YES, WTKC Π Lagumtnute m I PUNNO. WE FMLEP , Π« « change» THE PUTTIM* OUT À radio EVENING STAR ι in OUK ASSIGNMENT Κ ΠΙΟ KDHnD AM frograms tome- · M5U WEAR TO ■ I ■ ixwVJixMitI ■US; «SA. «WEENEY. WE DIDN'T times reach The Star too lute for correction that day. 1 THATf \ou Fret. REPORT SPA*R0W'5 THE P.M. WMAL 630Kc. WfcC Β VIWATION? SHIPMENT OP ARM6/ 980Ke. WOL 1,260Ke, WWPC 1.450KC. AND NOW WEVC PRIS· :00 Piul Wliiteman Club Wife Art Brown's Jm U I' H Backstage News—Slêepv All-Sports Park· Hint Kent : IS Ζ ONERS ABOARD THE Stelli Delias 5-Star Revu» Frankie Carle Or. Tony Wakeman Hews «WP CARRYING ::30 V*HY News, Evjnj Lorenzo Jones Music Hill All-Sports Parade Grant Paje s THOSE ARMS. =45 It's i Hit Young Widow Brown Tony Wakemin 00 Α The 6reat Adventure When a Girl Merries News—Music Hall Band ot Day School of the Air 15 end W Terry Pirates Portia Faces Life Super Man Music Hall Battl· of Crooners Liberty Road 30 Sky King Just Plain Bill Captain Midnight Sports—Thoater Lum Y Υ Abner 45 Front Page Farrelf Tom Mix Theater—Sports The Factfinder Ε 00 News—Louise Massey News; Leif Eid Congress Today Hews—Music Hall Lano Eric MelodyIf H Sevarold R 15 Louise Messey; Sports Song Shop National Moondial Bob Wolff News—Government 30 Earl Godwin Serenade; Bergman Johnson Family Music Hall Wakeman—Hews Sports—City Desk 45 Singing Sam 3-Star Extra. News Sports, Brundigt Supper Club Lowell Thomas 00 Headline Edition Supper Club Fulton Lewis News—Music Hall Romantic Rendezvous Beulah 15 Elmer Davis News of World Man Behind the Baed Music' Hall Peter Donald Jack Smith Show 7 30 Lone Ranger Barry Wood Show Henry J. Taylor Sam Kaufman Club 15 7~ 45 Western Tales Η. V. Kaltenborn Inside of Sports R. JUL BUT HOW REFLECTION Μ ΤΗΛΓ BUT HOW HE »6 CUNNtNQ AND Austad—Berger Edward Murrow j Point L6ûpn' LIZARDS f HE HM^M-·THAT COULD YOU LITTLE REAR VISION 1 ΟΙΟ HE GET euppepv as a serpent: Too Sublime Cavalcade of America Adventures of News, Heifer; Crosby St. Mary's Hovena Inner Sanctum COULD HAVE «PUT IP I HADN'T SEE HIM MIRROR—QLXTE A ( AWHY PROM SAHIB"» t DID NCTT REALTZE 15 Comedy Drama the Falcon Bing Crosby Eerie Tales VOU IN TWO WTTH SEEN HIM ItS HANDY QAOQET- / VOU, HOW SUIPPERYJILL HOW·" 8 30 Invitation to Listen Voice of Firestone Charlie Chan Joe Dosh Show News—1450 Club Arthur i\ , " " Godfrey's THAT THtNQ — TIME — PUNJAB? :45 Eleanor Steber ; Billy Bote 1450 Club Talent Scouts ':00 On Stage, America Telephone Hour News, Gabriel Hatter News—Joe Dosh Radio *» H Theater, r fir 15 Artur Rubinstein Newsreel Joe Dosh Show Dramatizations Q2l :30. Neighborhood Concert Dr. I. Q. Quiet Please jSenfimental Journey Hews—1450 Club of Films :45 Quiz Prtgram 1450 Club :00 This Is Adventure Contented Inside of Mask News; Concert Hall 1450 Club Friand « Ν Program My Irma 15 Buddy Clark Richard Biles Concert Hall Marie Wilson 10 :30 "The Sacred Fire" Fred Waring Or. Fulton Lewis ISaludos Ami g os News—Around Town Screen Guild Playtrs :45^ Documentary Musical Show National Moondial Harold Jackson Sunrise Preview Film Dramas 00 News—Evsns News—Sports Voice of Washington News Roundup 1450 Club Hews, Hoftelet, Howe 15 Hour of Dreamj News of the World Congress Todiy Peggy Lee In My Opinion 11 30 Lee Dayton Dance Music Κour Hillbilly Parade House Thit Jack Built j News—1450 Club Moondial 45 Hirold Jackson 1450 Club Eddie 6allaher 12.00 News—Nocturne News—Music Sign Off News—Harold Jicksonl 1450 Club Hews—Moondial or THE Alt TOttKHT. WRC, 9:00—Soloist Artur Rubinstein for YOUR Γ A THE plays fight Democracy. YES, MAJESTY, INSIST/^ SHE'S CUTEST WRC, 8:00—A little-known episode la the Rachmaninoff's "Prelude In C Sharp Minor" and WTOP, 10:30—Dennis and Jane YOUR OkJ A TRYOUT/ LfT Morgan MÇXBETTPR 3v\TRlCK Γ EVER, lift of George Washington Is dramatized with the first movement of Grieg's "Concerto In A Wyman in "Cheyenne." SHOW YOU A OWE THAN ο OAKY, 5H0W DOCTOR. MAJESTY/1 <rj «Yw/y Basil Rathbono and Thomas Mitchell in the Minor." WRC, 10:30—Actor James Stewart emcees Jh. — A CCRHY BRUNO TO-me TRICK-Jl PR1WCE55 leading rotes. WMAl, 10:30 A special documentary the Fred Waring show. Κ HASJU5Ï Wim.2y WTOP, 9:00—Charles Boyer I* "k Woman's dramatization which tells the story of two WINX, 11:00—A new stries of news .broad- with Ann generations of a New and their casts from Y REFUSED Vengeance" Blyth. England family Washington, London and Paris. * TO LET A.M. TOMORROW'S PROGRAM — D DOCTOR .00 News—Clock News; Bili Hersoi News—Honnicutt News—Jerry Strong Milton Q. Ford N»ws—Grant !» Ν Pig· BRUNO Town Clock Bill Horsoa Mike Hunnicutt Jerry Show Grant Ο Strong" Pig· 6:15:30 Jim Gibbon! News—Hunnicutt News; " Hows—Music A BECOME Hows—Grant Pig· :45 Mik· Hunnicutt Jerry Strong Show CfOWl»Y; Dovotlni Grint Κ HIS MEW Pig· COURT :00 Htwi—Clodr News, Wright New»—Hunnicutt News,· Jerry Strong News; Milt Slosser News—Grint Pig· S Town Dock Bill Herson Mike Hunnicutt Jerry Strong Show Milton Q. Ford Grint WEAKD_ 7:15 " " Pig· ■ :30 Jim Gibbons News; Bill Herson Voice of Washington News; News; Milt Slosser News, Mihoney :45 Divid Wills Bill Herson Mike Hunnicutt Jerry Strong Show Milton Q. Ford Sundiil 3-1Î :00 Town Clock World Roundup Reedy—Hunnicutt News—Jerry Strong Wtrld N»wi :15 Jim Glbbeni Bill Herson Mike Hunnicutt Jerry Strong Show News,· Milt Slosstr Sundiil tfu/nlof AnW/πΚΜΗΐΜΠΝΒ 1 Λ/Ο/ IT LOOPS LIKE ONB ft 30 Hows—Clock News; Bill Herson Milton Q. Ford Arthur Godfrey ΜΛΛΓ LANPCP ΑΝΡ THE SITUATION ruppLE τιπκ το trickle mw/ :45 Town Clock Bill Herson Woodward Κ UNPERMANP/ MOW WE MOP NOTiOfACr, AW LITTUS «PLASH- :00 Breakfast Club Newn-Jerry Strong Ntws—Mihoney & UP THE WHOLE SANG/ IN-TVte-f*N„TWIC ΟΠΗΟΟΊΟΝ Don McNeill News—Osgood Jerry Strong Show Duki Show Horn· Servie· « Ellingtonw Daily MAKEC A CLEAN SWEEP/ 9;» Nancy Osgood Foodcist iCurtiin Cell You're the Top, Lothrop :45 Nelson Olmstead Listeners' Exchange Min on Ihe Strut Winner Tike All :00 True Fred Time News—Bind Stand Tun· Inn My" Stery Wiring Hymn Crocker end Company "Great Expeditions" Bend Stand Normin Glidn*y A Womin's World 10:15 Betty Crocker Road of Life Meet Your Neighbor Howard Williams Evtlyn Winters :45 Club Tim· Joyce Jordan Divid Hirum iOO" Bronomin's Broakfast This Is Nora Drake Passing Parade News—Band Stand Tune Inn Th« Godfrey Show In Hollywood Katie's Daughter Betty and Bob Band Stand Normin Glidnty (I M 11» Ruth Crane: "The Jack;Berch Heart's Desire Howard Williams Grind Slim -.45 Modern Women" lLora Lawton nVWj lose Miry Radio fcAiLiRitt. fourth floor Γ.Μ. :00 N«ws, Evens News,- Brinkley Kit· Smith Speaks N«ws, Bill Gold Tillc-Ttst Wondy Wirron, Nows 15 Ted Malone Look to This Day Victor H. Lindlihr Blng Crosby Lunch it 1450 Aunt Jenny It M 12 30 Welcome Travelers Arthur Barriault Les Higbie, News LuiKhton with Holen Tront 45 Music, Comedy Nancy Osgood At Union Station Jerry Strong Bing Crosby Our Gil Sundiy ■IProduod by ROBΕ1ΓΙ A^mdjo- YIPPti/ INTO TME WOODS.' HOPE 1948 Sun and Tim·* Co Baukage Talking Tin Pas Ballot Song ot th« Stranger Nows—Jo· Dosh All-Sports Parade Big Sister TfecAiiyerCo^ H Ν IS WELCOMED BY JACK ANDJUDY Galen Drake Art Brown Joe Dosh Show Ton* Mi Porkins Û3,PRIN«riMr WE CAN FlNP IT/ λ Wikomin ΎΛ I!/ tt# wwers is it, wooas ? ι thought Tommy Dorsey Robert McCormlck 5-Stir Revu· All-Sports Pirido Young Dr. Milono Disc Jockey Believe It or Not Wikomin The Guiding Light Β OVER, νοσο PICK IT UP RIGHT AWAY' Tony fwmbr c*itau MmUr Today's Children Quwn for ι Day News—Joe Dosh All-Sports Pind· Second Mrs. Burton fer I JUDY...I'LL KNOCK IT OVER it !» How Don Garden Grow Women in Whit· Joe Dosh Show Wikomin Mason FENCE FOR A HOME WMATS THAT? Tony Perry Β HUH!) Bride ind Groom Holly Sloan· Art Brown Pindo A Woman's World ATlontic 1400 LIKE All-Sports L ·353ΐίίίΐ'ί'·Ι SOUNDS John Nelson Light of the World Tony Wikomin Rose of My Droims SOMEONE Ledits Be Seated Life Can Be Beautiful Art Brown News—The House Pirido Double or Ε M M All-Sports Nothing τι SOBBING/ L V Ma Parkins 5-Star Revu· Thit Jack Built Tony Wikoiun Walter O'Keele Paul Whitema* Club Pepper Young Pirido House A All-Sports Party Right to Happin»ss Tony Wikomin B'dwiy Ν Backstage Wif· Joe Pirido Hint Hunt News—Sleepy All-Sports " D Stella Dallas Jimmy Dorsey 0r.v Tony Wikomin News News, Evans Lorenzo Jones Music Hall All-Sports Pirido Grint «I Pageft It's a Hit Young Widow Brown ! Tony Wikomin TELEVISION-Advertisement OTHER FM STATIONS. OTHER AM STATIONS. WMAL-TV, 174-180 Me., Channel 7 WINX-FM—96.3 Mc., Channel 242. WOOW-570 Kc. 9 a.m. to 1 to 7:00 p.m.—"Hurricine Express/' with Jehu 11:30 p.m. a.m. 8:15 p.m. EVER SINCE THE PLAIN SUPPOSE SOME· S I'M READY TO PAV THE WRC FM—93.9 Mc^Channel 230. WPIK-730 Kc. and Shirley Grey. a.m. .. CLOTHES MAN PHONEP HIS sopy IS SHAK/MG DR.
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