yii: ' j , »■ ■ ‘1^1 .iiHb-, -i. 'X I, ■ X ' 7 , \, \ l!ONbAV,-!?pVEMBEB r .e, V tqliday Shopping Starts-- m B^ O m h T o m o rro w ifhitMJ S p ra lh -fxf ■ \ apasmaa,* \ V ^ ^4raathar election of offleefa in December A v«ra‘f c Daily N et Prciaa Rati The Mancheater Chapter of lU- ’W e Tw o’ Club Has Mr. and Mrs. George St^emar Feeaeaat at D. a.’Waetber r-iH meet tomorrow W*h-. and Mr. and Mra. Robert Wemei For -the W'eek Ended a v T so at TeippJ* Beth S^Iom will aefye PP fhe refreihment com- - - f - Nav.'12. IC52 Alioiit^To^ M eeting Tuesday Cloudy tauight, Mra. Katherine' Bourn will th-.. ihltte*/. ', . ^ ■ I ■ ■ '•i r—■» ruest apeaKer and a "Hadaam Oeeasiaaal ralB baghMag WMbMaP A 4 *uirtiUr. thetr flwt child.'.^M 10,793 Hat Parade" will alao be preaeirtet F.r . K»#rfl#sa * -‘"-*S**'*** day. ■ korti y*rterdmy *t Uie Miuiche^r during the program. A door pri« The "We Two" Club of Con­ Member of the Audit m4v« HoodV E*g * ‘***’rr Memorial HoaplUl Mr. and wUr be awarded and refreahmenfc cordia Lutheran Church will hold Bureau at ClrrnlatioM WaHar R. r«rg«aon of l e ^ n ^ ta monthly meeting tomorrow delicioii* and reedy to poor.’^ X Umiehe$ter— ^A C i t y . o / V m m * C h a r m aeryod. ^ •traet. The baby U the iraf'ltWW ,r night at t j i S . Important business Order your hoUdey sup­ af Mt. and Mra. Goorge Simpaon will be tfanaacted, and all mem- PRICE FIV i CBNTC or 71 Branford atre^ipd the Anderaon Shea Post A x ­ ply” Hooa’i non-al«*oIte ^ • --X MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, WVEMBER 25, 1952 \ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) illary ariU. hold lU r«(gular mMt- bera are urged to attend. ^og from your Hood Rome Sales- (Claaalflad AdvertMag ae Page Ib) graadchlld Of Mra. Mr. and Mra Robert Werner, VOL. tX X II, NO. 48 Ing tomorrow night at "t to* president o f th# club, will appoint '•'uammaa OT yOMf favOflt* Sl®f Kuadn of »aat Center p<^ home. A buslneaa meeting ^ C«ll Manch/iiter 710® ■ rnnaon U vice P*^'**^ a nominating com’initloe for y«e t n u ^ r of The Herald ^PrintlnR take place, and refreShmenU will The baby h a ». been be served. ^ S id fa t h le e n Rebecca. C u r b s E n Paul Prokopy.-son JJh;? V Among the four a p p e^ \ e Urt. Paul 0 , Prokopy of 16 Coop^ by the-RUU SelecUve atreet, junior at Concordia S a l Board laat weeh waa that oT Teachers College. ' ’Bfvjr In., will participate In the Chnst- ^ i a i h B, * ? 1 Nor- nMA*r atreet CUa* H-A. to Plo^. maa concert of toe cantata chorus , The appeal w m ®" of toe college on Dec. .It- Dilco the baai* of occupation by his ^ and X ^ y e r , Empire Tool Lt. CoL Francis W.-Tumey of Pd t u r ^ Company, whew he U w Miami. Fla., has been aaali^ed to INDIAN Washington, 25—(fl''; ptojM ■* ■" apprentice tool an the 0 -4 (supply) New York, Nov. 25—(/P)-^rjr — AdministraUoi leaders dis- die maker. enth Army Headquarters In Btptt- Rep. Taber, (R„ N Y ), rank- | Ike and New Agriculture Secretary counted today/ s report that \ art, 0 «rTn*ny. a»»w.Hli wife, who 1* OCEAN SP«AY O N E p i s '. GLACE President' Truman was con­ 5vlng in Germanyjls the inf GOP member of :the House Appropriations rom-r sidering ' aciApping wage and of Mr. and Mrs. .*Phomas CRANBERRY CAKE of 158 Cooper street. C»I. ^ ™ * y brightens y o u PUMPKIN mittee, said toijay he believed i price controls befdre Con­ is a 1933 graduate of the Uhlver- the federal budget could 'be gress goM back into session Russia Rejects ludiau Plan for Korea parlor. ____ elty of ConncHlcut and Wcelved SAUCE or SQUASH MIX balanced in 1054 with total Jan. .3. / /'■ State K orea a t Chriatopher a Mothers CTr^e hla reserve commission In that dialritom Mayban^ (D., .8. C.) year through ROTC training. federal spending brought be­ Win meet tom «w w P- lOME LIKE MAGIC 2 Cons 1 Lb. Jar of the Senate Banking cqmmlttee tha home o f Mta Dorothy ^ 2 Cons low 65 billion dollanu. ‘ i i said Iw haa Information that Presi­ Daughters of Liberty lAlLt, No. Taber con,ferred with top-rank-1 e s t m memey. » P*” !*** dent Truman Is considering ending heataaa will ha Mra. Rose O Neil. 17 and No. 125, are requested to ing advisers to President-elect the Controle. meet at toe Hrfmes Funeral “ ' p r e m ie r Elsenhower but did not see the: A high price official told a re- S: tonight at 7 q'clock to pay w OLIVES ''general personally. ' ' 'porter this Just isn't so. He eaid A f f a i r to James H. Rolston. whose * WTien newsmen asked him Truman has called (or an analysis LAND SURVEYING Mrs. Lotting Caverly la a whether he thought taxes could be b( the wage-price situation, but /'■ reduced next year, Taber replied: that ’;it was nbt with tha idea of United Nations, N- Y., Nov. Edward L DavN. Jr. / Temier "I wotild say that question can ending'the controls.” 25— (JP) — South Korea an­ Richard E. aviation elj^- only be answered after toe Presi­ Hs said “ It's, sort of a stock­ dent (Eisenhower) gets back from taking project.” . ...■ nounced today it would jaht ' U i ■on of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Weln 8 and W AMEfUCAK BEAUTY Korea.” ■ ^ ^ Nothing to It . accept any truce aprangedf t>y t w , t n « of 28 Foley rtnmt, la serving H ARVARD BEETS Taber, who la expected, to head -’ And'^toger L. Putnam, the na­ the UnitM T^tions against ■boa” - the a ^ t repair Ship / the appropriations committee In tion's economic stabiliser, said its wishes^ PrMident Syi%- UtB ChoutT^ “ m ix e d n u t s the new Congress, said that a re- that ” so far at I know, thare's WALNUTS ducUon to the 65 billion figure de­ man Rhee’i lo re i^ minMtgr Californib • -N ■ nothing to it.” Members o f' the Mancheater pended on cutting military ex­ Tighe Woods’ resignation as head indicated that his go^M^nnaeot Ejtra Fancy penditures and outlays for Mutual Md Foa Club will 1 Lb. Cello Pkg. Jai^ of the Office of Price StabillsaUon believes Korea’s future is no­ nieht M 7;45 at the comer of Main I Lb. P k f S^cuiHtv.’ (OPS) threw the controls picture body else’a business. x « d Bigelow atreeU to go to the .....TTie 'present' budiget la 79 billion into cbnhisibn today. ’ W06ds an- In a fonhal staUiteent;'MinJatev : dollars. Estimates for toe forth­ Holmes Funeral i iced last night that hs Is quit- of Foreign Affaira T. T. l^run last respects to James Rolston, a coming budget range from 80 to 85 at the end of the month be- aaid: ' ■{omer president of the club. billiona. he doesn't believe the pres ' “The govamment. of too Repub­ Taber conferred with John Fos­ ent controls law is working prop- lic of Korea cannot and'win not Fresh Fruit and Ye^et^bles ter Dulles, Elsenhower's designee srly. \ accapt, againat Ita wiahes, any ar- C A tif V-Wc o p M Secretary of SUte. and Gov. Truman himtsif maintained si­ rangemont or agraemoat or raao- Sherman Adams of N«w Hamp­ lence on'hie situation. Woods did lutton In regard to toa dlsposlUon shire. who will be toe generals !gl ■ Lb. PrasMeat-elect Dwtgkt 0. Eieenhower Mwe/ts Esra 's'aft Iklens.in, not nniske public his'lsttsr of ras- of what it co&aldera to bq 1(9 elU- SERVICES CRANBERRIES White House aaaistant. ^ his new Secretary of Agriqolture. from his New York office after ignaUon, saying it was up to Presi­ aens or part of tta hlatortcal do- '/ Tab#!-- Slid he dtacuaaed with dent to divulge, its contents If he fiiain, mada or raached or adoptad HUSBANDS! GftAUlDMOTHBR’S Dulles the deslreblllty of "getting namlag Benson to his cabinet. Benson, 58, from Salt lAke City, Is That IntirpfRt The WIshaa ] a former offMal of the Nattonal Oonncil of F a m Cooperatives._____ sees fit. witoout Ita official aadl full par­ Don’t haTe araryoB* *" tha MIRXCLE WHIP L i rid of the lackeya running around Msenwhile, OPS offleisla here itovlet Foreign Minister AaSrrt Y. Vlshtaeky. at Hght. geotaraa aa »Mftooea IW p H tto l earn- ticipation With too uarbatrietad family bat a|«iihcr anjoy Of The FamUy ROCKTUNIPS the world n-Ito nothing to do and said they were advised that mittoe ia New York duttag aeaalea at wkk* be turned down na "unMttofeeto^ ^ maennaptm^ votes soveraign nations uaually.'aa- MINCE MEAT building up 111 will for the United U'iehael V. DiSslIe, former price Indin'a eompremtae pleat tor aaidlag Korean wnr, Llatenlng from leU m* .**9*^ erclM in aimllajr mattars of axchi- Thankaftrliif. WHITT. States." . Denn Aeheaon. Britlah Foreign Secretory .Aathnny Eden, Britnin'a Sir Oladwyn.debh (behind Edan) and An efficient SUte department chief, will come here to discuss alve concern to tbsmMives.’' \ Brisk Battles'Usher thC' controls situation with the Rnaaln’a Andrei Oromyke (behind VMrinaky). , . ' •________ ’________ Th* atatement, which appaawd JOHN B.
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