The God Who Reveals Mysteries: Dreams and World Evangelization George H. Martin George H. Martin is M. Theron Introduction of written materials devoted solely to the Rankin Professor of Christian Missions The casual observer might suppose that place of dreams in missions is not great, a and Associate Dean of the Billy Graham dreams are the stuff of which Disney mov- quick search of the missiological journals School of Missions, Evangelism and ies are made. Mention the concept of produces some interesting results—an Church Growth at The Southern Baptist dreams, and many will return in their increasing number of dream reports, par- Theological Seminary. He has served memories to those childhood night- ticularly about seeing a white robed figure with the International Mission Board in dreams that either delighted or terrified. understood to be Jesus, and a correspond- Southeast Asia. Yet others, who have traveled along the ing call to pray for and employ dreams as . higher education highway, will hear the an important, even the most important, word “dreams” and immediately think of means of world evangelization. Sigmund Freud and his particular slant Today, reports of dreams and visions on such phenomena. Whatever one’s in which Jesus is seen declaring, “I am thoughts concerning dreams, it is clear the way,” are flooding out of Muslim that they are a frequent part of the human lands. According to Erich Bridges, there is experience, and “enlightened” Western “an increasing openness and turning to minds should not ignore the reality of Christ—often preceded by dreams or dreams when dealing with various cul- visions of him among potential converts.”1 tures and religions. Throughout human This article examines the phenomenon history, literature, religion, and the enter- of dreams, especially as it relates to the prise of daily living, one will discover the work of missions and evangelization existence of dreams. among the world’s Muslims. From differ- The second chapter of Daniel, in which ent, yet related, perspectives—a biblical the prophet explains to Nebuchadnezzar and historical overview and a look at that there is a “God who reveals myster- contemporary cultures and missiological ies” and who speaks through dreams emphases—the author will consider the (2:28), is only one of many instances in the place and value of dreams in contempo- Old Testament where God communicated rary missiological practices. by means of dreams or visions. Continu- ing throughout the New Testament, dreams A Biblical and Historical Overview and visions constitute an important means From biblical times, what have people by which God communicated with human thought about dreams? David Rountree, in beings. a weekly pastoral note to his congregation, Because of the recurrent reports of asked about finding answers to life’s dreams, particularly in missions contexts myriad questions.2 He noted that profess- around the world, today’s missiologists ing believers base their answers to impor- and missionaries are debating the role and tant questions on many different things: significance of dreams for missions and feelings, cultural mores and traditions of world evangelization. Though the number men, personal experience, etc. Then, quot- 60 ing from 2 Corinthians 10:5—that we are surprised that God would speak through to bring “every thought captive to the dreams. Nor will one find any shortage of obedience of Christ”—he wrote, “True dream and vision reports in other biblical Christianity is found only where there is materials. Dreams constitute one way an unceasing, sole reliance upon the all- among many that God speaks.4 sufficient Scripture for all matters of faith and practice.” The point is not that God Dreams and Visions in the never speaks through a small, inner voice, Old Testament through counsel from mature Christians, Over 120 times, a variation of “dream” through personal experiences, or through is found in the Old Testament.5 Represen- any number of other ways. The important tative texts include the announcement of matter is that all these means, by which judgment against Abimelech (Genesis 20), God might provide instruction, ultimately and, in contrast, promises given to Jacob must be brought to Scripture and tested in that he would receive the flocks of Laban its perfect and authoritative light. (Genesis 31). In dreams, God spoke Certainly, in considering something as through the prophets (Num 12:6). Dreams important as missiological method and were employed to give instruction (Job 33) strategy, it is essential that one starts with and to speak of the future (Genesis 37). God’s Word and allows that Word to Dreams, however, were not confined to the inform, direct, and evaluate the entirety of Old Testament era; the prophecy of Joel thought and practice. Thus, the biblical 2:28, which speaks of dreams being given, teaching about dreams and visions will is fulfilled in Acts 2:17. Thus, through provide a foundation from which the dreams, God announces judgment, phenomenon of dreams can be properly bestows promises, gives revelation, pro- understood. vides direction and instruction, and makes Again, the second chapter of Daniel available information about the future. reports that, in the second year of Nebu- In contemporary English usage, chadnezzar’s reign, the Babylonian king “dream” and “vision” are often used syn- dreamed troubling dreams, which neither onymously. In fact, in literature the two he nor his servants could interpret. When terms are juxtaposed—”dream vision”— the decree went out to find someone who creating “a poetic framework esp[ecially] could interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, popular in medieval literature in which the Daniel stepped forward and declared, poet pictures himself as falling asleep and “there is a God in heaven who reveals envisioning in his dream a series of alle- mysteries” (2:28).3 Daniel explained the gorical people and events.”6 So it is in the meaning of the dream, and Nebuchad- Old Testament.7 In Genesis 15:1, “the nezzar replied to him, “Surely your God is word of the Lord came to Abram in a a God of gods, and a Lord of kings and a vision.”8 In 1 Samuel 3:15, Samuel is pic- revealer of mysteries” (2:47). tured as afraid to relate his vision to Eli, a Dreams and visions were accepted as a vision9 that could be described as a dream. normal part of everyday existence in Nathan’s vision, reported in 2 Samuel 7 and Babylon and other ancient cultures. Nei- 1 Chronicles 17, functions in the same man- ther the king, his servants, Daniel, nor his ner as many dreams, that is, as a medium companions were in the slightest manner through which God speaks. On many 61 occasions, the prophets had dreams and appeared to Joseph in a dream and directed visions. Dreams were capable of convey- him and his family to safety in Egypt (Matt ing, not only truth, but also lies (Jer 14:14).10 2:13). The dreams continued as the Lord Whatever they conveyed, dreams and directed Joseph to return to the land of visions were understood to be communi- Israel (Matt 2:20). Matthew gives no cators of information. defense or explanation for the occurrence On several occasions, the biblical of these dreams; they are accepted as a nor- authors position the two terms together as mal means by which God communicates.12 if to use the one to define or clarify the Although the New Testament begins other: “Hear now My words: If there is a with these dream accounts, few dream prophet among you, I, the LORD, shall reports are found in the materials that make Myself known to him in a vision. I follow. Albrecht Oepke explained: shall speak with him in a dream” (Num 12:6); “In a dream, a vision of the night, There is an inner reason for this pau- city. To be sure, Christians When sound sleep falls on men, While they dreamed no less than other men of slumber in their beds, then He opens the their age. The point is, however, ears of men . .” (Job 33:15); “And the mul- that they regarded much fewer dreams as significant. The line found titude of all the nations who wage war in the OT is now fully developed. against Ariel, Even all who wage war Dreams are not wholly ruled out as against her and her stronghold, and who a means of divine revelation. Primitive Christianity is not hostile distress her, will be like a dream, a vision to dreams, but it is strongly critical. of the night” (Isa 29:7). In a case of Even when significance is accorded to a dream, it remains peripheral, poetic synonymous parallelism, Zophar limited to individual instances of explained to Job the ultimate end of the divine leading. Paul in his letters wicked: “He flies away like a dream, and mentions none of the notable dreams which he had in Ac[ts]. they cannot find him; Even like a vision of No NT witness ever thought of bas- the night he is chased away” (Job 20:8.).11 ing the central message, the Gospel, 13 When the Old Testament occurrences of or an essential part of it, on dreams. “vision” and “dream,” or their derivatives, The paucity of dream reports notwith- are counted, the number easily exceeds one standing, the New Testament writers hundred and sixty. Without a doubt, the accepted the idea that God communicates idea that God communicates to human to his people through dreams. Though beings through dreams and visions is wide- Luke employed different terms than Mat- spread in the Old Testament. thew, little doubt exists that Acts 10 reports The New Testament Record dream/vision activity in the lives of Cor- nelius and Peter.
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