N O T I C E TOWN OF LOS GATOS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REVIEW MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION LEAD AGENCY: Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 East Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95031 PROJECT TITLE: 930 University Avenue, Los Gatos Creekside Sports Park Conditional Use Permit Application U-11-008 Architecture and Site Application S-11-039 Mitigated Negative Declaration ND-11-006 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project site is an irregularly shaped lot bounded by University Avenue to the west, Los Gatos Creek to the east, a parking lot and commercial development to the north, and the Vasona Lake to the south. Access to the project site is provided via University Avenue to the west. The Santa Clara County Assessor’s Office identifies the site as Assessor Parcel Number 424-31-064. The project site encompasses 2.8 acres of land, and it is currently developed with a 4,292 square foot (s.f.) single-story office building, a 13,601 s.f. single-story warehouse/vehicle service garage (warehouse building with mezzanine level), and various small sheds/storage structures. The existing warehouse building includes a two-bay vehicle service garage, several offices and several storage rooms. The garage area was utilized for vehicle maintenance and storage of related automotive fluids, filters, parts washer, and tires. One hydraulic lift and one aboveground electric hoist are located within the garage. The existing buildings were constructed circa 1967. The facility was the base for telecommunications installation and repair technicians. Vehicles and repair equipment were stored and maintained within the main warehouse building, which also included offices. The Town of Los Gatos proposes to demolish all existing structures and construct a single sports field, a 41-space parking lot and drop-off zone, and restroom facility on the 2.8-acre site. The project site is zoned “Controlled Manufacturing” and project implementation would require approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow operation of the proposed sports park. The site plan for this park is presented in Figure 2 of the Initial Study. Figure 3 of the Initial Study presents the proposed landscape plan, while the grading and drainage plan is shown in Figure 4 of the Initial Study. The only vehicle access to the site is proposed to be from University Avenue via a shared driveway that traverses the Extra Space Storage property located north of the site at 950 University Avenue. Pedestrian access to the site would be provided from University Avenue via a proposed sidewalk that would extend along the shared driveway, traversing the 950 University Avenue property, and from the Los Gatos Creek Trail via the proposed pedestrian bridge. Project plans propose a bridge crossing over Los Gatos Creek, located approximately 350 feet downstream from Vasona Dam (Figure 5 of the Initial Study). The bridge would connect the proposed park with the Los Gatos Creek Trail, which extends along the east side of Los Gatos Creek. The bridge JULY, 2011 1 MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION – LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE SPORTS PARK, 930 UNIVERSITY AVENUE would be a freespan design with bridge abutments and access improvements located outside the high water mark of Los Gatos Creek (Figure 6 of the Initial Study). The Town has established specific guidelines for the proposed park’s design to ensure the timely and affordable development of a new Los Gatos community and youth sports and recreation facility at 930 University Avenue. These guidelines include: § Proposed uses at this facility shall address the active and unmet recreational needs in the Town's current supply of park facilities as defined by the Town's Parks, Open Space and Trails Inventory (dated 5/16/08). One multi-use sports field would be provided on the site. § Development would be done in such a manner as to reduce the maintenance requirements and environmental impacts of the facility, without compromising usability. o All landscaping would be drought tolerant. o Any lighting installed would be energy efficient. § Artificial turf is the preferred treatment for sports fields if sufficient funding is available. § Large-scale (stadium-type) lighting of turf areas would not be included as part of this facility. Security lighting of pathways and parking areas would be acceptable. § All existing buildings would be demolished. Any new structures would be modest in size to accommodate restrooms, concessions, storage and maintenance needs. § Safe, convenient access to the facility is a priority. o The University Avenue access driveway would be designed to accommodate vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle access. o Provision of a pedestrian bridge across Los Gatos Creek would provide direct access to the Los Gatos Creek Trail and Vasona County Park. § Shared parking opportunities (with a property immediately north of the access driveway, 980 University Avenue) would be provided to accommodate overflow parking on weekends, when parking demand associated with scheduled games are expected to exceed the capacity of on-site parking facilities. § Musical and entertainment uses would not be allowed at this facility. The ongoing operation and maintenance of the entire facility would be fully covered through user fees and may be operated by an independent contractor or service provider Park Operations. Park hours are expected to be 9:00 a.m. to one-half hour past sunset during the week, and 8:00 a.m. to one-half hour past sunset on weekends. On weekends during the soccer fall and spring seasons, one game may be played at any given time. Team sizes will vary from 13 team members for U8’s up to 21 team members for U19’s. For games involving the older players, there would be, on average, 45 players, coaches, and referees plus spectators. The number of people at the field would increase at the transitions between games. The field may also be used for soccer practice during the week between 3:00 p.m. and one-half hour past sunset. Average practice usage is expected to be 42 players and 2 coaches, five nights a week during the soccer seasons. Tots may also use the field during the week when older children are in school, and for camps during the summer between 9:00 a.m. and one-half hour past sunset. DETERMINATION: Although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures listed below have been added to the project, JULY, 2011 2 MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION – LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE SPORTS PARK, 930 UNIVERSITY AVENUE mitigating potential impacts to a less-than-significant level. An Environmental Impact Report will not be required. STATEMENT OF REASONS TO SUPPORT FINDING: 1. Aesthetics The principal public views of the project site are from University Avenue and the Los Gatos Creek Trail. However, the change in elevation and extensive landscaping along University Avenue, as well as riparian vegetation along the left (west) bank of Los Gatos Creek, help to screen views of the project site from these locations. Oak trees on the east side of University Avenue obscure views of the project site from motorists on University Avenue. Mature oak trees and dense riparian vegetation between Los Gatos Creek and the project site contribute to the aesthetic character and visual experience of recreational users of the Los Gatos Creek Trail. The proposed project would construct one sports field, a restroom, a 41-space parking lot, concrete walkways, and a pedestrian bridge over Los Gatos Creek on the subject property. The project also includes a small spectator seating area, an equipment storage area, and a trash enclosure area. The project plans include extensive landscaping and an irrigation system for new tree and ground cover plantings. Security lighting for pathways and parking would be installed as well; however, the project does not include lighting for the sports field, since no nighttime events would occur. Scenic Vistas. The proposed project would remove existing buildings and extensive asphalt surfaces on the property. The elimination of existing light industrial facilities and replacement with the recreational improvements as described above would be a beneficial aesthetic effect of the project. The proposed recreational use would be more consistent with the aesthetic character of the project area, as framed by the adjoining Los Gatos Creek and associated riparian corridor. The project would not have any adverse effects on a scenic vista. With regard to the construction of a pedestrian bridge across Los Gatos Creek, the proposed bridge would connect the existing Los Gatos Creek Trail to the new sports field facility, providing an alternate means of access to the sports field. This element of the project plan would reduce the need for vehicle access from University Avenue. The installation of the pedestrian bridge would require the removal of two trees on either side of Los Gatos Creek. The biological effects of tree removal for the bridge are discussed in Section 4, Biological Resources, of this study. The aesthetic effects of the pedestrian bridge would include interruption of vegetative screening between the project site and the Los Gatos Creek Trail as well as the reduced privacy of three adjacent homes in the residential neighborhood opposite the subject property. The project plans to retain and preserve all other trees in the vicinity of the pedestrian bridge to maximize the screening effects of existing trees and minimize the impacts of the project on biological resources in the Los Gatos Creek riparian corridor. As a result, the proposed project would not have a significant impact on a scenic vista in the community. Scenic Resources Within a State Scenic Highway. The project site adjoins University Avenue in Los Gatos. The proposed project would not affect scenic resources within a State-designated scenic highway.
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