A TRANSIT MASTER PLAN FOR RHODE ISLAND Transportation Advisory Committee April 25, 2019 INTRODUCTION SCOPE OVERVIEW What is Rhode Island’s transit vision? What investments will enable the vision to be achieved? How can existing funding be maximized? What are new funding opportunities? What policies are needed to ensure success? GOALS Make transit attractive and compelling Connect people to life’s activities Grow the economy and improve quality of life Ensure financial and environmental sustainability EXISTING SERVICES A STRONG MULTIMODAL FOUNDATION 53 RIPTA Routes 7 RIPTA Flex Zones 3 MBTA Commuter Rail Stations (+ 1 in construction) 3 Amtrak Intercity Rail Stations 1 Seasonal Public Ferry Route ADA Paratransit 3,100+ public park-ride spaces Intercity Bus Connections OVER 18 MILLION RIDERS PER YEAR RIPTA 16.2 million MBTA Rail 1.1 million Amtrak 950,000 RIDOT Ferry 43,000 HIGHER BUS RIDERSHIP THAN IN OTHER CITIES • RIPTA’s ridership much higher Annual Bus Ridership and City Size than in New England peer cities • RIPTA also serves more riders than transit systems in many larger cities, including Kansas City, Nashville, and Indianapolis 8 VERY HIGH RAIL RIDERSHIP MBTA’s Providence Line has highest ridership in Boston’s commuter rail system Providence Station: 3,813 weekday passenger trips Highest ridership MBTA station outside of Boston 11th busiest Amtrak station (out of 532 in U.S.) in 2017 TF Green/Warwick = 450 weekday passenger trips Wickford Junction = 464 weekday passenger trips 9 MANY HIGH RIDERSHIP LOCATIONS Ridership is strongest in the urban core Over 1,000 transit riders board each day at: • Kennedy Plaza • Providence Station • Pawtucket Transit Center • Broad Street @ Lockwood (R-Line) • Goff/Exchange in Pawtucket (R-Line) Transit Forward RI 2040 A Wide Spectrum of Rhode Islanders Use RIPTA's Services 53% of RIPTA riders live in Providence, and RIPTA riders are another 10% live in Pawtucket. relatively evenly distributed across age groups. The largest share of riders (23%) are between 18 and 24. Just under half (47%) of RIPTA riders are White. An additional 19% are Hispanic, and Transit Forward18% RI 2040 are African A Wide SpectrumAmerican/Black. of Rhode Islanders Use RIPTA's Services 53% of RIPTA riders live in Providence, and RIPTA riders39% are of RIPTA another 10%Riders live in use Pawtucket. relatively evenlyriders have Transit Forward RI 2040 RIPTA services distributeda across household forA Widevarious Spectrum trip of Rhode Islanders Use RIPTA's Services age groups.income The less than Transit Forward RI 2040 purposes - not RIDERS:largest share$10,000 of RIPTA a year. just commuting A Wide Spectrum of Rhode Islanders Use RIPTA's Services riders (23%) are 53% of RIPTA riders live in Providence, and between 18 and 24. toRIPTA work. riders are another 10% live in Pawtucket. relatively evenly distributed across 53% of RIPTA riders live in Providence, and Transit Forward RI 2040 RIPTA riders are anotherJust under 10% live in Pawtucket. age groups. The relatively evenly half (47%) of A largestWide Spectrum share of of Rhode Islanders Use RIPTA's Services 81% of RIPTA riders do not have distributed across RIPTA riders riders (23%) are access to a vehicle. age groups. The are White. An between 18 and 24. 53% of RIPTA riders live in Providence, and largest share of additional 19% RIPTA riders are are Hispanic, and another 10% live in Pawtucket. riders (23%) are relatively evenly 18% are African between 18 and 24. distributedJust under across American/Black.42 agehalf groups. (47%) Theof largestRIPTA share riders of Just under ridersare White. (23%) Anare 39% of RIPTA half (47%) of Riders use betweenadditional 18 and19% 24. riders have RIPTA riders RIPTA services are Hispanic, and a household for various trip 18% are African are White. An income less than purposes - notJust American/Black. under additional 19% $10,000 a year. are Hispanic, and just commutinghalf (47%) of 18% are African to work. RIPTA riders are White. An American/Black. 39% of RIPTA Riders use additionalriders have 19% RIPTA services area householdHispanic, and for various trip 81% of RIPTA riders do not have 18%income are African less than 39% of RIPTA American/Black. purposes - not Ridersaccess use to a vehicle. $10,000 a year. riders have just commuting RIPTA services a household to work. for various trip income less than purposes - not 39% of RIPTA 42 Riders use $10,000 a year. riders have just commuting RIPTA services a household to work. for various trip income of less RIPTA than riders do not have 81% purposes - not $10,000access toa year. a vehicle. just commuting to work. 81% of RIPTA riders do not have access to a vehicle. 42 81% of RIPTA riders do not have access to a vehicle. 42 42 Chapter Two | Rhode Island’s Transit Service Most Commuter Rail Riders are Traveling to and from Work in Boston | Rhode Island’s Transit Service ChapterChapter Two Two | Rhode Island’s Transit Service 42% of commuter Most riders reach rail riders are Mosttheir Commuter boardingMost Commuter Rail Riders Rail are Riders Traveling are Traveling to and from to and Work from in Work Boston in Boston between the ages station by car, by of 45 and 64. either parking at Nearly one quarter 42%or near of commuter a station42% of commuter Most ridersMost riders reach reach are between 25 ( ) or getting rail57% riders arerail riders are their boardingtheir boarding and 34. dropped of (24%). between thebetween ages the ages stationstation by car, by by car, by of 45 and 64.of 45 and 64. either eitherparking parking at at Nearly oneNearly quarter one quarter or nearor a near station a station are between 25 ( ) or getting are between 25 (57%) or57% getting The overwhelming Riders useand rail 34. dropped of ( ). 24% Chapter Two | Rhode Island’s Transit Service majority of andservice 34. almost dropped of (24%). commuter rail exclusively for work Most Commuter Rail Riders are Traveling to and from Work in Boston riders (85%) are or work-related White. trips. The overwhelming Riders use rail The overwhelmingmajority of Ridersservice 42%use railof almostcommuter Most riders reach RIDERS:majority of COMMUTERcommuter rail RAIL serviceexclusivelyrail almost riders are for work their boarding commuter ridersrail (85%) are exclusivelyorbetween work-related for workthe ages station by car, by riders (85%White.) are or work-relatedtripsof 45. and 64. either parking at White. trips. Nearly one quarter or near a stationChapter Two | Rhode Island’s Transit Service 52% of riders Where do Rhode Island 50% South Station are between 25 (57%) or getting have an annual passengers alight? Most Commuter Rail Riders are Traveling to and from Work in Boston 32% Back Bay Station and 34. dropped of (24%). household income over 8% Ruggles Station $100,000. 52% of riders Where do of Rhodecommuter Island 50% South Station Most riders reach 6% Providence Station 42% have an annual railThepassengers riders overwhelming are alight? theirRiders boarding use rail 52% of riders Where do Rhode Island 50%32% South Back Station Bay Station household 4% Other betweenmajority ofthe ages stationservice by almost car, by have an annual passengers alight? income over ofcommuter 45 and 64. rail 32%8% Back Ruggles Bay Station Station eitherexclusively parking for at work household$100,000. Nearlyriders (one85% quarter) are oror near work-related a station Top 3 Destination Cities 77% Boston, MA are between 25 6% Providence Station (57%) or getting 94% of commuter rail riders have at income over White. 8% Ruggles Station trips. $100,000. and 34. dropped of (24%). least one vehicle in their household; 8% Cambridge, MA 6% Providence4% Other Station nearly three-quarters have two or 6% Providence, RI more vehicles. 4% Other Top 3 Destination Cities 77% Boston, MA 94% of commuter rail riders have at The overwhelming Riders use rail least one vehicle in their household; 43 8% Cambridge, MA Top 3 Destinationmajority52% of ridersof Cities Boston, MA Whereservice do almost Rhode Island 50% South Station nearly three-quarters have two or 77% 94% of commuter rail riders have at commuterhave an annual rail 6% Providence, RI exclusivelypassengers for work alight? more vehicles. 32% Back Bay Station least one vehicle in their household; ridershousehold (85%) are 8% Cambridge, MA or work-related nearly three-quarters have two or White. trips. income over 6% Providence, RI 43 8% Ruggles Station more vehicles. $100,000. 6% Providence Station 43 4% Other 52% of riders WhereTop 3 doDestination Rhode Island Cities 50%77% South Boston, Station MA have94% ofan commuter annual rail riders have at passengers alight? 32% Back Bay Station householdleast one vehicle in their household; 8% Cambridge, MA nearly three-quarters have two or income over 8%6% Ruggles Providence, Station RI $100,000.more vehicles. 6% Providence Station 43 4% Other Top 3 Destination Cities 77% Boston, MA 94% of commuter rail riders have at least one vehicle in their household; 8% Cambridge, MA nearly three-quarters have two or 6% Providence, RI more vehicles. 43 DEMAND FOR TRANSIT DEMAND FOR LOCAL SERVICE VARIES GREATLY ACROSS RI From very high in Metro Area to extremely low in rural areas Some growth, but similar patterns of demand over next 20 years Large variations in demand require different solutions across the state SERVICES NEED TO BE MATCHED WITH DEMAND One size does not fit all There are many ways to provide transit service To be effective, services must be matched to markets THERE IS DEMAND FOR MUCH BETTER SERVICE WITHIN THE URBAN CORE Within Providence
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