Return Assistance in Germany Programmes and Strategies fostering Assisted Return to and Reintegration in Third Countries Research Study I/2009 in the framework of the European Migration Network (EMN) WorkingP aper WorkingP aper W o r k i n g P a p e r W o r k i n g P a p e r W o r k i n g P a p e r Working Paper 31 W o r k i n g P a p e r German National WEMN o Contact r k Point i andn g P a p er Research Section of Wthe orkingPFederal Office aper W o r k i n g Ppublished a p 2010e r WorkingP aper WorkingP aper Co-financed by the Jan Schneider European Commission Axel Kreienbrink WorkingP aper Return Assistance in Germany Programmes and Strategies fostering Assisted Return to and Reintegration in Third Countries Research Study I/2009 in the framework of the European Migration Network (EMN) 4 Working Paper 31 - Return Assistance in Germany Table of Contents List of Abbrevations 6 List of Tables 9 List of Figures 10 Executive Summary 11 1 Introduction 14 Definitions, Categories of Returnees and Available Data on 2 Assisted Return 18 2.1 Definitions 18 2.2 Categorisation of Returning Migrants 22 2.3 Data on Assisted Return 25 2.3.1 General Data 25 2.3.2 Returnee Citizenships and Target Countries 32 2.3.3 Residential Status prior to Return 35 2.3.4 Demographic Structure of Returnees 37 2.3.5 Relationship between Assisted Return and Forced Return 39 General Political and Legal Conditions 42 3 3.1 Political and Legal Framework in Germany 42 3.2 Influence of European Policy, Legislation and Funding 49 3.2.1 European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, and the Stockholm Programme 49 3.2.2 European Return Fund 50 3.2.3 Thematic Programme on Migration and Asylum 53 3.2.4 Other European Directives, Decisions and Agreements 55 Return Assistance Measures 57 4 4.1 Reasons for Promoting and Utilising Assisted Return 57 4.2 Obstacles to Assisted Return 59 4.3 Organisation of Assisted Return Measures 61 4.3.1 Monetary Return Assistance 61 4.3.2 Return Counselling 65 4.3.3 Scope of Information 67 Working Paper 31 - Return Assistance in Germany 5 Case Study 1 on the Organisation and Conceptualisation of Return Assistance: Baden-Wuerttemberg 70 Case Study 2 on the Organisation and Conceptualisation of Return Assistance: Bavaria 73 Reintegration and Sustainability of Return 77 5 5.1 Definitions and Approaches 77 5.2 Projects Focusing on Reintegration and Sustainability 79 5.3 Findings on Return Assistance Evaluation 84 6 Conclusions 86 Appendices 90 7 7.1 Literature 90 7.2 Statistics 96 6 Working Paper 31 - Return Assistance in Germany List of Abbrevations AENEAS Financial and technical assistance to third countries in the field of migration and asylum AGEF Consortium for Development and Skilled Workers in Migration and development cooperation (Arbeitsgruppe Entwicklung und Fach- kräfte im Bereich der Migration und der Entwicklungszusammenar- beit) Art. Article AsylbLG Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz( ) AsylVfG Asylum Procedure Act (Asylverfahrensgesetz) AufenthG Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz) AVR Assisted Voluntary Return AvWv General Administrative Provision (Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift) AWO Workers’ Welfare Association (Arbeiterwohlfahrt) AWR Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem AZR Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregister) AZRG Act on the Central Register of Foreigners (Gesetz über das Aus- länderzentralregister) BAGFW Federal Association of Non-Statutory Welfare Services (Bundesarbeits- gemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege) BAMF Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge) BMI Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern) BMZ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bun- desministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwick- lung) BPOL Federal Police (Bundespolizei) CCM Case Chain Management Return Training cf. confer CIM Center for International Migration and Development (Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklung) CIS Community of Independent States COM European Commission (Document) DED German Development Service (Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst) DM German Mark (Deutsche Mark) DRK The German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) EC European Community ECRE European Council on Refugees and Exiles ECRI European Commission against Racism and Intolerance Ed. Editor e.g. exempli gratia EMN European Migration Network et al. et aliae Working Paper 31 - Return Assistance in Germany 7 EU European Union e.V. registered association (eingetragener Verein) f. following page FACE Project to Facilitate the Creation of Enterprises in Morocco by the Mo- bilisation of the Moroccan Diaspora in Europe (Faciliter la Création d'Entreprises au Maroc grâce à la mobilisation de la diaspora maro- caine installée en Europe) ff. following pages FRONTEX European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union FRY Federal Republic of Yugoslavia GARP Government Assisted Repatriation Programme gGmbH non-profit limited liability company (gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) GTZ German Association for Technical Co-operation (Gesellschaft für tech- nische Zusammenarbeit) GUE/NGL Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left IAB Institute for Employment Research (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung) ICMPD International Centre for Migration Policy Development i.e. id est IMK Standing Conference of the Federal States’ Ministers and Senators of the Interior (Ständige Konferenz der Innenminister und -senatoren der Länder) IOM International Organisation for Migration LARAP Latin American Reintegration Assistance Programme NGO Non Governmental Organisation NIS Newly Independent States No. Number Nr. Number (Nummer) OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Organi- sation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) p. page para. paragraph pp. pages PTSD Post-traumatic Stress Disorder REA Return to Employment in Afghanistan REAG Reintegration and Emigration Programme for Asylum-Seekers in Germany RETURN Return Preparatory Actions Programme S&D Group Socialists and Democrats (Group of the Progressive Alliance of Social- ists & Democrats in the European Parliament) 8 Working Paper 31 - Return Assistance in Germany SGB Social Security Code (Sozialgesetzbuch) SMAP Special Migrants Assistance Programme Solwodi Solidarity with Women in Distress UK ZU Independent Commission on Migration to Germany (Unabhängige Kommission “Zuwanderung”) UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees USA United States of America USRP United States Resettlement Programme Verts/ALE The Greens – European Free Alliance in the European Parliament (Les Verts – Alliance Libre Européenne au Parlement européen) ZAV Central Placement Office for Work Abroad and Specialist Workers (Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung) ZIRF Information Centre for Voluntary Return (Zentralstelle für Informa- tionsvermittlung zur Rückkehrförderung) ZRB Central Office for Return Counselling( Zentrale Rückkehrberatungs- stelle) Working Paper 31 - Return Assistance in Germany 9 List of Tables Table 1: Migrations across German borders by citizenship, 2004-2008 28 Table 2: Departures under return assistance programmes, 1979-2008 (number of persons) 29 Table 3: Departures under REAG/GARP, 2004-2008 30 Table 4: Departures under REAG/GARP by citizenship, 2004-2008 (individual and cumulative) 33 Table 5: Return quotas under REAG/GARP, 2004-2008 (Top 10 states, cumulative) 34 Table 6: Departures under REAG/GARP by residential status, 2006-2008 36 Table 7: Departures under REAG/GARP by residential status, 2004-2005 36 Table 8: Departures under REAG/GARP by gender, 2004-2008 37 Table 9: Departures under REAG/GARP by age, 2004-2008 38 Table 10: Departures under REAG/GARP by duration of stay, 2004-2008 39 Table 11: Departures under REAG/GARP by citizenship and duration of stay, 2008 29 Table 12: Third-country nationals required to leave, removed and volun- tarily returning, 2008 41 Table 13: Third-country nationals required to leave, removed and volun- tarily returning, 2007 41 Table 14: State financed measures to promote voluntary/assisted return, excluding REAG/GARP 48 Table 15: Costs of voluntary return under the REAG/GARP programme, 2003-2008 65 Table 16: Return assistance in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Top 10 return states, 2nd half of 2008) 72 Table 17: Departures through Central Return Counselling Offices (ZRB) South Bavaria (top return states) 75 Table 7.2.1: Migrations across German borders by citizenship, 2004-2008 96 Table 7.2.2: Third-country nationals required to leave/with exceptional leave to remain 2006 97 Table 7.2.3: Third-country nationals required to leave/with exceptional leave to remain 2007 97 Table 7.2.4: Third-country nationals required to leave/with exceptional leave to remain 2008 97 Table 7.2.5: Departures under REAG/GARP 2004 (Top-10 states) 98 Table 7.2.6: Departures under REAG/GARP 2005 (Top-10 states) 98 Table 7.2.7: Departures under REAG/GARP 2006 (Top-10 states) 98 Table 7.2.8: Departures under REAG/GARP 2007 (Top-10 states) 98 Table 7.2.9: Departures under REAG/GARP 2008 (Top-10 states) 98 Table 7.2.10: Return quotas under REAG/GARP, 2004-2008 (Top 10 states, cumulative and individual) 99 10 Working Paper 31 - Return Assistance in Germany Table 7.2.11: Departures under REAG/GARP by citizenship, gender, age, duration of stay and travel route, 2004 100 Table 7.2.12:
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