2118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. J.ANU_ARY 21, PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. 6965. By .Ur. NEWTON of Minnesota: Petition of Mr. Arthur Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions Schaub and other residents of Minnesota, petitioning the Con­ were introdaced and severally referred as follows: gress to support and urge early adoption of joint resolution to By Mr~ COLE of Ohio: A bill (H. R. 13951) granting a pen­ aid the starving people of the German and Austrian Republics· sion to Charles 0. Rider; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ' By Mr. DUNBAR: A bill (H. R. 13952) granting a pension 6966. By Mr. SMITH of Michigan: Petition of Mr. G. L. to Henry T. Sprinkle; to the Committee on .Invalid Pensions. Granger and 15 other residents of Grand Ledge Mich. protest­ By Mr. LAUSON of Minnesota: A bill (H. R. 13953) author­ ing against discriminatory tax on small a~s ami'.nunition izing, for the relief of the distress of the Chippewa Indians of and firearms; to the Committee on Ways and l\fe~ns. ' Minnesota, the withdrawal of moneys from the tribal funds of 6967. ~Y l\.Ir. SNYDER : Petition of Joseph Dormayer and said Indians; to the Committee on Indian Afl'alrs. other residents of Frankfort, N. Y., favoring the enactment of By Mr. MOORE of Illinois: A bill (H. R. 13954) granting Honse .Joint Resolution 412, for the relief of the distress and a pension to John l\I. Barrkk; to the Committee on Invalid famine ~nditions in Germany and Austria ; to the Committee Pensions. on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. SWING: A bill (H. R. 13955) for the relief of Claude 6968. ~! Mr. WYANT: Petition of Margaret Coulter and 42 Chandler ; to the Commitee on Claims. others, ~1~1zens of Pennsylvania, opposing the tax on small arms, Also, a bill ( H. R. 13956) for the relief of Henry J. Corcoran ; ammurution, and firearms; to the Committee on Ways and to the Committee on Military Affairs. Means. By Mr. WHITE of Maine: A bill (H. R. 13957) granting a 696~. Also, petition of members of the Derry (Pa.) Gun Club, pension to John J. Mahoney; to the Commitee on Pensions. opposmg t?e tax on small arms, ammunition, and fire.arms; to By Mr. WOODRUFF: A bill (H. R. 13958) granting a pen­ the Committee· on Ways and Means. sion to William F. Graham; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ 6970. Also, petition of 21 citizens of Pennsylvania, opposing sions. the tax on small arms and ammunition ; to the Committee on Ways and Means. 6971. ~so, petition of 42 citizens of Pennsylvania, favoring PETITIONS, ETC. the abohtion of tax on small arms, ammunition, and firearms; Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid to the Committee on Ways and Means. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : 69!2. Also, petition of 43 citizens of Pennsylvania, urging the 6951. By Mr. BARBOUR: Petition of residents of Valley abolishment of the tax on small arms, ammunition and fire- Home, Calif., urging support of joint resolution providing for arms; to the Committee on Ways and Means. ' the extension of aid to the people of the German and Austrian 6973. Also, petition of 59 citizens of Pennsylvania favoring Republics; to the Committee on Foreign Afl'airs. immediate aid being extended to the people of the Au~trian and 6952. By Mr. COLE of Ohio:. Petition of citizens of Findlay, German Republics ; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Ohio, asking that the section in the internal revenue law refer­ 6974. Also, petition of 62 citizens of Pennsylvania urging ring to ammunition and firearms be repealed; to the Committee Congress to extend immediate aid to the people of the' German on Ways and Means. and Austrian Republics; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 6953. By Mr. CRA.MTO:N"~ Petition of Alfred Bach and other citizens of Sebewaing, Mich., urging passage of the resolution to extend aid to the veople of the German and Austrian Repub­ lics; to the Committee on Foreign. Affairs. SENATE. 6954. Also, petition of Charles G. Cookingham and other SUNDAY, January ~1, 19~3. rural carriers at Caro, Mich., urging passage of the Ketcham bill providing for higher equipment allowance for carriers, etc. ; The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the following G955. Also, petition of Herbert W. McKay and other rural prayer: carriers at Croswell, 1\Iich., urging passage of the Ketcham Our Father and our God, the number of our days is witn bill, H. R. 13297; to the Committee on the Pos_t Office and Thee. Thou dost determine the bounds of our habitation. Help Post Roads. us, we beseech Thee, to understand that while life is so uncer­ 6956. Also, petition of Otto Rathje and other residents of tain and there come ac~g hearts bowed with grief, we ask Pigeon, Mich., urging passage of the resolution to extend aid Thee to enable us to realize for ourselves that Thou art the to the people of the German and Austrian Republics · to the refuge and the strength of every troubled life. And as we en· Committee on Foreign Affairs. ' gage in the services this morning we pray that such lessons may 6957. Also, petition of F. A. Roese and other residents of be presented and such inspiration had that we may understand Mount Clemens, Mich., urging the adoption of the resolution better the dignity, the opportunity, and the high incentive to introduced to give aid to the people of the German and Aus­ live nobly and to serve our generation by Thy will. trian Republics; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. We thank 'l'hee for him whose life is to be remembered this 6958. AIBo, petition of S. S. Wood and other residents of morning, and in whose varied condition and experiences were Silverwood, Mich., urging the abolishment of the discriminatory recognized dependence upon Thy grace. And, 0, grant unto the tax on small arms, ammunition, and firearms; to the Com­ widow and to others connected with his life the sweetest min­ mittee on Ways and Means. istries oi Thy richest consolation, so that it may be understood 6959. By Mr. KAHN: Resolution of the California Academy that the Maker of us all is her husband and that He is also th8 of Sciences, urging favorable action on the New-Anthony pub­ father of the fatherless. Be with us when we cry out " for tbQ lic shooting !,>Tound game refuge bill; to the Committee on Agri­ touch of a vanish'd hand, and the sound of a voice that is still," culture. and in the loneliness of the passing days be the companion, the 6960. By Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania: Resolution of Cham­ consolation, the abiding strength of each life. b.er of CoD?Jllerce of Pittsburgh, Pa., urging increased appropria­ And may this chamber be filled with men devoted to the ~on for rivers and harbors; to the Committee on Appropria­ highest interests of the country and to the glory of Thy great tions. ~ma : 6961. Also, petition or citizens of McKeesport, Pa., praying Hear us, help us, so when the shadows quicken and become for passage of resolution providing relief for people of Ger­ thicker to us we may have a vision of the life beyond, and that many and Austria; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. absence from the body may be unto each of us presence with ~62. Also, petition of citizens of Pittsburgh, Pa., praying for the Lord. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and rehef of Near East peoples; to the Committee on Foreign Lord. Amen. Affairs. N AMINO A PRESIDING OFFICER. 6963. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of New York State Federa­ The Secretary, George A. Sanderson, read the following tion of Women's Olubs, Plattsburg, N. Y., urging Congress to communication: the further support of the national defense act by making ap­ UNITEID STATES SENATJI, propriations as recommended by the President, the Secr·etary PRES1DllNT PRO TEMPORll, Wa.skin.gton, D. 0., JanuO!rJI 21, 1923. of War, and the General of the Armies; to the Committee on To the Senate : Military Affairs. Being temporarily absent t'rom the Senate, I appoint Hon. WILLI.AH 6964. By Mr. MAcGREGOR: Petition of 29 citizens of New J. HA..1uus, a Senator from the State of Georgia, to perform the duties ot' the Chair to-day, Sunday, January 21, 1923, on the occasion ot York, favoring a joint resolution purporting to extend immedi­ memor.ial services for Hon. THOMAS E. WATSON, late a Senator from ate aid to the people of the German and Austrian Republics· the State of Georgia, to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ' ALBll!RT B. CUMJIUNS, Prerident Pro .Tetnpore~ /1 1 1923. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2119 Mr. HARRIS thereupon took the Chair ,as Presiding Officer neglect his committee wol'k, which is more important in fram­ tor the day. ing legislation than speeches on the floor of the Senate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the reading He was on the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, was of the Journal of the proceedings of the legislative clay of prompt in his attendance at an meetings, and rendered most Tuesday, January 16, will be dispensed with and the Jour­ useful service. I had urged that be be placed on this Commit­ nal will be approved. tee because he had been, while a Member of the House, author of the first appropriation bill for rural free delivery service :MEMORIAL ADDRESSES ON THE LA.TE SENA.TOR THOMAS E.
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