
¿-/'.( The Foreign Policy Of The New Democratic party,196l-lggg By Lloyd Penner submitted to the åii'; Graduate studies in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of History University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba (c) copyright Lloyd Penner, 1gg4 NationalLibrary Bibliothèque nationale l*l du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliog raphic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A ON4 K1A ON4 Your l¡le volrc rélércnce Ou lile Nolre élérence The author has granted an L'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclusive licence irrévocable et non exclusive allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell copies of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des person nes intéressées. The author retains ownership of L'auteur conserve la propriété du the copyright in his/her thesis. droit d'auteur qu¡ protège sa Neither the thesis nor substantial thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être imprimés ou his/her permission. autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ISBN 0-612-13440-7 Canadä no . L I o'lL .?e,'r,r.v DissertotionAbstractsIntemationolis,[email protected]" 'Enter neorly describes the content o[ your dissertotion. the ãorrurponding for*äigit code in th; rp.;"; p-riaãå. weln u.M.I SUBJECÍ CODE SublecT Cotegories ËffiE HUffiÃ8üET'ËS AruÞ 5@€IA¡, SçIETT€E$ COHffiUNI(ATIONS AIID THT ARTS Psycholooy .....0525 PHII.OSOPHY, RETIGION AND Ancienl .,............ ................. Architecture ....... ....................... 07 29 Reíodinq11............... 0 579 .........0535 THEOTOGY Medievol ............................ Arf History .......... ...................... O5g I 0377 Religioüs ........0527 Modern .............................. Philosophy .......... ...................... O A22 0582 Cinemo .................................... 0900 Sciences ............. ...................... 07 1 4 Donce................ Relrqron 9lgçk.'... .................0328 .. ... ..........0378 Secondory.............. ..........0533 Atncon Fine Generol .............................. 03 I I ............................... 033 i Arts ........0357 SociolScíences ..... ..... ...0534 Asio, Auskolio lnformotion Science .............. ..... 0723 Biblicol Srud¡es ................. .. 032i ond Oceonio 0332 Sociology o[ ............................. 03¿O conodion ........................... Journolism ......0391 Ç!u.gy ..,............................ 03 I 9 033¿ Speciol .....................................0529 Europeon .. ...0335 Librory Science ......................... 0399 TeocherTroining..... ...... ..0530 Hrstory of ........... ..... .........0320 . Plrilosôphy o[ ...................... Lotin Americon . .... .........033ó Moss Communicotions ............... 0208 I echnology _. 0321 ............................... 0Zì 0 Mìddle Eostern .................... Music ....................................... 04'l 3 lesfs I heology ............ ...................... 0 469 0333 ond Meosuremenls ............ 0288 United Stotes...... ...............0337 Speech Communicotion ............. 0459 Vocotionol .......... ............. -. -...... 07 47 History o[ Science .... ................0585 I heoter .................................... 04ó5 low..1...................... lAt{GuAGt ................0398 ilTERATURI AND Politicol Science LlNcutsTlcs Generol .............................. Oó I 5 Lonouooe lnternotionol Low ond öerËrol ............. ................. 067 9 Relotions .......................... 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SCIEN(TS ...............o475 Po|eobotony ............................. 03¿5 Pure Sciences ...............o476 Poleoecology ............................ O 426 Chemislrv ..................0542 Poleonlology ............................. 1 04 I 05¿3 ........0359 Poleozooloqy ............................ 0985 Genérol .............................. 0485 ........0478 Polynolooy .....0427 Agricuhurol ......................... 07 49 OSAA ¡mics ...0348 ........0479 Phlsicol öeooroohv .................. O3ó8 Anollicol ........................... 048ó ........0¿80 Biocliemistry ....................... OAgT ...........0545 Physicol Oceãnoþróphy ....... 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Oó05 .......0554 Educotiôn ........................... 0350 Acouslics ...........-................ 098ó 0790 Hospitol Monoqem ent .......... 07 69 Aslronomv ond ......0428 Humon Develoõment ........... 0758 Astroph'ysics..................... 0óOó lmmunology ...'..................... 0982 Atmospheric Science............ 0ó08 Medicine ond Surqery ......... 0564 Atomic .............. ................. 07 AB Mentol Heolth ....:....'............ 0347 Electronìcs ond ElectricìV .....OóO7 Nursing .............................. 05ó9 Elementory Po¡icles ond Nutrition ............................. 0570 Hiqh En'erqy....... .............. 0798 Obstetrics ond Gynecoloqv ..0380 Fluidond Plõémo ................. 0759 Occuootionol Heôlth onJ' Moleculor.. -...............0ó09 Theropv ........................... 035¿ Nuc|eor .............................. Opltholóolosy Oó i 0 ................... 038 l Optics ............... ................. 07 52 Potholoqy ........................... 057 1 Rodiotion .... ..............0756 Phormoiôlogy .... ................. 04it I Solid Srore . ........................0ól i Phormocy ...........................0572 Stot¡st¡cs ................................... 04ó3 Physicol fheropv ................. 0382 EARTH S(IENGS Aoolied Sciences Bioqeochemistry.. ...................... 0425 Public Heolth ...'... -................ 0573 Rodiology Aþplied tvtechonics ................... 031ó Geõchemistry .'.......................... 099 6 ...........................057 A Recreof¡on .......................... 0575 computer sc¡ence ........... -. -. -. -... 0984 TEE FOBEIGT{ POLICY OF TEE NEW DEHOCRATTC pARTy, 1961-1988 BY LLOYII PENIIER A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of G¡aduate Studíes of the University of Marritoba in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPEY @ L994 Permission has been granted to the LIBRARY OF TI{E UNTIÆRSITY OF IvÍANTIOBA to lend or sell copies of this thesis, to the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CAIIADA úo sricrofilm this thesis and to lend or sell copies of the filrr, and UNTVERSITY MICROFILMS to publish an absEact of this thesis. The author resen¡es other publications rights, and neither the thesis nor extensive exEacts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the autho/s pennission. I hereby declare that I am the sore author of th¡s dissertation. I authorize the University of Manítoba to lend this dissertation to other institutions or individuals
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