Gaelic Games Catalogue

Gaelic Games Catalogue

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY from the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLA This select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6 Fiaich Memorial Library and Archive in Armagh. It is intended to provide a useful guide to the wide range of publications of historical relevance to the GAA that are available at the library for consultation or research. The lisr does not include the full extent of the libraryt Gaelic games collection; items such as biographies of current or recent players and managers are generally omitted due to considerations of space. In keeping with the theme of this collection, and to aid research, the bibliography is divided into the different layers of the GAA - national, provincial, county and club - as they feature in published histories, and then individual secrions are devoted to each Gaelic game and different rypes of source for further research. The library has an acrive acquisitions policy in respect of Gaelic games manuscripts, publications and ephemera, and this extends to all material relating to the GAA and Gaelic culture in general. The majority of the items listed in this select bibliography have been received through kind donation and the library would like to acknowledge and thank these benefactors for their continuing generosity. 1. NAIIONAIAND INTERNATIONAL HISTORY Bairnet Alan (ed.), Sport and the lrish: histories, identities, issues. Drtblin, 2005 ' Bradley, Joseph M., The Gaelic Athletic Association and lrishness in Scotland. Glendaruel, 2007. 'Carbery' [Mehigan, P. D.), Hurling: Irelandi national game. Dublin, 1 940. Carey, Tim, Croke Parh: a history - updated edition. Cork,2007. Corry, Eoghan, Catch and kick: great wotnents of Gaelicfootball 1BB0-1990. Dublin' 1989' An illustrated history of the GAA. Dublin,2005. -,Cronin, Mlke, Sport and nationalism in lreland: Gaelic games, soccer and Irish identity since I BB4. Dublin, 7999. Murphy, \7i11iam, Rouse, Paul (eds), The Gaelic Athletic Association 1BB4-2009. Dublin, 2009. -, Duncan, Mark and Rouse, Paul, The GAA: A Peoplei History. Dublin, 2009. -,Cumann Lrithchleas Gael' A century of seruice. Dublin, I 984. Darby, Paul, Gaelic Games, Nationalism and the lrish Diaspora in the United Staras. Dublin, 2009. and Hassan, David (eds), Emigrant players: sPort dnd the lrish diaspora' London, 2008' -,De Brirca, Marcus, The GAA: a history. Dublin, 1980. The GAA: a historl (2nd ed.). Dublin, 1999. -, 1BB4-1984' Baile Atha Cliath, -, Clad bliain agfds: Cumann Lilthchleas Gael, Devlin, P J., Our Natiue Games. Dublin, 119351. Holt, Richard, Sport and the British: a modern historl. Oxford, King, Seamus J ., A History of Hurling (2nd ed.) Dublin,2005. King, Seamus J., The clash of the ash inforeignfields: hurlingabroad. Cashel' 1998' Mac Lua, Brendan, The steadfast rule: a history of the G.A.A' ban. Dublin, 1967. Mahon, Jack, A history of Gaelic footbal/. Dublin, 2000. Mandle, W. F., The Gaelic Athletic Association & Irish nationalist politics lBB4-1924 London, 1987 6 C"ithnia, Liam P., Bdiri cos in Eirinn. Baile Atha Cliath, i984. Scy'al na hlomtlna: ti thosach ama go 1884. Baile Atha Cliath, 1980. -,O Ceallaigh, Sdamus, The story of the G.A.A.: a book of referencefor Gaeh. Limerich 6 Maolfabhail , An, Camdn: 2,000 Years of Hurling. Dundalk, 1973. O'Sullivan, Thomas F., Story of the GAA. Dublin, 19i6. O'Toole, P:idraig, The glory and the anguish. Loughrea, Puirsedl, Pddraig, The G.A.A. in its time. Dublin, 1982. Sugden, John and Bairnet Nan, Spot, sectarianism and society in a diuided lreland. Leicesrer, 1995. 2. PROVINCIAL Cronin, Jtm, Munster G.A.A. story. Ennis, 1985. Munster G.A.A. story. Wl. II: I 985-2001 . Cork, 2001.. -,Cullen, Tom (ed.), Beart de ry'ir rir mbriathair: a history of the GAA in Ulster. Armagh, 2003' 292 BIBLIOCIRAPHY DeBlrrca,Marcus,ComhairleLaigheanl900-1984:forbairtdgusfds'Dublin'1984' 1902-2002' Carrick-on-Shannon' 2002' 6 M6.,iin, Tom:is (eag.), Sta;r CfG Chonnacht: hivorl of Coniacht GAA Short, Con, The Lllster GAA Storry. Mor.raghan, 1984' 3. COUNTYAND DTVISIONAL HISTORIES Criige Uladh / Ulster Enniskillen, f 19B4l' Brolk, G"bri.l M., The Gaelic Athletic Association in Countl Fermat'tagh. 1993' Corry, Eogharr , Oahbo4s: Derrq\ football dredm clme^tue' Dublin' G A'A' ht Fermanagh Enniskillen' 2004' C.r11.,.,, T.i- (cd.),,4 Gorli, iro,t otion: a histor1 of the Newry' i981' Davies, Anthony, Iubhaile 6rga: stair Coiste Deisceart att Dilin' in Derr.. Detty, 1984. Deery,, Leo and O,Kar-re, D"rr-.ry (edr), Doite: a historl of the G.A.A. Gallogl,v, Daniel Cattan! Football Stttry' Cavar-r, I979'- Newry' 1990. Nic A",],Ult"igl1' Sighle. o Shiol go Bltith: An Dlin - the G.A.A' stor\. of its progress. Monaghan, 1999. Graham, n, it , c,l,a i, Moroghnr, 1BB7-tggg: sowe account lohi ,'fhe University Belfast' 1976' McBride, Mjire, G.A.A. in Beflast lgB5-l921'. Ur.rpublish.d iisseitation, Queens /1 centur! of GAA progress' Armagh' 1985' Murray, I'.te, Sr-,-ryth, JirTImy, Attl Mhacia 1BB4-1984: Short, corl, "nd M.c,.,gh.nMichael'TheWestT1roneBoardoJ.theG'A.A.(1931t01974).ona€h'1998. to 1967' Emyvale' 1967 ' M.Cl.tri.y, S. a,.'.,s, The Monog'ho' Gael: eigitl yars a growing' I BB7 The i.'q.'4. ;" Co. Mot'taghan: a histoty' Monaghan' i984' -, Omagh' 1984' Martit.r, Joseph, The GAA in Tyrorrc 1BB4-1984' fttiCAA in Tyrone: the long road to glory (2nd ed')' Omagh' 2003' -, The GAA in T1rone: the road to grearzess Omagh' 2005' 'Donegal G.A.A. Facts (2'd ed')' Ballyshannon' 1989' -,O Gallchdir, Se.^n. The Dimrrrat'Book oJ'Dorrgnl (4th ed')' 2000' The Rairliti na Gaeltachta Book of Donegal GAA Facts -, Cfige Chonnacht / Connacht county Roscotnmon 1BB9-1990' Roscommon' 1990' conbo1,, Tony, Ros Comdin: 101 Tedrs oJ-Gaelic games in a pictorlal recortl 1923-2000' Galway' 2000' Crr^.k, 1. l. ied.), Galutal's hu,ting gto'y' history' Sligo' 1984' Mcl'.,.t"n, John C. Gd,.)', Stigo G A'A': a centenar! Dublirr' 2002' Mahon, Jack, Galwa1 GAA in old photographs' Galway' 1983' 6 Laoi,, Annals ttf the C.A'q. i" Galwal'Vol l: 1BB4-i90l' 1992' Annals of the G.A.A. in Galu'a4' Vol 2: 1902-1934' Galwap of Ma\o's Alt-hrland triumphs dt all leuels' Ballina' -,Reilly, Terry and Neill, Iuan, Thr'Green aboue the Red: d cumPiiaion 1 981. Criige Laighean / Leinster History. go.irk., M"artir.r, Mi; Tipperar. G,4,1 1BB4_2007: a photographic Q007) ril/ichlou to 198'l' hurling, h)r,tbatt and caruogie in Co f'om 1BB4 Brophv, Jim, The Leather! Erio' o ,rory of footbati, Vicldow, 1984. 1984' Corry, Eoghar-r, Kild'are G.A.A: a centenat! histor4'Newbridge' in Senior chatnpionship hurling' Graiguenamat.ragh' Courtney, Seu'r. Ten rlecarlu of glor,: apictoria/ histor. of Kilie'try 1996. Portlaoise' 1984' Fennelly, Teddy, 100 yars o.f G.A'A' in Laois: centen.dryl )/elff boak ofWestmeath' Co.rk' 2007 ' H.t,t,, Tor-,-,, Sport and socie:4' in Victorian lreland: the case Dundalk' 1 984' Mulligafr, Joir', Tlt, G A.A. in Louth : an Historical Recrtrcl' Dundalk, 2000. _, rt, c.a.,q. ;r, Louth: an Historical Recotl, The Centurl-The Millenniu;'2. (ed.), tribute to G'AA inWexford' \Texford' I9P!- Murphl Phil Cetttenar1 . (3 vols)' Dublin' 2005' Nol",,, \rilli"n.r (ed.), The iaeLic Athletic Association in Dublin tBB4-2000 O'Neill, Gerry The Kilkenny GAA Bibk (2nd ed )' Kilkenny' 2005' 1984' Ryall, Tom, Kilkrrn1' the GAA story 1BB1-1981.' Kilkenny' \Wicklow Millennium Committee' Moments of histor\' 2000' \ii.klo* GAA' rwilliarns, fUirr?rra t d,footballi;t t, ISSZ-ZOOB: a complete stattstical historl ofWexford l)ominic, "rling \Wexford, 2008. Criige Mumhan / Munster Byries, Ollie, Agaittst the \Yind: memories of Clare hurling Cork' 1996' Cork' 2005' i.o,-tin, Jin, Making connections: a Cork G A'A' miscellany' 293 THE EVOLUTION OF THE GAA: ULAIDH, EIRI, AGUS EILE Fogarry, Philip, Tipperary\ G.A.A. story.Thvles, 1960. Honohan, Bob, Rebels with a cause: 120 Tears of Cork football. Dublin, 2007. Horgan, Tim, Corki Hurling Story. DrbIin, 1977. King, Seamus J., A history of the GAA in the North Tipperary Diuision. fNenagh], 200i. 6 C.dHgtr, Seamus and Murphy, Sean, One hundred yars ofghry: a history ofLimerick G.A.A. IBB+1984. Limerick, 1987. Tipperary's G.A.A. story 1935-84. Thurles, 1988. -, Tipperarls G.A.A. story 1985-2004. Thurles, 2005. -,O'Meara, Michedl, South Tipperary G.A.A, 1907-2007. Kilkenny, 2007 . 4. CLUB HISTORIES Aontroim / Antrim Anon., Ar Mhaithe Leis An Sptirt: Scdal Cumainn Tir-na-nOg CLG Baile F.aghnaill Chontae AontromA l9l9-1985. lRandalstown, 1986]. Anon. fMacaulay, Ambrose], Queeni GFC: A Souuenir History. Belfast, 1982. Anon., Stair Cumainn na Seamnig 1915*1980. Loughgiel, 1980. Campbell, Marty, The Pearse's Story. Belfast, 1997. Lav ery, J oe, Ard- Eo in C lu b Hi s to ry 1 9 0 7- I 9 8 5. Belfast, 1 9 B 5. McKillop, Felk, StJosephi Glenarm. Ballycastle, [1984]. Ritchie, Paddy and Lamb, Tommy (eds),,4 History of the GAA in Glenaay 1910*1984. Glenaty, 1987 ' Ground opening programmes: Aghagallon (1947), Cxement Park (1953 and 1999 reopening), Con Mageet, Glenravel (1977), Cushendall (1980), Ldmh Dhearg, Hannahstown (1984), St Endat, Glengormley (1998), Glenary (i990), Rasharkin (1983) and St Paul's, Belfast (1979). Corrigan Park GAA'Week Programme: 1946 and 1947. Ard Mhacha / Armagh Anon., Sr Oliuer Plunket Park Crossrnaglen: saga of a sportsfeld. 1977. Boyle, B. et al, The Village Story: A History of Forhhill G.F.C. 1888-1985. Forkhilf i985' Donegan, Michael, Life on the Ridge: Gaelic Games and Cuhure of Dromintee, Co. Armagh. fDromintee, 1993]. McCann, Sean,,4 Local History of the GAA.

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