7 6 LINCOLNSHIRE. [KELLY 8 The following is a list of the wapentakes, hundred11 PARTS OF LINDSJi:Y. &c. with the places contained in each:- Aslaooe Wapentake, East Division :-Atterby, Bishop Norton, Caenby, Oo-ld Ha.nworbh, EaSib Firs-by, West PARTS OF HoLLAND. Fil'S'by, Glentham, Hackthorn, ~ormanby, Owmby, ' Elloe Wapentake :--Cowbit, Crowland, Fleet, Gedney, Saxby, Sni<tteTby and Spridlington. Gedney Hill, Holbeach, Moulton, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Aslacoe Wa.pentake, West Division :-Blyborough, Sutton St. Edmunds, Sutton St. James, Sutton St. Cammeringham, Coo·res, FilLingha.m, Glentworth, Harps­ Mary, Sutton St. Nicholas, Tydd St. Mary, Weston, well, HemsweH, lngtha.m a.nd Willougb.ton. Whaplode and Whaplode Drove. Kirton Wapentake :-Algarkirk, Bicker, Brothertoft, Bolingbroke Soke, EaSlt Div.US.ion :-Ca.rrington, ~­ Copping Syke, Donington, Fosdyke, Frampton, Frieston. ville, Halton Holga·te, Hundle·by, East Keal, LuSJbt, Mavis-Enderby, Midville, Ra1thby, Spi1sby, Li-ttle Steep­ Gibbet Hills and Forty Foot Bridge, Gosberton, Kirton, ing, Thorpe S't. Peter, Toynton All Saints and T-oynton North Forty Foot Bank, Pelhams Land, Quadring, Skir­ St. Peter. beck Quarter, Surfl.eet, Sutterton, Swineshead, Wigtoft and Wyberton. Bolingbroke Soke, West Division :-Asgarby, Bol.ing­ Skirbeck Wapentake :-Benington, Boston, Butterwick, broke, Frilthville, Hagnaby, Hareby, West Keal, East Fishtoft, Leake, Leverton, Skirbeck and Wrangle. Kirby, Minings·by, Reve&by, Sibsey, StiJCMord, Sbiclmey, West Fen and WeSit Vill-e. PARTS 0~' KESTEVEN, Bradley Hdverstoe Wapentake :-Ashby-with-Fenby, Aswardhurn Wapentake :-Asgarby, Aswardby,Aunsby, Aylesby, Barnoldby-le-Beck, Beelsby, Bradil.ey, Brig.y, Burton, Pedwardine, Calverthorpe, Evedon, Ewerby, Cabourn, Clee, Cleethorpe-with-Thrun.scoe, Great~. Great Hale, Little Hale, Heckington, Helpringham, Little Coates, North Oootes, Cuxwo1d.,Ful&tow, Gra.iiiiS'by, Howell, Kelby, Kirkby-le-Thorpe, South Kyme, Quar­ Great Grimsby, Hwtcliffe, Hawerby-witfu-Beesby, rington, Scredington, Silk-Willoughby, Old Sleaford and Healing, Rolton-le-Clay, Humbe'l"bs.tone, Irby-upon­ Swarby. Humber, Laceby, MarSJh Chapel, Newbon-le-Wold, EasAi Ra.vendlale, We·st RavendaJe, Rothwell, SCM"tlho, Swallow, Aveland Wapentake :-Aslackby, Billingborough, Bir­ Swinhope, T~ney, N<>rth Thoresby, Wa.ith, Weel.sby an4 thorpe, Bourne, Dembleby, Dowsby, Dunsby, Dyke, Falk­ Waltham. ingham, G:raby, Hacconby, Haceby, Hanthorpe,Horbling, Kirby Underwood, Laughton, Milthorpe, Morton, New­ Calceworth Hundred (:~hrsh Division) :-Aby,Anderl>y, ton, Osbournby, Pickworth, Pointon, Rippingale, Scott Belleau, Little Cawthorpe, C!Jaooby, Ciaytho-rpe, Willoughby, Sempringham, Spanby, Stainfi.eld, Swaton, Cumberwol"t.oh, Gayton-le-Mauh, Haugh, Hogstt!horpe~ Threckingham and Walcot. Hu.btofit, Legbourne, Mablethorpe St. Ma.TY, Mable'tlhorpe St. Peter, Mum.by, South Regton, Surtton-in-the-Marsb, BeJtisl<le Wa.pen•take :-Aun.by, BaSISingtlhorpe, Bitch­ Swaby, Theddlethorpe All Saints, Theddlethorpe St. field, Bllil'by, Burton Goggles, Littble Bytham, Careby, Helen, Sou:th Thoresby, Tothill and Trusthorpe. Ca.sble Bybha:m, Cawth~rpe, C~lsterworth and Wools­ Oalce'W'Ol'bh Hundred (Wold Division) :-Alfmd, .Beesby­ thorpe, Co:riby, CourutJoorpe, Creeton, Edenlham, Gunby in-the-Mamsh, BiJ.sby, C[axby, F&rles&arpe, Hann&ll, St. Nicb:olas, Rawthorpe, H<olyweJIJ, lngoldsby, I.rniham, Ma1tby-~e-Ma.rsh, . Markiby, Rig-sby, Saleby, Strobby, Kei.sby, Llwington or Leruton, Man'tho11pe, Osgodlby, Ulceby, Well, Willougihby and Wiothl'rn. Skillilngton, Slba.inby, Swayfield, Swi'DSI:-ood, Toft and Lound, Nart.oh Witiham, W:itha.m-on-tfu.e-HiH and Sou:bh CandJeshoe Wapentake,Mal'S'h Division :-Ad.dlethorpe, Witham. Burgh-in-lthe-MarSJh, Croft, Friskney, lngoldlmells, N>Orth­ Bootbby Graffo Wapen.take,Righer Division :-Bootihby, olme, Orby, Skegness, Wainfl.eet All &ints, Wainflee't St. Mwry and Winthorpe. Coleby, Eagle, Eagle Hall, Eagle Woodlhouse, Harm~­ ton, Skinnand, Navenby, Swinethorpe, Welbourn and Candlleslhoe Wapentake, W-old Division :-.A.shby-by­ W ellingore. Partney, Brat<lft, CaiiidJJ.esby, Dalby, DI"iby, FirStby, Gllilby St. Peter, Irby-le-Marsh, Partney, Scremby, Skendleby, Boothby Gl'&ffo W apenobake, Lower Division :- Great Steeping, Sutterby and Welton-in-the-Marsh. Auboum, Bass.ing\ha.m, BoulltJham, Bmoebridge, Bra.ce­ bridge Health, Carlton-le-Moorland, Dodldlington, Had­ Corringham Wapentake :-Blyton, C!eatham, Corring-­ dinp.ton, Hykeham (North), Hykeham (South), Norton ham, East Ferry, Gainsborougth, Gmyingham, Green­ 'Disne'Y, Scarle (North), Skellingt.ohorpe, StaplefQord, hill, Hea.pham, Hemsw€111, Kiri:.Qon-in-Lindsey, Laughton, Swindlerby, Thorpe-on-'bhe-Hil.l, 'Dhurlby and Wis•by. Lea, Morton, Northorpe, Pilham, Scobt.oer, Soott>On, Sou'thorpe, Springbborpe, East Stockwitlh, WalkerltJh Flaxwell Waperut.oake :-Anwick, Asbby-de-la-Laund, and Wild.sworth. Bloxholme, Bmuncewell wi.tlh DunSiby, Cmnwell, Digby, Dorrington. Ha.verhole PriOO"Y, Holdin•gham, Lea.singham, Ga.ntree Wapentake, Nor·bh Divisi~n ~-A.soterby, Baum­ Rauceby (North and South), Rowston, Roxholm, Rus­ ber or Bamburgh, Belclhford, CawkweU, Donington­ kington, New Sleaford and Templ'e Bruer wibh Temple upon-Ba.in, Edlington, Goulsby or GoulcB~by, Hemingby, High Grange. Market St.oainton, Ra.nlby, Scaa:nMesoby, Steni.got and Great St-uvton. Grantham Soke :-Belton, Braceby, Denton, Easton, Great Gonerby, Grantham, Harlaxton, Harrowby With­ Garbree Wapentake, South Division :-Bucknall, DaJ.... out, Londonthorpe, Manthorpe, Ponton (Great), Sapper­ de.rby, Gautby, Horsdngbon, Kilrkby-upon-Bain, Kirk• ton, Spittlegate Without, Houghton and W alton and stead, Langton-near-Horncastle, Martin, Mintaug, South Stoke. Scrivelsby, Stixwould, Tattershall, Tattershall Thorpe, Thornton, Tumby, Waddingworth, Wispington, Wood· LanJ!oe Wapentake, I•wt Dirisdon :-Billinl!'hay. Do~­ tall and W oodhall Spa. dyke, Kirby Green, Kyme (North), Martin, Thorpe Til­ t.eY, Timberland and Walcot. Hill Hundred :-Ashby Puerorum, Aswardby, Bag • Ende-rby, Brinkhill, Claxby Pluckacre, Fulletby, Greet­ Langoe Wapentake, 2nd Division :-Blankney, Can­ ham, Hagworthingbam, Rammn.gham, Harrington, wick, Dnn>Sibon, Heig.hington, Metherringham. Nooton, Langton-by-Spilsby, South Ormsby,Oxcombe, Salmonb,-, Potter Hanworth, Soopwick and Washingoorough. Sau.st;horpe, .Scrafield, Somersby, Tetford, Walmsg11te. Loveden Wa.pentake :-An'Caster, Bayards or Byard!! Winoeby and W orlaby. Leap, Beckingham, Bennington Grange, Long Benning­ Hornca5'tle Soke :-Ashby (West), Ooningsby, Haltlbam­ ton, Brant Broughton, Carlton Scroop, Caythorpe, Olay­ upon-Ba.in, Horncas.t1.e, Lang.rivhlle, Mare-ham-le-Fen, pole, Doddington, Fenton, Fos.ton, Fulbeck, Hough-on­ Marelbam-on-lbhe-Hill, Moorby, Roughton, Thimb~~ the-Hill, Hougham, Leadenham, Marston, Normanton, Thomton-1'6-Fen, Toynt.on (Higlh and Low), Wildmf:l<a", Stragglethorpe, Stubton and Westborough. Wilksby and W.ood End~by. Nes.s Wapellltake :-Ba.r.holm, Bas.ton, Brace.borough, Lawre.ss Wapentake :-Ai'Sitlhorpe -or Ea-. Thorpe, .B&r­ Ca.r1by, Deeping St. James, Deeping St. Nichola!!, Wl'st lings, Brattleby, Broxholme, Burton, Carlton (North and Deeping, Grea.l:iford, Langtoft, Market Deeping, Stowe, South), Chevry Wi1lingha.m, Dnnholm, Fiskerton. Greet­ Tallington, Thurlby, Uffingbon and WilSibh<lrpe. well, Hardwick, Nettleham, Reepham,Biseholme,Saxilby· Stamf>Ord Borough :-All Saints, St. George, St. John with-Ingleby, Soa.mpton, Sothern, Snarford, Sud.. Baptist, St. Mary and St. Michae'l WiJt.hin. brooke, 'I'borpe-in-the-Fallows, TOTksey and Welton. lVinnibrig2s Wape•ntake :-Allington (EaSot and West), Lincoln Liberty : -Branston, Lincoln, Mere and Wad­ Bark!!'tone, Barrowby, Boothby Pagnell, Haydor, Honing­ dington. ton, Humby (Little), Pon:OOn (Lit.ble ), Rop!liley, Sedge"' Louth ES<ke Wa.penta.ke. Marl!h Division~-Alvingham, brook. New Somerby, Old Somerby. Stoke (North), Cutle Carlton. Chea.t Carlton, Little Carlton, Cottle­ St;roxt.on, Sys~ton, W elby, Wil9ford, W ool!ithorpe and holme, South Elkington, Grainthorpe,Grimoldby,:Manby., Wyville witlh Hungel'ton. North Be-~n, Saltfi.OO'bby All Saints, Saltfl.eetby 8$. .
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