ARMY SERVICE FORCES MANUAL I I - -- -- t4ATIONVS LIBRAR Y Le.%/co . Z o CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOOK GREECE SECTION 2A: GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION - GERMAN MILITARY GOVERNMENT I-L- I I - -- - I -- I II - / /w A,,,,\\\ \ 9r3 ° ?i j[U v Lf- } %*5, to Dissemination of restricted matter. - The information con- ta in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating in Government work, but. will not be communicated to the public or to the press except by authorized military public relations agencies. (See also par. 18b, AR 380-5, 28 Sep 1942.) HEADQUARTERS, ARMY SERVICE FORCES,3 DECEMBER 1943 GREECE M 351-2A 3 Dec 1943 Section 2As Government and Administration - German Military Government M 351-7 16 Nov 1943 Section 7: Agriculture M 351-14 15 Oct 1943 Section 14: Public Safety ARMY SERVICE. FORCES MANUAL M 351-2A Civil AFFairs CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOOK GREECE SECTION 2A: GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION- - GERMAN MILITARY GOVERNMENT I _I,,,, ,,,,, HEADQUARTERS, ARMY SERVICE FORCES, 3 DECEMBER 1943 Ut ~IFIE DisseminationD of restricted matter. - The information con- tained in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating in Government work, but will not be communicated to the pubiic or to the press except by authorized military public relations aqencies. (See also par. 18b, 4R 380-5, 28 Sep 1942.) (Explanation of Numbering System and Authentication - To go on reverse of title page of ASF Manuals) NUMBERING SYSTEM OF ARMY SERVICE FORCES MANUALS The main subject matter of each Army Service Forces Manual is indicated by consecutive numbering within the following categories: M1 - M99 Basic and Advanced Training M100 - M199 Army Specialized Training Program and Pre- Induction Training M200 - M299 Personnel and Morale M300 - M399 Civil Affairs M400 - M499 Supply and Transportation M500 - M599 Fiscal M600 - M699 Procurement and Production M700 - M799 Administration M800 - M899 Miscellaneou8 t900 up EQuipment, Materiel, Housing and Construction HEADQUARTERS, ARMY SERVICE FORCES, Washington 25, D. C., 3 December 1943. Army Service Forces Manual M 351-2A, Civil Affairs Handbook, Greece: Government and Administration - German Military Government, has been prepared under the supervision of the Provost Marshal General, and is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. SPX 300.7 (20 Nov 43)' By command of Lieutenant General SOMEPVELL: W. D. STYER, Major General, General Staff Corps, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: J. A. ULIO, Major General, Adjutant General. U CLASSIFI[D INTRODUCTrON Purposes of the Civil'Affairs Handbooks. The basic purposes of civil affairs officers are (1) to assist the Commanding General by quickly establishing those orderly condi- tions which will contribute most effectively to the conduct of mili- tary operations, (2) to reduce to a minimum the human suffering and the material damage resulting from disorder and (3) to create the conditions which will make it possible for civilian agencies to func- tion effectively. The preparation of Civil Affairs Handbooks is a part of the effort to carry out these responsibilities as efficiently and humanely as is possible. The Handbooks do not deal with plans or policies (which will depend upon changing and unpredictable developments). It should be clearly understood that they do not imply any liven official program of action. They are rather ready reference source books containing the basic factual information needed for planning and policy making. The topical outline on the following page indicates the scope of the material covered by the Civil Affairs Handbooks. This study deal- ing with German Military Government in Greece is one of a series cover- ing military government in the areas which Germany has occupied. It should be read in conjunction with the general study on German Military Government which will be issued as a part of the Handbook series in the near future. OFFICERS USING THIS MATERIAL ARE REQUESTED TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS INDICATING THE REVISIONS OR ADDITIONS WHICH WOULD MAKE THIS MATERIAL MORE USEFUL FOR THEIR PURPOSES. THESE CRITICISMS SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CHIEF OF THE LIAISON AND STUDIES BRANCH, MILITARY GOVERNMENT DIVI- SION, PMGO, 2807 MUNITIONS BUILDING, WASHINGTON, D. C. '4-! ~:5 iP CIVIL AFFAIRS HANDBOO KS TOPICAL OUTLINE 1. Geographical and Social Background 2A. Government and Administration: German Military Government 3. Legal Affairs 4. Government Finance 5. Money and Banking 6. Natural Resources 7. Agriculture 8. Industry and Commerce 9. Labor 10. Public Works and Utilities 11. Transportation Systems 12. Communications 13. Public Health and Sanitation 14. Public Safety 15. Education 16. Public Welfare This study on Government and Administration--German Military Goverment-- In Greece was prepared for the Military Government Division of the Office of The Provost Marshal General by the Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch. r1 f CONTENTS Introduction 1 I. The Division of Territory 3 A. Introduction 3 B. Bulgaria 3 C. Italy 4 D. Reasons for the Division of Territory 5 E. German Relations with Italy 5 II. The Organization of German Military Government in Greece 7 A. The German Army 8 1. The Territorial Organization of German ilitary Administration 8 a. Administrative Areas 8 (1) Salonica-Aegean Command 8 (2) Southern Greece Command 9 (3) Fortress Crete Command 10 b. Administrative Sub-Areas 11 c. District Commands 12 (1) Salonica-Aegean Command 12 (2) Southern Greece Command 13 (3) Fortress Crete Command 14 d. Local Commands 14 (1) Salonica-Aegean Command 14 (2) Southern Greece Command 14 (3) Fortress Crete Command 14 2. Functional Organization of German Military Administration 15 a. Administrative Sections 15 IR1rB LSS~ (1) Section IC 15 (2) Defense Officer of Crete 16 (3) Section III 17 (4) Economic Section 17 (5) Internal Administration Se ctioin 18 b. Administrative Officials of the District Commands 19 (1) The Administrative agencies of the Canea District Command 19 (2) Officials of Other Areas 20 c. Administrative Functions of the Local Agencies 21 B. The German Navy 1. The Command 2. District Commands salonica Attica Crete 3. Local Commands C. The German Diplomatic Service D. The NSDAP "" ""!:i i- i ..;I 1 i! ASSI F EDB -1 - INTRODUCTION (This study concerns itself only with the general structure of German military government in Greece; its concrete functioning will be treated in a subsequent study.) Information on German military government in occupied Greece is extremely limited. Most of our sources of information are interested in actual conditions and events inside Greece. They pay little attention to the exact designation of the various German agencies or to the re- lation of thoseagencies to each other. Most of our best information comes from persons who have left Greece since the German occupation but their reports, though extremely useful on other matters, are usually of least value for the subject under investigation here. Moreover, there are relatively few such reports for the period earlier than late summer 1942. Of course, there is much information available from the press and radio, but this rarely gives material pertaining to more than isolated aspects of the German administration. Also the amount of information varies greatly from region to region. For the Hebros region and Crete, information is relatively satisfactory. Next in adequacy come Salonica and the German-held Aegean islands. Strangely enough, for Athens and its environs the information is, on the whole, quite inadequate, and for central and western Macedonia little at all. Another difficulty is the fluidity of the German organization itself. It is German method to create an organizational group for a specific purpose, and hence it is dangerous to attempt to deduce the ~~~h~~g~g, -2-- 2 - structure of a given German agency by analogy on the basis of a few in- stances of offices or posts within that agency. For all the above reasons it is impossible to give anything like a really complete survey of German military government in Greece, covering all areas under German control and all German activities. There is, however, sufficient evidence to give a general description of the organ- ization of the German administration. Fundamentally Germany has controlled all aspects of-life everywhere in Greece since the occupation. Not only the Greek Quisling Government, but the Italians and the Bulgarians could do nothing save by German order or tacit consent. However, this report is limited strictly to areas under direct German administration, and only incidental attention is paid to the Italians and Bulgarians. The Greek puppet government is considered only in its relations with the German authorities. Since the fall of Tunis, the form of Axis control in Greece has undergone increasing modification. With the progressive withdrawal of Italy from effective participation in the war, the Germans have been forced more and more to take over the areas of Greece under Italian administration and to extend the sphere of Bulgarian occupation in northern Greece. Therefore the description of German military government in Greece as given in this report does not necessarily hold good for the period after about May 1943. Though it is plain that great changes have taken place since then, as yet evidence is not sufficient for a clear picture of the new situation to emerge. 0D SL A ' I IEU ^---- EH^^^FIE -3- I. THE DIVISION OF fTEMITOiY A. Introduction The German conquest made the Germans masters of all the territories belonging to the Kingdom of Greece. The German-invasion of Greece began on April 6, 1941. On April 9th the Germans took Salonica, and on April 18 they passed ft.
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