UPPER DELAWARE L% SCENIC & RECREATIONAL RIVER Balls Eddy To Binghamton )"17 Hancock West Branch Hancock/Buckingham Bridge Public River Accesses Delaware River " To Downsville 17 )"30 ShehawkenL% )" ¨¦§86 HHV 10V` 1CV :H1C1 1V !( East Branch L% Delaware River :CCRR7 ^ _ V `:JH.VC:1:`V 330 Hancock (! East Branch .V.:1@VJ^ _ V `:JH.VC:1:`V (! )"17 To Roscoe )"370 Beaverkill River :JHQH@ ^_ Fishs Eddy Note: Most land within the river QH@]Q` ^ _ % ! StockportL corridor is privately owned and %H@1J$.:I^ _ 8 )"97 should be treated with due respect. Stockport Town of (Q`R01CCV^_ (! Please don't trespass or litter. 191 French Woods (QJ$RR7^_ 8 )" State Forest Preserve :@V +`VV@^_ 8 Buckingham 325 "28 ,VCC:I^_ !( ) Abe Lord Creek +:CC1HQQJ^ _ BuckinghamL% +QH.VH QJ^_ )"97 Hancock Lordville/Equinunk Bridge LordvilleL% :I:H%^ _ (!" Lordville 320 Bouchoux Trail @1JJV`/:CC^_ 8 !( Township Equinunk (! :``Q1G%`$^_ 8 ! Basket Creek Rock Valley State North Branch :`G7 Q1J^ _ 8 Forest Preserve Equinunk Creek Bouchoux Trail 1VJ21CV310V`^_ State Forest Preserve (:H@:1:6VJ^ _ 8 Long Eddy Pool Delaware County, NY Restaurants / Food ! Sullivan County, NY 1$.C:JR^_ 8 Calder House !( Long Eddy Cafe Devine * Gerard’s River Grill Nora’s Luvin’ Spoonful 315 (! Museum L% 33 Lower Main St. 251 Bridge St. 141 Kirk Rd. +Q`11J/:`I^_ 8 Long Eddy 134 Basket Creek )"191 Basket Historical UV East Branch Callicoon, NY 12723 Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Society 2QJ$:%]^_ L% (845) 887-3076 (845) 252-6562 (845) 252-3891 1018 Basket Creek ]:``Q1G%.^_ Manchester Township UV Crystal Lake www.cafedevine.com www.gerardsrivergrill.com Town of State Reservation Peck’s Market * CV:VQ V7QIV`:H1C1 1V :JR (! L% :`@1J$ `: . Stalker Kellams Callicoon Creamery Grech’s Millbrook Inn 9 Lower Main St. :IVJ1 1V :`V V: QJ:C:JRI:7QJC7GV " (! Kellams (! 4623 Route 17B 1174 NYS Route 97 Callicoon, NY 12723 Q: :%JH. J`Q`I: 1QJ PA State Game Hankins CreekFremont :0:1C:GCVR%`1J$ %IIV`IQJ . Lands No. 159 Lookout Callicoon, NY 12723 Pond Eddy, NY 12770 (845) 887-5090 (! Kellams/Stalker Bridge UV94 Center :JQV:%JH. 1 .1J$ Hankins (845) 887-4480 (845) 856-7778 www.pecksmarket.com (! !( Like us on Facebook Q` :GCVQ1CV Fremont 310 Carini Pizzeria & Restaurant Peck’s Market * Peck’s Plaza, 112 Kirk Rd. The Heron * 120 Kirk Rd. Duck Harbor Narrowsburg, NY 12764 40 Main St. Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Pond UV1016 (845) 252-3338 Narrowsburg, NY 12764 (845) 252-3016 191 Rileyville )" )"97 (845) 252-3333 www.pecksmarket.com Damascus The Carriage House www.theheronrestaurant.com (! 305 !( North Branch Accommodations (! 3351 NYS Route 97 Peppino’s Family Pizzeria To Barryville, NY 12719 Il Castello and Restaurant UV121 Callicoon Creek Callicoon Bridge Callicoon (845) 557-0400 3438 NYS Route 97 31 Main St. The Carriage House Riverview Lodge The Spring House Commons Honesdale Calkins Creek " (! North Branch North Branch 3351 NYS Route 97 1758 NYS Route 97 Bed & Breakfast L% L% Callicoon NY www.TheCarriageHouseNY.com Barryville, NY 12719 Callicoon, NY 12723 Callicoon PA (845) 557-6300 (845) 887-6767 Barryville, NY 12719 Pond Eddy, NY 12770 3461 NYS Route 97 "371 Township (! (845) 557-0400 or 8077 (845) 858-4611 Barryville, NY 12719 ) Hortonville UV128 Cedar Rapids Inn * UV1017 www.TheCarriageHouseNY.com (845) 557-8189 ® 3799 NYS Route 97 The Lackawaxen Inn River Market * Roebling Inn on v Town of Jeffersonville Barryville, NY 12719 188 Scenic Drive 3385 NYS Route 97 ECCE Bed & Breakfast * the Delaware Lackawaxen, PA 18435 Barryville, NY 12719 Stickett Inn * ! )"17B (! (845) 557-8711 19 Silverfish Rd. 155 Scenic Drive 52 www.cedarrapidsny.com (570) 685-7061 (845) 557-3663 3380 NY Route 97 Cochecton/Damascus Bridge RQ Barryville, NY 12719 Lackawaxen, PA 18435 Barryville, NY 12719 Cochecton Station )"52 www.rivermarketny.com ! (! 300!( (845) 557-8562 (570) 685-7900 (845) 557-0913 L% )"52A Chestnut Cafe Lander’s River Cafe * www.eccebedandbreak- www.roeblinginn.com Tyler Hill " Cochecton Callicoon Creek 23 A. Dorrer Drive River Runner’s Roost www.stickettinn.com L%(! (! East Branch To Liberty 11625 NYS Route 97 fast.com Damascus Cochecton Long Eddy, NY 12760 Callicoon, NY 12723 2378 NYS Route 97 Sandercock House B&B * Sylvania Tree Farm * UV114 Delaware (845) 887-6161 (845) 887-6800 Pond Eddy, NY 12770 The Lackawaxen Inn 8 Sandercock Rd. 112 Mast Hope Ave. NPS Milanville Office (845) 557-0097 188 Scenic Drive Equinunk, PA 18417 Lackawaxen, PA 18435 Skinners Falls/Milanville Bridge )"52 China King * Long Eddy Hotel & Saloon [email protected] Lackawaxen, PA 18435 (570) 224-8302 (570) 685-7001 ! Town of 225 Bridge St. 7 Depot St. (570) 685-7061 www.sylvaniatreefarm.com (! L% (! Long Eddy, NY 12760 Rohman’s Inn " (! Skinners Falls Fosterdale Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Shohola Glen Hotel & Calkins Creek Milanville (845) 252-3988 or 3989 (845) 887-4554 100 Rohman Rd. South Branch Skinners Falls 52 Long Eddy Hotel & Saloon Rohman’s Inn Twin Spruce Lodge * 295 !( )" Shohola, PA 18458 UV1004 UV116 (! 7 Depot St. 103 Rohman Rd. 4136 River Rd. Lake Huntington China Town Kitchen Matthew’s on Main * (570) 559-7479 Long Eddy, NY 12760 Shohola, PA 18458 Equinunk, PA 18417 Beach UV1017 110 Kirk Rd. 19 Lower Main St. (845) 887-4554 (570) 559-7479 (570) 224-6400 Lake Damascus Forest Trail Cochecton Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Callicoon, NY 12723 Town Diner www.twinsprucepa.com (! 652 (845) 252-6662 (845) 887-5636 13 Barryville-Yulan Rd. Narrowsburg Inn )" NPS Headquarters Cochecton Smith’s Colonial Motel * To Honesdale Like us on Facebook Barryville, NY 12719 182 Bridge St. 23085 NYS Route 97 Center 17B L% Fort Delaware (! Ten Mile River )" The Chocolate Mousse (845) 557-9929 Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Hancock, NY 13783 Darbytown UV115 290 ! Bethel Cafe, Bakery & Confectionary Milanville General Store (845) 252-3998 Big Eddy L% 52 (! (607) 637-2989 ! ! )" Berlin "!( 3461 NYS Route 97 1143 River Rd. Tre Alberi Ristorante www.smithscolonialmotel.com Narrowsburg NPS Information Barryville, NY 12719 Milanville, PA 18443 3402 NYS Route 97 Narrowsburg Bridge Township Center (845) 557-3622 (570) 729-8390 Barryville, NY 12719 Narrowsburg www.chocolatemoussecafe.com (845) 557-6104 Narrowsburg Inn )"97 Lake Superior State Park To Clancy’s Coffee Shop 182 Bridge St. Two River Junction Bait and Tackle Cobey Pond Trail RR Bridge #9 Monticello 3358 NYS Route 97 Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Deli, Grocery & Restaurant UV26 (845) 252-3998 106 Scenic Drive Angler’s Roost and Hunter’s Rest Hagemann’s Tackle & Variety Store * Barryville, NY 12719 Wayne County, PA Tusten Mountain Trail Lackawaxen, PA 18435 Two River Junction 116 Richardson Ave. PA State Toronto (845) 557-0234 Pike County, PA Game Lands Reservoir The 1906 Restaurant (570) 685-2010 106 Scenic Drive Shohola, PA 18458 No. 316 à 285 4003 !( 41 Lower Main St. www.tworiverjunction.com Lackawaxen, PA 18435 (570) 559-7589 UV # 9 Rapids Coffee Creations UV22 Callicoon, NY 12723 (570) 685-2010 Town of 25 Main St. 1014 (! (845) 887-1906 Whistle Stop Cafe www.tworiverjunction.com UV L% Tusten Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Lackawaxen Ten Mile River (845) 252-6688 www.1906restaurant.com 119 Kirk Rd. To Hawley Narrowsburg, NY 12764 The Barryville Sportsman at Tom’s Bait and Tackle )"55 Like us on Facebook Masthope (! 97 Bar & Grill & Deli (845) 252-3355 The Spring House Commons 118 Kirk Road )"590 1758 NYS Route 97 www.whistlestopcafe.net 3461 NYS Route 97 Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Masthope Rapids Tusten 22 Pond Eddy, NY 12770 Barryville, NY 12719 (845) 252-7445 UV Township (845) 858-4611 (845) 557-9907 Colang Rapids www.BarryvilleSportsman.com 280 97 Town Mongaup )"590 !( )" (! Kunkeli Rapids Yulan UV33 of Liveries and Campgrounds Fishing Guides NPS Roebling Bridge Highland Ascalona Campground at Minisink Ford Reber River Trips * Lackawaxen RiverLackawaxen Minisink Battleground Approximately 40 commercial fishing guides are licensed by the National L% Eldred (! 4499 Route 97, P.O. Box 42 3351 NYS Route 97, Barryville, NY 12719 Lackawaxen (!! " ! Park & Trail Park Service to operate on the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational (! UV21 Eagle Barryville, NY 12719 (845) 665-2648 NPS Zane Minisink Ford Viewing 55 (845) 557-6554 www.reberrivertrips.com River. To obtain the complete list of these fishing guides, visit the National D & H Towpath Trail Area )" Grey Museum ! L% Highland Valley Park Service unit’s web site at www.nps.gov/upde/planyourvisit/fishing- !( Cedar Rapids 275 Hickok Brook Indian Head Canoes, Rafts and Silver Canoe and Raft Rentals * guides.htm or request a complimentary copy from the Upper Delaware Campground * at Pond Eddy, NY 590 Barryville/Shohola Bridge State Multiple Council office by calling (845) 252-3022. )" Use Area 3883 NYS Route 97, Barryville, NY 12719 37 So. Maple Ave., Port Jervis, NY 12771 (!" (! Barryville PA State Game Shohola ! UV32 (800) 874-2628 (800) 724-8342, (845) 856-7055 Lands No. 116 Shohola Rapids www.indianheadcanoes.com or (800) 233-RAFT Caboose Museum Town Greeley Mill Brook www.silvercanoe.com Map Orientation Map Legend (! NPS Corwin Farm Jerry’s Three River Campground ! Ranger Station of )"434 Hansom Eddy Wildlife 2333 Route 97, Pond Eddy, NY 12770 Soaring Eagle Campground Designated River Corridor (/6 (845) 557-6078 at Kellams Bridge, Stalker, PA ! Hancock Mongaup River Shohola Creek Roadside Rest Lumberland www.jerrys3rivercampground.com 4092 River Rd., Equinunk, PA 18417 Quicks Eddy Public Land !( Sullivan County, NY (877) 278-8383 or (570) 224-4666 270 ! New York %2 River Access Shohola Orange County, NY Kittatinny Canoes & Campgrounds * www.soaringeaglecampground.com PA State Game Management 3854 Route 97, Barryville, NY 12719 Trails Lands No. 180 )"97 Pond Eddy (800) FLOAT-KC or (845) 557-8611 Sylvania Tree Farm Camping * Port Jervis Township www.kittatinny.com 112 Mast Hope Ave.
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