6384 NOTICES burg, PA and will take place for approximately 45 min- CAPITOL utes. Then the group will travel to the new facility PRESERVATION COMMITTEE (individuals must provide their own transportation) at 2221 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA. Individuals will Request for Proposals review the new storage facility along with the receiving dock. The Committee expects this site walk through to CPC 19.168: Moving of Civil War Battle Flags. The take approximately 45 minutes. Capitol Preservation Committee (Committee) is the stew- Proposal Receipt Date ard of the Commonwealth’s historic Civil War battle flag collection. Recently the Committee established a new The proposal receipt date is November 20, 2019, at 2 repository for the collection. The Civil War flags must be p.m. All proposals must remain firm for 60 calendar days relocated to the new repository. from the date that the proposal is opened. Purpose Contact The purpose of this request is to enable the safe Contact Tara Pyle at [email protected] for more transfer of the Civil War battle flags from 10th and information. A $25 deposit will be required for the Market Streets, Harrisburg, PA to the new flag facility documents. located at 2221 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA. DAVID L. CRAIG, General Scope of Work Executive Director • All the labor. [Pa.B. Doc. No. 19-1581. Filed for public inspection October 25, 2019, 9:00 a.m.] • All material. • All protection. • The work must be so sequenced, arranged and sched- uled that the occupants/contractors of the surrounding offices/property and areas above, below and adjacent to the project sites can continue to occupy the facilities and DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE maintain work access and operations during the project. Program Requirements for the Agriculture and The contractor shall coordinate with other concurrent projects at the buildings and coordinate activities. Youth Organization Grant Program • Contractor must make provisions for refuse material The Department of Agriculture (Department) hereby removal each day work is performed. • provides notice of the standards and requirements for the Need to coordinate construction activities including Agriculture and Youth Organization Grant Program (Pro- delivery access and parking with Federal Surplus Build- gram). ing Management. • Documentation: Documentation shall be submitted in The Program is established under the authority of the electronic format (docx, pdf and tiff will be required) and act of July 1, 2019 (3 Pa.C.S. §§ 10301—10307), referred keyed to the accession number of each flag. All documen- to as the Agriculture and Youth Development Grant tation shall become the sole property of the Committee, Program Act (act). The Program allows the Department to whether written, pictorial, graphic or otherwise. award direct grants and matching grants to help fund • eligible projects, programs and equipment purchases con- Expertise: Defined as a Fellow member in good ducted or made by organizations that are composed standing of the American Institute for Conservation and mainly of youth and are organized to promote develop- having relevant experience in handling, packing (crating) ment in the areas of agriculture, community leadership, and transporting historic textiles of the same or similar vocational training and peer fellowship. nature as the historic Civil War battle flags. • Provide for museum quality, secure transportation of This notice establishes the policy guidelines for the the Civil War battle flags, in accordance with American Program. It establishes the process by which grant appli- Alliance of Museums standards. cations will be solicited and reviewed, and by which • grants will be awarded, drawing on $500,000 in funding Inventory and index (identify) each flag according to available in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-2020. existing rolling flag rack location and placement/position. • Document the existing condition of each flag prior to For this initial year of the Program, the Department packaging, to enable assessment upon delivery to the new will consider a prospective applicant organization to be facility. composed mainly of ‘‘youth’’ if most of its membership is • 24 years of age or younger, and will accept applications Moving of the current existing rolling flag racks from schools or school districts to help fund eligible including covers and accessory items. projects conducted by or for the benefit of agriculture and • All proposers shall attend the preproposal meeting. youth organizations operated under the applicant school Schedule for Completion or school district. The Department may revise these All work associated with this purchase order shall be policy guidelines in subsequent years, as the Department completed no later than April 10, 2020. gains experience in administering the Program. This document has been developed in consultation with Proposal Release Date the State Agriculture and Youth Development Board The proposal release date is October 26, 2019. (Board). Preproposal Walk Through 1. Program objectives. The Program’s objective is to A preproposal walk through will be held on November provide grants to eligible agriculture and youth organiza- 6, 2019, at 10 a.m. The preproposal walk through will tions to help fund projects such as educational programs, begin at the 10th and Market Street facility in Harris- work force development programs, eligible seminars and PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 49, NO. 43, OCTOBER 26, 2019 NOTICES 6385 field trips, agricultural safety training programs, capital d. Grant money may not be used to pay or reimburse projects, equipment purchases and special projects, as wages or salaries of grant recipient staff. approved by the Board. e. Grant money may not be used to reimburse any 2. Definitions. The following words and phrases apply portion of the project costs which are being paid or to the Program: reimbursed under another Federal or State grant pro- Agriculture and youth organization. An organization gram. composed mainly of youth and organized to promote 7. Application procedure. development in the areas of agriculture, community lead- ership, vocational training and peer fellowship. The term a. Online Applications Only. An applicant for a grant includes, but is not limited to, Pennsylvania FFA, 4-H, Ag under the Program shall be submitted through the Com- in the Classroom, the Family, Career and Community monwealth’s Single Application for Assistance online ap- Leaders of America and vocational education programs. plication system at www.esa.dced.state.pa.us. Board. The State Agriculture and Youth Development b. Application Window. Applications must be submitted Board. through the Single Application for Assistance online Department. The Department of Agriculture of the application system between 8 a.m. on October 26, 2019, Commonwealth. and 4:59 p.m. on November 29, 2019. Applications re- ceived outside of that application window will not be Eligible project. One or more of the following, approved considered or reviewed. by the Board: c. Application Requirements. An application for a grant a. A special project conducted by an agriculture and under the Program shall contain the following informa- youth organization. tion: b. An educational or work force development program conducted by an agriculture and youth organization. i. The applicant’s name, business address and contact information. c. Educational or work force development seminars and field trips conducted by an agriculture and youth organi- ii. A brief narrative explaining how the applicant is an zation. agriculture and youth organization. d. An agricultural safety training program conducted iii. A statement as to whether the applicant seeks a by an agriculture and youth organization. direct, non-matching reimbursement grant or a matching reimbursement grant, as these are previously described in e. A capital project or an equipment purchase for an section 5. agriculture and youth organization. Program. The Agriculture and Youth Organization iv. The details of the project or equipment purchase for Grant Program. which reimbursement grant money is sought, including the following: 3. Eligibility. An agriculture and youth organization may apply to the Department for a grant under the A. A project budget. Program. For an organization to be eligible to apply, most B. A statement of the maximum amount of grant of its membership must be 24 years of age or younger. A money sought for the project. school or school district may apply to receive grant funds for an eligible project conducted by or for the benefit of an C. A project implementation schedule, a construction agriculture and youth organization that is operated under schedule or an equipment purchase plan, as appropriate that school or school district. for the project or purchase with respect to which the grant is sought. 4. Annual allocation limit for FY 2019-2020. The an- nual allocation limits for grant funds under the Program D. A narrative identifying each entity that will assist shall be as presented in section 5, on a funds-available in, participate in and benefit from the project. basis. v. An attestation signed by the applicant, verifying the 5. Grant types. There are two different types of grants accuracy of the information presented on the application. that can be awarded under the Program: 8. Disposition and review of grant applications. a. Direct, non-matching reimbursement grants of up to $7,500 to defray the costs of an eligible project, other a. The Department will review each application, and than a capital project; and supporting documentation submitted therewith, for com- b. Matching reimbursement grants of up to $25,000 to pleteness and accuracy, and shall determine whether the defray the costs of an eligible capital project or equipment application is eligible for consideration by the Board. purchase, where the grant comprises no more than 50% of b. If an application is found to be incomplete or the project costs. inaccurate, the Department may request additional docu- 6. Limitations on grants. The following shall apply: mentation and may discontinue further processing of the application until the requested information is received.
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