21440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE November 7 property of·the United States; to the Com­ By Mr. GIAIMO~ By Mr. YOUNGER: mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. H.R. 9089. A bill for the relief of Miss H.R. 9093. A blll for the relief of Mrs. By Mr. BRUCE: Pranca Baglini; to the committee on the Agavni Hamamciyan; to the Committee on H.R. 9086. A bill for the relief of Snehlata J'udiciary. the Judiciary. Mahendrakumar Mehta; to the Committee By MR. HALLECK: on the Judiciary. H.R. 9090. A bill for the relief of Mrs. PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. DADDARIO: Audrey Rossmann; to the Committee on the H.R. 9087. A bill for the relief of Vin­ Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, cenzo Zocco; to the Committee on the Ju­ By Mrs. KELLY: 438. The SPEAKER presented a petition of diciary. H.R. 9091. A bill for the relief of Gerald Henry Stoner, General Delivery, Worland, By Mr. FARBSTEIN: Berman; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Wyo., requesting correction of the incorrect H.R. 9088. A bill for the relief of ~onie By Mr. ROONEY of New York: spelling of Representative McLosKEY in the Louise Brooks; to the Committee on the H.R. 9092. A bill for the relief of Santo CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, which was referred to Judiciary. Lipani; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Committee on House Administration. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS The Tax Cut tborized, would add up to more than $2 the Republican National Finance Com­ billion. mittee: I hope the Congress and the President will NOVEMBER 7, 1963. EXTENSION OF REMARKS hold down Government spending in the next REPUBLICAN NATIONAL FINANCE COMMrrrEE, OF 2 years and that we can spend less than we Washington, D.a. take in. You can be sure I'll help. I hope GENTLEMEN: Having been the recipient of HON. JACK WESTLAND you will too. your Kennedy retirement fund letter, I feel OF WASHINGTON Sincerely yours, it proper to respond even though I am not Congressman JACK WESTLAND. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contributing to your fund. One of the problems of the Republican Thursday, November 7, 1963 As I SEE IT National Committee is that it wastes money; Mr. WF.STLAND. Mr. Speaker, the (By Helen Westland) e.g., sending a letter for contributions to Washington, D.C., is well known as a city Mrs. Roosevelt and me. I have been told proposed tax cut is a matter of interest that you a.re receiving many serious replies to the people of my district. For this of conventions. This past week we have had around 8,000 bankers attending the Ameri­ from citizens informing you t~a.t they be­ reason I have made the proposal the sub­ can Bankers Convention, including my older lieved the Kennedys were financially secure ject of my October newsletter. brother, Mr. John F. Geis, senior vice presi­ and did not need a retirement fund. I am Therefore, Mr. Spealter, under leave dent of the First Security National Bank of not surprised by this reaction from some to extend my remarks I include my Beaumont, Tex. He took time during the Republicans, for I realize there is a political newsletter, as well as the paragraphs en­ convention to play golf, once at Columbia requirement which is la.eking among some of titled "As I See It" in the RECORD: Country Club and once at Burning Tree my Republican friends, and that is a sense of humor. THE TAX CUT Club. At Columbia. he was honored by being given the use of former Vice President Finally, I believe your letter to be false In your replies to my annual question­ Nixon's locker and at Burning Tree former advertising because it carries the implica­ naire, 47 percent of you said we should cut President Eisenhower's locker. This is what tion that the so-called retirement fund will taxes only 1f spending is reduced, 89 percent he had to say: "It was rather interesting to result in President Kennedy's retirement, said we should balance the budget and re­ me to note that in Nixon's locker all I found and I am sure that the Securities and Ex­ duce the national debt, and 14 percent said was a bottle of Pepto-Bismol, and in Eisen­ change Commission would never allow a pub­ to cut taxes regardless of a deficit. hower's locker there was a little book titled lic offer on any investment which has so Well, the House of Representatives has "How To Play Golf." little chance of success as this one. Per­ done the latter-but not with my vote. Also during the banker's convention, we haps my Republican friends will forgive me We have passed a tax cut bill (300 pages) met Mr. Bentley Hahn, brother-in-law of a also if, in this instance. I am happy that it 1n the amount of $10 billion with almost a banker and a career officer in the U.S. Post is the Republican National Committee which built-in guarantee of a deficit of $9 billion Office Department. He was introduced as is defrauding the Republicans. for each of the next 2 years. the originator of the ZIP code, which he says Incidentally, I've been awaiting a declara­ Now maybe it makes good economic sense will save the Government $15 m1llion in the tion of pQlicy from the committee that it to some people to reduce income and at the long run. This caused comment by a banker vigorously opposes the crackpots who want same time to increase spending, with the who had just become the grandfather of a to impeach Earl Warren as Chief Justice. idea of achieving prosperity-but, not to me. little girl. The parents picked out a name Yours for !airplay, I think it's the quickest way to bankruptcy. for a boy, so the grandfather wrote her a JAMES ROOSEVELT. I've written to you before about the loss letter giving her a number, until she got of our gold, the loss of confidence in the dol­ a name. He also gave her his ZIP code num­ lar among ·foreign creditors and have indi­ ber, and said he wanted her to remember cated the steps I thought necessary to cor­ that she came from a highly respected, In the Sad Passing of James K. (Jim) rect this situation. Spending money we haven't got for things we don't need isn't original ZIP code family. Lindsey, Louisiana Loses a Great one of them. I believe that taxes are too high. I be­ Athlete and Distinguished Citizen lieve they should be reduced, but I also be­ lieve Government spending must be reduced Republican National Committee EXTENSION OF REMARKS or at least held in check, at the same time. OF When this bill was up for consideration Wasteful we tried to do just that. We offered a pro­ HON. JAMES H. MORRISON posal which would require the President to EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF LOUISIANA assure the Congress that Government spend­ OF ing would be held to $97 billion this year IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and $98 billion next year. It seemed to me HON. JAMES ROOSEVELT . Thursday, Novemper 7, 1963 this would leave plenty of room for all neces­ sities and in no way could be called a "fru­ OF CALIFORNIA Mr. MORRISON. Mr. Speaker, the gal" or "austere" budget. But, when this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State of Louisiana is saddened by the proposal come to a vote there were 199 "for" Thursday, November 7, 1963 loss of a great athlete and one of our and 226 "against." old time "greats" in baseball, in the pass­ Sure, a letter from the President was read Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker, it is ing of James K. (Jim) Lindsey, age 64, which stated he was all for econ,amy and sincerely hoped my friends and col­ would hold down spending, but .at the same a native of Greensburg who played major time this letter was being read, the Presi­ leagues on the other side of the aisle will league baseball for years and pitched for dent on his "nonpolitical" tour of the West accept in the spirit of fun intended the the St. Louis Cardinals in two world's se­ was suggesting new programs which, if au- following letter I have just forwarded to ries. His baseball career included service 1963 CONGRESSIONAi; -RECORD - HOUSE 21441 with the Cardinals during the days of the Humanely, handsomely, the home and hos­ creased by the Sino-Soviet bloc in the famous "Gashouse Gang" and Dizzy pital provides comfortable, qualifted, and cold war. Certainly, the Kremlin lead­ compassionate care for its aged and slck Dean, when Lindsey pitched several inn­ occupants. ers now have recognized that there ings in two different games in the 1930 The head of this institu~ion, its president, would be no victor in a full-scale nu­ world's series against Connie Mack's club, is my friend Mr. ?\fords Masin, the man we clear war.,.-that the devastation un­ Philadelphia. Before his retirement honor this evening upon the occasion of his leashed on · mankind would annihilate from baseball, he also pitched for the 50th anniversary in the United States. millions of people on both sides of the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Pittsburgh Morris Masin is a patriot in the Haym Iron Curtain, and communism could not Pirates. Salomon tradition. A man of works, not of possibly advance amidst the resulting 13 words. Good works.
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