NEW STORE CONCEPT Guidelines for Point-Of-Sale elements (UK) June 2015 VISPRING CONTENTS 2 VISPRING STORE CONCEPT PART I: VISPRING IS CHANGING ........................................... 1 4 PART II: NEW STORE CONCEPT ............................................. 1 7 PART III: APPLICATION: AND SO TO BED, KINGS ROAD ............ 14 PART IV: OTHER APPLICATIONS ...........................................19 VISPRING STORE CONCEPT IN DETAILS PART I: THE ATMOSPHERE ................................................... 25 PART II: THE TOOLS – STANDARD POS ITEMS ........................ 27 PART III: THE TOOLS – NON- STANDARD POS ITEMS ................ 49 CONTACT ........................................................................... 66 VISPRING STORE CONCEPT 4 PART I VISPRING IS CHANGING VISPRING DISCOVER A NEW WORLD 5 Handcrafted with the finest natural materials, Vispring beds have always been synonymous with craftsmanship, excellence and luxury. While that remains as true today as it was more than a century ago, Vispring itself is evolving. Vispring is much more than an exquisitely comfortable mattress. For consumers the world over, it offers the gateway to a distinctly desirable way of life. Day and night are a whole, a unity, one way to achieve a truly harmonious existence. A day that follows a night in a Vispring bed is full of potential, emotions and the positive energy that makes dreams come true. ‘Sleep well, live better’, this is the seductive promise the brand makes to people. The new world of Vispring is a place of comfort, peace and poetry. It is a place of elegance and sophistication, founded on an instinctive appreciation of the things that really matter. It is luxurious yet understated, exclusive and idealistic. It is the world the customers enter when they purchase a Vispring bed. VISPRING VISPRING, THE REFERENCE IN THE LUXURY BEDDING INDUSTRY 6 In 2014, the iconic English brand opened an exciting new chapter in its distinguished history, launching a comprensive global marketing strategy that clearly aims at asserting itself as the undisputed reference in luxury bedding. As part of this new global marketing strategy, Vispring presented a new visual corporate identity accompanied by a bold new advertising campaign that has been featured in high end magazines across the globes. The brand new Brand and Product brochures gave the brand a fresh and luxurious feel. 2015 will be the time to introduce this new philosophy and brand image to the shops with a new and exclusive Vispring store concept. This store concept will be revived to help the retailers giving consumers the peaceful and serene shopping experience they deserve; again, reinforcing Vispring’s position as a luxury purchase for a sophisticated consumer. 7 PART II NEW STORE CONCEPT VISPRING THE NEW STORE CONCEPT 8 By emphasising its core differences such as its philosophy “sleep well, live better”, its British heritage, its specific know-how and a distinctive lifestyle signature, Vispring aims at creating a genuine brand experience and establish a unique relationship with the customer. The objectives of Vispring’s exclusive store concept are as follows: • To strengthen the brand’s luxury positioning • To guide the consumer throughout specific areas in the showroom in order to create a unique Vispring shopping journey • To make the process of the bed purchase easier, clarifying the offer and focusing on the products’ benefits. Vispring’s new store concept relies on a double angle of inspiration that can be summarised as “a workshop in a gallery”: a ‘workshop’ - illustrated through tradition, know-how, heritage and handcrafting - treated with the codes of an ‘art gallery’ – through aspirational visuals, modernity and refinement. The consumer will enjoy a unique shopping experience. Immersed into an exclusive universe and guided into the different areas of the showroom, he will discover an inspiring brand and luxurious products through an artistic and contemporary angle. VISPRING A WORKSHOP IN A GALLERY A UNIQUE JOURNEY FOR THE CONSUMER 9 AREA 1: WELCOME TO VISPRING AREA 2: THE WORKSHOP AREA AREA 3: THE BED AREA AREA 4 : THE SEATING AREA VISPRING A WORKSHOP IN A GALLERY KEY AREAS OF THE CONCEPT 10 AREA 1: WELCOME TO VISPRING Imagine a place of comfort and poetry. A haven of elegance and sophistication. This is the world of Vispring. An ‘entrance door’ as the first visual impact to discover the brand. Immediately recognisable due to its ‘yellow touch’, synonymous with light, energy, warmth and positivity, it presents the brand through its new corporate codes and philosophy. VISPRING A WORKSHOP IN A GALLERY KEY AREAS OF THE CONCEPT 11 AREA 2: THE WORKSHOP AREA A workshop to learn and understand about the Vispring brand and product offer. Artistic visuals illustrate Vispring’s unique heritage, expertise and know-how. A furniture cabinet presents and stores the essentials (natural fillings, springs) and the complete range of accessories (fabrics, legs, pillows, duvets). VISPRING A WORKSHOP IN A GALLERY KEY AREAS OF THE CONCEPT 12 AREA 3: THE BED AREA A product area to experience Vispring’s unique comfort. The bed is the star. An alcove, a carpet, a discrete light help to create some intimacy and well-being while testing the bed. Consistent with the communication strategy, an inspiring view accompanies it to remind the consumer the benefit of one night in a Vispring bed. VISPRING A WORKSHOP IN A GALLERY KEY AREAS OF THE CONCEPT 13 AREA 4: THE SEATING AREA An intimate area to relax and enjoy the shopping experience. A cocooning atmosphere, around a cup of English tea, is created to allow the consumer to enjoy some time off and to continue learning about Vispring aided by the brochures and short videos. 14 PART III APPLICATION: AND SO TO BED, KINGS ROAD VISPRING A WORKSHOP IN A GALLERY AND SO TO BED, KINGS ROAD 15 AREA 1: WELCOME TO VISPRING VISPRING A WORKSHOP IN A GALLERY AND SO TO BED, KINGS ROAD 16 AREA 2: THE WORKSHOP AREA VISPRING A WORKSHOP IN A GALLERY AND SO TO BED, KINGS ROAD 17 AREA 3: THE BED AREA VISPRING A WORKSHOP IN A GALLERY AND SO TO BED, KINGS ROAD 18 AREA 4: THE SEATING AREA 19 PART IV OTHER APPLICATIONS VISPRING LINEAR STUDIO 20 OPTION 1 A mmaajeessttic sennssee oof lluuuxxxuryryy,, instinstinccttiivvvee VViissppringi ttailoor--maakkees itts beb ddss to yyourr VViissspprinng helh pps yoou disscccoovere tthhhe vveryy bbeeesst WWhhheenn sles eepp is ssuublimee, ittss bbeeenneeffits iimbuue annnd withhouutt equaequuall. oowwnn iindivvidduuaal neeeeddss. ooff yoouurrsseellf. eeaachh wwaakingg mmoomeenntt. 6,*1$725< %$521(7683(5% &2521(7 3DUWQHUVWKH9LFHUR\'LYDQ 3DUWQHUVWKH'H/X[H'LYDQ 3DUWQHUVWKH%R[VSULQJ'HOX[H3UHPLXP 0$67(53,(&(683(5% '(9216+,5( 3DUWQHUVWKH%R[VSULQJ6WDWHVPDQ 3DUWQHUVWKH:RRO'H/X[H'LYDQ MATTRESS FINEST QUALITY TICKING MATTRESS MATTRESS &$6+0(5( FINEST QUALITY TICKING FINEST QUALITY TICKING +256(7$,/ +256(+$,5 MATTRESS 6,/. 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