' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1967 P^GE THiRTY-tWO ;^aht^?atfr lEMnutg l|walii ■ , 'i... Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather r . E'er the Week Ended Variable cloudlneu and ■ WeisS Pledges* OeoMnber I, 1866 About Town tonight, low 20-25; parity / cloudy and cold tomorrow, higB Mountein Laurel Chapter of ‘Tightly Drawn’ Sweet Adelines, Inc,’ will re­ 15,131 80-35. T hearse tom om w at 8 p.m. at Fund Proposals SECOND BIG WEEK OF OUR GREATEST HOME MAKING EVENr. Manche$ter— A City o f‘ Village Charm the Kussian American National ■ -'-I Town Manager Robert B. ■ .* o-' Center 211 Wethersfield Ave., (Claseitied Advertising on Page 17) VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 80 (TWENTY PAGES). MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1967 PRICE SEVEN CENTS Hartford. The event Is open to Weiss last night promised that all women interested in four- this year’s town budget would part hannOny. be “ tightly drawn.’ ’ STOCK-UP TIME FOR FAMOUS , In a prepared statement to The Barbersharps will pre­ the Board of Directors, Weiss sent a prograni of four part singled out five town improve­ harmony singing tonight at the ments last year and noted They Lad^ Pepperell Rocky H ill Veterans Hospital. were accomplished without a r/. Copter Rescues Fivie The group was formed about tax increase. six months ago and has 14 “ My new budget will continue members. Mrs. Louis Petrou is to be tightly drawn,” he pledg­ sheets, eases ^director. ed. Weiss, stressed that Manches­ ter must develop a “ lopg-range Arm y and Navy Auxiliary full range of capital improvement program Beautifully finished closely woven type 131 muslin will meet tonight at 7' at the From Mountain Top designed to take care of our Holmes Funeral Home, 400 and super smooth type 186 combed percale sheets needs in the areas of school regular or fitted styles MsUn St, to pay respects to the »> } maintenance, water and sewer and coses—bleached to o snowy white. Regular sizes, late Mrs. Ina Mankin, a past facilities, traffic control and fitted bottoms plus matching coses—oil at low sole president of the group. highways within our ability to prices. pay.” type-186 combed percales All Suffering The' Alpina Society will meet Recalling his first year as tonight at 7:30 at the Italian general manager, Weiss voiced American Club, Eldridge St. his appreciation of the “ fine at­ From Shock SIZES 72x108 titude and cooperation’’ of town The rehearsal of the Gilbert employes and members of the and Sullivan production sched­ two boards of directors. • 63x108" . ; 2.47 After Crash uled for tonight has been can­ • 81x108" . 2.77 FAMOUS c a n n o n d e l u x e type-131 muslins LEADVILLE, Colo. celed due to the Manchester • 90x108" . ’.. 2.97: Civic Orchestra Concert. The •‘ROYAL FAMILY** (A P ) — Five persons,’ four Bolton Driver • Twin bottom fitted' . 2.47 next rehearsal will be held from Illinois, were liftecl • Full bottom fitted . 2.77 Monday at 7:45 p.m. at South Hurt in Crash 1 . 6 7 .99 by helicopter today from a Methodist Church. • 72x120" . .... 3.29 ro se snow - shrouded mountain A Bolton woman was report­ 72x99" ■ . • 81x120" • . ' . ' . 3.59 top in the Rockies where Miss Heidi Ann DellaFera. ed in satisfactory condition to­ 81x99" ’ their plane crash-landed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fran­ • 90x120 . ■ . ' . 3.99 towel ensembles day at Manchester Memorial 72x108" yesterday. cis DellaFera of 142 S. Lake- • 108x120 . ■ . ■ . 6.?9 All suffered from shock and Hospital with back injuries suf­ 81x108" wood Circle, has recently been • 39/80 twin XL fitted . 3.29 exposure, but none suffered cri­ fered' in a two-car accident yes­ elected 'vice president of the Twin bottom fitted • 54/80 full XL fitted . 3.59 large bath 1 .9 6 rog. 2.98 tical Injury. freshman class at Lasell Junior terday on Rt. 44A in Bolton. Double bottom fitted O. W. Rosengren, who raises ^H ege, Aubumdale, Mass. Joan P. Ratak of Birch Mt, • Queen 60x80" fitted .• • . 4.49 rag. 1.79 90x108" , . '. hand 1 .2 9 quarter horses at a farm near Rd. Ext. was charged with fail­ • Dual King 70/80 fitted ‘ . 7.49 St. Charles, III., said at St. Vin­ •rae 60450 Club of St. Mary’s ure to yield the right-of-way, 42x36" Coses • Coses-42xW . ,. 2/1.37 wash’cloth .4 9 reg. 59c cent’s Hospital In Leadvllle, Episcopal Church will have a following, the 7:20 a.m. mishap. Twin fop fitted . 42x48" . 2/1.99 “ We were lucky to come out dinner meeting Friday at 7 p.m. The other motorist, Richard Full top fitted . 42x54" . 2/2.38 Softly flowering textured towels in the most de­ alive. Everybody on the plane in Neill Hall of the church. Ed L, Baker, 21, of Edgemere Rd., licate of colors on pure white. Cannon “ Royal Showed the most wonderful Corcoran of South Windsor will Bolton, was charged with mis­ I Twin fop fitted . 2.87 Fpmily" towels are permanently pucker-free. (Herald photo by Oflara) courage and spirit.” be guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. use o f a litnited license. He was I Double fop fitted '. 3.17 Rosengren said he had some Myron Rice are in charge of uninjured. Gov. John N. Dempsey, escorted by Major Com­ Armory. Guardsmen and military police formed a chest and stomach pains but dinner arrangements. The event State Trooper Roger lerardl mandant George W. Tule, center, and Capt. James guard of honor as the governor and other officials otherwise felt fine. His wife, is open to all couples in the said the Baker oar, westbound D. Hewett, of the First Company, Governor’s Foot were presented to the throng estimated at nearly Lorraine, suffered a fractured area. on Rt. 44A, struck the other Guard, is shown saluting after his fortnal presenta­ 3,000 persons; Other photos and story of the ball left arm and shock. auto in the rear. The woman’s tion at the inaugural ball last night at the Hartford appear on pages 10 and 11. Their son, Jack, 25, escaped St.' Bridget’s CYO teen-agers car just had entered the high­ with stomach injuries caused by will sponsor a dance Friday at way from Bolton Center Rd. save on famous name bras, girdles, corsets his seat belt in the landing; and (AP Pbotofoal the school cafeteria. The Quiet when the collision occurred, he his friend, Charles Budde, 22, Ones will play for dancing from reported. A IE Robert Monahan (left) and 'Thomas Scales Talk to NewsmGn No Gas, St. Charles, had a dislocated 8 to 11:30 p.m. The event is Both drivers will be present­ iirm ■ Lh Dempsey Program Outline open to all high school stu­ ed in 12th Circuit Court in ¥tV:*:*:*;<*x*i*’ once-a-year values! No Bill, dents. Manchester Jan. 30. The'' pilot, Jimmy Williamson, Navy Jets Sink More Junks now’s the time to 62, Denver, was cut over one J ' No Check! eye. Given Bipartisan Support BRIDLINGTON, England All were flown to a Leadville stock up on your (AP) , — Stanley Briggs hospital after being lifted off 14,- HARTFORD (AP) __ Repub- and open spaces developmenL partment would coordinate into opened this letter from Brit­ 037-foot Mt. .Sherman, 10 miles Sang Songs for Viet Cong, west of Palrplay, Colo. figure needs . .. lican and Democratic leaders In and harbor and airport improve- one ^ re a u the m ^agem ent of ain's government-owned, gas ment. the state s jails, prison, reform- company: The Rosengrens and Budde the • General Assembly have governor once again atory and other penal institu- "Dear Sir: came to Colorado tor a skiing voiced approval of the programs reminded the legislators of his tions. “SettlemeRt of the en­ vacation at Aspen, where they ^Tlirtation Walk” by BESTFORM outlined in Gov. John Demp- “ personal commitment to op- The Department of Transpor- closed bill is long overdue. have skied frequently in other sey’s Inaugural address, and pose any increase In present tation would coordinate air rail Unless it is settled within yean . Rosengren also planned £<ONG BIMH, SoUth/4?i®'i'^i^ ■ware pronounced' Iri fair condi- ‘ T h e aJidtor was a hott In Bw to show w m e of Ms prize quar­ have Indicated they woiUd co- taxes and of my unwavering and highway transportation. In seven days your supply, of (AP - Two American rtvlUanB by Army doctors. gro^d c^red wiQi ttmbera." regularly 7.95 operate In getting theirj accept- opposition to a state income recommending this department, gas will be cut off." ter iwne's at the National West- ...-I - Wearing blue Army.bospltaj^Scalaa eaid. o ^aiti" Bteeli Shew in' Denver Too. said today that during seven the pair saiif the Viet Scales said the ground araiojl , | PINEHURST SAUSA6E SAJ E The cross-over panels won't ham­ ed by the new legislature. tax." ^ ' Dempsey to W the'^merabers of In the space'Tei«rvw rT»'f’ ■ The governor’s speech Dempsey’s speech was inter- the new Assembly that "w e can the sum owed was a zero. 13-21,: months as prisoners of the Viet ctong told theAi. they were re- them shook and th,^ j. This weekend we feature freshly ground Home Style Sausage, per your stride or bulge thigh. Walk, sit, bend with fabulous no longer afford competing Briggs wrote out a check "W e left Denyer. about 11 Cbng they got bad food but were leased because tlidy finally had’ they -woiidd be IdHpd in:i3fs sJif Lu'gie Pinehurst Sausage Unks and Medium Hot Italian Wednesday dealt mainly with rupted by applause 14 times, freedom.
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