Spring 1995 Vol 15. No.2 Secularism in Islamic Countries • Abortion Violence Critiques of The Bell Curve and the Cult of Lenin SPRING 1995, VOL. 15, NO. 2 ISSN 0272-0701 ~ ree áIÿ furl Contents Editor: Paul Kurtz 3 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Senior Editors: Vern Bullough, Thomas W. Flynn, Gerald Larue, Gordon Stein 4 THE MANY FACES OF FEMINISM Executive Editor: Timothy J. Madigan Managing Editor: Andrea Szalanski 4 Introduction: Who's a Fan of Virginia Woolf? Timothy J. Madigan Contributing Editors: 5 FI Interview: Camille Paglia on Freethought, Feminism, Robert S. Alley, Joe E. Barnhart, David Berman, H. James Birx, Jo Ann Boydston, Bonnie Bullough, and Iconoclasm Paul Edwards, Albert Ellis, Roy P. Fairfield, Charles W. Faulkner, Antony Flew, Levi Fragell, Adolf 8 Toward a Partnership Society Stuart Jordan Grünbaum, Marvin Kohl, Jean Kotkin, Thelma 13 Feminism, the Noble Lie Robert Sheaffer Lavine, Tibor Machan, Ronald A. Lindsay, Michael 17 Radical Feminism's Martin, Delos B. McKown, Lee Nisbet, John Novak, Skipp Porteous, Howard Radest, Robert Rimmer, Mistake Judith Sherven and James Sniechowski Michael Rockier, Svetozar Stojanovic, Thomas Szasz, 18 Feminism and Public Policy Joan Kennedy Taylor V. M. Torkunde, Richard Taylor, Rob Tielman Associate Editors: 21 FI Interview: Eleanor Smeal on Feminism Present and Future Molleen Matsumura, Lois Porter 23 Feminism and Modernity Rosi Braidotti Editorial Associates: 30 On Feminist Nomadism Barry Smith Doris Doyle, Thomas Franczyk, Roger Greeley, James Martin-Diaz, Steven L. Mitchell, Warren 31 Nomad, Come Home Ellen R. Klein Allen Smith 32 Nineteenth-Century Women of Freethought Carole Gray Cartoonist: Don Addis Chairman, CODESH. Inc.: Paul Kurtz 36 SECULARISM AND ENLIGHTENMENT IN Chief Development Officer: James Kimberly ISLAMIC COUNTRIES Public Relations Director: Norm R. Allen, Jr. Executive Director, Secular Organizations for 36 The Cairo Conference: A Hopeful Sign Paul Kurtz Sobriety: James Christopher 39 A Call for a New `Enlightenment' Ioanna Kuçuradi Chief Data Officer: Richard Seymour 40 Some Thoughts on Islamic Fundamentalism Vern L. Bullough Fulfillment Manager: Michael Cione Typesetting: Paul E. Loynes 42 POLAND TODAY: Graphic Designer: Jacqueline Cooke A CHALLENGE FOR SECULAR HUMANISM Audio Technician: Vance Vigrass Staff. 42 Poland's New Totalitarianism Marian Hillar Georgeia Locurcio, Anthony Nigro, Ranjit Sandbu 45 Humanist Activity in Poland Jan Wolenski Executive Director Emeritus: Jean Mlllholland 46 The Pope and the Myth of the Family Barbara Stanosz FREE INQUIRY (ISSN 0272-0701) is published quarterly by the Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism (CODESH, Inc.), a nonprofit corporation, 3965 Rensch 48 A Bicentennial Glance at The Age of Reason Frank Smith Road, Amherst, NY 14228-2713. Phone (716) 636-7571. Fax (716) 636-1733. Copyright 01995 by CODESH, Inc. Second-class postage paid at Amherst, N.Y., and at 51 REVIEWS additional mailing offices. National distribution by International Periodicals Distributors, Solana Beach, The Defense of Rationality, Alberto Hidalgo Tuñón / Reflections on California. FREE INQUIRY Is available from University the Cult of Lenin, Paul Kurtz / Scientist Nitwit Atheist Proves Microfilms and is indexed in Philosophers' Index. Printed in the United States. Existence of God, Vcior J. 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Postmaster: Send address changes to FREE INQUIRY, Box 664, Amherst, Cover art by Bruce Adams. NY 14226-0664. Declaration" is quoted: "We do not think it is moral to baptize infants, to confirm Letters to the Editor adolescents, or to impose a religious creed on young people before they are able to consent. Although children should learn about the history of reli- Culture Wars a person wise enough to run people's gious/moral practices, these minds lives? should not be indoctrinated in the faith Paul Kurtz ("Culture Wars Intensify," FI, Remember, we are concerned with eth- before they are mature enough to evalu- Winter 1994/95) expresses surprise over ical values. It is ethically wrong to force a ate the merits for themselves." the 1994 elections, and evaluates the person to do something with his money It seems here that humanists are trying political options now alive. What are our that he does not want to do. Yes, libertari- to deny to others the freedom they claim chances for secular ethical values to pre- ans want to end all taxes, because taxation for themselves—they themselves want to vail? He separates into two "senses of is theft. Find a difference. indoctrinate young minds. Why do freedom" conservativism and liberalism. humanists have the right to impose a He distrusts the conservatives who are Everett De Jager humanist creed on young people before willing to trust you and me with econom- Cincinnati, Ohio they are able to consent? ic freedom, but want to control our per- A couple of letters to the editor in that sonal liberties and put God in charge. The Paul Kurtz replies: issue provide further examples of this liberals favor personal, but not financial, mindset. Sidney Kash describes how he liberties. FREE INQUIRY tries to take no political would indoctrinate children: "If they do I place Kurtz with the liberals. He position per se. Secular humanists may not get religious training, they should be fears economic liberty and criticizes lib- differ on a wide range of political and provided with a basis in science and skep- ertarians as extremists who want to end economic measures. Some are liberals, ticism. ... To introduce science, I suggest all government taxation and regulation. some are libertarians, and some are con- reading about biology (including the evo- He fears powerful corporations and sup- servatives. lutionary progression of animals) and ports a mixed economy in which these Our editorial staff includes one astronomy. Children ages three to five are powers are regulated by elected represen- Republican, one Independent, two not too young. Taking a leaf from religion, tatives. Democrats, and one Libertarian. it is important to expose children early to When I examine my condition of life Speaking for myself only, I said in my modern scientific views of the world at age seventy-five and ask what corpo- editorial that I believe in balance: in a around us...." rations have done to me, I look around free market economy with some govern- If parents shouldn't impose their nar- and see two cars in my garage, a com- ment regulation. Huge multi-national row ideas on their children, how do we puter on my desk, a TV and VCR in the corporations have enormous power and prevent it? Thought police? It's scary. living room, an excellent hi-fi system, they are gobbling up small and mid-sized Some parents will be allowed to pass their good furniture, a heating and air condi- firms everywhere. Granted, one should values on but others will not. tioning system that works fine, and lots not trust big government; on the other more. I also see a retirement package that hand,the implicit faith that large corpo- Francis M. Brislawn accumulated while I worked for a corpo- rations if unregulated would be benefi- Laramie, Wyo. ration. cent is questionable. As corporations When I ask what government regula- pursue their own bottom lines, the public Paul Kurtz replies: tions have done for me, I find that the good may not always be realized. Hence, cable TV that now serves me was in my view, we need the government to We were simply saying that children delayed thirty years. Medication that I play some role as a countervailing force have the right to cultural enrichment may need in a few years will likely still to defend the public interest. and educational opportunities. This be delayed by the Food and Drug It is one thing to reduce high taxes and includes learning about science and how Administration, and when it is finally excessive regulation, but to call for the to think. If parents are not allowed to available will cost ten times as much to reduction of all taxes and regulation is beat or abuse their children or deny pay for the bureaucratic process and surely extremist. them food, then they should not deny delay. I could name many other "bene- them the benefits of a well-rounded edu- fits" of government regulation, but you cation. This moral principle is widely get the idea. In "Notes from the Editor" (FI, Fall accepted by the democratic society. I am Mr. Kurtz, please describe the dangers 1994) the question is raised: What right surely not calling for thought police; of the large corporations. Exactly what do parents have to impose their own nar- merely advocating the right of a child to bad things can corporations do that must row and chauvinistic ideas on their off- an education. be regulated by elected representatives? spring? Further down in this article a Does getting elected automatically make principle of the "Secular Humanist (Continued on p.
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