University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-14-1903 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 02-14-1903 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 02-14-1903." (1903). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/449 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBDQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1003 thrco months' term of school in tho LAS VEGAS. Inches deep on tho floor, tho mlllm? Fnnlkncr district next Saturday. and pictures wero badly damaged nnd Mrs. Alex Maxwell, who has been From tho Record. carpets mined. Tho loss will bo qulto j 111 very at her homo nt Las Palomas, Is John W. Sullivan wns up from Cor-rlllo- heavy. Territorial Topics reported much better. H. S. Arnold Is In tho city looking Mrs. W. J. Wordcn has opened up n Mrs. J. S. Duncan was reported for heavy frclcht wneonn. Mr A SAN MARCIAu son, restaurant In tho Lennon building nnd among tho sick today. has a bljr Stranss her John S. Dodd, of Organ, N, M., contract hauling limestone Is doing a good business jagc-- 79 years 1 month ond 21 days. Tho condition of Mrs. R. G. McDon- for tho Corrlllos smelter and Is having -x From tlio Heo. A week ago Friday night Copper ivei:ed. Mrs. Dodd was In coun-ty- , last somo ald Is reported dliriculty to get rolling stock of suinc-len- t Mrs. C. V. Goodycar hns born Callaway ns somewhat Improved rented the Missouri, cntorprlsing person wont into W. M today. strength to hold down big Jient llttlu cottugo on whoro she spent her his tho road to Old childhood years Robins' corral and helped himself to a tennis. Ho Is known ns Town, owned by and tho of nor maturo Mrs. W. S. Hill, sister of Georgo P. tho best Francis Wilson, ond womanhood. Thirteen years ago horso. Up to date tho horse has not fiolghtor In Now Mexico wherever om will maku thnt her sho boon Money, Is lying nt tho point of death In residence I came to Now Moxlco, residing discovered or heavy work Is needed. Tim cattlemen of tho In Silver Hotel D!eu, El Pnso, Texas. territory nro City cloven years, and two years ago Henry Lyons and Felix Grundy wcro jrd wns received In thn cllv ro. nt;ltntliK tho crratlon of a ranger recently arrested charged with having The Lawrence Morcantllo company ccntly Harry taking up her homo In Organ with her has brought thnt K. Chnmborlnln, of force to protect thulr Interests In tho gathered In fresh beef not belonging to suit against Dionlcio Snn Sun Diego, California, outlying son and his family. chez to replevin had died there districts. them. They wcro brought boforo the 350 head of lambs, on Jnnunry 25 of bronchial nnoumnnln. Mra. Jordan Hodgcrs, who valued nt $700 and for damages legal case beforo Associate Justice tho grand Jury, has lcon From tho Citizen. JusMco of tho peace In tho Faulknor to tho nfter a short Illness. Mr. Chamber- - nesldos being placed with friends In extent of $75. Frank W. Parker today and will re n Nebraska for somo Arthur Frnkor had tho misfortune uf dlstrlc and waived examination and lain will bo remembered by many Las under $200 bond to keep tho peace. months, and JUBt concluded a week's gave bond appearance Win. Notbohm, who has been In tho main In town n few dnys looking after Crcscenclnno Gnllegos getting his forehead badly cut by nccl-dentl- y for their at tho Vegans ns having been In business In represented the visit Albu- - employ of Robt. Taupert legislative matters. with oia acquaintances In coming In contact with a glass uoxt term of district court. J. as watch this city In the early 80's. conducting Territory and Judgo F, D. Morso from - maker, left Oeonomo-woe- , Thoro wns n rumor In Inst quorque, reached San Mnrciat yester- door. Ho is doing nicely. It wns with regret that tho peoplo of for his homo In n Jewelry establishment on llrlilen circulation Snnta Rosa, represented tho defendant. klay Wis., recently, called evening and todny and hastened out to tho ranch. Mr. Nattresa, a I.caguo this section learned of tho death of there by street for sovornl years. Ho wob thnt William Astler National ball tho fcrtous Illness haB been frozen to K I LLING IN DOUGLAS. player, Is spending n few days Father P. Jos. liumcl, which occurred of his mother and married In this city to n daughter of death nch,.' Snn SOCORRO. with his brother. Pedro. Tho ronort wns broucht hum brother, Charlie, tho college. Mr. at Colorado, N. M., lost Monday. Ho Lewis Ltltz. who with a son Loo Bass, at Robt. W. Ross, of by Cornelius who Formerly of New Mexico. l was pastor of tho Catholic church hero Vnndalla. III., an survives him. Callahan. Astler, Is 'rom tho Chieftain. Nattrcss giving tho collego o Shot to Death by ball senator, of the a cattle buyer, started for San Pedro Frank Webb. Joo Hilton has been numbered among players somo good udvlco coach- with hcadquartors at Colorado. Tho About 11 and land ofllcc. clerk of tho Illinois Wisin. SANTA FE. several days ago to purchaso o'clock last night, nt a. h sick this week. ing. cause of his death was pneumonia, and stock. Faloon and tlvo house for three terms, nnd an old His lirother hns henrd nothlnc from gambling house of Lon Miss S. M. Howe, of Kelly, was a Major W. II. H. Llewellyn Is doing ins niiicss was brief. Deceased was Hnss, In Douglas, newspaper man, Is in tho city for From tho New him nnd on Monday sent n man out tn whllo Frank Wcb (visitor In Socorro. good work In tho legislature. Ho unlvcrsnlly liked nnd was n young man Mexican. .ind Ed McDonald has health reasons. trace him nnd sco whnt tho trouble Is. wcro looking around Mrs. Joseph 15. Smith has been quite introduced a number of bills, If passed, about 28 years of age. Tho remains Mrs. D. H. McMlllnn has l:ft fni Lon Dass, tho proprietor, Dr. Horsloy. of -- camo up to Im-m- El Pnso. nnd Me. As tiio w Mexican goes to In II two or will bo of great wcro burled at Colorado. Father rr Socorro, where sho expects to remain nresB il Webb for three days from on at benefit, not only In Ills Connell, of Las Crucos,, performed an learned nnd struck him over tho heart nek of erysipelas. own district, was n native of Germany. for somo time visiting Mr. and Mrs. thnt Astler, the missing butch- with a pistol but for tho territory In Lnr-razol- and snld: "D y Ml opcrntion ror appendicitis n Juan er, returned snfo and sound nfter-noo- Tho enrollment nt the School of gencrnl. itoss .McMillan. this Just kill you." son of O. A. Larrazolo. of thlB Ho had extended trip look- Mines for tho present year Is now at FARMINGTON. Justice Jose Mnria Garcln. slttlnir na his Webb whipped city. The Guad-alup- out his six shooter UfcMINti. operation wns successful and ing for beef cuttle to San Pablo, o nosi one-min- i larger any clty,mnglstrato, has heard tho cases of nnd shot Bass, who than for From tho Hustler. .Mr. Larrazolo, who had suffered great county. foil on tho floor irovlous year and is still Increasing. ly during Alberto .Martinez, Frank Illalr, Rodri- - (lend. From tho HcndliKht. Mrs. Rettn M. Allen will open a pri- tho past few, weeks. Is al Charles H. Jackson, of Evnnston, 111., A second shot from Wobb's ptsto! W. Lee Thompson, from tho Upper vate school Monday, for second, third ready Improving and In 'all probability , uV LORDSDURG. i rived In tho city to enter upon tho TTZ- went through McDonnld, who was In Doming and grndo lies in nlnlng engineering course at the iunnurcs, on Important fourth pupils. L,1"-- lZcosiVoMen iinys- In From the Liberal. critical condition. business. nodgcrs - John Is back again at his 7" mil R. E. who In School of Mli.cs. Mr. Jackson was a postmaster """"v . Keano. has worked the Tho shootlnj; caused considerable ex- Mrs. Rlchnrds Hudson wns called to post of duty In tho First Nntlonnl bank. of tho west sldn tmstnmnn. unlor at tho Northwestern university Ik n ,n8t w" 0 Southern Pnclflc ofllce net a for n long citement on Sixth street, and thn Clifton, Ariz., by the illness oi hor after a severe Blego of rheumatism. nfter reward of $25 which Is .r'Ul0 ast year. ed by Edward Dorsey. nh l? ,M"I1,e waa, "PProvcd tlmo ns telegrapher, hns been trans- tough clemont of that section of tho daughter Mrs. II. H. Williams. D. opened up of Illinois for A- c- Tho report J. iouug has a new "Tr - - as oxecu- - ferred to the Tucron omco. town to that Franklin Farrol Is Information In n nnn started deal roughly with Lou H Drown returned from a visit voln, of what he believes to bo bitum- rnr.i J' end Is, happily, unfounded. Mr. Duller, who 18Sfi. !t0.h " Kerr fllca h,s "nal ns CaBhler Smith, of the Clifton branch Webb, when ho and several other Far of several days' duration to Separ, inous coal, about two miles north of loft Illinois In nml rcl'rt el Is a Connecticut capitalist who ro- - who.
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