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IN STATE Jr; Mack Upsets Dope of Experts by Failing to Name Premier MacDonald and Less Than a Hundred at An­ MacDonald Are Being STILL IN PO W E Daughter Go Back to Em­ nual Meeting as All of Se­ Earnshavr, Grove or Quinn for Opening Assignm ent;. Carried on With Absolute bassy— lea ve for New lectmen’s Recommenda- Crowd of Over 50,000 Jams Wrigley Field; Root Fan.<i Frankness. Scattered Upsets in Town Haas and Smmons in First tnnmg 'York Thursday. tions Are Passed. Washington, Oct. 8.— (A P )—Pres­ Elections Do Not Change BY ALLAN J. GOULD •« ident Hoover said today the conver­ Washington, Oct. 8— (AP)—Prime Business aggregating nearly one sations with Prime Minister Ramsay Wrigley Field, (Chicago, O ct 8.— M ACK’S CHOICE Old Situation. Minister Ramsay MacDonald and million dollars was transacted 'in MacDonald were being carried on his daughter Ishbel, took leave to­ (AP)—In weather more suited to in an atmosphere of absolute frank­ town meeting here last night by 74 day of the President and Mrs. Hoo­ ness, and that “neither of us has ' By Associated Press voters in 25 minutes. Exactly 53 football than baseball, with a cold anything in reserve.” It was apparent today, as results ver whose guests they have been motions were put to vote by Chair­ breeze whipping through the park, The president’s statement said: of the elections held in 153 towns since Saturday. man William J. Shea without a dis­ the Cubs hnd Athletics battled to­ “There is nothing that 1 cmi report From th6 White House the Brit­ and three cities came in that Re­ senting voice responding to his call day in the first game of the 1929 at the present moment on the con­ ish statesman and Miss MacDonald | publicans retained the solid control f jr “contrary minds.” Appropria­ world series. versations with the prime minister. returned to the British Embassy, ( These conversations are continuing they have had in most of the muni­ tions for the town’s expenses total­ The home field of the National which will be their home until they League champions was filled to its in the most friendly of atmospheres. cipalities in this state. ing about $925,000 were made as leave for Philadelphia and I'^ew estimated capacity of 50,000 fans We fortunately have no contro­ reconunended by the Board of versies between our countries to be Here and there administrations York Thursday en route to Canada.. bundled in furs {ind overcoats for settled. We are, therefore, able changed. Republican strongholds -The President and the prime Selectmen. the opening struggle between two to discuss our mutual problems in falling before the Democrats and minister parted soon after break­ Efficiently Done of the most colbrful clubs in base­ the long distance view and solely In Democrats succumbing to Republi­ fast. Mr. Hoover went to his office The meeting was called to order ball. the broad aspect of human welfare can onslaughts. In only one place for an early conference with Secre­ by Chairman Shea who had been It was a duel of right handers at in the largest sense. did the third party, the Citizens’, tary Stimson regarding the reply to appointed by Election Moderator the getaway, but the veteran Con­ Absolute Frankness. gain control—^in Bloomfield. This the British invitation to attend the Christopher S. McHale. It opened nie Mack sprung a surprise by “Moreover, we are able to cairy same party won a minority place in naval limitation conference at Lon- at exactly 8:03 p. m. The 53 mo­ selecting his 35-year-old veteran, our conversations without circum­ Wethersfield and in West Haven ^ don in January. tions which followed were all made Howard Ehxxike, to oppose Charley locution and in absolute frankness finished third in a vigorous three- After reaching the Embassy, Mr. by Chairman John H. Hyde of the Root. Joe McCarthy’s choice. with recognition of the point of cornered fight won by the Republi­ MacDonald conferred with British ^ard of Selectmen, seconded by Fast Ball Star someone sitting in a front row seat, view of both sides. Neither of us cans. officials who accompanied him to Root- is the National League’s , has anything to reserve. We have For the most part the towns re­ the United States and attended to put by (Hhairman Shea and voted by the voters in clocUike precision. leading flinger, but Ehmke has not to search only for those things thaz turned incumbent officials to office. an accumulation of official business. been among the A’s regular twirlers will promote the 'incresise of good In two of the city elections, Tor- Miss MacDonald drove to the Howard I. Taylor was re-elected Manchester’s representative on the at any stage of the season, acting will and moral solidarity between rington and Norwalk went Repub­ Library of Congress for-an inspec­ mostly in a relief role and pitching the two countries. The prime min­ lican, while Bristol, with a non­ tion of that magnificent building. Connecticut River Bridge Commis­ sion and the Selectmen v/ere, author­ only about a half dozen complete ister possesses r wealth of Scotch partisan election, returned Mayor Another Conference games. He was chosen in preference humor which lubricates any discus- W. Raymond Crumb. In connection ized to avail themselves of State Before the President and premier Aid road funds. The reports of the to George Eamshaw and Lefty Howard Ehmke ' Sion. with the city election, Bristol had separated, however, they had anoth­ Grove, fast ball stars who had been “More important than all is the referenda on two questions, defeat­ town’s officers printed in the' annnzd er conference. This took place after town report were accepted. figured as likely to get the call great evidence shown by the press ing both—the question of purchase From Drowning At Sea,” with A1 breakfast in the study on the second CONNIE MACK . t Appropriations and the American people of genuine of a municipal airport and school Mack crossed up the experts still spouting like a whale as he “swam" floor, and was a continuation of dis­ The following , appropriations, further by sending Rube Walberg, friendliness to the prime minister of district consolidation. across center field to the aid of the cussions of the best means of pro­ recommended by 'the Selectmen big southpaw, to the bull pen for a Great Britain and to his people. T!ie In Norwalk helpless Nick. moting world peace. were voted: Charities, $23,000; warm-up aind possible call to the demonstration that is in progress is In Norwalk Mayor Anson F. The fans needed some diversion It was understood they would Highways, $75,000; Oiling,' $2,700; rescue. in itself of more importance than Keeler, Republican opposed by have a final talk tomorrow *on the JAPANESE GROUP COAST GUARD SHIPS to help keep them warm. The Concrete Gutters, $6,030; Walks Both teams put their full strength weather was cool enough for over­ any incidental conclusions that he Oscar F. Schultze, a Republican eve of the prime minister’s depar­ and Curbing, $6,000; Storm Sewers, and I might come to on matters on the fi^d for the first battle, A1 coats and furs, better suited for running on the Democratic ticket, ture. $15,000; New Bridges, $2,000; Miller s t a i^ g for the A ’s in spite of concerning our two nations.” won by the largest margin ever ac­ No Medicine Ball SEES SILK PLANT COLLIDE IN SOUND Cenjeteries, $5,000; Garbage Collec­ drop kicks than base hits. a heavy cold. There was no shift in ihe Cui; corded a candidate in that city, the This morning. Mr. Hoover omitted tion, $17,0CK); Parks, $13,600; Str t There was a big contrast in the vote being 4,793 to 3,129. his usual medicine ball game on the Lights, $25,500; Police, $38,000; choice of Charley Root to pitch the rival latching styles as they warmed opening game, but secrecy still veil­ Lieut. Colonel Ernest E. Novey, south lawn. He and Mr. MacDonald Schools, $390,000; Memorisd Day, up. Ehmke tried both side-arm and Republican was elected mayor of breakfasted at an early hour. j $750;. Board of Health, $5,500; ed the starting moundsman of thi DETROIT IS VOTING Orientals in U. S. lo r Silk The Lesser Damaged Tows underbtLnd stuff while Root confined Athletics. Torrington, with a vote of 3,075, The prime minister in an informal i Building Inspector, $1,200; County himself to the more orthodox over­ against Timothy J. Lyons, Demo­ talk with a group of correspon­ Taxes, $13,500; State Tax, $22,500; hand delivery. The vast crowd stood A1 Miller, the A ’? veteran right AT C in PRIMARY crat endorsed by the Citizens Party, dents said he had “never felt fit­ C on feren ce Here as Other to Pier— No One Military Tax, $5,000.
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