HEADING FOR A GREENER REGION FROM WORD TO DEED rom word to deed That's the necessary step for tack- ling environmental challenges. The Gothenburg region with its 13 municipalities has plenty of good examples of environmental initiatives. There is great diversity to the environmental efforts, encompassing buildings, travel, Fnature, consumption, energy and waste. The dedicated work being done is both inspiring and impressive. Despite all the posi- tive work going on, making this a greener region will be a long process, an important step to join forces in this process is the Green Gothenburg project. This is the umbrella for all the good examples in the region and also welcoming visitors to study our achievements. The Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR) is a regional planning department and an arena for the munici- palities that allows an overall approach to development. The 13 municipalities have, among other things, reached agreement on how to achieve our joint objective: sustainable growth. Busi- ness Region Göteborg (BRG) is dedicated to strengthening and developing trade and industry in the Gothenburg region. Our goal is to contribute to sustainable growth through cooperation between industry, society and academia. BRG is working towards commercially-driven environmental development and is run- ning a large number of pilot and demo projects in the Gothen- burg region, and is responsible for managing Green Gothenburg. CONTENTS About development and ensuring the right LOCATION location from an environmental perspective. 4-17 About access to ACCESS sustainable travel. 18-29 About nature and safeguarding THE OUTDOORS diversity and enjoyment. 30-35 About consumption and sustainable LIFESTYLE action to ensure good living. 36-41 This brochure has been produced by the Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR). About energy and industry Production & layout:Åttonde Huset Reklambyrå AB, www.attondehuset.se EFFICIENCY and making it fossil-free. 42-49 Photos: Gabriel Henningson pages 1, 4, 18, 30, 36, 42, 50, 56; Stina Olsson page 7; Adam Folcker pages 8, 14, 26; Jan-Olof Yxell page 11; Lars Lilled page 11; Ulrike Rahe page 11; Merritt Polk page 11, University of Salford page 11; Robert Persson pages 12, 13; Petter Rydsjö page 13; Hans Wretling page 16; About reducing waste and Maria Johannessen page 32; Anders Nilsson pages 32, 33; Emil Nilsson pages 32, 33; Sanna-Maria Cacatian page 34; Peter Svenson page 40; WASTE collecting it in an ecocycle. 50-55 Niklas Wennberg page 41. Other photos from the Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities, member municipalities' picture archives and Åttonde Huset's image bank. Printing:TMG Tabergs. Paper: Edixion offset. The printed matter is Swan-labelled. 3 © 2012. All rights reserved. LOCATION ACCESS THE OUTDOORS LIFESTYLE EFFICIENCY LOCATION WASTE WHERE SHOULD THE CITY BE LOCATED? f we are to cope with the outwards and become a metropoli- environmental challenges of tan area, merging with surrounding the future, the locations we towns and villages. choose for new construction - The region is growing, and if we for homes, transport and ser- undertake new construction in the Ivices - are crucial. Only then is it right way, it will create a basis for possible to live and travel sustain- living sustainably. All 13 municipali- ably and at the same time safeguard ties in the Gothenburg region have unspoiled countryside. agreed on a joint structural illustra- The Gothenburg region consists tion. Over one thousand politicians of 13 municipalities. In 1621, Gus- have actively participated in discus- taf II Adolf is said to have picked sions to jointly determine, 387 years out where the city of Gothenburg after Gustaf ll Adolf - this is where should be located. However, the old the region should be located! fortified city has long since spread STRUCTURAL ILLUSTRATION The municipalities of the Gothenburg region have agreed on a structural illustration showing the main features of the region's physical structures. By planning locally based on the agreement, the regional structure will be realised in the long term. There is strong support for new building developments being concentrated along the main corridors and in the Metropolitan District centred around the Core of Gothenburg, as well as public transport being strengthened there. This provides major benefits, as many people will be within walking or cycling distance of good services and public transport. It also ensures that more land along the coast and more green areas can be spared and be accessible to everyone. www.grkom.se/english 4 5 LOCATION THE CORE LOCATION THE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT THE CENTRE OF GOTHENBURG IS FOR EVERYONE LOCATION FILLED GAPS AND COMPACT HUBS ACCESS he core of the Gothenburg region for central Gothenburg to be easy to reach by pub- entred around Gothenburg is a met- for new developments, which can give the district THE OUTDOORS is something of a hub and engine lic transport. Many people want to live ropolitan area that also includes parts of a boost and the opportunity to retain services and LIFESTYLE for the entire region, with a huge and work in the centre of Gothenburg. Mölndal and Partille. How can you make schools. New developments can strengthen pub- EFFICIENCY range of workplaces, education The regional target is to bring a further such a vast urban landscape lic transport; the very best location is WASTE options, meeting places, com- 40,000 jobs and 30,000 residents to the more people-friendly and sus- around hubs and interchange points. Tmerce and culture. In the Structural core by 2020. Sustainable urban devel- tainable?C In the Structural Illustration, The Comprehensive Plan for Göteborg Illustration for the Göteborg region the opment, not just from an environmental mentioned on page 5, the 13 municipali- points out five Strategic Nodes: City, 13 municipalities have agreed that devel- perspective, requires a holistic approach. ties have agreed on the principles for Backaplan, Frölunda torg, Angereds opment of the core is a shared mission. This is now being implemented with the achieving this. The metropolitan area centrum and Gamlestaden. Gam- For instance, it is in everyone's interest project RiverCity. already has infrastructure that can be uti- lestaden is one example with exciting lised. In places there are gaps with room development ahead. LOCATION RIVERCITY THE CITY CENTRE IS EXPANDING LOCATION GAMLESTADEN ACROSS THE RIVER FROM SHIELDED SQUARE TO STRATEGIC HUB pen to the world – Inclusive, green and challenge, the city must be fossil-free and efficient dynamic. That's the vision for central Goth- with resources. New construction projects provide a ig plans are being devised for the the square from the rest of Gamlestaden, so that this enburg, which comes under the name River- historic chance to "get it right" from the start. If the area around Gamlestads torg. The square city district can be unified. From an environmental City. One of the most important objectives city centre is tied together across the river and traffic once linked up with Gamlestaden, but has perspective, it is best to build densely close to good for RiverCity is to enable the city centre to barriers, it becomes more attractive for walking and long since become an isolated tram stop. In public transport; this provides sustainable travel for growO on both sides of the river in a way that ties the cycling. With a mixture of housing, workplaces and the future it is set to become one of Goth- large numbers of people. However, building densely city together. The potential is huge, with around four services linked to public transport, this also reduces enburg'sB Strategic Nodes. This means that, in addi- increases the risk of noise and poor air quality, which square kilometres of brownfield land and dockland the need for travelling. One of the biggest challenges tion to being an important interchange point for pub- will set major demands in terms of design. One way to areas. The project team has developed a vision and is climate change. The risk of extreme weather, with lic transport, there will be a host of developments make it attractive is to improve access to green spaces strategies for this area, as a basis for future plan- floods and heat waves, is expected to increase in the in the form of housing, workplaces, commerce and and water. One essential basic idea for the develop- ning. The vision has been developed in discussion future. In this respect attractive green spaces can also other services in the vicinity. The first step is a station ment of Gamlestaden is for the Säveån river to have a with Gothenburg residents and through exchange provide cooling, and a variety of protection will be for the new commuter train to Lödöse. A coherent belt of parkland, starting from Gamlestads torg. of experiences with other cities. From an environ- needed against high water levels in the river. local structure will be combined with hubs for trains, mental perspective, RiverCity opens up huge possi- trams, buses and cycles. The second stage will involve bilities and challenges. In order to tackle the climate www.alvstaden.goteborg.se/english demolishing the viaduct, which currently shuts off www.goteborg.se 6 7 LOCATION THE MAIN CORRIDORS THE REGIONAL BACKBONE LOCATION ive distinct main corridors run into car-dependent and exploit the countryside more. ACCESS the centre of Gothenburg, with roads and With new construction along the main corridors we THE OUTDOORS rail lines, along which the major- can instead live and travel more sustain- LIFESTYLE ity of the urban areas in the region ably, and at the same time preserve the EFFICIENCY are located. The 13 municipalities natural world all around. From an envi- WASTE Fof the Gothenburg region have agreed that ronmental perspective, a structure like the main corridors must be strengthened this is an essential requirement for the in order to provide conditions for sustain- transformation into a sustainable society.
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