RARITAN MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. IV.—No. 11. FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORXIXG, MAY 12, 1939. PRICE THREE CENTS TUESDAY'S ELECTION FORDS GIVES O.K. Champions of the People! REED PLEADS NO MAYOR. HEALTH The People TO FIRE BUDGET DEFENSE TO ALLINSPECTOR URGE Have Spoken! . IN 4TH ELECTION COUNTS MONDAY 'CLEAJHIPWEEK' It is a pleasure to be able to congratulate Walter C. j Christensen, Victor Pedersen, Henry H. Troger, Jr., James BOTH ITEMS RECEIVE GOOD CHANGES FORMER PLEA AT ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT TO MAJORITIES: OVER 300 REQUEST OF COUNSEL C. Forgione and John E. Pardun on their victory in Raritan HAUL AWAY REFUSE VOTES CAST D. THOMPSON EVERY DAY Township Tuesday . They put up an outstanding fight . And, the municipality's 5,000 voters who visited the FORJ3S.—Druggists reported a RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Wil- FORDS.—Clean Up and Home decided drop in headache powder liam H. Reed, Si1., former secretary Improvement Week which will be; ballot boxes had enough faith in the Administration can- sales. Doctors dismissed all their of the Oak Tree Board of Fire gin Monday and continue through didates to elect them by comfortable majorities. nervous patients and once again Commissioners in Raritan Town- Saturday will give local residents Fords is in a state of peace and ship, pleaded non vult or no de- an opportunity tp dispose of re- The results of Tuesday's election prove the worth of quiet, for the voters have finally fense in Quarter Sessions Court fuse which may have gathered in Messrs. Christensen, Troger, Forgione, Pedersen and Par- passed the fire budget after three Monday morning to eight indict- the attic, cellar or corners during dun has been fully appreciated by the taxpayers . The successive defeats. It all started ments charging embezzlement and the past year. back in February, the 18th to be forgery and covering a total of $3, Health Inspector Harold Bailey seal of approbation was set on the victors by the citizens sure, when the.board of fire com- 942.32 in misappropriated fire com lias arranged with the township who appreciate honest government . Therefore, the missioners found, much to their mission funds. for additional equipment .to haul taxpayers feel gratified at the brilliant triumph of the Ad- disgust that the voters defeated the Judge Adrian Lyon announced away refuse each day during the ministration Candidates . And, we feel assured that the first budget by a decisive margin. at first he would sentence Reed, clean-up campaign. Residents are Undismayed, the board set who was also the former president asked to place materials they wish public interest will never suffer in the hands of Christen- March 11 as the next march to Walter C. Christensen James C. Forgione carted away along the street curbs. Henry H. Troger, Jr. of the Raritan Township Board of sen, Troger, Forgione, Pedersen and Par-dun . We know the polls, and by the time the Education, on May 19. Roed was to Home owners have been urged that by the conscientious discharge of their duties they votes were counted', a mad dash have gone to trial Monday morn- by Mayor August F. Greiner to re- will continue to hold the respect of both friend and foe. was made to the nearest drug store ing after previously pleading not pair and remodernize their homes for headache powders. The budget REPUBLICANS OF guilty, but since that time he had during the week, 'both in order to To the successful candidates, we wish to assure our was defeated again. The paid fire- decided to change his plea upon improve their properties and at man issue took a terrific troun- the advice of his counsel, Dubois the same time give employment to concurrence in the tribute which has been paid by the cing, so the board decided to omit TOWNSHIP TAKE Thompson of New Brunswick. local tradesmen who are out of voters . There can be no mistake in the integrity and the issue at the next election, April Reed's actions prompted the last work at the present time. capabilities of the winners as well as their popularity with 15. Although the board was con- term of the grand jury to return a the party to which they belong ... In fact, the esteem in vinced the budget would pass, an- ALL FJVEJEATS caustic presentment against fire which they are held, extends far beyond party lines . other epidemic spread and anoth- districts and recommended that er defeat was recorded. That's RECORD VOTE SET AS AD- lliis form of fire control adminis- That helped to make possible the support of many liberal- where the doctors came in and be- tration be abandoned. 1939 BUDGET IS minded people who may differ with the Administration gan treating nervous patients. MINISTRATION CANDI- DATES WIN COMMIS- Although no individual member Candidates politically ... All this, plus the systematic and Another three weeks rolled past of Reed's district was accused, the assiduous work of party leaders and workers, resulted in and the voters were again asked to SION ELECTION Grand Jury indicated that the de- GIVEN APPROVAL the decisive victory. vote on the fire budget. The fire- fendant had been allowed to dom- men had backed the board and CHRISTENSEN LEADS inate the body and that responsi- for the first time it seemed a pos- . 9 "*" bility for the funds of taxpayers BY COMMISSION sibility that the bill might pass, RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — For was lacking. and it did, for last Saturday a re- the first time since commission Reed embezzled money over a ^ - - - AT LONG LAST! cord crowd turned out and passed form of government was inaugur- long period of time and the Grand DECREASE OF SIX POINTS the budget by a comfortable mar- ated here twelve years ago, Re- Jury deplored that the fire dis- LOWERS PRESENT TAX gin. The operating expense item publicans captured all five seats trict system had allowed him to RATE TO $6.94 Fire Budget was passed by a vote of 196 to 127 on the board in one of the great- steal the people's money for such and the water bill, always a loser RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—With Victor C. Pedersen est elections ever held in the town John E. Pardun a length of time without detection. not a single dissenting vote or ob- Finally Adopted! ... by a close margin, received the ship. Nearly 5]000 ballots were In some instances of Reed's forg- bigger majority of the two items. cast at Tuesday's record-breaking jection, the 1939 budget for the Fortunately, the third strike on the Firds fire district ery, he had forged three seperate township was given final approval Following is the way the votes vote which found Mayor Walter C. names on one check. He would by the Township Board of Com- budget on April 15 was a foul tip otherwise the lire board were spread during the four elec- CONTRACTS FOR Christensen heading the sweeping HEALTH BODY TO write out one check to a person, missioners at a regular meeting would have been called out by the taxpayers and the dis- tions: Victory by the Aministration Tick- sign the president's or other offi- held Tuesday in police headquart- trict possibly abolished or consolidated with another . HERE'S THE SCOREBOARD et. cials' signature to it and' finally ers. The budget provided a de- For Against Mayor Christensen's successful REGULATE WAYS endorse the draft himself, accord- crease of six points from last Because the April 15th pitch was tipped gently, the com- 1st Election, Feb. 18 SUPPLIES GIVEN running mates. Commissioners ing to the charge against him. year's rate of $7.00. missioners decided to throw another ball . The date for Operating Expenses Henry H. Troger, Jr., James C. He was a fugitive for some time, Water Appropriation No objections were .made by the the toss was last Saturday ... It was successful . The Forgione and Victor Pedersen, and but he was finally apprehended in public at the public hearing three r*aid Driver 132 £.yO BY SCHOOL UNIT John E. Pardun, all finished well OF KEEPING PIGS New York City. Since his arrest he voters okayed the budget on the fourth serve, having re- 2nd Election Mar. 11 weeks ago and the budget was BOARD OF EDUCATION ahead of the opposition candidates, ORDINANCE TO GET HEAR- lias been a prisoner in the county approved last week by the Com- jected it on three previous occasions. Operating Expenses 110 187 the Democratic Good Progressive jail where he was remanded Mon- AWARDS CONTRACTS TO ING MONDAY, JUNE 12 missioner of local Government. Water Appropriation 125 165 Government Ticket. day morning. Four changes in titles were re- Fortunately—for residents of the district—creditors Paid Driver 80 214 LOW BIDDERS It was the heaviest vote cast in WOODBRIDGE.—An ordinance commended by the commissioner, of the lire board went along with the commissioners for 3rd Election, Apr. 15 the history of the township, In the but no changes were made in any Operating Expenes 78 134 to regulate the raising of "hogs, three months, and four elections, without putting the heat WOODBRIDGE. — Coal, gener- last commission election here in pigs and swine" in the Township of the appropriaions or other ac- on for funds long past due for services rendered, etc. Water Appropriation 94 100 al supplies, art supplies, electric 1935, a total of 4,183 votes was TOWNSHIP P. B. A.counts. Paid Driver (removed from ballot) of Woodbridge, was introduced Residents can be thankful for the manner in which the bulbs and janitors' supplies con- cast.
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