty. There I agree with our Primate…it is Time to are public and social Wake Up. Who would of thought that our rants, conspiracy theories, protests, there sanctuary doors would be shut much is much mistrust of government, and many earlier than 2040 due to COVID-19. The are demanding that those who are not in question is, once the doors re-open, will agreement with them be silenced. A the people who have gotten out of the habit of attending return to a divided developing ‘cancel culture’ is replacing freedom of speech. Political hatred is church, which is in spiritual confusion and fracturing society/families. Our own unclear in gospel proclamation? What if the Anglican Church of Canada’s divisive pandemic, as bad as it is, is something God uncertainties, religious and political is using to wake us up and get back on aggression have caused so much course with Jesus’ Great Commission? I pray for an international Spiritual Epiphany. bewilderment that multitudes have fled. We have been on such a steep decline that I believe our world has been experiencing a on the Day of Epiphany, January 6th, 2020 spiritual attack. The book of Joel says, Tali Folkins, a reporter with our national “An enemy has invaded, wake up, be church newspaper, the Anglican Journal, sober, gather, pray, and (become Biblically wrote, “Church Gone By 2040?” Tali literate). There are souls in the valley of writes, “Statistics report a ‘wake-up call’ to decision.” 1 Peter 5:8 Peter said “Be sober- church, says primate. But Nicholls said she minded; be watchful. Your adversary the believes Anglicans should be careful about devil prowls around like a roaring lion, jumping to conclusions about what will seeking someone to devour.” happen to the church in the future based Satan does not come as a red suited Devil. purely on statistics of past decline. Clearly, He comes as a suitor, a deceiver, an angel she said, there are Anglicans today who still of light. And when he doesn’t get his own intend to be going to church in 2040, and way he comes like a roaring lion. His the church will not close by that date. “We weapsons are fear, intimidation, deception all know that it’s not actually going to and hatred. Satan’s influence has infected happen, because not everybody’s going to societies; causing people to seek wealth, disappear,” she said. power, control over their lives and independence from the Word of God. The 2 result has been despair, rather than whom he appointed the heir of all things, contentment. I believe the antidote, or the through whom also he created the world. Holy antivirus is God; the Father of Did you know God the Father created the Inspiration, Jesus; the Bread of Life, and the world through Jesus? In Genesis, God Holy Spirit; Rivers of Living Water. The spoke creation into existence. “Let there Church is to be on the move. We need to be: Let there be expanse, Let there be be organized under God. An Army waters, Let there be sprouts, Let there be equipped to dispatch good new not death, lights, Let there be living creatures…” Then blessing not cursing, healing not affliction. God said, “let us make man in our image after our likeness.” Who is the ‘us’ the ‘our’ Paul tells us in Ephesians 6, “STOP fighting that is being referred to? It is God the people, they are not your enemy. Ours is a Father, God the Holy Spirit and God, the spiritual warfare!” We need to remember Word of God-the Son of God. We read in Jesus is still on the throne. As God, He has John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the never been caught off guard and He tells Word, and the Word was with God, and the us, “Be alert, be on guard, and wake up Word was God. He was in the beginning from deception.” A deceived person with God. All things were made through doesn’t realize they are deceived, they only him, and without him was not anything recognize they were in deception after they made that was made.” Then in Colossians are freed from it. 1:15-16 Paul said of Jesus, “He is the image We just began a new church year, passing of the invisible God, the firstborn of all quickly through Advent, Christmas and now creation. For by Him all things were entering Epiphany. What is an epiphany? It created, in heaven and on earth, visible and is a sudden, intuitive perception of, or invisible, whether thrones or dominions or insight into, the reality or rulers or authorities all things were essential meaning of something, usually created through Him and for Him.” Then in initiated by some simple, homely, or Hebrews 1:2 we read, “…but in these last commonplace occurrence or experience, a days He has spoken to us by His Son...” literary work or section of a work Friends, we were born in the middle of a presenting, usually symbolically, such a spiritual battle. On Advent Sunday the moment of revelation and insight. In Gospel reading was Mark 13. Jesus says be Matthew 16:15-16, when Jesus asked His on guard, keep awake, stay awake and be disciples, “But who do you say that I careful to not fall asleep. Jesus is saying we am?” Simon Peter had an epiphany and need an epiphany, a revelation of who He said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the is, why He came, what He has done, and living God.” what it has to do with you and me? In Hebrews 1:1-2 we read, “Long ago, at We often hear John 3:16 quoted that God many times and in many ways, God spoke the Father loves the world and sent his Son to our fathers by the prophets, but in these to save us. But rarely do we hear John 3:18 last days he has spoken to us by his Son, -19 that whoever does not believe in Jesus 3 “is condemned already and that people, there until I tell you, for Herod is about to who love darkness, do not want God’s light search for the child to destroy Him.” to reveal that their works are evil.” Friends, Satan is the deceiver of the whole I said there is a spiritual battle. The world and the reason Jesus came according Christmas story begins in revelation to 1 John 3:8 “the Son of God appeared to chapter 12… first the problem, and then destroy the works of the devil.” Colossians why Jesus came. “Now war arose in 1:13-14 tells us Jesus defeated Satan. “ And heaven, Michael and his angels fighting you, who were dead in your trespasses and against the dragon. … And the great dragon the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made was thrown down, that ancient serpent, alive together with Him, having forgiven us who is called the devil and Satan, the all our trespasses by canceling the record of deceiver of the whole world—he was debt that stood against us with its legal thrown down to the earth... for the accuser demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the of our brother has been thrown cross. He disarmed the rulers and down… And they have conquered him by authorities and put them to open shame, the blood of the Lamb and by the word of by triumphing over them in Him.” Then their testimony, for they loved not their Colossians 3:1-4 tells us, “If then you have lives even unto death.” been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the The Christmas story from Revelation 12:1-6 right hand of God. Set your minds on things says “And a great sign appeared in heaven: that are above, not on things that are on a woman clothed with the sun, …. She was earth. For you have died, and your life is pregnant and was crying out in birth pains hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who and the agony of giving birth…And the is your life appears, then you also will dragon stood before the woman who was appear with Him in glory.” about to give birth, so that when she bore her child, he might devour it. She gave birth Friends, now that Satan has been defeated, to a male child, one who is to rule all the we are to seek first the Kingdom of God nations ..the woman fled into the and set our mind on the things of God. wilderness, where she has a place prepared Epiphany means being aware of Jesus’ by God,…” victory and an awareness that Satan will try to distract us from growing in God’s Word We read of Satan’s ability to influence and obeying the Great Commission, people in Ezekiel 28. Satan is a fallen angel, preaching the Gospel, and training converts but he is not all powerful or all knowing, to join us in this ministry. Although Satan is but he can inspire us to rebel against God defeated, he continues to influence, as he did Adam. Satan prompted Herod to distract and interfere with our ministry.
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