Contributions Maintained As Of The Last Day Of The Reporting Period July SemiAnnual Report Due July 15, 2015 Sorted By Name Printed March 01, 2016 Filer ID Report # Filer Name Cash On Hand Date Filed 00070233 100262058 1836 PAC, $2,319.48 7/14/2015 00066927 100263796 427 PAC (INACTIVE), $3,025.43 7/15/2015 00019650 100260862 Abascal, Amado J. $24,650.28 7/3/2015 00019652 100261053 Abbott, Greg $0.00 7/15/2015 00055276 100263537 ABC - Southeast Texas PAC, $9,158.58 7/15/2015 00067076 100262357 A Better Community Political Action Committee, $40.00 7/13/2015 00068179 100262964 A Better Grapevine, $1.15 7/14/2015 00051036 100261482 abetterlubbock.org, $65.00 7/7/2015 00039020 100603696 Abilene PAC, $70.00 7/15/2015 00068956 100263464 Accountability First, $8,303.44 7/15/2015 00034189 100262815 Across The Track PAC, $0.00 7/14/2015 00059791 100260353 ActBlue Texas, $0.00 7/13/2015 00065033 100262801 Action Dallas Political Action Committee, $500.00 7/14/2015 00051412 100260949 Adams, Donald C. $6,849.02 7/5/2015 00037517 100603406 Adams, Gordon G. $0.00 7/2/2015 00070334 100263556 Addison Public Safety PAC, $7,155.16 7/15/2015 01 March 2016 Page 1 of 114 Filer ID Report # Filer Name Cash On Hand Date Filed 00069406 100262040 Advance America Cash Advance Centers Inc. Political $415,825.52 7/15/2015 00063954 100606834 Advocates for Education, $0.00 10/31/2015 00067487 100258491 AFT Lone Star Committee on Political Education, $465.32 7/13/2015 00016365 100261647 Ag Air PAC, $28,388.68 7/8/2015 00051320 100263659 Aguilar, Luis $1,000.00 7/15/2015 00070285 100262693 Aguillon, Melissa P. $340.81 7/15/2015 00068732 100262753 Aguirre & Fields LP Political Action Committee, $11,795.29 7/14/2015 00069492 100262847 Ahlschwede, Tonya Spaeth $139.78 7/14/2015 00067986 100603774 AIA Engineers PAC, $0.00 7/13/2015 00067967 100607588 Alamo City Democrats PAC, $0.00 11/6/2015 00015898 100262075 Alamo City Republican Women, $36,986.45 7/14/2015 00037807 100263507 Alamo PAC Republican Legislative Defenders, $594.29 7/15/2015 00062184 100263618 Alaniz, Isidro R. $47,443.25 7/15/2015 00039401 100260866 Alcala, Elsa $0.00 7/3/2015 00055407 100258668 Aldine American Federation of Teachers, $10,448.48 7/13/2015 00051156 100263345 Alejandro, Leonel $145,540.99 7/15/2015 00055659 100260946 Alief Democrats, $40.00 7/5/2015 00063388 100263439 Alief Federation of Teachers Committee on Political $17,503.32 7/15/2015 00055499 100263791 Aliseda, Jose L. $12,388.88 7/15/2015 00019673 100260912 Allen, Alma A. $25,554.70 7/12/2015 00069323 100260139 Alley, Court C. $108.68 7/8/2015 00064955 100262522 Alliance Against Sexual Assault, $0.00 7/14/2015 00065136 100261369 Alliance for Republican Leadership PAC (DISSOLVED), $195.20 7/7/2015 00016492 100262915 Alliance of Dallas Educators United Teachers Political $70,633.73 7/14/2015 01 March 2016 Page 2 of 114 Filer ID Report # Filer Name Cash On Hand Date Filed 00070465 100262905 Alonzo, Nathan A. $251.54 7/15/2015 00019681 100262355 Alonzo, Roberto R. $77,736.75 7/15/2015 00024376 100262043 Alvarado, Carol $123,172.28 7/15/2015 00057429 100262546 Alvarado, Maria Luisa $443.10 7/13/2015 00065843 100262054 Alvarado, Rosemarie $0.00 7/10/2015 00053284 100261711 Alvarez, Patricia O. $19,811.05 7/15/2015 00016555 100262566 Amarillo Association of REALTORS Political Action $9,618.03 7/14/2015 00067034 100262844 Amarillo Citizens for Property Rights, $13.36 7/14/2015 00059080 100261131 Amarillo Federation of Teachers Committee on $5,388.45 7/6/2015 00025544 100261175 Amarillo Police Officer's Assn. PAC, $2,084.64 7/6/2015 00066774 100261382 American Airlines Federal Credit Union PAC, $7,975.75 7/14/2015 00016651 100262811 American Airlines PAC, $82,962.70 7/14/2015 00017304 100262344 American Collectors Association of Texas Political $7,806.49 7/13/2015 00066476 100260517 American Kennel Club Political Action Committee, $8,526.00 7/1/2015 00015632 100260561 American National Insurance Company Employee $16,335.00 7/10/2015 00070311 100603788 American Protection Specialists - PAC, $0.00 7/14/2015 00059203 100261792 American Subcontractors Association of Texas PAC, $45,681.12 7/9/2015 00059798 100261550 A&M Political Action Committee, $73,520.88 7/15/2015 00041293 100261567 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Political Action $217,667.35 7/13/2015 00054808 100263034 Anchia, Rafael M. $259,730.13 7/15/2015 00051449 100262041 Anderson, Charles $25,459.57 7/10/2015 00016553 100260870 Anderson County Republican Party, $5,379.18 7/3/2015 00063521 100603753 Anderson County Republicans, $9,250.67 6/8/2015 00065480 100262244 Anderson County Texas Democratic Women, $1,450.22 7/12/2015 01 March 2016 Page 3 of 114 Filer ID Report # Filer Name Cash On Hand Date Filed 00024990 100262403 Anderson, John S. $21,220.11 7/13/2015 00026976 100262625 Anderson, Mike L. $331.78 7/13/2015 00066277 100263102 Anderson, Rodney Earl $0.00 7/15/2015 00059847 100606700 Andrews County Republican Women, $0.00 10/28/2015 00067227 100603770 Angelina County Democratic Club, $2,847.34 7/6/2015 00055926 100259909 Angelina County Republican Club, $3,111.68 7/10/2015 00034276 100260887 Angelini, Karen A. $1,325.80 7/12/2015 00016031 100603491 Angleton Republican Women's PAC Fund, $5,388.98 6/30/2015 00053715 100259824 Annie's List, $473,562.78 7/15/2015 00080031 100260782 Anyiam, Chika A. $50.00 7/8/2015 00016121 100262585 Apartment Association of Central Texas PAC, $5,926.38 7/15/2015 00016482 100262474 Apartment Association of Greater Dallas Political $500,256.26 7/14/2015 00016576 100263497 Apartment Association of Southeast Texas Political $13,427.88 7/15/2015 00015762 100261958 Apartment Association of Tarrant County Political $43,825.86 7/14/2015 00060006 100261955 Apartment Association of the Panhandle PAC, $13,256.97 7/10/2015 00034213 100260494 Apollo Education Group, Inc., Political Organization for $9,760.00 7/2/2015 00067669 100263348 Appelt, Joseph P. $1,811.89 7/15/2015 00051510 100261966 APRx PAC, $5,850.82 7/10/2015 00068729 100260999 Aquatic Professional Education Council PAC, $0.00 7/5/2015 00053455 100606407 Aquifer Alliance, $0.00 10/24/2015 00068227 100262487 Aransas-Corpus Christi Pilots PAC, $29,410.90 7/13/2015 00023651 100263640 Aransas County Republican Party (P), $1,647.00 7/15/2015 00015843 100263718 Area 5 Democratic Club, $3,795.16 7/15/2015 00070476 100263739 Arevalo, Diana $200.00 7/15/2015 01 March 2016 Page 4 of 114 Filer ID Report # Filer Name Cash On Hand Date Filed 00063627 100260280 Arlington Alliance for Responsible Government, $413.00 7/2/2015 00062071 100262451 Arlington Alliance PAC, $2,012.35 7/13/2015 00016561 100610692 Arlington Professional Firefighters Assn. PAC, $110,316.56 12/21/2015 00019704 100260661 Armbrister, Kenneth L. $783,177.72 7/2/2015 00037384 100603479 Armstrong, Don R. $0.00 7/16/2015 00021101 100603478 Armstrong, Ernie B. $0.00 7/7/2015 00069450 100263501 Arnold, George H. $0.00 7/15/2015 00070230 100262630 Arrington, Jodey $0.00 7/15/2015 00065022 100261448 Arteaga, Antonia $46,081.51 7/10/2015 00020796 100259990 Ashby, Anne $0.00 7/7/2015 00067800 100260032 Ashby, Trenton E. $285,848.95 7/14/2015 00060065 100262108 Asian American Democrats of Texas PAC, $1,224.80 7/11/2015 00070354 100608354 Asian American Political Outreach Action Committee, $1,595.00 11/16/2015 00028200 100603678 Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc., Texas Coastal $2,310.86 7/10/2015 00016601 100261555 Associated General Contractors of Southeast Texas, $3,158.60 7/15/2015 00016409 100261181 Associated General Contractors of Texas PAC, $299,325.54 7/7/2015 00016126 100262971 Associated Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors Of $0.00 7/14/2015 00015555 100262509 Associated Republicans of Texas Campaign Fund, $481,732.04 7/15/2015 00017277 100611832 Association of Fire & Casualty Cos. of Texas PAC, $32,761.06 12/31/2015 00070183 100262918 Association of Retired Houston Municipal Employees $0.00 7/14/2015 00067908 100263646 Associations, Inc. PAC (DEACTIVATED), $18,951.39 7/15/2015 00067781 100261631 Aston, Sonya L. $696.26 7/8/2015 00016097 100260147 ATTACK - PAC: the anti-crime pac, $1,258.42 7/8/2015 00035370 100262765 Austin Board of REALTORS Political Action Committee- $271,796.08 7/15/2015 01 March 2016 Page 5 of 114 Filer ID Report # Filer Name Cash On Hand Date Filed 00063721 100262026 Austin Chapter Associated General Contractors PAC, $2,348.00 7/10/2015 00051035 100603712 Austin Community College/American Federation of $6,645.85 7/10/2015 00068221 100611284 Austin Environmental Democrats Political Action $3,652.14 12/22/2015 00063441 100260177 Austin Human Capital PAC, $0.00 6/25/2015 00070868 100603796 Austinites for Tax Relief, $543.09 7/14/2015 00068575 100261722 Austin Kids First PAC, $10,061.78 7/15/2015 00015792 100263797 Austin Progressive Coalition, $317.37 7/15/2015 00042459 100262652 Austin Tejano Democrats PAC, $13,116.08 7/13/2015 00068631 100263806 Austin Young Democrats, $2,052.01 7/15/2015 00017365 100261799 Automotive Wholesalers of Texas PAC, $3,571.80 7/9/2015 00057861 100263723 AutoNation, Inc. Political Action Committee, $79,015.40 7/15/2015 00057872 100259606 Aycock, Jimmie Don $153,833.02 7/14/2015 00070370 100262951 Azul, $0.00 7/14/2015 00066773 100260954 Back to Basics PAC, $2,843.75 7/15/2015 00019733 100263593 Bagley, Michael J.
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