1£bitrb 1£nrally f nr illlnsr 1£nral illnurragr Serving 'Ihe Central Penquis Jlrea 'ol. 5, No. 2 Thursday, .:(anuary 13, 1966 Ten Cents Milo Merchant Loses Home 2 Hospitalized in Sebec Crash r.vner be lieves blaze started in pick- up truck (at right of pho- 1) . (Photo by Mike Brigham) Three Milo residents were treated at Milo Community Hospi­ tal early Sunday morning following a crash involving a 1960 Ram­ bler sedan and a road grader being used as a snow plow. Thedriver, Richard Poole, 18, was treated and released but histwopassengers: NormanAmes, 24, andRose Ames, 19, r e­ ceived further treatment and were kept at the· hospital. The accident occurred in Sebec on the Dover-Milo road a t about4A.M. Thedriverofthesnow plow, Willard Ellis of Milo was uninjured. The sedan, in which the trio were returning from Dover-Fox­ ~iremen were hampered by lack of water while fighting fire croft following an orchestra engagement, wa~ demolished. In­ ich caused an estimated $15,000 in damages. See Page 12 vestigating officer was State Trooper Roger Parlin of Milo. (Photo by Mike Brigham) (Photo by Alan Taylor) !ge2 THE TOWN CRIER cr1'lilo e ommunit\1 THE TOWN CRIJ):R is published each Thursday evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. ~o~pitaL 'new" We hope to be of help to the citizell.E! ofthe·towns The Trustees held their monthly meeting Tuesday with the fol­ in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, lowing present: Cliairman, H. C. Bundy ,M. D, ; Vice Chairman, AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. Herbert Foshay, Ronald Millier, Edwin Berry, Harold Murray , We acc~pt no financial responsibility for errors MaxineScanlon, PaulDay and Administrator, Ava Strout, R.N. in advertising but will gladly print correctioQS. Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN Besides routine business, each member was presented with a CRIER mav be obtained through our office. copy of the by laws wit}} rules and regulations for the Medical If you have news or available photos of any sort Staff. Instructions for the Utilization Review Committee were we urge you to call ari editor or drop in. Dead­ read and accepted. This Committee is made up of three from line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate the Medical Staff, Odd Nielsen, M. D; Estiquio Delgado, M.D. .copy received earlier in the week. John Curtis, :M.D.; three from the governing board,. H. C. Bundy Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to M.D. ; Harold Muz:ray and Herbert Foshay; also Ava Strout, R. 12 words; 3 cents for each addi tiona.l word. Dis­ N. Administrator. Committee will meet 1st rruesday of each play ad space by the column inch. month. Reception:i.stsare: Friday, JoyceBailey;Saturday, Betty Stan­ chfield and Edr\a Hanscom; Sunday, Adelia L~onard and Maxine EDITOR- Joanne Brigham Scanlon; Monday, Marian Rhoda; Tuesday, Hilda Brown; Wed­ Milo 943-7384 nesday, Martha Gould; Thursday, Anne Place. PATIENTS ADMITTED: From Milo: From Brownville: FARM FAMILY ANNUAL Winnifred Hewes Linda Dubois CHECK OUTS IN PROGRESS Corinne Gero Rita Gould Approxim~tely 175 rural Eth~~ Curtis Lawrence Rolfe families will sit down with i you want to BUY, SELL, Duane Peters William McLeod tENT or SWAP, try "Town Farmers Home Administrat- Guila Leonard From Medford: ion supervisors in the County ;rier" Classified. Wanda Sawyer Albert Daggett Office at Newport during the William McKinley, Sr. From Atkinson: ?LORER SERVICE next few weeks for re-viewing Debra Morrison Winfield Smith ~ed your camp ot home roof past year's records and 1966 Jennie Southard From Dover- Foxcroft: ~led? Anytime this winter plans states Robert Ferris, Judith Varney Christopher Curtis C Wi 3-7752 or Wi 3-2363 County Supervisqr. David Walker From Rockwood: leave your house or camp This annual review is a feat­ Norman Ames Gertrude King location. U'.re of the supervised credit Rose Ames From LaGrange: program authorized for the Ralph Bradstreet Ronald Boober, Sr. ERVICE Farmers Home Administrat­ From Dexter: Hilda Turtlott l'raveler's Express Money ion; and emphasis is placed on Elizabeth Graves .rders available at Daggett's planning as a basis for econ­ PATIENTS DISCHARGED; harmacy, Milo. omic success. Not only will From Milo: family type farmers be part­ From Brownville: Duane P eters icipating in this annual check Linda Dubois Barbara Canney :RVICES out, but also those families Rita Gouid Lee Spear & G Painting)Decorahrs , who received economic opport­ Amelia Nichols Janet Boswell ,utractors, Interior and Ex­ unity loans for income produc­ From Dover-Foxcroft: Ethel Curtis :-ior~ work. Call for free ing projects. Christopher Curtis Corinne Gero ;timates at Guilford 876- With improved planning and From Medford: Ellen Haley ~68. wise use of supervised credit Ronald Boobar, Sr. Monda Sawyer from the Farmers Home Ad­ From Rockwood: TICE MILO Winnifred Hewes ministration, it is hoped that Gertrude King gplorer PosH 115 will hold Walter Bohan trtle Drive, Saturday, Jan­ borrcwers will improve their :Y financial condition to the ex­ 15, 1966. Have your bot­ Open 6 to 10 Mon. thru Sat. - Sun. 9 A.M. to 7 ; ready by 10:00. The dirve tent that they will become el­ TRY OUR t last until 6:00 or until the igible for regular commercial credit sources. n has been covered. Good Ho~ne Cooking Old Fashioned Boiled Dinners every Thursday ~OR Fast, Dependable Starts Home Baked Beans every Saturday after 4:00p.M. in cold weather, treat your car to a OO[UQ) BATTERY / [ro(W~ ~ OHNSTON & HIBBARD Guilford - Guilford, Maine E TOWN CRIER Page 3 :Pan titer · Student Council Pr.Oject CJ1ew'-' ngatbasketball the Milo rl Varsity team left the ft Academy Ponies tO themselves when the on, 63- 55 and the Var­ tole the show, 51-45. ir ls, although they didn't Lve a good battle against A. girls. These games layed last Friday at the n'ID• ard Noyes, a participant )tate try outs, was noti­ at he will be part of the .te Band. More details on ll State will appear in ~olum ns Monday, the Breeze continued its final pre­ ens for the Breeze with cwre taking. Activities 1g from the Breeze ;Board to Basketball and others lhotographedby Steven's Members of the Milo High School Student Council, s hown above, are Louise Cunningham holding scarf, DebbY, Carey with T-shirt, Linda Decker with sweat ~hirt and wanda Sawyer and Alasco ca­ Charles Horne rey modeling jackets . The Student Council is now taking orders for these items. we understand or­ ders must be in by Friday January 14. Proceeds from sales of these articles will be used to conduct Student Council projects. (:Photo by Mike Brigham) ". AND THE CHURC:H ~Economic Opportunity Act and its programs are being em...: ized at the Midwinter Assembl~es of the Congregational­ Accident s tian Conference of 1\ITaine in Bangor, Janua.ry 16 and at land January 23. 0. T. Rozelle, Piscataquis County Dir '­ r has received information that these assemblies are an npt to define the role of the iaymen with in the F.OA program is a project of the Lay Life and Work Committee and the · 1 s tian Social Action Committee of the 1\ITaine Conference. session for this aref!..is scheduled fo r 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Elammond Street Congregational Church in Bangor withAl- E. MacPhail as Moderator. These sessions are not limit­ IS to number in attendax;tce nor denominationally centered. one feeling they can contribute to a· greater understanding of es and can benefit from such a meeting is cordially invited ~prese nt at either of the midwinter assemblies. Coffee and >illbeservedby the host church during the supper hour and 1 person is to bring his own sandwich lunch. l{>ics to be discussed are The Churches; Concern in Economic ortunitv Programs l:>Y Hon. Donald w. Webb E.:-r; the Maine rure by Stephen Simonds, Director of the Maine Bure~u of fare; EOA and its Programs by Robe r t'~" . Brown, State Co­ inator; and the Responsibility and Opportunitv under EOA Church People by Dr. Sam Kadison, Advisor to the Division . : conomic Opportunity. >eal Directors will review their programs fn progress and a tel takingpartindiscussions will be made of the following: International truck (shown above) owned by Paul Valente of rnbers: Moderator Rev. Richard E. Ryder, Jr; Jfoyt Wilco·· Milo received an estimated $1000,worth of damage last Sat­ Job Corps; Miss Priscilla Graham, Work Experience pro- urday when it was in a cpllision with a pick-up truck in Alton. m ; William P. Helfrich, Community Action; and a Headstart In the accident, which· occurred on Route 16, Mr. Samuel cher to be named. · Shorey, a state highway· department employee and r esident of .similar program wi ll be pr esented at the Wo.odfords Congreg- West. Enfield, received chest injuries arid was treated ata Ban- 1 - ·- --" · -· TT<n ~<nl. ""' f,.,.,..,, '"""' nOTl'lf'llic:ht>rl C:h~r i P.R Clem· e4 THE TOWN CRIER SANGERVILLE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN THE UNITED CIRCLE AUBURN The United Circle met at the The Milo Congregation of .Jehovah's Witnesses will be repre­ church Thursday afternoon sented by fifty delegates from the area at their semi annual as­ with 11 members- present. sembly January 21-23 in Auburn, Most of the group will be leav­ Routine_business was conduct­ ing early in the day in order to be present at the opening sessions ed. The World Day of Prayer Friday evening at 7 p.m. meeting which will be held at Among the delegates, all age groups will be represented from the.Methodistchurch, Guilford their early teens to their eightie.s.
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