Islam’s Anglican Thinker Albanian Atheism Lenten Art March 8, 2015 THE LIVING CHURCH CATHOLIC EVANGELICAL ECUMENICAL $5.50 livingchurch.org WORLD MISSION On Pilgrimage Together Plan The Episcopal Musician’s Handbook beautifully.59th Edition Lectionary Year C 2015-2016 ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY Church/Shipping Name __________________________________________________________ Shipping Address _______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip __________________________________________________________________ Telephone (_________)___________________ ALL ORDERS PREPAID BY MC/VISA, OR CHECK PAYABLE TO: THE LIVING CHURCH, P.O. BOX The Email ___________________________________ Episcopal 510705, MILWAUKEE, WI 53203-0121. NOTE: PLEASE FILL IN CARDHOLDER INFORMATION Music ian’s ORDER FORM BELOW IF DIFFERENT FROM ADDRESS ABOVE. Handbook (Be sure to fill out form completely) p Mastercard p VISA 59th Edition p Enclosed is my check/money order Lectionary Year C 2015-2016 Cardholder Name_______________________________________________pPlease charge my Visa/MasterCard Cardholder Address ____________________________________________59th Episcopal Musician’s Handbook City, State, Zip ___________________________________________ 1 book - $36 $ _________ Signature ______________________________________________ 2 books - $60 ($11 savings) $ _________ 3-digit code (card back) _________________________________ 3 B O O K S - $ 9 0 ($16 savings) $ _________ Card# _________________________________________________ TOTAL $ _________ Exp. Date ________________________________________________ For fastest service, place orders on our website: www.livingchurch.org Shipping is 7-10 business days. Pre-paid orders only. No billings or refunds. Orders outside the U.S., call or email us at [email protected] TO ORDER WITH MC/VISA, CALL TOLL-FREE AT 1-800-211-2771 THE LIVING ON THE COVER “Pilgrimage shows us something as simple CHURCH and yet profound as what it means for Jesus Christ to be Immanuel.” THIS ISSUE March 8, 2015 —Seth A. Raymond (see | “On Pilgrimage Together,” p. 10). NEWS Jennifer Klecker photo 4 Reconciliation Center Planned for Cathedral FEATURES 10 On Pilgrimage Together By Seth A. Raymond 15 Giving Thanks for Central Tanganyika By Hannah Matis Perett 22 Imagine No Religion By Steven R. Ford BOOKS 17 Islam’s Anglican Thinker I Review by Lucinda Mosher 20 19 Theologizing en Espanglish I Review by Peter Eaton CULTURES 20 Lent in Image and Verse 22 By Mary McCleary and Michael Cover OTHER DEPARTMENTS 25 People & Places 26 Sunday’s Readings LIVING CHURCH Partners We are grateful to the dioceses of Mississippi and West Virginia [p. 24], Christ Church, Bradenton [p. 25], and St. Dunstan’s, Houston [p. 27], whose generous support helped make this issue possible. THE LIVING CHURCH is published by the Living Church Foundation. Our historic mission in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion is to seek and serve the Catholic and evangelical faith of the one Church, to the end of visible Christian unity throughout the world. March 8, 2015 • THE LIVING CHURCH 3 NEwS | March 8, 2015 Will Hart/Flickr photo St. John’s Cathedral is located on College Hill in Providence. Reconciliation Center Planned for Cathedral A shuttered cathedral that once rose lenging,” said the Rev. Linda Grenz, tional Center for Reconciliation will to prominence with support from canon to the ordinary for the Diocese cosponsor several events at Brown slave traders is on track for a new of Rhode Island, via email. “But we in 2015. A quiet phase of fundraising mission that grows out of its con- are called to the ministry of reconcil- has begun as well, and contributions flicted past: fostering racial reconcil- iation — and we can’t be agents of are coming in. iation in the United States. reconciliation without being honest Telling the history as a path to rec- The Diocese of Rhode Island voted about the past and hearing the pain onciliation will not be easy for any at its November convention to cre- of our brothers and sisters today.” group of people, according to Tracing ate a National Center for Reconcilia- The goal is to confront and redeem Center’s executive director, James tion, which is laying groundwork for an often-ignored facet of Rhode Island DeWolf Perry, whose ancestry in- a launch this year. If all goes accord- history and the church’s past. More cludes a leading slave trader, James ing to plan, it will eventually be than half the voyages from the United DeWolf, and a former Bishop of housed alongside a new slave-trade States to round up slaves for the Amer- Rhode Island, the late Rt. Rev. James museum and worship space in Prov- icas originated in the Ocean State. DeWolf Perry. idence’s Cathedral of St. John, which “Much of [Rhode Island’s] econ- Perry said some African-Ameri- has been closed since 2012. omy was built with the profits of that cans would prefer to focus on more The vision calls for exploring links trade,” said the Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas positive aspects of their history. between faith and the slave trade. Knisely, Bishop of Rhode Island, in What’s more, many white New Eng- Visitors would learn how Episcopal his convention address. “Many (per- landers would rather not confront institutions first benefited from slav- haps most) of those businesses were their checkered history. ery but then later helped abolish it. owned and operated by Episco- “Here in the North, this gap be- Telling that story would make the palians. So we feel we have both an tween public memory and reality is museum unique, as would its ties to a obligation and an opportunity to huge,” said Perry, whose book Inter- center where practical outreach — speak the truth about the church’s preting Slavery at Museums and including training for interventions role in the slave trade.” History Sites (Rowman & Littlefield) in racial conflicts like those in Fer- The diocese has enlisted several came out in December. “We tend in guson, Missouri, last summer — will partners, including the Tracing Cen- retrospect to think of ourselves as focus on reconciliation. ter in Watertown, Massachusetts, and the good guys in history who ended “We anticipate that people will find Brown University’s Center for the slavery after the Civil War. We forget this project uncomfortable or chal- Study of Slavery and Justice. The Na- that we were very reluctant to end 4 THE LIVING CHURCH • March 8, 2015 Southern slavery, and that we had es- Heather Cook sentially built the North on the eco- Primate Mourns nomics of slavery.” Cases Proceed Perry insists the path to redemp- Martyrs tion must include an unvarnished The Most Rev. Mouneer Hanna A grand jury has indicted the Rt. Rev. reckoning with realities of the past. Anis, Archbishop of Egypt and Heather Cook on 13 charges in the Such reckoning would build on re- Primate of Jerusalem and the death of Baltimore bicyclist Thomas cent initiatives in the Episcopal Middle East, has decried the Palermo. The charges include homi- Church. In the past decade, resolu- murder of 21 Egyptian Christians cide, drunken driving, and leaving tions adopted at General Convention by Islamic State terrorists in the scene of an accident. Cook could have acknowledged and apologized Libya. face more than 20 years in prison. for the church’s historic complicity “Please join me in praying for In a February 6 letter, the Rt. Rev. with slavery. peace in Libya, Egypt, and the Eugene Taylor Sutton wrote that he Before a slave-trade history could entire Middle East,” the arch- had not been informed of Bishop be showcased inside the cathedral, bishop wrote on February 16. Cook’s continuing struggles with al- the custodial Cathedral Corporation “Please pray the international coholism when she was a nominee would first need to approve exten- community will act in wisdom, to become bishop suffragan. He sive renovations to the facility. Mean- correctly and efficiently, and wrote as well of his concerns about while, the National Center for Rec- support Egypt in its war on ter- Cook’s condition during a dinner on onciliation is forging ahead. ror. Please pray the churches of September 4, two nights before her “I suspect we shall have some offi- Egypt will comfort their sons consecration service. cial ‘launch’ event/date when we get and daughters, encouraging Presiding Bishop Katharine Jef- the 501(c)(3) incorporation done and them to resist fear and hatred. ferts Schori has further restricted a board named,” Grenz said. “But And please pray for the perpe- Cook’s ministry under Title IV. She we’re not waiting for that to happen trators of this terrible crime, that wrote to Bishop Cook that the before we start the important work God would be merciful to them charges are “a result of your alleged of reconciliation.” and change their hearts.” criminal conduct in connection with G. Jeffrey MacDonald (Continued on next page) FREE Sample Lesson for your entire Sunday School! Sign-up today for an incredible Sunday School experience your students won’t forget! samplelessonsunday.com Registration ends March 23 wearesparkhouse.org March 8, 2015 • THE LIVING CHURCH 5 NEwS | March 8, 2015 Cook Cases Proceed Haiti’s Long (Continued from previous page) an automobile accident on Decem- Recovery ber 27, 2014, and misrepresentations The narrow dirt road leading up to you allegedly made to persons in the the mountain village of Dano, about Diocese of Easton and in connection 30 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince, to your candidacy for the episcopate is steep and for the most part uphill in the Diocese of Maryland regarding — like the lives of the children who your experience with alcohol.” live there. It is frequently washed out Bishop Sutton placed Bishop Cook by heavy rain, and even on a good on paid leave, and thus restricted her day it can give those who use it a ministry as his bishop suffragan, on bone-shaking ride over deep ruts in a December 28, when the diocese an- pickup truck.
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