I ·7810 • CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. OCTOBER 5, ,. · Also, ev!denee in the case of Ellja Edington, to nccompany to SenOtors oi'· the United Stntes. The Chair hns no desire to Bouse bill 6428; to tlhe Committee on Invalid Pensions. avoid any responsibility nor to prevent any citizen of the United Also, evidence in the case of W. N. Bridges, to accompany States from petitioning the Congress of the United States. That I House bill 6427; to the Committee on Inv-alid Pensions. is the inherent right of an American citizen. But the present l Also, evidence in the case of David M. Bedwell, to aecompany occupant has very serious doubts as to whether it is the bust· _House bill 6438_; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ness of the Chair to be made the medium of presenting to the Also, eridence in the case of 1ohn R. Lane, to accompany Senate of the United States all sorts of petitions that citizens House bill 6433 ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. desire to send. Each f;)tate in this Republic is represented here I Also, endence in the case of J"ohn 1\Iallett, to accompany by two Senators, .and' the Chair is slowly gravitating toward 1 Bouse 'bill 6434; to the Committee on In·mlld Pensions. the opinion that the. ·citizens of the several States- should Al o, evidence in the ease of .Tames A. Padgett, to accompany · p1-esent their petitions- to the Senate of the United States , Rouse bill 6435; to the Committee on Inv-alid Pensions. through the Se~utQrs ttom t~ose ~tes rather than impose the Also, evidence in the ease -of .rohn W. Ramsen, to accompany duty and respOO;sib,ilit:f?p ~lie ·Cllalr· .of' doing those things. Bouse bill 6439; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. • I do not know· wha1: tb.i!' rtght..is ~ or the duty is. I wish before .Al o, evidence in the case of Virgil 0. Adams, to accompany the next ion of Congr~s that the Committee on Rule3 House bill 6426; to the Committee on Pensions. would formulate· some mle on the subject of the presentation Also, evidence in the case o:f Cad W. SaY:age, t<> accompany - of petitions. My mail is loaded with all sorts of things that I House bill 6437; to th-e ()ommittee on Pen.swns. do not get either the time o1· the opportunity to examine, and Also, evidence in the case of George W~oner, to accompany that I do not think 1 ought to examine. House bill ·6436; to .the Committee on Pensions. T.he Senate will receive a me sage from the House of Repre- By l\fr. CARY: Protest against antmnobile ta:x in House ·bill sentatives. 6:110; to the Committee On Ways and feans. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Also, protest against the :increase in second~ "PO tnl rates A m age from the House, by J. C. South, its Chief Olerk, an- through zone system; to the Committee on the Post Office and nounced that the House had pas ed the bill (S. 2900) to .an· Post Roads. · · w·l fhorize the con trnction, ntainten..'l.Dce, and operation of a bridge By l\1r. HILLIARD: Petition of Charles 0. Thibodeau, 1 - aero s Little Ri\er, in Poinsett Colllilty, Ark., at or near the Ham T. Ohild, and 85 others, praying 'for the -establishment of · section line behYeen sections 35 and 86, township 11 nortJ1, nati{)n-w.ide prohibition; to the Committee on the lntliciary. range 6 east. By l\lr. JOHNSON o-:f WAShington! Petition of the Laymen's The mes age also announced that the House had agreed to Association, Ptlget Sound (Wash.) Annual Conference, 1\Ietho- S dist Episcopal Churcn opposing a , premature peace .. ; to the enate conctirrent resolution No. 12 providing for the setting Committee on Foreign~ An'airs. aside of a day of prayer for the succ.ess of tl'le American Armies . in the pending war. By Mr. RAKER: Protest of J.ohn A. O'Connell, ecretary The message furth€'.r announced that the House had passed Labor Council, San Frflfl£iseo, CaL against constitutional Pl'o- the bill (S. 2203) for the establishment of Northgate, in the hibition as means of promoting temperance; to the Committee State of North Dakota, as a port of entry for im:mediate .trans· on the .Judiciary. · t t• ·th Al o, resolution .a-dopted by ihe Naticrnul Association of Master por a wn WI out appraisement of dutiable merchandise, with Bakers, indorsing the ~tn.ndard-nrice bills,· to the Committee an amendm~mt, in which it requested the concurrence of the 1"' Senate. on Agriculture. · Also, resoluti(}n by district board, division 1, Southern Cali- The me age also announced that the House had pas ed the fornia, urging leg.Ulation to procure a moratorium .on all in- bill (S. 2527) authorizing the appointment of chaplains at large debteUI1e of soldier; and snilors; to the Committee on the for tlle Unlted States Army, with an amendment, in which it Teque ted the concurrence of the Senate. · Judiciary. · The me sage further requested the return to the House of By Mr. TAGUE: Resolutions from fixe delegates, represent- Rept·esentatives of the bill (H. R. 527~) authorizing appoint­ ing 32 Irish county organizations of Greater Bcr.:,"i.on, appealing ment of <·haplains at large for the United States Army. for ju tice ~or their :race; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The me sage also t!nnoun-ced that the House h-ad passed a bill (H. R. 6361.) to extend protection to the civil rights of member of the l\Iilitary and Naval E tablish.ments of the SENATE. United States engaged in the present war; in which it requested FRIDAY., Oct-ober 5, 1917. the concUITence of the Senate. The Senate met :at 11 o'clock a. m. PETITIONS. The Chaplain, P..e\. Forre t J'. Prettyman D. D., offered the l\Ir. RUSTING presented resolutions adopted by the Wood fo1Jo,Ting prayer: County Bar Association, of Grand Rapids, Wis. ; of tt41 Wis· Almighty God, we come to Thee in the m1dst of the bewilder- · consin League of Municipalities, of Racine, Wis.; of the Winne­ ment of our time , not knowing what a day may bring forth. bago County Veterans' A ~iation, of Menasha-Neenah, Wis.; ,We can not clearly read Thy way in humnn history. We can a,nd of sundry citizens of Kewannee, Wis., relative to the public not see the end from the experience we haYe bad of Thy touch utterances of the Senator from Wiscon in Mr. L.A FoLLETl'E; and word upon human life. But we are Ul"e in the center of which were referred to the Committee on 1>rivileges and Elec- our own li\es of the purene of our purpose and way, and tions. · our faith bridges the chasm of uncertainty that lies before us l\Ir. WATSON presented resolutions ·adopted by the Cotmcil , and anticipates the prize-the ptize of the calling of God in of Defen e of Knox County. Ind. ; ·of B. J. Crosswait·. Po t .150, this great Nation. Grant u.s Thy continu.al blessing and pres- Grand Army of the Republic, of Angola, Ind.; and of sundry ence and guidance. We ask fur Chri t ake. Amen. citizens of Connersville, Ind., relative to the -public utterances The Secretary proceeded to read tile Journal of the pr.oceed- of the Senator from Wisconsin, Mr. LA FoLLETTE; w.hicb were ings of the legislatiYe day of Tuesday, October 2, 1917, when, referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. ~ on reque t of Mr. C.HAMBERLAL' .and b~· tm~nimous consent, REPORTS OF coMMITTEE . the further reading was dispensed '\Yith and the .Journal was approv-ed. • Mr. KING. From the Committee on the Judiciary, to which 1 . PETITION oF HANNIS T ..nLoR. was referred. the joint resolution ( S . .J. Res. ·12) proposing .an The VICE PRESIDE.:. ~T. The Chair lay befoTe the Senat~ . amendment to theiQops_titQ.tion of the United States p1:oviding n. petition to the Senate and Hou e of Representatives pre- for the election of President -and Vice Pre ident without the pared by Hanni . Taylor touching certain -constitutional qnes- intervention of the electoral college, establishing their term of tion.s with refer:ence to th~ National Arrn;r. The Chair is in office from the third Tuesday ·of January following their elec­ dc\lbt as to where it ought to be ref:erred whether to the Com- tion, and fixing the time when the terms of 8enators and Rep~·e· mittee on 1\filitary Affairs or to the Judiciary·Committee. sentatives shall begin, I report it adver ely, and I submit a 1\fr. CHAJ.\1BERLAIN. I uggest that it go to the Committee report (No~ 165) tberoon. •# on 1\filitary Affair Mr. smELDS. I desire a few days in which to present ICE PRESIDE ~T 1 · 1 be ~-~' the views of the minority. The V ... · t wil so le.~.erred, then. The VICE PRESIDENT. The joint re olution will· go to the PETITIONS AND P.ll'EBS SENT TO TICE P:RESIDENT. calendar and that consent will be given. The VICEl PRESIDJilli..""T4 The Dhair desires to make an ob- Mr. ASHURST, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to servation and would like to have the ~dn-ce of th-e Couirnittee which wer~ _referred .tl:\e following bills, reported them each on Rules by the first day of the next e · ion.
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