Vol. 37, No. 6 www.nyc.gov/nycha JUNE 2007 Instantaneous Hot Water Heaters Will Save Millions and Improve Service By Eileen Elliott THE NEW YORK CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY (NYCHA) IS IMPLE- MENTING A $64 MILLION PROGRAM THAT WILL SAVE MILLIONS MORE IN THE LONG RUN, WHILE PROVIDING BETTER SERVICE TO RESIDENTS. The Hot Water Storage Tank Replace- ment Program, a collaboration between NYCHA and the New York Power Authority (NYPA), replaces conventional 1,500, 2,000 and 3,000 gallon hot water tanks with energy-saving instanta- neous hot water heaters. Rather than storing gallons of hot water for resident use, the new sys- tem heats water instantly, the minute a resident turns on the hot NYCHA Youth Chorus Premiere water faucet. This results in huge utility and cost savings and there at Tribeca Family Festival are other important benefits as well. GOING GREEN NYCHA Board Member Margarita López and Heat- “NYCHA’s Energy Department ing Plant Technician Raymond Horn with one of the new instanta- By Tischelle George and our hardworking partners neous hot water heaters at Baruch Houses. The new heaters will from the Power Authority are significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions while providing THE NEW YORK CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY (NYCHA) YOUTH CHORUS thrilled to bring this new technol- improved service. GAVE ITS PREMIERE PERFORMANCE AT THE CLOSING CEREMONY OF THE ogy to public housing buildings WORLD RENOWNED TRIBECA FILM FESTIVAL LAST MONTH. The organizers across the City,” said Energy of the annual festival, which celebrates film, music and culture, invited Director Lloyd Kass. the Youth Chorus to entertain children and families at the Tribeca Family NYCHA’s Annual Spelling Bee As of last month, the new Festival in Lower Manhattan. It was a great success. heaters were installed in 205 The Family Festival Street Fair filmmaking center, and has buildings, and if all goes accord- was packed with throngs of partic- helped filmmakers to reach a ing to plan, by the time the current ipants who came out to enjoy broad audience. phase of the program is completed food, games, crafts and perfor- The NYCHA Youth Chorus was in 2008, the tanks will be installed mances on the warm, sunny Satur- created to provide an opportunity in a total of 560 buildings in 55 day afternoon. “A lot of people for young people who live in public developments. The total projected came over to see what was going housing to develop and showcase saving in energy costs alone is on when they heard us sing,” said their talents. At the same time, the nearly $7 million annually. NYCHA Youth Chorus Director program seeks to impart confi- But there’s more good news. Larry Matthew. “It was truly an dence, poise, discipline and self- Conventional hot water tanks honor to perform at the Tribeca esteem in participants. require an annual inspection and Family Festival.” The demanding performance cleaning. The tanks have to be The NYCHA Youth Chorus per- schedule brings the accomplish- drained and cooled, so that one of formed one 20 minute set that ments of NYCHA’s youth to many NYCHA’s Heating Plant Techni- included four positive and uplift- communities. This includes a cians can climb in and perform the ing songs. recent performance at the Dance necessary maintenance. This trans- Founded in 2002 by actor Theatre of Harlem’s Open House, lates into a disruption of hot water HOW DO YOU SPELL VICTORY? Just ask any one of these proud Robert De Niro and his partners in Harlem. service for approximately 12 hours. winners of NYCHA’s Second Annual Spelling Bee. In addition to tro- Jane Rosenthal and Craig More than 800 chorus mem- The new tanks require only phies, first-place winners also took home $500 savings bonds, cour- Hatkoff, the Tribeca Film Festival bers and thousands of other youth minimum maintenance, and tesy of Amerigroup Community Care. Left to right, back row, the was created to foster the eco- have participated since the Cho- because each system is “redun- winners are: Mecca Snipe, first place, 6th grade, Sumner Community nomic and cultural revitalization rus began. If you are between the dant” — meaning each heater has a Center, Brooklyn; Janea Fall, first place, 4th grade, St. Nicholas Com- of Lower Manhattan after the ages of 12 and 19 and want to back-up unit which can sup-port munity Center, Manhattan; Neseemah Coleman, first place, 5th September 11, 2001 attacks on find out more, please call (212) everybody’s hot water needs — res- grade, Boulevard Community Center, Brooklyn; and runners-up Pre- New York City’s World Trade 427-6648 or (212) 427-8603 for idents may never notice if a unit cious Williamson, 6th grade, Cypress Hills Community Center, Brook- Center. Over the past six years, an audition. Auditions are held at malfunctions. This means no dis- lyn and (front row) Tiyanna Evans, 5th grade, Ravenswood the festival has successfully pro- Taft Houses, located at 1385 Fifth ruption in service to residents. Community Center, Queens, and Eddie Jones, 4th grade, Ocean Bay moted New York City as a major Avenue, in Manhattan. (Continued on page 5) Community Center, Queens. PAGE 2 PAGE 4 PAGE 7 POSTAL WORKERS WILL KEEP CHIEF JAFFE WARNS NOTICE OF TOWN HALL AN EYE OUT FOR SENIORS AGAINST ILLEGAL FIREWORKS MEETINGS AND HEARING THE HOUSING AUTHORITY JOURNAL 2 JUNE 2007 MAYOR’S MESSAGE THE FACES OF PUBLIC HOUSING New Program Trains Letter Carriers to Spot From Public Housing to the Halls of Justice Distress Among the Elderly or Disabled By Heidi Morales different kinds of rallies so that know you should really think she understands that individuals about being a prosecutor.’” As a NEW YORK CITY’S NEW CARRIER LILLIAN “LEE” LLAMBELIS IS CON- can make a difference. prosecutor, Ms. Llambelis ex- ALERT PROGRAM TRAINS UNITED SIDERED ONE OF THE MOST PROMI- Beginnings in Public Service plained, she would have “the abil- STATES POSTAL SERVICE LETTER NENT LAWYERS IN NEW YORK ity to assess a case and dismiss it CARRIERS TO IDENTIFY SIGNS OF STATE. She’s been called a tireless Ms. Llambelis earned her Bache- if you don’t think it’s something DISTRESS AMONG SENIORS AND advocate for “under-represented” lor of Science in Foreign Service that should go further. You also PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AND communities, a determined fighter from Georgetown University but have the ability to seek alternative QUICKLY CONNECT THEM WITH against injustice and a “champion once she graduated she decided to sentencing — send a kid not to jail SOCIAL SERVICES THROUGH THE of civil rights.” She is also a for- work in another field — journalism. but to a program where they can be CITY’S DEPARTMENT FOR THE mer resident of the Mott Haven Ms. Llambelis worked for ABC’s rehabilitated,” she added. AGING. The program, which Houses in the South Bronx. Sunday morning talk show, “This After ten years as a prosecutor triggers the use of 311 or 911 Week with David Brinkley” as a for the Manhattan District Attor- when signs of distress are iden- production assistant. “It was really ney’s Office, Ms. Llambelis’ career tified, provides seniors and peo- funny; you would see me on televi- continued “blossoming” at the ple with disabilities with a sion, over his shoulder, so, I would New York Botanical Garden as special identification sticker or call my mother when the show was Director of Intergovernmental magnet to be placed inside their going on and say, ‘Mami you see Relations. She later worked as mailbox. Letter carriers will me; I’m wearing the pink.’” General Counsel for the Bronx now be trained on the Carrier Ms. Llambelis later won a Pub- Borough President Adolfo Carrion. Alert protocol, using an instructional video created by the United lic Policy Fellowship from the Just seven months ago while States Postal Service. Coro Foundation, which took her working as Legal Director for the Nobody knows our neighborhoods better than the letter carriers to San Francisco where she floated Puerto Rican Legal Defense and who visit the homes of seniors and people with disabilities every day. through a series of graduate intern- Education Fund — a not-for-profit The Carrier Alert Program will allow us to stay connected with our ships in media, government, and organization that advocates for and elderly, homebound and disabled New Yorkers. Letter carriers, who in not-for-profit organizations. She protects the rights and civil liber- many cases are the first people to recognize signs of distress, will then moved back to the Big Apple ties of Latinos and other minori- now be empowered to act at the first signs of trouble. Through the and began working as a spokesper- use of 311, we can revive this common sense program and make it “Public housing at that point in son for City Hall. Three years later, more accessible to New Yorkers. time [1960s and 1970s] was really perhaps following her true calling, Though the idea of a carrier alert program was conceived in New the stable housing of the commu- Ms. Llambelis found herself back York City in the mid-1970s, the National Carrier Alert Program was nity. Literally there were blocks at Georgetown pursuing the legal created in 1982 under President Ronald Reagan. Long dormant in and blocks of burnt down build- education that has enabled her to New York City, it began as a cooperative community service program ings, so, public housing in a very make such positive changes in our to monitor the well-being of elderly and disabled mail patrons. As real sense was where you could society both through major impact one of the few — and some days only — points of human contact for actually have decent affordable legislation (e.g., civil rights, home-bound patrons, letter carriers are particularly attuned to signs of housing,” Ms.
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