Seventh Serlel, Vol., V No. 9 Thursday, June 19, 1980 Jyaistha 29, 1902 (s.ta) LOK SABHA DEBATES Third Session (Seventh Lok Sabha) (Yol.V contains Nos. 11 -2 0) LOIC SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DEJ,m Prb ' Ba. ,.oo (ORIGINAL ENGLISH PI.OCEBDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH VBRSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PltOCBBDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VBltSION WILL DB TB.BATID AS AUTBOlUTATIVE AND NOT THE TltANSLATIONTHEREOF.J CONTENTS COLUMNS No. 9, Thursday, June 19, 1980, Jyaistha 29� 1902 ,(Saka) Oral Answers to Questions : *Starred Questions Nos. 163 to 166, 168 and 171 to 175 I-33 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 167, 169, 170 and 176 to 182 33-40 Unstarred Questions Nos· 1233 to 1251, 1253 to 1369 ancf. I 371 to q IO 40-192 Papers Laid on the Table 193-95, 292-93 C illin5 \ttention to Matt("r of Urgent Publiic Importance�-- Acute Power Crisis in the Capital 195-203 Shri Janardhana Poojary I 95, 195-97 Shri A.B.A. Ghani Khan Chaudhuri 195-96, 197-98, 200-201, 202-203 Shri M. Ram Gopal Reddy 198-200 Shri Chintamani Panigrahi 201-202 El\!ction to Committec- National Welfare Board for Seafarers 203-204 M 1.tters Under Rule 3 77- (i) Need of revi�ion in the pay scales of Dtlhi teachers : Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayre 204-205 (ii) S 11')rt-term measures to rejuv<"nate the Calcutta Port through G m5a-Brahm·lputra link canal and dredging operation� � Shri Niren Ghosh 205-206 ( tii) S r.rikes, lock-outs and closures in factoriesin Maharashtra re­ Nlting in unemployment of a large number of workers : Shri Chintamani Jena 1 .a. 206-207 (iv) S reng�hening of embankmcnt'i of Luni river in Rajar,than Shri Virdhi Chander Jain (v) Augmenting of production of potable alcohol : Dr. Vasant Kumar Pandit (vi) R:,eported ambush of Miizoram State Transport bus by M.N.F. Outlaws on 18th June, 1980 : ( l Shri Chandra Pal Shailani 2�8-209 *The Sign + marked above the name of a member indicates 19at the Ques· ion was actually asked on the floor of the Honse by that �mbep (iO COLUMNS R.ailway Budget, 1980-8 1 -G~~ral Discusaion Shri K. Pradhani . 210-11 Shri Mohan Lal Sukhadia 211-·16 Shri Kumbha Ram Arya 216-18 Shri M. Satyanarayan Rao 210-2 5 Shri Ram Nagina Mishra ~2S-28 Shri Krishna Chandra Hald~r . 228-32 Shri Chintamani Panigrahi 2,32-35 Shri Zainul Basher ~3S-39 Shri N. Solvaraju . 239-4S Prof. Nirmala Kumari Shaktawat 245-50 Shri N. Dennis 2.50 -5. Shri R .. L.P. VeI'ma 2.14-58 ShrJ M undar Shar-rna. 2.58-61 Shri Ram Pyare Panika. 261-67 Shri P.J. Kurien 2Ci8-71 Shri Chandrapal Shailani 27 1-75 Shri Satish Prasad Singh 275-77 Shri Y.S. Mahajan 277-79 Shri Shihu Sort"n . 279-81 Shri Bheravadan K. Gadhavi . 281-83 Shri A. R. Mallu . 283-86 Shri Skariah Thomas 216-87 ShriJ.C. Barve 287-&9 ~hri V.S. Vijayaraghavan 289 --92. Shri Pius Tirkey t 293-95 Shri Krishan l)utt 295-97 Shri Dilee p Singh Bh uri a 297-300 Shri Hiralal R. Parmar 300-303 Shri A. Noelalohithadasan 30 4-30 5 Shd Kusuma Krishna M urt)ly 30 5-309 Shri Ka~i J ali! Ab basi 309-12 Shri R. K. Mhalgi 3 12-14 Shri SJA. Dorai Sebastian 31",-16 Sb.ri Shivkumar Singh Thakur 3 16-20 Shri VUay Kumar Yadav 330-21 Shri Harihar Soren 321-33 Shri Keshorao Pardhi 33J-as Shr~ Madhusudan Vairale 33 J--. Announ~ment . Cancellation of Sitting of the Hou~e OR 21-6.. J9'() ~II R.e. Con~titutio of the Press Commissi.n 219-20 LOK SABHA DEBATES I 2 LOK SABHA and myself met Shri Padmanabhan, the then G.M., Eastern Railway. It was understood that, with some modifica- Thursday, June 19, 1980/ Jyaistha 29, tions, the diesel coach will end the 1902 (Saka) malady of the section to a great ex- tent ,but tile coaches are lying there The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the at the Shantipur Railway shed since Clock. April 1979. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] In view of this, Sir, and in view of the fact that the present state of non- ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS performance and near collapse of the train services has 'compelled lakhs of the general public to seek other Introduction of Diesel Coach means of transport, thereby causing *163. SHRIMATI BIBHA GHOSH a big loss of about Rs. 1 1/2 Jakhs per month to the Railways and in the GOSW AMI: Will the Minister of interests of lakhs of handloom wea- RAIILWAYS ,be pleased to state: vers of the traditional centres of (a) whether Government have handloom production and marketing, considered the demand to introduce namely Nabadwip and Shantipur, Diesel Coach in Shantipur-Nabadwip- where business of a volume of around ghat narrow guage line; Rs. 100 crores is transacted per year, and also in the interest of lakhs of (b) if so, the details thereof; and pilgrims going to the cities of Naba (c) if not, the reasons therefor? and Shantipur and Mayapur-the birth place of Shri Chaitanya Nath, THE DEPUTY MINLSTER IN THE etc .... MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MALLIKARJUN): (a) to (c) Yes MR. SPEAKER: This is not a sup- Sir, the feasibility of introducing the plementary; I will not allow it. diesel rail car on Shantipur-Nabad- SHRlMATI BIBHA GHOSH GOS- wipghat was examined but not found WAMI: I am finishing Sir. feasible due to technical reasons. Therefore, there is no proposal at There is a commotion there . present to introduce diesel rail cars MR. ·SPE..'<\KER: This is not the on this section. way to put supplementaries; I will not allow it. SHRIMATI BIIBHA GHQSH GOS- WAMI: I am surprised at the answer SHRlMATI BIBHA GHOSH GOS- given by the Minister. He may not WAM]: So, in view of this, will Gov- know the background. The move ernment review its position, take up for introduction of the diesel rail car the required re-orientation of the was initiated affer the Nadia District platforms and track if necessary and Travellers' Association, a few MLAs implement the diesel coach service at 618 LS-l 3 Oral Answers JUNE 19, 1980 Oral Answers 4 an early date to ensure the viability sentives of all these organisations to of the section itself? settle the issue to the satisfaction of all concerned. SHRI MALLIKARJUN: As the Hon. lV[ember has mentioned, the die- SHRI MALLIKARJUN: There was sel car is lying at the moment in no lapse on the part of the Govern- Shanti.pur, no doubt, but the Govern- ment as the hone Member has men- ment has already-probably on the tioned. About the representation, it is represl~ntation of the Han. Member already lying there. Now) in ,the herself or of somebody else--sent light o{ the request of the hone !\{ern- three diesel '~ars to the Eastern Rail- ber, we will rec.)nsider it and do way a nd one of it has been sent to whatever is necessary and possible. Shantipur-Nabadwipghat section. MR. SPEAKER: Supplementaries But, unfortunately, when the diesel should not be so lengthy. Next car was put on trial: it was found Question. that, fOr technical reasons, it was not possible to run it. For example, the axle load of the Shantipur line is Showing of Sikkim and A~m as a four and odd tonnes whereas the separate country by U.S. Magazine power car is five and odd tonnes; t therefo re it is not feasible. *164. SHRI P. M. SAYEED: SHRI NAVIlN RAVANI: Apart from that, in that area, for the tUI ning up of the rail car there Will the Minister of EXTERNAL is no tllrn table land to have triangle. AFFAIRS be pleased to state: So, after it was found not feasible, (a) whether American Magazine it was to be diverted to the Khatwa- Newsweek of 26th May, 1980, has pub_ Bardwan section. However on the re- lished a map depicting Sikkim 'ind presentation of some people, it is still Assam as separate countries; lying tltere. (b) whether Government has taken Ther~forel I feel that since it is not any action in the matter with the U.S. feasible, the Han. Member may Government; kindly wait for some time. Cc) the reaction of Indian Go\·ern- SHRIMATIl BIBHA GHOSH GOS- ment in this regard; and W AMI: I would like to know from (d) whether Indian Embassy in the hOI.1. Minister whether the local populahon of Shantipur persuaded Washington was instructed to take up the matter with the publishers of the the Railway authorities to stop the magazine? removal of the diesel train from Shantipur Railway Yard around mid- THE MINISTER OF EXTER..'lAL night on 5th January, 1980, and whe- AFFAIRS (SoHRI P. V. NARASI'MHA ther, in view of numerous represen- RAO): Yes Sir. In the Asian Edition tations from all sections of the peo- of US Magazine "NEWSWEEK" dated ple like the Nabadwip Travellers' As- May 26, 1980 an inset map of eastern sociation, the Shantipur Travellers' parts of India, Bangladesh and Bhutan Association, the MLAs, the Chairman has been published on page 12. The of Municipalities and also the Joint whole of Assam and Skkim have been Committee of Passengers Associations shown in a different colour from the and RaHwaymen's organisations of rest of Ilndia. Sealdah Division etc.
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