a. co. tiisiDHiCAL ASS:;., FREEHOLD, K.J.- X (•: THIS WEEK COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF One Section HOLMDEL, MADISON MARLBORO, MAT A WAN 16 PAGES AND MATAWAN BOROUGH Member . 92nd YEAR — 37th WEEK National Editorial Association MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1961 Member Now Jeruy press AnoclaUon Single Copy Ten Cents "Cut-Lot-Size" Seen Proposed Midtown Properties-Community Rejected In Madison Primary Contest In Only Sounding Out Two Area Townships , Cutting lot fires In half In re- turn for donation of a 24-room Madison Township and Hnlmdel School wag "Just something talked Gripe Phone Township nr» tho only cninmunltles - over In a car1' returning from an Obopsf In tlm Mntuwnn nrt'tl wliirh will ' Inspection of Levlttown. It was Matawan Mayor Ralph It. lirlmmy conlvslt on lluvmuni. stated at the Matawan Townshij Dennis, his voice hoarse and A National Guardsman lost con- clpal level In ni-xt mnnlh'a elec- planning Board meeting last nigh cracked, Tuesday night an- trol of Ihi! Army tnuk he was drlv- lion. No ronliuta fur noiiilnntloiiii, dad nothing to get excited about nounced a new telephone has been Ing on Chcslmit St., Rod Hank, Sun- or municipal posts to bo filled In The board confirmed the offer o Installed In the Matawan Borough di) causlriu Iho t ink lo strike u November urn ichrdulrd In Mnla- i (4-room school and a shoppine Hall for. the prime purpose of p II kid car. The driver, Normuii J. wnii, Maluwnn Tiiwnshlii or Marl- eater had been made, Joseph receiving complaints. IJmiulch, 'J Church St., Mutawnn, boro Township. tanger Jr., planning board chair- I told I'ulrolmnn Vermin I'ntli'rsun Anyone with any complaint! hli |unl>i_£Ot_8tiiek_o!!_ii pwliil aan, observed discussion with the about the way the town is being •-.- Matawan ^vitt & Sons firm was only in the 1 UIMIIJ! him to IUSD control. ..The run now may call LOwcll 6-2113 tank crushed Into tlfc- rear of nn xploratory stag« on their proposed and their gripes will be referred I'.ull (ilales of candidates, hemloil 200-1500 homes development and i mpij purked car owned by Karon by t h e Deputy Borough Clerk K i] J i! w s k I, Third Ay o,, Union iy Inrumbrnl Mnyor - Kulnlv P.. t was only to be expected at the each evening to a councilman Dciiiils, Itvpubllcaii, mid fiirmor (tart that the developers "would . Hi iuh. •'-Tlii):'lank is ntliit'lit-d to responsible for the department, 111- lillllt Tunk llnllulliiii based at Miiyor John W. Applvunto, • Dem. • sea how far they could go".in get- subject of complaint. 1 1 ncnil, were filed fur tliis Malnwurf ting concessions from the township. Ihi. Niilhmul Gimid Armory, Chest- iilmnry olei-iion 'm tlio ilt'Bdllliu .., The gripe phone will be In use | nut M Mr, Stenger said citizens need during normal business, hours at for racuivlnu nomlnntliiK inMllloiw havo no fear but that the boarc borough hall. Mayor Dennis did riuitsdiiy, 'Jiifi'n j>( luj content would "do all right by the town" not explain whether his hoarse- KclitHluled by cither jiarty. rai tlm and any agreement entered Into ness was due to laryngitis or tcle- INiiity Ready To inuiilclnnl li!vi>|, With the Levitt firm will protect phonltls. Mr. l)unnls, coniplcilnn III" first the tax and economical interests ull turm ng'imviillvu ufflrrr' u(' Of the community in all respects. Appeal Ouster Ihu hcromih, Illi-d lui ii'-.'loclluii. " Ills riinnliiu iiiniva will bo IVrey Jhe chairman believed Mr. Levitt White Tenure Right. SuiidHliom mill John llarl)iin«latla, recognized Matawan Township as Borough Grants whn filed for luiiiiliinlhin for twa A good proposition and the bar- I'mincll scuts. gaining position of the board and , Queried By Joyce In iiddltlim lo Mr. Appln^ato, to* the township committee with the Salary Increases nil mummy und first development firm was an excellem Thomas H. Nulty, uuporvltnr of miilnlciinni-i). dlmnlnseil fnim IIIB mist by llw Mndlsw): Township - . - - T - T • • • JLJU LblLUlL f Frederick Wenzel, a board mem Hod \v»rrr.n K. llyan Police Department- Board of Education Frkliiy, Ii tak- and Wtirrcn K, llulchliMon for tha ber, was both praised and criticized ing his nuJior,_ to the Division All regular full-time munlclpa council nominations. Incumhaiu for having released to The Matawan AKUIIINI Dlscflinliinlton of llm Staltt «Hsn»»nr Tliiinuii I'riinty filed un- Journal word that cutting lot sizes employees were granted flvs pe Department of ISdticallnn. Ho also der tho Uvinoci'itlt! ileke) for fa- . had been discussed. (Editor's Note: cent salary increases, retroactivi a Is ."going boforo tho U.S. Depart- oloctlon. 'Iho OOP fllwl no iiorgtin —In fairness to Mr. Wenzel It Is to __,! jnent ol Labor about.tho rnntlor. for this nomlnnllnn, ' . ba said that he only spoke Tof Ui t<T7ari. 1, under the terms of ai 1 1 Hut James Ii, White, dropped at Wo Incuinbtmi.H, Council iiri'sl- matter after it had gained ^public r«- ordlnancelntroddced Tuesday nigh • Ihe Hiiiiiu board mnetliiji us train- part ami a reprefientativa of Ma newa- dun; Mrs, Ofiiovluvi) IXiniiiill jjiml by the Matawan Borough"'Council -iixn Goiiiiellman-Johti-Hv-eSreygtre-not-— pipor-had besiiqtier-lltd.'abolit « and A public hearing Is scheduled fo IU flro on tlio noolklllly a tenure sfokln'd r»elvcilim, <^" V- „ even accused of "hiding" knowledg ot it.) Mar. 28. Issuit may be Involved, Whun » Self-contained Midtown Properties community of 3400 homes, 1500 im'iiilnir of Hut Ixinrtl flvs years Alafatvon The board set; Apr. 5 as the date Voluntarily by builders, as well 01 for conimarclnl and Industrial enter- ago, Mr, While Iwik on arcielnrlnl Salaries, under the new schedule, garden apartments, community facilities, and Industrial and shopping for a public hearing on an amend- prises to raise lownahip lax revenues and Increase Job tpporlunltlM. dullea at Iho reoiient of that-body, ire borough clerk, $2650; deputy areas In Madison Township Is pictured above. Carefully mappvd out .Under agreement with the towmlilp, later Incorporated In « court Mayor Peter J, ment to the zoning ordinance which in addition to his term nf service iibllcnii, will iitek nnolhcr . will make more land available for clerk, $3900; treasurer, $2006; as- over a five-year period, (he development, calls for schools, recreation lament, Ihe community would bo built over a four-loflvo year period as transportation cn-ordlnntor, areas, municipal tltes, and an off-site-fewer system .to be donated in tliu Mamwan 'I'awiiahla^Citrit*^ Industrial use. Areas -to be re- sessor, $1800; tax collector, $2447; rHoc with township's "controlled growth" program. Th» tonuro Isiun In Mr, While'! inlttes thin year, im will b* uncip.' • zoned are in the Line and Lloyd Rd. magistrate, $1590; water rent Co case was rained hy Wllllnm Joyce, |K)nod In Ihn prlinniy, UU ruiiiiliia • sector, south of the New York and lector, $2003; sewer rent collector, one of tho two Ixinril menilxns-to mnln will Im Kdwln .'A Malcolm"! Long Branch Railroad right-of-way, $557 and borough superintended oppose his dlinihuul on n 7-2 vote, U Unnlen, I'l., <4i»wuou, for I*.*. : - and between Route 35 and the Gar- MadisQti Planners Void Midtown, Flay Hlchurd Pine wa> the ollwr, Mr, den State Parkway, adjoining Mad!- $5670. Jayca ohjoctcd that Mr, Whito Henry TmfilmKi-'ii" and Julm U. son Township. Also water department foreman should not ho dlHrnlurtmt ui\lil thu KiMiiHT will'-run iininimiuod In III* . •^ The board also received an in-$4647; water employee, $3600; terms al hl» contrnut hud boon riv Ocirmirotlo primary, Mr. 'rinjihoR- vluwt'il l.oiiimril Danth, chairman on.fov Town«hljj(CQhvn Itirnj and. quiry as 10 whether the contemplat- water employee; $1070; street de- Tactics; May Face Cimrt In 10 Days ed zoning would take a more Iibcn of tianaportntlon, r«uomm«ndlnH M', Konnor, im:umi)utit,: fur. i»»; view of garden apartments. partment employees, $4463, $4284 Madison Township Plannln an agreement of July 27, 1950, be Township left lO'pfy (or It for tliu and Illegal" In a number of re th« dlsinlnml. *cHnowluuK«d tliui (two) and $3214; health inspector, Board left not the slightest doubl tween (he township and tlio dove, rent of our lives.!' • • spvet* and ho movQd In reluct Oil It had hnen imnoMiiMu to Und • •iiw o'oi> will lWv'i'i'coritMt'isV,' where it stood and that It was pre- appictiontr Unit,,, *p*bprovr » ! corty of. Mr.-V/hlih'a contract In.tho $1000; health board secretary, $400 opera providing tor ill* Usu»nc£j)| „ ;f^bl«l!V,pr^tWort» «?«?»•*:••,HP*b:*!>W°?*\ °. first.district (I>I\.uoimty cohyj_,: pared to go the Ilrritr In nMstanca Iho milpii.' Josr(/li Ciuiiiliiiiliia it^ f/M hut tlul ni Jl ins <j aKiii/an iiship Adopts jind borauab.attorney. $500, •.. vrtAtf-it Wtefl' lasj rrtght unani- »utli tln.l »ppn)v»t by OT iloys af. Mr." severtii ecknowlcducecknwlcducdd t'thh o l : */)h C. lliifiai nni* Mr«, M>ii(li"> mlidild t bo qucstlonnbllbls wisdoid m In wl It, ' • — •'" -" ""' .•'• ' "'' - .• form,' It was Uaiti to utirr wfici Other Salaries. mously to reject tha application 0 'the presentation of the. mafia Caullon' Board m. tiniiirct fsitiiit wan fnvolvixl. M NJcora, who hnvo orftiiniitiitfon final approval for maps of Mldtow some features of tile publicity, bu linililnK. mul Mil, Ciiuii1 It. Dolla- 'Also election clerk, (100; park de The maps were presented at the . Mr. Severin put In a finuf caulio Joyce nniui'd, (hnl oti the i-otittnv^ Budget For YYear Properties, Inc., for a 3-tOO-liou: IH'I found It trustworthy in coiilonl I'lolid und Kniiiietli Kj, .S'l'linoldtT* partment employee, $80; municipal Feb.
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