CANADIAN HYBRIDIZED ROSES © National Roses Canada -as of June-2006 Please contact '[email protected]' or National-Roses-Canada with known locations , corrections and omissions. d d e e c z i u d i d r o b r t y n I H r r a a e Variety Breeder 1st name Breeder Last name Introducer e Parentage Y Y 76-6 Percy H. Wright shrub Adelaide Hoodless Henry Heard Marshall AgCan Morden 1973 1975 ‘Fire King’ x (‘J.W. Fargo’ x ‘Assiniboine’) Agassiz Isabella Preston AgCan Ottawa 1930 1938 R. setigera x ‘Louise Walter' (Polyantha pompom) Agnes Dr. William F. Saunders AgCan Ottawa 1902 1922 R. rugosa x 'Persian Yellow' (R. foetida persiana) Alamode Ted Brown 1997 'Esprit' (KORholst) x 'Party Girl' Alberta Joyce L. Fleming Hortico 1990 1995 'Carefree Beauty' x 'Red Hot' Alberta Bouquet WalterSchowalter ca. 1960 'Ross Rambler' open pollinated seedling Albertan Robert Erskine self 1962 R. woodsii hybrid Albion Dr. Frank Leith Skinner self R. laxa hybrid Alexander Mackenzie Dr. Felicitas Svejda AgCan Ottawa 1970 1985 'Queen Elizabeth' x ('Red Dawn' x 'Suzanne') x 2 cycles of open pollination Alexander Milne Keith G. Laver Springwood Roses 1987 'Cornsilk' x 'Ice Princess' Alexandra Leek Joyce L. Fleming Hortico 1990 1994 'Masquerade' x 'Mrs. John Laing' Algonquin Isabella Preston AgCan Ottawa 1928 1938 R. rubrifolia x R. rugosa hybrid Alice Percy H. Wright self 1935 R. macounii (woodsii) hybrid 'Hansa' x R. macounii WCSH History [Pittao] Alison Percy H. Wright self 1947 ‘Mary L. Evans’ x ‘Alika’ (R. gallica grandiflora) or R. rugosa hyb. x ‘Alika’ [Olsen] Altalaris Dr. Frank Leith Skinner self 1941 R. spinosissima altaica x R. acicularis Amber Star George Mander Select Roses 1999 1999 aka 'Brittany's Glowing Star' Amber Sunset George Mander Select Roses 1996 1996 'June Laver' x 'Rubies 'n' Pearls' Amelia Fleming Joyce L. Fleming Hortico 1990 1994 'Märchenland' x 'Bambula' Amy Hedrick Isabella Preston ? 'Harison's Yellow' (R. Harisonii) open pollinated seedling Amy/Amy's Rose WalterSchowalter ca.1966 open pollinated seedling of 'George Will' x 'Betty Bland' [Phillips/Migneault] Anita Russell Brad Jalbert 2004 'Cherry Wine' x 'Glowing Amber' Anne Bugnet Georges Bugnet ? Antenor Isabella Preston ? 'Harison's Yellow' (R. Harisonii) open pollinated seedling Antique Gold Keith G. Laver Springwood Roses 1995 1996 Seedling x Seedling Appleblossom Dr. Frank Leith Skinner self 1963 ‘William Godfrey’ x Skinner hyb, Apricot Beauty Dr. Anthony Casimir Mekdeci 'Dornröschen' x 'Maigold' Apricot Doll Keith G. Laver Springwood Roses 1990 1991 'Painted Doll' x 'Painted Doll' Arctic Nights Paul Olsen R spinosissima hybrid Ardelia Isabella Preston ? 'Harison's Yellow' (R. Harisonii) open pollinated seedling Ardelle H.M. and SonsEddie H.M. Eddie and Sons, Ltd 1957 'Mrs. Charles Lamplough' x 'Peace' Assiniboine Henry Heard Marshall 1962 hybrid of R. arkansana T. Porter var. suffulta (Greene) 'Cockerell' x 'Donald Prior' Athabasca GeargeBell 1930 R. woodsii Augie Boy Bruce F.Rennie 1995 'Party Girl' x 'California Dreaming' Augusta Percy H. Wright 1953 ? ‘Hansa’ x ‘Mrs. Anthony Waterer’ Auntie Louise Brad Jalbert Select Roses 2004 'Orange Honey' x 'Sexy Rexy' Aurora Robert Erskine self ca.1950 1950 naturally occuring variety of R. acicularis Aylsham Percy H. Wright self 1948 ‘Hansa’ x R. nitida Aylsham Sib Percy H. Wright self 1948 ‘Hansa’ x R. nitida Baby Face Keith G. Laver 1982 'Popcorn' x 'Popcorn' Baby Shannon James A. "Tony"Denton 2005 'June Laver' x ' Incognito' (Miniature, Bridges, 1995) Please contact ’[email protected]’ or National-Roses-Canada with known locations, corrections and omissions. d d e e c z i u d i d r o b r t y n I H r r a a e Variety Breeder 1st name Breeder Last name Introducer e Parentage Y Y Barrie Schloen 1973 'Sumatra' x 'Fashion' (Floribunda, Boerner, 1947) Beauty of Dropmore Dr. Frank Leith Skinner self 1956 R. spinosissima altaica x R. spinosissima c.v. (double white form—Burnett Rose) Beauty of Leafland Robert Erskine self ca 1963 ‘Butterball’ x ‘Haidee’ Beauty’s Blush Cecil F. Patterson University of Saskatchewan 1955 hybrid rugosa: ‘Tetonkaha’ x ‘Pink Pearl’ Bermuda Pink AdamGolik 1974 Queen of Bermuda x Montezuma (Grandiflora, Swim, 1955) Bertha Percy H. Wright 1946 (R. rugosa ('Hansa' [Brian Porter]) x Hybrid Perpetual) x ( R. multiflora x R. blanda) ('Ames Climber' [Brian Porter]) [Phillips/Migneault] Betty Bland Dr. Frank Leith Skinner self 1926 R. blanda x hyb. per. likely ‘Captain Hayward’ (pollen parent) (Skinner); R. blanda x R. rugosa [Schowalter/ Pittao] Betty Bugnet Georges Bugnet self <1957 possibly ( R. acicularis x R. rugosa var kamtchatica) x ( R. amblyotis x R. rugosa plena) x 'Betty Bland') Betty Will Robert Erskine self 1963 ‘George Will’ x ‘Betty Bland’ Bikini Red AdamGolik Dynarose 1974 'Queen of Bermuda' x 'Peace' Black Sapphire Keith G. Laver Springwood Roses 1995 1995 'Royal Victoria' x Seedling Blessed Event Keith G. Laver Springwood Roses 1993 1993 ('Enjoy' (Miniature, Laver, 1989) x 'June Laver' ) × 'Party Girl' Blue Angel Bruce F.Rennie Rennie Roses International 1992 'Lavonde' x 'Shocking Blue' Blue Ice Keith G. Laver Springwood Roses 1993 1993 'June Laver' x 'Apricot Doll' Blueblood Keith G. Laver 1982 'Dwarf King '78' x 'Hokey Pokey' Blushing Blue Bruce F.Rennie 1988 1989 'Shocking Blue' x 'Twilight Trail' Bob Fleming Joyce L. Fleming Hortico 1999 2004 Bob’s Double White Altai Robert Erskine self seedling of ‘Harison’s Yellow’ x R. spinosissima altaica Bobolink Percy H. Wright self 1982 R. spinosissima altaica hyb.: F3 or F4 R. spinosissima altaica x ‘Hazeldean’ Bonavista Dr. Felicitas Svejda AgCan Ottawa 1964 1977 'Schneezwerg’ x ‘Némésis’ (1977 MR 10 & 11) Bonhomme Keith G. Laver 1986 Sport of 'Blueblood' Bonnie Percy H. Wright 1956 ‘Hansa’ x R. nitida (1955 WCSH History [Pittao]) Brilliant Robert Erskine seedling of 'Little Betty' Brother Sun Joyce L. Fleming Hortico 1991 1998 'Goldener Olymp' x 'Australian Gold' Buffy Sainte-Marie George Mander Select Roses 1996 1996 'June Laver' x 'Rubies 'n' Pearls' Burnaby H.M. and SonsEddie Peterson & Dering 1954 Phyllis Gold' x 'President Herbert Hoover' (aka 'Gold Heart') Burning Ember Ted Brown 2000 Butterball Dr. Frank Leith Skinner self 1950 R. spinosissima altaica hybrid Butterflies Dr. Anthony Casimir Mekdeci Hortico 1997 'Dornröschen' x 'Golden Wings' By Design Keith G. Laver Springwood Roses 1992 1992 ('Breezy' × 'Julie Ann') x ('June Laver' × 'Painted Doll') Cacaphony AdamGolik. Dynarose 1974 'Baccará' x 'Golden Showers' California Blonde Bruce F.Rennie Rennie Roses International 1993 1995 'Party Girl' x 'Tooth of Time' California Dreaming Bruce F.Rennie 1987 'Julie Ann' x 'Black Jade' (ARS 'Black Jack') California Girl Bruce F.Rennie 1986 'Julie Ann' x 'Red Love' California Sun Bruce F.Rennie 1988 'Shocking Blue' x 'Rise 'n' Shine' California Surf Bruce F.Rennie 1987 Seedling x Seedling Canadian Dream Ted Brown 1997 'Nymphenberg' x Seedling Canadian Jubilee John H. Dunlop 1927 'Priscilla' (Tea, Lambert, 1886) x 'Commonwealth' (Hybrid Tea, Montgomery, 1923) Canadian Northlight George Mander 1984 ('Fragrant Cloud' × 'Diamond Jubilee') x 'Super Sun' Please contact ’[email protected]’ or National-Roses-Canada with known locations, corrections and omissions. d d e e c z i u d i d r o b r t y n I H r r a a e Variety Breeder 1st name Breeder Last name Introducer e Parentage Y Y Canadian White Star George Mander Hortico 1980 1985 'Blanche Mallerin x Pascali Captain Samuel Holland Dr. Felicitas Svejda AgCan Ottawa 1981 1991 cross between 2 breeding lines, both derived from R. kordesii, 'Red Dawn' and 'Suzanne' Caribbean Queen Bruce F.Rennie Rennie Roses International 1987 1987 'Sunday Brunch' x 'Gold Mine' (Registration withdrawn) Caribou Isabella Preston AgCan Ottawa 1934 1946 'Ross Rambler' x (R. glauca x R. eglantaria) Carla Robert Erskine 1963 ‘Will Alderman’ x ‘Hansa’ Carlea Percy H. Wright 1965 R. blanda hybrid or ‘Betty Bland’ seedling Carlos Beauty Robert Erskine self 1963 naturally occuring variety of R. acicularis, possibly 1960 Carlos Dawn Robert Erskine c.1960 Carlos Games Robert Erskine unknown Seedling from 'Lac La Nonne' [Georges Bugnet] Carlos Perpetual Robert Erskine self ? ‘Lac La Nonne’ x ‘Pinocchio’ & others Carlos Red Robert Erskine self ca1960 R. acicularis Carlsham Robert Erskine 1964 ‘Hansa’ x R. nitida Carmenetta Isabella Preston AgCan Ottawa 1923 1923 R glauca x R. rugosa; R. x rubrosa, R. rubrifolia ‘Carmenetta’, Rubrifolia 'Carmenetta' Caroyal Robert Erskine self ? 'Hansa' x 'Lac La Nonne' Casa Loma Hortico Hortico ? Cathy Wade Larry Lougheed 1990 Chamcook unknown <1859 dwarf R. gallica Champlain Dr. Felicitas Svejda AgCan Ottawa 1973 1982 (R. kordesii x tetraploid seedling from 'Max Graf') x ('Red Dawn' x 'Suzanne' open polination) Chariot of Roses C. & H. Fischer Alpenflors 1986 Seedling x 'Fairy Moss' Charles Albanel Dr. Felicitas Svejda AgCan Ottawa 1970 1982 2 cycles of open pollen of 'Souvenir de Philemon Cochet' Charlotte Marie Joyce L. Fleming Hortico 1991 1998 'Märchenland' x R. virginiana Cheesecake Ted Brown 1997 'Esprit' (KORholst) x 'Party Girl' Cherry Wine Brad Jalbert Select Roses 1993 1994 'Dee Bennett' x 'Winsome' (Mini, Saville 1984) Chippewa Isabella Preston AgCan Ottawa 1923 1938 R. glauca (rubifolia) x 'White Tausendschon' cl Claire Laberge Joyce L. Fleming Hortico 1993 2001? 'Jens Munk' x 'Scabrosa' Clarion Call Joyce L. Fleming Hortico 1987 1994 'Canadian Centennial' x 'Träumerei' Colour Parade Keith G. Laver Springwood Roses 1991 1992 'Breezy' x 'Julie Ann' Conestoga Isabella Preston AgCan Ottawa 1934 1946 'Betty Bland’ open-polinated seedling Confederation Golik. Ellesmere Nursery 1964 1964 'Queen o' the Lakes' x 'Serenade' Conservency Rose Ruth Pallek 1996 Unknown x Unknown Cool Dude Bruce F.Rennie 1995 Seedling x 'Blushing Blue' Coral 'n' Gold George Mander Select Roses 1995 1995 'June Laver' x 'Rubies 'n' Pearls' Coral Reef Brad Jalbert 2004 'Dresden Doll' x 'Silver Jubilee' (Hybrid Tea, Cocker, 1978) Coral Sand Bruce F.Rennie Rennie Roses International 1990 1991 'Paul Shirville' x 'Shocking Blue' Coralee Ed.
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