Broadcasting ABC /I, Okla

Broadcasting ABC /I, Okla

KNOR(AM)- November 1949: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, Banzer, news dir; Paul Cinnamon, chief engr. Rates: Oklahoma Radio 250 w -N. Box 500 (73070). (405) 321 -1400. KNOR $24; 24; 20: 20. Radio Inc. (acq 11 -76). Net: ABC /I. Format: MOR. Terry King, VP & gen mgr; Jerry Munday, prog dir & KXXY(FM) -Co -owned with KOCY(AM). October chief engr; Dan O'Neal, mus dir; James Hale, sports 1964: 96.1 mhz: 100 kw. Ant 300 ft. Prog sep from AM. Sereo. Format: AOR. Andy Lockridge, prog dir; Fred dir & prom mgr; Nancy Kolb, news dir. Rates: $8.82; 756 -3646. Brewer Communications Inc. (acq 6 -1 -73` Dan Stroud, news dir. Rates: 8.82; 8.82; 8.82. Hendrickson, mus dir; Net: ABC /I, MBS. Rep: Keystone. Format: C &W. $23; 23; 28; 28. James R. Brewer, pres & gen mgr; Keith Humphries. WNAD(AM) -Sept 26, 1922: 640 khz; 1 kw -D. 4000 coml & prom mgr; Scott Aber, prog & mus dir; Ann W. Indian Hills Rd. (73069). (405) 329-0640. Okla. Calvert, news dir; Wayne Rowley, chief engr. Rates: Communications Inc. (acq 1- 28 -73). Net: MBS, Mid - $10.88; 9; 10.88; 9. American AG. Rep: H.R. Stone. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Indian 1 hr wkly. Don H. McLeland, pres; Ben KOKL -FM -Co -owned with KOKL(AM). May 24, B. Buckland, gen & coml mgr; Tim Russell, news dir; 1976: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Prog sep Ray Klotz, chief engr. from AM. Format: MOR. Nowata Owasso KNFB(FM) -March 19, 1965: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant KCMA(FM) -Not on air. target date unknown: 106.1 110 ft. 110 N. Maple St. (74048). (918) 273 -0620. mhz, 100 kw. Ant 487 ft. 500 S. Warren St., Syracuse, Dwight Carver (acq 5- 15 -78). Net: Okla. News, ABC /I, N.Y (13202). John K. Major. Format: Classical. Okla. Agrinet. Format: C &W Spec progs: Farm 2 hrs, Top - 40 sports 15 hrs, relig 6 hrs wkly. Dwight Carver, gen Pauls Valley mgr & chief engr; Carolyn Carver, traf mgr. Rates: Irx $3.55; 3.55; 3.55; 3.55. irk Buckley Radio Sales KGOK(FM) -Listing follows KVLH(AM). Oklahoma MO KVLH(AM) - December 1947: 1470 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. City Box 610 (73075). (405) 238 -3314. Garvin County Bcstg Inc. 1- 1 -70). Net: ABC /I; Okla. News. Rep: KAEZ(FM) -Oct 1, 1976: 107.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant (acq KOFM(FM) -Nov 25, 1965: 104.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 185 ft. Box 11333 (73136). (405) 424 -3376. All Amer- Riley. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Farm 6 hrs wkly. 1425 ft. Stereo. 1200 E. Britton Rd. (405) ican Bcstg. Format: Black. Spec prog: Jazz 5 hrs wkly. (73114). Ronald R. Casey, Ares, gen mgr & chief engr; Debra 478 -0444. KOFM Inc. (acq 4- 1 -80). Group owner: Guy Tucker, mus dir; Jim Yeary, news dir; Rates: $4.60; James E. Miller, pres & gen mgr; Ingrid Pendleton, Gannett Bcstg. Rep: Buckley. Format: Top -40. David coml mgr; Fred Elkins, grog dir; Lee Simpson, mus dir; 3.25; 3.25; 3.25. L. Frieden, gen mgr; Tory Gustin, mgr; Mike Miller, Darnell Holmes, news dir; William Davis, chief engr. coml prog dir; Chuck Morgan, mus dir; Dennis Orcutt, news KGOK(FM) -Co -owned with KVLH(AM). October' Rates: $42; 35.70; 42; 35.70. dir & chief engr. Rates: $45; 43; 45; 43. 1978: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 303 ft. Stereo. Box 610 (73075). Garvin County Bcstg. Format: MOR. Rates: KATT(AM) -1946: 1140 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 25787 KOMA(AM) 24, 1922: 1520 khz; 50 kw -U, DA- (73125). (405) 631 -8881. Sun Bcstg Inc. (acq -Dec $6; 5.40; 5.40; 5.40. N. Box 1520 11- 15 -77). Net: APR, NBC's The Source. Rep: RKO. (73101). (405) 794 -1573. Storz Bcstg (group 1 Rep: Format: Format: AOR. John Tyler, pres; Mike Moore, VP & gen Co. owner; acq 5- -58). Blair. Pawhuska C H. mgr; Mark Dempsey, prog dir; Clark Ryan, mus dir; &W. Robert Storz, pres; Woody Woodward, gen 19, 1500 khz; kw -U, DA -D. Melanie Reeves, prom mgr; Mark Caesar, news dir; mgr; John Rogers, coml mgr; Gregg Lindahl, prog dir; KXVO(AM) -Oct 1963: 5 w. (Non -DA, Box 1509 (74056). (918) Bob Ablah, chief engr. Rates: $62; 48; 62; 48. Mike Sims, news dir; Fred Morton, chief engr. Rates: (500 CH). $34; 29; 34; 29. 287 -1211. Dawn Bcstg Co. (acq 4- 5 -78). Net: ABC /I, KATT -FM -Oct 17, 1960: 100.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Okla. News. Format: Top -40. Thomas Neil Jackson, 600 ft. Stereo. Dups AM 20%. Rates same as AM. pres & gen mgr; Monte Lyons, mus & prog dir, prom mgr; Bonnie Swan, coml mgr; Kris Knight, news dir; KBYE(AM) -1946: 890 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 20700 Bill Coleman, chief engr. Rates: $3.55; 3.55; 3.55; - (73156). (405) 478 -2100. FJL Bcstg Inc. (acq 1969). KQCV Group owner: Logos, Broadcast Group. Format: Relig. Oklahoma's David (Jerry) Lynch, pres & gen mgr; Roger Logan, Ponca City prog dir & chief engr. Rates: $8.60; 8.60; 8.60; -. Quality Christian Voice KLOR -FM -Co -owned with KLTR(AM) Blackwell. KEBC(FM) -June 6, 1967: 94.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant mow A Division of ... December 1965: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 145 ft. (CP: Ant 550 ft. Stereo. Box 94580 (73143). (405) 631 -7501. IMTEGMTV 290 ft). Suite 414, Community Bldg. (74601). (405) O Bott Electronic Bcstg Co. (acq 2 -72). Net: ABC /E. Rep: U E 765 -6681. Indian Nation Bcstrs (acq 7- 1 -71). Net: Torbet- Radio. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. BBC Broadcasting ABC /I, Okla. News. Format: Contemp. Spec progs: Ralph Tyler, Ares; Donald P Hodges, gen mgr; Lynn E Farm 3 hrs wkly. Don M. Kelly, pres; Stan Bivin, gen r S!M NGT H . Waggoner, prog dir; Jane Graber, prom mgr; Skip Company mgr; Steve Clem, prog dir & prom mgr; Bill Mason, Stow, coml mgr; Al Hamilton, mus dir; Kevin Lynch, mus dir & chief engr; George Lawson. news dir. news dir; Randall Mullinax, chief engr. Rates: S55; Rates: $7; 5.50; 7; 4. 40; 40; 30. KOCV(AM) -1948: 800 khz; 250 w-D. 1919 N. Broadway (73103). (405) 521 -1412. Bott Bcstg Co. KLTR(AM) -See Blackwell. KKNG(FM) -1964: 92.5 mhz; 98 kw. Ant 900 ft. 110 (acq 1 -76). Format: Religious. Richard C. Bott, pres; N.E. St. KPNC -FM -June 5, 1979: 100.9 mhz, 3 kw. Ant 363 48th (73105). (405) 525 -5595. Swanson Dane S. Rohm, gen mgr; Gary Miller, prog dir; James ft. Stereo. Box 2509 (74601). (405) 765 -2485. Montez Bcstg (group owner; acq 2- 3 -72). Rep: Christal. For- Bowman, chief engr. Rates: 521; 21; 21; -. mat: Btfl music. Gery Swanson, pres; Don Wm. Radio Co. Net: ABC /I, Okla. News, Agri -net. Format: Berndt II, gen mgr; Steve White, opns mgr; Mike Nau- KTOK(AM) -Jan 29, 1927: 1000 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. C &W. Spec progs: Farm 6 hrs, relig 2 hrs wkly. Lewis man, coml mgr; Wayne Smith, chief engr. Box 1000 (73101). (405) 840 -5271. Insilco Broadcast Coleman, pres & gen mgr; Greg Brown, prog dir & VP; Bill Coleman, chief engr. Rates: $5; 4; 5: 3. Group (acq 8- 1 -78). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Eastman. For- kw. Ant 420 KLNK(FM) -June 1969: 98.9 mhz; 100 mat: MOR. Fred Walker, pres; Kenneth L. Gaines, VP WBBZ(AM) -1927: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box ft. Stereo. Sunbelt Communications (group owner; acq & gen mgr; Russ Whitnah, coml mgr; Bob Durgin, 588 (74601). (405) 765 -6607. Ponca City Publishing 9- 2 -80). Format: Black. Ron Williams, prom mgr & news dir: B.J. Wexler, prog dir; Chester Lee Grubbs, dir Co. (acq 1949). Net: MBS. Rep: Savalli /Gates. Format: mus dir. Rates: 515; 12; 14; 12. of engrg. Rates: $99; 63; 69; 46. MOR. Allan W Muchmore, mgng ptnr; Don Putnam, R. Clyde KLTE(FM) -March 16, 1962: 101.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant KZUE(FM) -Co -owned with KOTK(AM). April 9, coml mgr; James Morgan, prog dir; mus dir; Tom Muchmore. news dir. 420 ft. Stereo. 2816 Quail Plaza (73120). (405) 1961: 102.7 mhz; 98 kw. Ant 900 ft. Box 1000 Muchmore, 755 -5583. KLTE Bcstg Inc. (acq 1979). Format: Adult (73101) Rep: Eastman. Format: Adult contemp. Rates: $8.76; -; -; 5.88. contemp, lite pop. Ken Dowe, pres & gen mgr; Tim Bob Rogers, gen mgr; Bob Bray, coml mgr; Ben Cain, Ridley, sis mgr; Richard Corner, stn mgr; Bob Ablah, prog dir; Darrell Myers, news dir; Chester Grubbs, Poteau chief engr. chief engr. Rates: $34; 31; 34; 27. KOCC(FM) -Nov. 3, 1980: 88.9 mhz, 3 kw. Ant 300 KXXY(FM)- Listing follows KOCY(AM). KINB(FM) -Oct 18, 1969: 107.3 mhz; 70 kw. Horiz, ft. Oklahoma Christian College, 2501 E. Memorial 30 kw vert. Ant 1,810 ft. Drawer H (74953). (918) (73111). (405) 478 -1661 ext. 620. Oklahoma Chris- WKY(AM) -January 1920: 930 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. 647 -2127. V.F. Nowlin (acq 1974). Format: C &W /pop. tian College. Format: Ed. Spec prog: Jazz 10 hrs wkly. Box 14930 (73113). (405) 478 -2930. Gaylord Broad- Vick F Nowlin, pres & mus dir; Ron Graves; prod Terry Johnson, pres; Nick Prindle, gen mgr; Dr. David casting Co. (group owner; acq 8-1 -28). Net: NBC mgr; Lloyd Sims, chief engr. Lowry, sponsor; David Boyd, prog dir; Christy Vincent, Rep: Katz.

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