Cerebral2010 Palsy Research Annual Foundation of Kansas, Report Inc. Founded in 1972, CPRF is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide people with disabilities customized services, supports and technologies, with an emphasis on employment and training, to facilitate their chosen economic and personal independence. To accomplish its mission, CPRF offers employment and employment services, certified computer training, accessible housing, transportation services, wheelchair services and repair, posture seating services, adult day programs and case management. CPRF customers live throughout Kansas, ranging in age from newborns to seniors. 2 Our PrPrOur ogogogrrrams & Servicesvicesvices 5 Our Board of DirDird ectectectorororsss 6 LeLeLettttttererersss John F. “Jack” Jonas Jr., Founder & President Emeritus Daniel M. Carney, Chairman of the Board Patrick T. Jonas, President & CEO 9 Our VVOur oluntoluntolunteereereersss 13 Going ttGoing o WWo orororkkk Vocational Assessment Job Placement Financial Support Services 17 Living in Your Community Adult Day Services Case Management Customized Wheelchairs & Repairs Maintenance Therapy Housing Transportation 23 ScScSchool of Adapdapdaptivtivtive ComCome putputputer TTer rrrainingainingaining 24 CusCusCustttomer Demogrrraphicsaphicsaphics 26 AfAfAffffiliatiliatiliate Support OrOrt ggganizations Business Technology Career Opportunities, Inc. Center Industries Corporation 31 Special Recognition Peter John Loux Memorial Award Winners Rick Hildebrand Jennifer Kreutzer Nick Hartwich Joydell Smith Memorials Susan E. Gregg Matthew W. Webb Christopher “bubba” Norris Andrews Retirements Lois Belew Ken Degenhardt 37 FFFinancial Stttatatatementsementsements 40 Honor RRHonor oll of Donorsss Table of Contents 2 The common goal of all CPRF programs and nate enough to watch develop in individual lives services is to provide our customers the frame- which impact families and communities alike. work in which to showcase their personal picture Adult Day Services — Kenneth J. Wagnon of success. Life Skills Program & K.T. Wiedemann We are only able to accomplish what we do Adult Learning Center through the tireless efforts of our dedicated Case Management professional staff, the wonderfully gifted volun- teers who come alongside us to make our mission Customized Wheelchairs & Repairs — their own. Financially we greatly benefit from Daniel M. Carney Rehabilitation Engineering Center our highly successful affiliate support organiza- tions, grant awards and donations. Like a rain- Financial Support Services — bow of colors, these are the essential components AmeriCorps, Kansas Work Incentives that go into every picture of success we are fortu- Network & Low Income Taxpayers Clinic Housing — Timbers Apartments Job Placement Maintenance Therapy Services — Daniel M. Carney Rehabilitation Engineering Center School of Adaptive Computer Training Transportation — Timber Lines Transportation Services Vocational Assessment (LtoR) Daniel Jenkins, Seating Techni- cian, David Hayden Jr., client, and Michelle Johnson, Occupational Thera- pist at the Daniel M. Carney Rehabili- tation Engineering Center. Hayden, is only one of nearly 700 people across Kansas who benefit from customized wheelchairs. Jenkins, Johnson and the rest of the Carney Center team ensure that each wheelchair suits the user from head to toe. (photo by Kacee Shuler) Community Fun 4 Mike Jenkins (left), Business Technology Career Opportunities, Inc., employee and Timbers Fall Festival volunteer, watches eagerly as Ray Hinrichs, Timbers resident, goes for a bull’s eye on the giant dart board, one of the many games available at the 2010 Fall Festival. Residents and volunteers alike join together for a fun-filled evening of food, games, music and great prizes. The grand prize was a much-coveted Nook (an e- reader), as well as a Barnes & Noble gift card and technical support. (photo by Kacee Shuler) about page 3 Chairman of the Board Daniel M. Carney, Carney Investments Vice Chairman Deryl K. Schuster, Midwest Community Bank Treasurer Daniel J. Taylor, Taylor Enterprises, Inc. Secretary Michael C. Burrus, Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School Assistant Secretary Joyce Smith Founder and President Emeritus John F. “Jack” Jonas Jr., CPRF Members Dan F. Augustin Patricia M. Patterson Real Base Investments Lab Answer Robert P. Daniels Donald D. Sbarra Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Sbarra Enterprises Patrick T. Jonas Bill Simon CPRF President & CEO Freddy’s Frozen Custard LLC Vivian M. King Kenneth J. Wagnon Capital Enterprises, Inc. Linus Ohaebosim, D.O. Ohaebosim Clinic Board of Directors 5 6 Founder & President Since the beginning of the John F. “Jack” Jonas Jr. Cerebral Palsy Research of Kansas, we’ve called on state governors and legislators, as Emeritus well as the Kansas congressional date (years before the Federal the extra mile on countless delegation in Washington, to Government put similar mea- occasions on behalf of those move forward with initiatives sures in place), to assisting with with disabilities in our commu- critical in improving lifestyles the formation of our own Center nity. Our thanks go out to for people with disabilities. Industries Corporation. Todd. It was clear that there were Many of our congressional We look forward to working certain inequities that could not delegation have joined us in with our new Congressional be funded through charitable promoting causes for people Rep. Mike Pompeo, who has dollars such as special educa- with disabilities in Kansas, already taken the time out of his tion, housing and employment- including Sens. James Pearson, busy schedule to tour our facil- based training. Bob Dole, Nancy Kassebaum— ity. Baker, Sam Brownback and Pat We are very fortunate to have Roberts who continues to be an Although we will miss Sen. many Kansas representatives extraordinary advocate for those Brownback as a true advocate in throughout the years who as- with disabilities that we serve. his role as a senator, we look sisted significantly as advocates forward to working with him in for people with disabilities. Our House members also played his new position as Governor, in a significant role in fighting for continuing to facilitate the Early on, state legislators such legislation to improve indepen- pursuit of personal indepen- as Senate President Ross Doyen, dence for those with disabilities dence for people with disabili- Speaker of the House Duane S. – going back to Garner Shriver, ties throughout Kansas and “Pete” McGill and most notably, Dan Glickman and more re- carry on the rich tradition of the late Richard C. “Pete” Loux, cently Jerry Moran. Included in legislative support that this former board member and that list is our district cham- state has shown for so many minority leader of the Kansas pion, Todd Tiarht, who under- years. House, assisted us in so many stands the mission and has gone ways – from working to pass the Kansas Special Education man- Chairman of the Board The Cerebral Palsy Research Daniel M. Carney Foundation of Kansas and the affiliate organizations that we founded, Center Industries of Directors Corporation (CIC) and Business Technology Career Opportuni- ment and the funding of our and trust. I would like to ex- ties (BTCO), all have a common training programs. press an extra note of gratitude goal, which is to facilitate the to Spirit AeroSystems, which competitive employment of Without their contribution, our once again demonstrated its people with disabilities and employment outcomes would be long history of support by promote personal indepen- extremely difficult to achieve. assisting with the expansion of dence. I am especially thankful to our our capabilities at BTCO this year. As Chairman of the Board, I am private sector industry custom- amazed how well our programs ers and partners who, time and Finally, I would like to thank have weathered the storm again put their faith in our our CPRF family of donors, during the turbulent economic employees to provide quality Board of Directors and staff for times that 2010 bestowed upon products and services on time their dedication to the mission us. and at a competitive price. and allowing us to continue to To the many companies with pursue opportunities for those I am sincerely grateful for all of with disabilities that we serve. the support we have received whom we do business, thank from the various government you for your continued support agencies at all levels—federal, state and local—who have assisted with contract procure- 7 8 As in past years,CPRF the 2010 An- President nual Report allows us the op- Patrick T. Jonas portunity to briefly touch on new initiatives, the progress of& CEO existing programs and any significant changes that may towards our mission and the even in the toughest of times. have taken place within the many individuals who have Finally, but most importantly, is organization during this time volunteered or generously the opportunity to recognize the frame. donated. achievements of the many Most important to me, is the A special note of thanks goes people with disabilities and chance to thank all of those who out to our Business Advisory families that we have the good have supported our mission Council for our School for fortune to work with through- throughout the year. Adaptive Computer Training out the year. and the talented members of We would not be able to assist our River City Roll event com- We all grow and learn together, the thousands of people with mittee. searching for ways to better disabilities that we serve
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