Chu, Regina 2020.08.18 14:40:40 -05'00' Date Filed: August 18, 2020 Sande, Christian Document Number: 210382 2020.08.18 14:45:19 Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State -05'00' Steve Simon State of Minnesota Canvassing Report Federal, State & Judicial Offices Report of Votes Cast Minnesota State Primary Tuesday, August 11, 2020 Taken from the certified abstracts of the election returns of the Counties of Minnesota. Minnesota State Canvassing Report State Primary Tuesday, August 11, 2020 Minnesota Voter Statistics County Registered as of Registered on Absentee and Mail Absentee Ballots Absentee Ballots Total Voting 7am Election Day Ballots Regular Federal Only Presidential Aitkin 10,188 64 2,573 2 0 3,491 Anoka 217,669 1,600 23,445 14 0 47,321 Becker 19,933 124 1,693 2 0 3,758 Beltrami 24,742 216 3,458 6 0 6,643 Benton 23,544 158 1,492 0 0 4,111 Big Stone 3,070 12 1,032 1 0 1,170 Blue Earth 38,008 258 6,236 3 0 8,806 Brown 15,484 111 4,049 1 0 5,056 Carlton 21,243 68 3,462 3 0 5,506 Carver 66,967 577 6,973 8 0 16,457 Cass 19,111 60 5,140 0 0 6,116 Chippewa 7,080 31 1,171 0 0 1,836 Chisago 35,067 168 2,211 0 0 5,634 Clay 34,285 219 3,852 0 0 6,304 Clearwater 4,713 38 330 0 0 1,082 Cook 3,843 39 2,170 0 0 2,280 Cottonwood 6,279 35 257 0 0 984 Crow Wing 41,823 166 6,860 5 0 10,514 Dakota 271,290 1,773 34,067 26 0 59,488 Dodge 12,227 66 456 0 0 1,521 Douglas 25,434 133 4,271 1 0 6,717 Faribault 8,147 76 982 2 0 2,238 Fillmore 12,396 64 1,226 0 0 2,162 Freeborn 17,962 59 3,416 1 0 4,512 Goodhue 29,418 204 2,666 2 0 6,712 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 1 of 45 Grant 3,845 14 1,116 1 0 1,192 Hennepin 796,545 13,695 191,689 294 0 301,968 Houston 11,936 56 1,423 0 0 2,550 Hubbard 13,460 40 2,369 1 0 3,270 Isanti 24,489 142 1,250 0 0 3,757 Itasca 27,613 143 5,146 0 0 7,267 Jackson 5,982 18 865 0 0 1,370 Kanabec 9,720 46 524 0 0 1,876 Kandiyohi 24,640 148 1,999 1 0 4,859 Kittson 2,705 3 936 0 0 1,058 Koochiching 7,088 34 1,276 0 0 1,944 Lac Qui Parle 4,230 6 854 0 0 1,143 Lake 7,264 51 1,029 0 0 1,996 Lake Of The Woods 2,520 10 894 2 0 988 Le Sueur 17,225 84 2,339 1 0 3,387 Lincoln 3,414 21 89 0 0 559 Lyon 13,699 61 2,003 0 0 2,825 Mahnomen 2,551 9 545 0 0 666 Marshall 5,309 8 1,825 0 0 1,899 Martin 11,548 90 1,636 3 0 3,354 Mcleod 21,403 138 2,857 0 0 5,099 Meeker 13,730 60 1,580 0 0 3,086 Mille Lacs 15,063 74 798 0 0 2,279 Morrison 20,116 73 3,151 0 0 5,078 Mower 20,681 147 3,135 4 0 4,645 Murray 5,140 16 1,066 0 0 1,519 Nicollet 20,502 119 3,209 0 0 4,517 Nobles 9,674 27 1,469 0 0 1,842 Norman 3,628 4 1,033 0 0 1,094 Olmsted 96,254 477 17,616 15 0 25,111 Otter Tail 37,032 250 2,218 3 0 8,377 Pennington 7,415 36 603 1 0 1,267 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 2 of 45 Pine 15,977 66 1,783 0 0 3,711 Pipestone 5,180 17 850 1 0 1,123 Polk 16,702 96 4,035 0 0 4,774 Pope 7,034 43 820 0 0 1,582 Ramsey 322,025 2,779 65,124 134 0 97,898 Red Lake 2,177 7 580 0 0 675 Redwood 8,639 55 322 2 0 1,514 Renville 8,496 56 524 0 0 2,136 Rice 37,997 258 4,608 7 0 8,199 Rock 5,142 27 855 0 0 1,074 Roseau 8,821 49 2,142 0 0 2,510 Scott 89,225 608 7,526 0 0 16,606 Sherburne 57,613 338 2,935 3 0 8,354 Sibley 8,945 121 2,017 1 0 3,444 St. Louis 126,708 1,239 18,027 20 0 37,205 Stearns 89,466 718 9,734 19 0 18,238 Steele 22,122 88 1,308 0 0 2,992 Stevens 5,380 41 1,239 0 0 1,506 Swift 5,380 21 1,107 0 0 1,562 Todd 13,348 104 480 0 0 2,592 Traverse 1,925 10 490 0 0 576 Wabasha 13,536 52 996 0 0 2,388 Wadena 7,803 80 475 0 0 1,559 Waseca 10,764 78 867 5 0 2,006 Washington 170,030 901 21,619 20 0 36,550 Watonwan 5,458 24 1,307 0 0 1,746 Wilkin 3,575 4 638 1 0 821 Winona 28,155 302 3,073 2 0 6,827 Wright 82,817 470 4,795 3 0 12,504 Yellow Medicine 5,730 21 854 0 0 1,297 TOTAL 3,422,514 31,092 543,160 621 0 916,230 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 3 of 45 U.S. Senator LMN Kevin O'Connor Aitkin 13 Anoka 430 Becker 27 Beltrami 76 Benton 30 Big Stone 6 Blue Earth 142 Brown 27 Carlton 39 Carver 65 Cass 48 Chippewa 10 Chisago 43 Clay 42 Clearwater 10 Cook 16 Cottonwood 4 Crow Wing 43 Dakota 643 Dodge 33 Douglas 55 Faribault 15 Fillmore 47 Freeborn 38 Goodhue 125 Grant 15 Hennepin 1,568 Houston 64 Hubbard 32 Isanti 44 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 4 of 45 Itasca 49 Jackson 5 Kanabec 20 Kandiyohi 38 Kittson 5 Koochiching 14 Lac Qui Parle 1 Lake 16 Lake Of The Woods 11 Le Sueur 57 Lincoln 7 Lyon 20 Mcleod 41 Mahnomen 2 Marshall 9 Martin 17 Meeker 25 Mille Lacs 25 Morrison 28 Mower 87 Murray 8 Nicollet 73 Nobles 17 Norman 7 Olmsted 267 Otter Tail 52 Pennington 10 Pine 36 Pipestone 9 Polk 37 Pope 10 Ramsey 643 Red Lake 6 Redwood 12 Renville 31 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 5 of 45 Rice 119 Rock 6 Roseau 10 St. Louis 153 Scott 180 Sherburne 88 Sibley 37 Stearns 168 Steele 71 Stevens 16 Swift 17 Todd 19 Traverse 6 Wabasha 39 Wadena 8 Waseca 25 Washington 283 Watonwan 12 Wilkin 8 Winona 143 Wright 135 Yellow Medicine 8 TOTAL 6,996 GLC Oliver Steinberg Aitkin 9 Anoka 126 Becker 11 Beltrami 48 Benton 22 Big Stone 3 Blue Earth 55 Brown 17 Carlton 36 Carver 24 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 6 of 45 Cass 58 Chippewa 5 Chisago 27 Clay 21 Clearwater 9 Cook 19 Cottonwood 3 Crow Wing 33 Dakota 340 Dodge 9 Douglas 20 Faribault 10 Fillmore 12 Freeborn 14 Goodhue 51 Grant 3 Hennepin 436 Houston 23 Hubbard 17 Isanti 19 Itasca 70 Jackson 9 Kanabec 17 Kandiyohi 18 Kittson 2 Koochiching 8 Lac Qui Parle 0 Lake 14 Lake Of The Woods 5 Le Sueur 18 Lincoln 4 Lyon 9 Mcleod 25 Mahnomen 3 Marshall 0 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 7 of 45 Martin 3 Meeker 12 Mille Lacs 16 Morrison 20 Mower 37 Murray 7 Nicollet 23 Nobles 12 Norman 4 Olmsted 105 Otter Tail 31 Pennington 8 Pine 27 Pipestone 8 Polk 20 Pope 3 Ramsey 525 Red Lake 2 Redwood 5 Renville 2 Rice 39 Rock 7 Roseau 5 St. Louis 149 Scott 61 Sherburne 31 Sibley 15 Stearns 61 Steele 26 Stevens 5 Swift 2 Todd 7 Traverse 3 Wabasha 16 Wadena 5 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 8 of 45 Waseca 11 Washington 166 Watonwan 0 Wilkin 5 Winona 62 Wright 45 Yellow Medicine 2 TOTAL 3,275 R R R R Cynthia Gail Bob "Again" Carney Jr. James Reibestein Jason Lewis Aitkin 101 54 65 1,148 Anoka 971 567 474 13,505 Becker 204 106 113 1,128 Beltrami 187 105 120 1,844 Benton 181 101 95 1,573 Big Stone 47 18 18 376 Blue Earth 287 224 139 2,242 Brown 228 114 122 1,643 Carlton 162 93 132 1,118 Carver 732 318 165 6,204 Cass 210 110 114 2,715 Chippewa 69 18 28 625 Chisago 154 128 79 2,123 Clay 165 131 103 1,057 Clearwater 73 35 37 413 Cook 69 41 25 414 Cottonwood 48 19 30 341 Crow Wing 355 227 234 3,986 Dakota 610 459 299 13,876 Dodge 52 40 38 478 Douglas 252 103 134 2,673 Faribault 140 78 67 845 Fillmore 92 67 44 467 Freeborn 205 105 91 1,008 Goodhue 105 77 56 2,266 Grant 46 17 18 407 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 9 of 45 Hennepin 2,157 1,393 948 32,369 Houston 133 78 46 583 Hubbard 129 59 74 1,169 Isanti 114 85 81 1,475 Itasca 311 189 169 2,079 Jackson 73 28 28 510 Kanabec 43 42 39 756 Kandiyohi 130 88 102 1,566 Kittson 45 22 15 271 Koochiching 93 56 40 501 Lac Qui Parle 41 20 18 396 Lake 67 42 54 366 Lake Of The Woods 67 31 20 357 Le Sueur 89 48 27 1,197 Lincoln 30 21 25 180 Lyon 98 46 71 1,037 Mcleod 162 104 92 2,255 Mahnomen 23 10 18 128 Marshall 93 30 34 682 Martin 213 127 98 1,391 Meeker 118 52 58 1,301 Mille Lacs 77 52 63 882 Morrison 269 131 174 2,404 Mower 156 104 70 878 Murray 78 39 44 529 Nicollet 112 71 65 1,016 Nobles 91 47 41 545 Norman 28 16 22 235 Olmsted 566 366 269 4,663 Otter Tail 503 306 349 2,564 Pennington 60 23 38 335 Pine 94 49 66 1,347 Pipestone 59 28 50 458 Polk 205 100 82 1,298 Pope 51 17 36 552 Ramsey 841 670 442 10,632 8/18/2020 10:45:49 AM Page 10 of 45 Red Lake 20 9 23 158 Redwood 77 23 56 653 Renville 99 66 79 706 Rice 127 95 93 1,983 Rock 47 24 35 380 Roseau 143 85 67 1,050 St.
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