MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) LEGISLATIVE RECORD OF THE One Hundred and Eleventh Legislature OF THE STATE OF MAINE Volume II FIRST REGULAR SESSION May 16, 1983 to June 24, 1983 INDEX FIRST CONFIRMATION SESSION August 4, 1983 INDEX FIRST SPECIAL SESSION September 6 and 7, 1983 INDEX SECOND CONFIRMATION SESSION September 23, 1983 INDEX THIRD CONFIRMATION SESSION October 28, 1983 INDEX SECOND SPECIAL SESSION November 18, 1983 INDEX APPENDIX LEGISLATIVE RECORD of the One Hundred and Eleventh Legislature The listing herewith reflects all House-originated Legislative Sentiments processed between September 6, 1983, and December 4,1984, pursuant to Joint Rule 34. Edwin H. Pert Clerk of the House LEGISLATIVE RECORD-HOUSE, SEPTEMBER 4, 1984 1 'I'll(' /()!Iowing expressions of Legislative Sen­ Michael G. School\ians, of Old Orchard, wide­ Portland, and the 2300 Maine 'leenagers who timent appeared in the House Calendar on ly known and respected labor leader in the have benefited from its existence on the oc­ &'ptember 6, 19M3 and September 7, 198.'3 pur­ greater Biddeford-Saco area; (IN MEMORIAM) casion of its 10th anniversary; (HLS 709) suant. t.o Joint. Rule 34: (HLS 686) the Honorable Charles Sprague, of Helen Barker McLaughlin, who was born the 160th Company of the Civilian Conser­ Oakfield,who was a member of the 86th and St-ptember 14, 1884, and is the oldest native vation Corps, centered in Greenville, which is 87th Maine Legislature; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS from the town of Athens; (HLS 661) celebrating its 50th Anniversary on Oct. 1, 710) ~'n>d A. Huckins, who has served for 33 terms 1983, and Paul McKeon, whose hard work and Captain Stanley Goff, for his life-saving ac­ as 'Ibwn Treasurer of Clifton; (HLS 662) dedication have made this reunion possible; tions at a Westbrook fire on March 27, 1983; IA'na Atwood, of New Portland, who is retir­ (HLS 687) (HLS 711) ing after 45 years as Deputy 'Ibwn Clerk and Vernon A. Cunningham, Jr., for over 30 years Lawrence McCarthy, for his life-saving ac­ 9 years as 'Ibwn Clerk; (HLS 663) of service as 1st Selectman, Town of Milford; tions at a Westbrook fire on March 27, 1983; Katahdin High School, one of 5 Maine high (HLS 688) (HLS 712) SdlOOls to receive recognition for educational Avon and Elizabeth Willette, of Patten, who Patrick Wescott, for his life-saving actions at excellence in the Secondary School Recogni­ will celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary a Westbrook fire on March 27, 1983; (HLS 713) tion Program by the United States Department on October 28, 1983; (HL." 689) Michael Spofford, for his life-saving actions of Education; (HLS 664) Emma Spellman, of Gray, who is celebrating at a Westbrook fire on March 27, 1983; (HLS Virginia E. Perrin, of Sherman Mills, on the her lOOth birthday on September 6th, 1983; 714) oc'~asion of the 90th anniversary of her birth; (HLS 690) the staff of Casco Bay Island Transit District (HLS 665) Francis B. Henderson, of Skowhegan, who for outstanding performance of duty during a f:rnest and Emily St. Amant, of Madawaska, has given 21 years of dedicated service as recent major fire on Customs House Wharf; wt.o are celebrating their 60th wedding an­ Sheriff of Somerset County and 5 years as (HLS 715) niversary; (HLS 666) Deputy and Chief Deputy; (HLS 691) Gretchen H. Hall, for 50 years of ordination Roland and Irene Jacques, who will celebrate Anna S. Howes, of Concord, who celebrated as a Congregational minister; (HLS 716) th(·ir 60th wedding anniversary on September her 91st birthday on August 21, 1983; (HLS 692) Matthew J. Pease, of Thomaston, who has at­ 10, 1983; (HLS 667) Dot and Bill Coyne, who will celebrate their tained the high rank and distinction of Eagle [Ianiel L. and Claire E. Beane, of Caratunk, 50th wedding anniversary on September 11, Scout; (HLS 717) on the occasion of their 46th wedding anniver­ 1983; (HLS 693) the North Yarmouth Academy Soccer 'leam, sary on August 6, 19~3; (HLS 668) Jonathan D. Millett, of Augusta, for com­ of Yarmouth, the Class C State Soccer Cham­ the Augusta East Little League Girls' All-Star pleting the Peaks Island to Portland Swim in pions for 1983; (HLS 718) team who have won the 1983 State Champion­ the record breaking time of 55 minutes and 11 Melissa Wentworth, of Wells, Drum Major of ship; (HLS 669) seconds; (HLS 694) Wells Marching Band, for tying for 1st place in Ethel G. Savage, of Solon, who celebrated Frederick LaLibert.y, of Waterville, Business the Bangor-South Regional Band Competition; her 90th birthday on July 20, 1983; (HLS 670) Manager and Athletic Director of Oak-Grove (HLS 719) George and Mabel Sheehan, of East Coburn; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS 695) Helen Filene Ladd, of Wayne, a dear compas­ Millinocket, who celebrated their 50th Wed­ sionate lady whose beauty, love of life and ding Anniversary; on July 18, 1983; (HLS 671) The following expressions of Legislative Sen­ humble generosity shall forever mark and A nthony and Madeline Rapose, of Lewiston, timent appeared in the House Calendar on endear her in this State and community; (IN on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniver­ November 18, 1983 pursuant to Joint Rule 34; MEMORIAM) (HLS 720) sary; (HLS 672) Julian Davis, a long time Machias Neil Tame, of Oxford Hills High School in Mr. and Mrs. Leland S. Anderson, of businessman and a concerned citizen in public South Paris, who has received the President's Cumberland, who celebrated the 58th anniver­ affairs; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS 696) Award for Excellence for Science and sary of their wedding on July 30, 1983; (HLS Clifford Polk, of Jonesport, who devoted Mathematics 'leaching; (HLS 721) 673) much time to the support of the poor and Allen Gerry, of Oxford Hills High School in Eigar A. Ames, of Warren, owner and co­ needy citizens of Wa'lhington County; (IN South Paris, for his key role in advising the Ox­ fou.1der of Ames Ice Cream Farm; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS 697) ford Hills High School Mathematics 'leam; (HLS MEMORIAM) (HLS 674) Brandy J. Hammond, of Lovell, who has 722) Dana S. Foster, of Brownfield, Boy Scout achieved the high rank and distinction of Eagle John R. Whitney, of Chester, who has been Troop 199, who has achieved the high rank and Scout; (HLS 698) named Maine's Outstanding Young Farmer; distinction of Eagle Scout; (HLS 675) Helen McAuliffe, of Rockland, who is retir­ (HLS 723) David N. Ring, of Lovell, Boy Scout Troop ing after 25 years of dedicated service to the the Bucksport High School Golden Bucks, 155, who has attained the high rank and Department of Human Services; (HLS 699) coached by 'Ibm Sullivan, who capped an distinction of Eagle Scout; (HLS 676) Forest W. Stone, of Thomaston, who was an undefeated football season by winning the Lit­ Lyn Liljeholm, of the Guy Gannett Press, active and dedicated participant in his com­ tle Ten Conference and the 1983 Class B State upon her retirement after many years of munity; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS 700) Championship; (HLS 724) dedicated service as a reporter and outstan­ Erland and Elizabeth Cobb, of Athens, on the the Marshwood High School Football 'leam, ding performance in serving the company occasion of their 43rd wedding anniversary, Oc­ who has won the 1983 Class eState Champion-, leadership; (HL." 677) tober 26, 1983; (HLS 701) ship; (HLS 725) Ma,jor James K. Donahue, who is retiring Brian J. Kilroy, of Bangor, President of Local Rod Wotton, coach of the Marshwood High from the Portland Police Department after 25 536 of the American Postal Workers Union, School 1983 Class C Championship- Football years of service; (HLS 678) upon his retirement from the United States 'Tham on his 151st career victory; tHLS 726) (i('rald D. Robertson, of Brewer, who is be­ Postal Service; (HLS 702) Donald Webber, who has retired from the ing honored September 10, 1983, for his Irvine Marsters, of Brewer, who has given position of Assistant Fire Chief of Eliot after outstanding service and dedication as a com­ years of dedicated service to the community 42 years of dedicated service to the commun­ munity and state leader, businessman and as a member of the Brewer City Council from ity; (HLS 727) hum anitarian; (HLS 679) 1974 to 1977 and 1980 to 198.'3, and as the cur­ John T. Flaherty, Chief of the Scarborough Ruth M. Cox, of Franklin County, who will rent Mayor of Brewer; (HLS 703) Police Department and the 1983 winner of the celebrate the 100th anniversary of her birth, the Brewer Senior Citizens, celebrating their Police Chief of the Year Award, upon his retire­ on S<>ptember 6, 1983; (HLS 680) 15th year of organization, and their first Presi­ ment after 28 years of service to the Town of Brian Emerson, of Orono, who achieved the dent, Clara Mitchell, second President, Jack Scarborough; (HLS 728) ~ew England record for the most points scored Libby and third and current President, Ruth Shook for her 25 years as Executive in Q-bert in August of 1983; (HLS 681) Roderick P. McKinnon; (HLS 704) Director of United Cerebral Palsy of Mark Zollitsch, of Orono, who received one Charles Anderson, of Anson, in recognition Northeastern Maine; (HLS 729) silver medal, 2 bronze medals and four 4th of 31 years service a'! a substitute and regular Standard Shoe Store, of Bangor, which has place awards at the National Olympic Canoe rural carrier for the Anson Post Office; (HLS successfully served the Greater Bangor Com­ and Kayak Championships held in Indianapolis, 705) munity as a family operated business for the Indiana, August 3-6, 1983; (HLS 682) Sidney W.
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