PREVIOUSLY UNR€LEASED MATERIAL PNODUCED BV EMINEM LOVOL TO TrrE qOn{E llt;lllrrtl @A0'Jrs0RI EXECU-IIYE PRODUCERS: AfENI SHAKUR AND EMINEM l?H www.2pacre6acy.com T$***.*n o., 6t!0r aEm EnhnailroE rrc udr COpRESENTs€O INGLUDES THE HIT STNGLES ?i LFfr'S GO g Jrtat -frlfina{tot;cn sucAR (crruruu soME) jfrat fi&wuaadu*"fr -K rn sr.ctRes now H* www.trlckd.ddy.(om uwwslipnslider€<o.ds.net wrrtc.atl.nti.-slreet.com {wrd.nrL-Ror&,on o?ooa adnFtk i@dlns colDondd, a wrdsr $.r[ 6dp c.np.ny, y xEDra'pL TgeCry .\:- LIVE AT THE TABERI.IACLI, ATL WEDNESDAY, IIEC lst 8 T' UT'' EE I' I E NTE EIA' N N E NTi ffiffi ,,,0'T b ffi# scARYffiEnjoy the "sex issle," but keep these numbers* in mind. Remember that it5 a risk, every time, {#sy E 7o/o of re:ru.alt5rIrlgaraclrosl a,stive 67.000.000 !€ntotra retrrorlted people liring in the United tltates (an eetirnated 24.6304 urrlngaoondorr" of the population) are inlected with genital herpes dutrln.. nofrt rreOent .err lir 2tO(D8 curularrYElYnnoudr DEC!ilDEIt00t,ttx l 70.7% of ifis toi0l nunb$ 0f reDolted csrs! of gDnorrfiss ln lfis Unirrd Stqtd tn 2003 ccuned ornng Allcen-Amdcsnr. 15,t8(' CrE€n llrcgF 19.60/o n.lrrdes ofthe females (.lgl€e lt- jwenile titlll ltt o]ttattt t0t edering ncDonilicilrEHlcllrtr occr!€d In conectionalfacili- iurDEnot atDtcllgtti 335I04 lsrlrlarnar ties in Georgia in casG$ 0f g0nontca werc rcnoned il$couitlY.ofilt!! ln ltre 2003 te*ed posi. touillniltl^rttllrclloi infic$nilcd$ms in 2000 t/€.rr 2000. live for chlanldia rllE lrtrriclutE no$Dt l*1,aIlDGEOlGlrF , 1027 1 3,47$-r.lqffiffiilifi#nff vomem in Mississippi onhzcted c,hlamytlia i,n 2fi)2 e O o/ 8.60/o 'llffi$Fiini$li#L',?ffi'nAFnrqLlu!.FlcAr, Arr sf Afi.ican-Amenioan lJ tJ toslx malee who vieited oartici- pating EiTD clinibe in 2OOB tand were not pre- viously known to be HIV- poeitiveJ tesEed poBiEive 8oUof ssrurffr a,ctfirg Dqlo tr[[ oEs4ttb.sPg ltlants, 8ofrgia, ra*s TrtrusaisGDtrtls L,505 tbtrl|fb.Aboltlo r|trfo EdclDtb lroL.alfuF rrew conrbined HIV &AIDS cases -admoay larn t,b vllus r,rroe rryorted in Florida in 2003 #2in the Unired Stats 6 thE city with tho highost rspftsd rato ol syphil'E. l}ths South*n citiss ra*ing high on lhs lbt irEluds lgrooo,ooo Ihll6/Ft. Sorth, llo$ton, STD lnfectlons occur annually ln the Unlted Stttes, llomphis, Uiami, 51. Petrsbug, almost half of them among youth ages 15 to 2.,t and l{aw l}laans *statistics provided by the CDC (www.CDC,gov), Kaiser Family Foundation (www.StateHeatthFacts,org), and wwwTeenPregnancy.org PUBLISHERS: lSBcrpgrAl2 Jutia Beverty (JB) Chino teedbodtp.Al0 EDITOR"IN.CHIEF: Jutia Beverty (J8.) JB's2GnrpgAlI zo A4US|C REVTEWS: Photu Al ADG, Rohit Loomba, WaLty Sparks 0Z0NE Goflsies ]l 7, B5t CONTRIBUTORS: Or ttFS* UCanols/hdi Cdd< pg Al I Bobby Novoa, Bogan, Brian O'Hare, Chris lmani, Cynthia Coutard, pg Dain Burroughs, Darnetta Dunham, PothdlyWoitilg Al0 Dave Goodson, Felisha Foxx, FeLita Kniqht, lisha Hittmon, Jaro Vacek, Jerry Diaz, Jeska Manrique, Jesse Jazz, Jessica Kostow, J Lash, Katerina Perez, Keith Kennedy, K.G. Mostey, Lisa Coteman, Matik "Copafeet" Abdut, Maurice G. car- tand, Natatia Gomez, Noet Matcotm, Rayfield Warren, Spjff, Swift SALES CONSULTANT: Che' Johnson (Gotta Boogie Mgmt) LEGAL AFFAIRS: Kyte P King, P.A. (Kiry Law Firn) ACCOUNTING: Nikki Kancey CIRCULATION: Mercedes {Strictly Streets.) Buggah D. Govanah (On Point.) Big Teach (8i9llouttr) STREET REPS / DISTRIBUTORS: At-My-T, B-Lord, Big Cee Jay, Big cotton, Bitt Rickett, Btack, Butt, Cash, Cedric Watker, ChitL, ChiLty C, JoddO ControlLer, Dap, Dereck Washington, Derek Jurand, Dwayne Barnum, Dr. r4Xlb25 Doom, Ed the Wortd Famous, Efren Mauricio, Episode, Eric Ettiott, Generat, H-Vidat, Hottywood, Janky, Jason Brown, Judah, Kamikaze, Kash, Ktarc Shepard, Kydd Joe, Lex, Lit PhiL, Lump, Majick, Marco Matt, Matt Sonzata, Mr. Lee, Music & More, N'Ron, Njck@Njte, Pat Pat, Phattlipp, Pimp G, quest, Red Dawn, Rob-Lo, Smok, Statik, Stax, TJ's DJ's, Victor WaLker To subscribe, send a check or money order for 5'1f (1 year) to: lAain office: hhrlry l0l: Golo Zrlu pE All 1516 E. CotoniaL Dr. Suite 205 Ortando, FL 32803 Phonei 407-447 -6063 GmutpgAfll FaX:. 407-447 -6064 Web: www.ozonemag.com fthntinkpgF23 Iliani office: lcmePlnpgAll 555 NE 'l5th St. Suite 7731 JelzSommpgAl3 Miami, FL 33132 l&hpsF23 Cover credits: T.l. photo by Eric Johnson; Chingy photo by Darren Thomas; Webbie lilWcy*mllil6 and Homebwoi photos by Jutia Beverty. OZoNE Mdgazine is published eteven MilcJonespgM8 Limes annually by OZONE Maqazine, lnc. OZONE does not Lake responsibiliLy for Ittiilhgicp$432 Gleldor lllodeb p9 Bl61 7 unsolicited materiats, misinformation, typographjcat errors, or misprints. The PodlllhllpgA29 Plrdcyp9B2e25 views contained herein do not neces- sarity reflect Lhose of the pubthher or PeafiAokkp$F23 its advertisers. Ads appearinq in this magazine are not an endorsement or PirhllpgMT vaLidation by oZONE Magazine for prod- ucts or services offered. Al( photos and IeedruilIespgrM3 iltustrations are copyrighted by their respective arlists. Atl other content is copyriqht 2004 OZONE Maqazine, &oupie Corftssbns pg B2G2I att riqhts reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in any Ite Entormge pg Bl&I9 way withouL Lhe written consenL of the pubtjsher Printed in the usA. O/DrD RsrieviF n$ 82&31 0GRm(pgrBl5 l'm writing to clear up a misunderstanding dilf,ffig'"".,00 admire him and his lvork. From my point of that some of your readers may have had view he's the nun'ber one DJ in SoLrth Caro after seeing my ad [for G-Mack] in OZONE. I tina. He'lL aLways be furnber one to me, and dropped a mjxtape in Kentucky back in 2001 rhe only one .ir e ^ tn L'e ' lnosl pass;on. which had a freestyle over the Nappy Roots' - [email protected] (Myrtle Bench, 5C) singte, "Aw Naw, Helt Naw" beat. {n my rhyme, I said, "l'm from Kentucky, but not neighbors with Thanks for your articte on Lit' Scrappy, cr DarryL Nappy Roots." I received a Lot of good feedback Richardson ll. He is 5exy as heL[, and we iove him from the record and decided to use the Une as the jn H-Town Ljke he was one of our own. He keeps slogan for my magazine ads. lt never crossed my aLl the ctubs crunk. His name says it atL: Prince of mind that people woutd consjder the statement to Crunkl What can lsay, he's great at what he does. be a low blow at the Nappy Roott. When I ran the ad - Myoshi, [email protected] (Houston, TX) in OZONE, I began to hear different storles aboLrt the Nappy Roots and I aLtegedty beefing. I have atways Thanks for your cover story on Pjtbull. I knew he been on good terms with the Nappy Roots, bLlt at the wouLd biow ever since the first tine lheard that time I had lost conlact with them whjch didn't hetp -.ggd: A( a Ldlir,o, rhere 5 nor\inq I enjoy rore the situatjon. Peopte woutd ask, "Do you and Nappy than watchjng another Hispanic succeed, especiatly Roots stjlL taLk?" When I tett people that lhaven't jn an jndustry that's mostly bLack. That UL'Chico is heard from them in a wirite it causes them to make going to the top fa'sho. - Colombiano Johny 6il, further assumptions that we are beefing. But the [email protected] {Boca Raton, FL) fact is, they're busy workjng on thejr music and tour' ing and I am busy with my career 50 that leaves minj' We loved yoLrr cover story on Pitbtitl and are won- mal time to communicate wjth one another. PeopLe dering if he has a fan ctub of some kind. We don't shoutd reaLize that just because we do noi keep con- want to come across tike hoes, we just tove how stant communication doesn't mean that we don't he raps about his prjde of being Cuban. And damn, have a positive retationship. This weekend lwas in does he look good! We went to his concert in Las Tal{ahassee for TJ's DJ's Record Pool meeting, and I Vegas last month, and when went to Mjamj for met up with a partner of mjne who goes to schooi jn lllE solrllltlx rrfl't e ''" '^ -'-' - vacation we ended up seeing hjs show again. We t|l] rourHtnl{ wc oI HIP'llol MusK Taltahassee. He informed me that he was at a locaL ":;;_rfrE coutd feet the love there. Please keep hitting us up barbershop recentty and watked in on a discussion wjth those Pjt pictures! - Leiktianloni and Mahiki, about the atteqed conflict between me and the [email protected] (salt Lake city, UT) Nappy Roots. He said the peopte in the barberghop weren't talking as if they were confused about the I iove the picture you printed of Peedi Crakk in the beef; instead, thev were talking as if we were of' bubbie bath. He's so fine, I tove him so mu.h. His ficiatty at war against one another. Apparentiy, they rhymes are tjght and State Property is doing their had seen the ad in OZONE. To hear that this G-Mack thing! 1 Love my Puerto Ricans! - Jade Long (Phila- vs. Nappy Roots topic was coming up randomty was delphia, PAI disturbing, because ldjdn't reaLize how widespread the subject was. lt amazes me how people are so I tike the way you gave information on Pitbult, controverslatJ and forget about what happened to 'cause l'm his number one fan in the entire 2pac and Biqgie.
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