Ns *'¡sniirüts o >-v V O L V , N O . o 7 , BPvIÜGTON, ME., PBIDAY, -TULY 24,1868. WHOLE iS O. 1 r» A ni*, B « HORACE C. LITTLE \\ Cblll IU, IL(, P u b l i s h e r a n d i ROrRIETOR. A Cocal aníi Jnsttuctiuc fhmiltt Newspaper. Strictlij Naîtrai in politico. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I f . A h i n n U, & r. #1,00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE 00 Boxe», Botttt« 1 for UOTElijPvi. ; ® i i g i u a l poctvn. ‘Mary !’ exclaimed the good old man, judgest mo. "While la m sewing ntul tionably ride into power on the very j Ct VICII [1 IT VCl l l3 CpClV’ VUCUt Ue» kiiovi." ÎJcftqyÊôu. JÎcjnnffF. opening his mild blue eyes as far as the j spinning for Moses, it is borne in uponunon topmost tide ofot populaiity.popularity. rLheI he 1Prince rince jI ~ _ /g » ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY It Y lids would allow,‘thee don’t mean to j me to pray for our misguided Southern does not by any means confine himself . H um an Family."“ A Mountain SonS. Ir B ol«» to ále. tell me that thee is going to send one j brethren as I never prayed before.* j*° ^ie niere gaieties ot life, but is to be THE CAUSE OF INFERIOR STOCK. II liirpe cH U ». If. C. L IT T L E . of thy children to battle? To battle !’ ‘I thanfcthe Lord for thee,’ saisbthe seen at more important gatherings, at-: S llRll KXTA1I.EI8 Two years ago this summer clay, Persons require»! to puMisli notices ‘I do mean it, James,’ answered she Quaker wilting his eyes, ‘but Mary, thee j tending the exhibitions at Eton, and. Some farmers sell or slaughter heir ill worthies* imi- by order o f the Probate Court may select the Where were you, ’ueath the boundles blue? best stock of mares, pAp.-r in wnich such notice may be published. Wandering up a liowery way steadily, plucking with all her might at hasn’t any hildren to spare ; or has thee ! other schools and colleges, anniversa- i cows, ews or sows, pan»e i» m» etch the worsteds. -. land thus cut off all hope of any improvc- Pelote y«« Ley. rmt.tfs. O N EO O LLAR A V E A R IN AD- Iliat were you with a heart all true ! lost all a mother's feelings ?’ ! of agricultural and scientific some- ^ ^ ^ Does a ¿ ifer* ^ \ R . ( «S T A B , f v < w ii; u n dollar til’ty-centsa 11he end of Merrily, merrily flew the hours, The poor old gentleman fairly turn­ RkOAIiW AY,!« t . the year. Mary I)-an arose nervously, ‘Friend jtie !> antl> 111 s‘l0rt’ soem'’ to be Inuf*uuih a disposition to fatten easily ? She is beautiful, beautiful were the b< wers, ed pale. ‘Patience,’ said he, ‘won’t thee ; ; »nvl UuiucxB.. C&k x s o f A d v e r t i s in g . One square 16 . , . , . James,’ sail she, ‘I hifvc^ot a country; ^hout the same career tiat ren eiei i eQCGuraged to feed until fat, and she is i n o. irs, one insertion 75 cen ts, 3 insertions And over your head in golden sbowers hi)0 ; 3 months $2:00 ; 6 months $3:50; one Poured the sunlight down, fetch me a drink ot water t ! hast thou got one ? I remember noble ^ hither so poRular. e has cguji ^ thcn soId and eaten, while her fellows, y.-ar $0:00 ; 1-4 column $18:00 ; 1-2 column o i l If »8 With a skip and a bound the little George Washington ; dost thou remem-; Ufe well. Let it be hoped that he will | - - - »10:00 ; one column ¿50:00 To-day you fiit about the wood, damsel brought some water in a long-, her him ? Art thou willing to wipe out 0 continue to t • who belong to the same breed with Pha- '•»“ P it I V n NG executed with neatness, A careless bird, Minnie ha ! ha ! roah’s lean kine, are kept for milk or IPT Cleanness, and despatch. I , , , . handled tin dipper. all he ha« done for us? AYilt thou put i book . And though you stand where once he stood, NS:- Thank thee, Patience,’ said the the necks of thy children under a yoke, THE WONDERS OF QUACK MEDICINE rearing calves, because they are not and I> \ I ) • {' You can laugh, Minnie h a ! ha! cannot be made fat for the butcher.— TV a thing Receipt,. jJriucjtan jJusiness Lards. Say can yon flud within your soul •Quaker, the ruddy color stealing back and die, to have them curse thee?’ ‘Which it’s wonderful sir,’ exclaimed lie sonp,labor, and Has a farmer a sow pig which becomes — j A depth whore gladness doth not roll to his face. ‘Now, Mary, I hope tliee Patience and Benjamin looked at each her nibbing SOj t DAMS, JAS. It., Furniture, Ciockery Mrs. 0., one morning, ‘What them pills A boundless sea, from pole to pole fat upon the feed on which the rest of Ware, Paints, Oils, Dry G’ds A Groceries. won’t be offended if I ask thee a search­ other in dismay, wondering why the and hointment has done for the beneGck look Aesr* O f all the inner world ? his pigs are starving ? He gives her ing question ?’ But before the question spirit should move their mother to of hum ing natur. I ’m sure, there was l'U m vtlt fromfad«- LLEY, EDWARD T ., Shoe Manufac-' over to the butcher’s knife and propa­ \ turer. Custom Work done to order. j C, wonderous is the mountain air had formed itself into words, Mary preach in such a way to good friend my Sairey Jane’s cousin, which he were •l<l Jh itiA to dilute --------------------------------------------------I ^ ith songs of wild birds near and far Dean had arisen to perform one of her gates from ‘land shads’ and corn cribs. bile. Eaton. ‘Or wilt thou help to loose the not exactly a journeyman bricklayer, 2 2 * 3 2 * • « « «*•*■ - — *1* household duties. Seizing a towel she bands of wickedness ?’ continued the lias he a fine, round, bright-eyed ’ir Compass a bid ------------------------------------------.-------------------- - tan stay where nature’s songsters are. sir, hut more what you terminate u job­ be los» of rital *r went quickly to the kitchen table, where good woman, ‘to undo the heavy bur­ ewe ? She will he fat about the time da, or nervous per- ARKER, MRS. L. T., Milliner anil1 And the forest anthems swelling free, bing bricklayer, as jobs about oft’ and ß Dress Maker. Temperance building j his half filled pork barrels are empty rtrlc eartli-curuBt ____ 1 From every Iloavi-n-a^piring tree, on was spread a primitive fly trap, it dens and let the oppressed go tree ? to on at piecework, lie fell off from a scuf­ c or excited nerm and she is stripped of her fair skin and uie of. 1IROWN, G. H . Wholesale 4 retail dealer When winds chant their varied lay, being nothing else than a pool of delu­ break every yoke ?’ fle in the Boro’ Road, and lay wery U iF r iUire, Coffin-. A« V BridgtoH. Impcll my life to song. fair proportions simply because she is ay, »m l how it may sive molassess. ‘I don’t know what to say to tliee,’ dangerous at St. Thomas’ Orspittle, and is, It it commenced, July 21st. 1863. worth the trouble of killing ; and thus id bow to prevent ‘Here’s a goodly lot of the little tor said friend Eaton, rubbing his hands to­ nothink in the world would have pre­ many of our farmers perpetuate a breed ments,’ said she, making an onslaught gether in a perplexed way. ‘My heart vented a camera obscura from a settin’ i* relieved and cur- of animals that are u disgrace to the Dvery, which every jur ton) Cdlcv. upon them with her towel. Frienn Ea­ is heavy within me when I think of the in (a3 lie told me with his own lips, ami country. They seem uneasy while they ton's soul was stirred within him. poor bondmen down South, but ‘venge­ he would make his affydavy of it any r w r e t are general- C ub- possess an animal that will draw the et allied. tom Work to order. boarding House» ‘Mary, Mary,’ said lie in a grieved ance is mue, I will repay,’ saith the day of the week, ’cepting of the Sab­ ß The TIU (Ji-akcrs. attention of the neighbors or the buch- less ami safe subiti- tone, ‘Consider what thee is doing !— Lord.’ p I KMI VM, W . W Shoe Dealer, Cus bath, which he Were religics, although Thee can’t make a fly !’ ers, aud woe be to it if it puts on a bet­ ind how to do It tom Work and Jobbing done to order. ‘Thee is right, but ‘he that justifieth a bricklayer,) but that there blessed BY SOPHIE MAY. ter appearance than its fellows, for from a ttml cure. ‘I know it,’ said Mary, as she pro­ the wicked is an abomination to the ROSS CENTER A JORDAN, Tanners hointment— or he might have gone about that time its doom is sealed. tis, Coughs, a recur­ C& CurrietB. Hides, Skins A Hark wanted. , ceeded coolly with her savage work, Lord,’ think of that, James ! an abom- red application «1 on wooden legs to his dying day.
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