DOCUMENT BESDNE ED 140 030 CB 011 311 AUTHOR Nelson, Frank W. TITLE Distributive Education II. Course o. Study. INSTITUTION Oklahoma State Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education, Stillwater. Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center. PUB DATE 76 NOTE 826p. AVAILABLE FRCM Oklahoma State Department of Vocational-Technical Education, Curriculum and Instractional Materials Center, 1515 West 6th Avenue, Stiliwatr, Oklahoma 74074 ($15.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$1.50 Pius Postage. MC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Distributive Education; Economics; Exhibits; *High School Curriculum; Human Relations; Job_Skills; Learning Activities; Merchandising; Publicize; Salesmanship; Senior High Schools; Skin DeVelopment; State Curriculum Guides; Units of Study IDENTIFIERS Cklahoma ABSTRACT This curriculum guide for teacher-coordinators is designed to provide a course of study in distributiveeducation (Distributive Education II) in Oklahoma. Content is in ninesections with each section consisting of one or more instructionalunits: (1) Orientation (Introduction to Distributive Occupations, DECA), (2) Survival Skills (Job Application and Interview, Handling Money,Cash Register, Shoplifting Prevention, and Communications),(3) Human Relations,(4) Selling (Pre-Approach, Approach, andDetermining Needs; Presentation; Overcoming Objections, Close,Suggestion Selling, and Reassurance) , (5) Display,(6) Advertising (Advertising Media; Advertising Layout), (7) Merchandising,(8) Store Organization, and(9) Economics (Economics of Free Enterprise; Government and the American Market). Eachinstructional unit contains lesson plans for several days and includes some orall of the following color-coded components: Performance objectives(unit objective describing the general outcome bycompletion of the unit and specific objectives delineating steps to reachthe unit objective), suggested activities for teachers and students, information sheets (cognitive content), visual aides (transparency masters), assignment sheets and answers (individualand/or group learning activities providing direction to study),job sheets (procedures for skill development), tests, and test answers.Student materials are available and contain everything but test answers, answers to assignment sheets, andsuggested activities. (EM) Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished materials notavailable from other sources. ERIC makes every effort to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginalreproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available1.ria the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductionssupplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION II Course of Study U S DEFARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Tull; DOCUMENT HAS 5EEN REPAD OLIEED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED TWOM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN Al IND iIPOINTS OF vIEW OP OPINIONS STATED DO NOT IXECES'iARILY PERRE SIFOFFnPL NATIONAL INSTiTLi TL OF EDUCATiON ROSiTION OP RODEY Fmnk W. Nelson, Curriculum Specialist Siite Department of Vocational and Technical Education Stilimiter, Oklahoma Developed by the Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center For the Division of Distributive Education Ted Best, State Supervisor OKLAHOMA STATE BOARD OF VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION Leslie Fisher, Chairman Francis T. Tuttle, Director Bob Patton, Coordinator, Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center 1976 Copyright 1976 Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center Edited and Distributed by the State Department of Vocational and Technical Education Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 TABLE OF CONTENTS Secti n A-Orieritation Unit I Introduction to Distributive Occupations ....... .DE II1-A Unit II DECA DE H 55-A SectioBSurvival Skills Unit 1 Job Application and Interview DE II 1-B Unit II Hanang Money DE II51 B Unit III Cash Register DE II95-B Unit IV Shoplifting Prevention DE II- 161-B Unit V Communications DE II205-B Sec ion C--Human Relations Unit I Human Rel 1- ns DE -C Sectinn D--Selling Unit I Pre-Approach, Approach, and Determining Needs DE II 1-D Unit II Presentation . .. ........ DE II27-D Unit ill Overcoming Objections, Close, Suggestion Selling, and Reassurance ... DE II- 67-0 Section E--Display Unitl Display DE 11- 1=E Section FAdvertising Unit I Advertising Media DE II 1-F Unit II Advertising Layout DE II47-F Section GMerchandising Unit I Merchandising DE 1-G Section H S -re Organization Unit I Store Organization DE II 1-H Section 1Economics Unit I Economics of Free Enterprise DE H -1-1 Unit II C)overnment and the American Market DE II 51 I FOREWORD This publication is designed to provide a course of study in distributive education in Oklahoma. The student of today, who will be the business person of tomorrow, needs to be a well-educated individual who is constantly seeking information on which to base the many decisons he/she is required to make. The purpose of this course of study is to assist the DE teacher-coordinator in improving instruction in Distributive Education IIin Oklahoma. Appreciation is expressed to the many individuals who help'dd in the development of this publication. Teaching of distributive education should become more effective with the use othis course of study. Francis T. Tuttle, State Director Vocational and Technical Education Ted Best, State Supervisor Distributive Education State Department of Vocational and Technical Education Frank W. Nelson, Curriculum Specialist Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center State Department of Vocational and Technical Education ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Appreciation is expressed to the many individuals who gave their time and knowledge in the preparation of this publication. Without their combined efforts this publication would not have been possible. The content of this guide was reviewed by: TeacIir ,Coordinatc of Distributive Edu don Karen Elias Charlotte Fowler Gene Warner rndy Bull Harvey Brooks Lyd Saxton Danny Foreman Linda Worley Gary Moon State De artment of Vocational and Technical Education Distributive Education Staff Ted Best Tom Friedemann Teacher Ecucation Staff Dr. J. W. Weatherford Dr. Jim Koeninger Central State University Oklahoma State University Edmond, Oklahoma Stillwater, Oklahoma Staff members from the Curriculum and instructionalMaterials Center and Graphic Division of the State Department of Vocational and Technical Education: Karen Bose, MT/ST Operator Cindy Johnson, MT/ST Operator Linda Cole, Quick-Copy Operator Bob Rea, Manager of Art and Layout Dean Clark, Illustrator Mike Adair, Illustrator Jon Dickey, Illustrator Paul Evans, Paste-Up Artis Sheri Stevens, Paste-Up Artist Dr. Pete Braker, Assistant Coordinator of CIMC Ro Eubanks, Librarian Debbie Burchette, Library Assistant Sheila Stone, Editor Sandra Lewis, Secretary Barbara Reed. Secretary Mary Kay Jennings, Secretary A very special thanks goes to Sarah Mussett, editor for this manual, and Dr, Irene Clernenhi, former assistant coordinator of CIMC, for all their help. Thanks goes to the state DECA officers and collegiate DECA representatives from Oklahoma State University and Central State Universityfor posing for pictures used inthe "Communications" unit. Special appreciation goes to May Howell, EPDA intern from Denver, Colorado, who made many contributions to the course of study, particularly in the "Shoplifting Prevention" .and "Job Application and Interview units. vii Recognition should also be given to the late Ron Meek for his guidance as coordinator of the Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center. Advisory persons and cooperating companies: Dr. Clayton Millington, OSU Business Extension Pat McClendon, Loss Prevefltion Coordinator, TG&Y Les Kauer, Personnel Manager, TG&Y Larry Towers, Manager, Towers Personnel Agency John Deckard, Cashier Trainer, Safeway Stores, Inc. BillHolmberg, Assistant Manager, C.R. Anthony Co. Ken Light, Advertising Director, StillwaterNews Press Representatives from National Cash Register Co. and John A. Brown Department Stores LearningActivityPackets;InterstateDistributiveEducation Curriculum Consortium; Columbus, Ohio Frank Nelson Curricolum Specialist Curriculurn and Instructional Materials Center State Department of Vocational and Technical Education VI II USE OF THIS PUBLICATION Terminology A. Unit objectiveGeneral outcome desired by the completion of the unit B. Specific objectiveStep to reach the unit objective (NOTE: Studies have shown that studentslearnmore when specific behavioral objectives are used.) C. Instructionalmaterials sectionListof the contents containedin each unit D. Job sheetStep-by-step procedure for completing a certain skill E. Unit of instructionLesson plans for several days II. Color code A. White--Objectives, suggested activitiesy transparency masters B. Greenlnforniation sheets, student copies of transparencies C. Tan--Assignment sheets BlueJob sheets E. Yellow--Tests Pink--Answ o tests, answers to assignment sheets III.Page numbering system Each section is denoted by a letter. For example, "Orientation"is Section A and "SurvivalSkills"isSection B. The units within each section are then numbered consecutively. An example of a page number is DE II 1-A. This shows that thisis the first page of Section A in DE II. IV. Meaning of performance terrns used in objectives A. Name, list, select from a listTo memorize or to give total or partial recall (NOTE: There is some cognitive
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