Se t. 1, 1987 MSU Clip Sheet ._cqu;;ge: )liOftr~mp,ortIDt .t,fcl:;iY:1•· ·brtt?'.too.~~)~:i~~iisive,···~p·... oll"'.Ef~y·s·;·:,\:'..(1 .. ·: f:)o:,.J.;,,'A,.).I.~ • .'l'/:Jl/e:7 1- :, .,,_,[:'.'., ' · . , :· . • •·,:.:':~£ 0 . B1,,L!,\WRENCE KILMAN:-\ .../. ,woultl be disappointed if their.chi!,.-, For a poll based on about-:i}oo;: ; · :_:, :. A~socialed Press _Writer\>";,, . :. dferi\did not.wantto go to colleg~. interviews, the results ·are '.subject ii ; NEw:;YORK ·._ Most Americans . -But ·•most ~ ·· 63 ·percent• - said, to an error margin of 3 per,centagei· ·, say· .a·tcollege education·. is<rriore. ·.,_'financial considerations wouldHmit· points either' way tie·c'ause· _. of/· : importa~t. )hari- ever, b~t':(.they ': .~ where ·their• childre~ · could., go to chance variations in the' _sa#ple. 1, question whether colleges give good • ·school.· About one-third of respon~- That is, if one · could have ques- 1 value for.the dollar, according to~- ·. ·ents said they could send theu- tioned all Americans ·· with·c,tele-l'·' Media : '.General-Associated;, Press ,· _,;:·children to)my school ,regardless of , · phones,· there is onlY. I· chance1 in 20 ' poll.·,,-::•;· · -···,·.· ·:,thecost.. ,: ':!-.;. · · .thatthefindingswouldvarj-:fro!lli: k- college ··education is•. too .. ex-. ::. Interestingly; ,'··high:_s~l)ool drop-. the results of polls such as this one 1· pensiv~,-- giv_en the quality, of, ed- . , ,.out,s Jn• the poll were ~lightly more by more than 3 percentage points. ;; ucation·~proyided, according ;:t_o .il'dl ,)ikeJ_y tq_an college ~radual_es,to say ' . · • "• .. • · · .. ·. •· ' '-' ~. ,, · majority, in1. the- poll. ·_Money;,. and ,,, / college' was more. important today Of course; the results could 'differ !1 not ability, is often the major var- than it was _in the past. _ · from other polls· for _sever:a·! ,'rea'. j: iable in choosing where, a., child· . , .. ;Also, .those,;respondents, ,who· ~re sons: Differences in· exact ·.wqrding ( tO h00 1 · ,· ""·-·- · · · ofquestions,inthe'timin\(of.inter-1 . goes sc. ... : .. _ .:. •:: ;:--.~' , ·' .•_,•·., · ,·.. •· takmg' ' courses~.• = at · public.. colleges or vieivs and in the in_terview,methods), About. seveli in·. IO of, 'tlie· \348:' .. universities were more likely than could.also cause variati~n-~:, _: '/ · l adult Americans in the nationwide· others to say that public schools Media Gen~ral .Inc:,'. a::_coinmu- f .Helephone .poll said a college -ed:. '>offered a good value for the dollar. · nications company based 'in Rich- fucation :is:,,more important- to'day;, ,,·. But, those faking_ courses at prjvate . mond,, va:,: pu_blishes ·,Th,e' ,Rich-.{1 1_ ',than it wasm th,e, past. • ·.. .. .1 fh,,j , schools were slightly .more likely mond · Times-Dispatch ;,'and, The L. Nevertheless, nearly six in-.J0 re'. than others _lo say tuition was too , · , Richmond News Leader.; ,•,The l1 Fspondents _said tuition 'at_:rrios\. prF:~. '._'high_'for the quality .of education Tampa (Fla.) Tribune·; and .The l (; vale_ colleges. w~s, too}1_gh fr_r:,t~e-;, \,Pr;_o~1de~ at_thos~ sch9ols. , · . , . Winston-Salem Journal. in · North , (. quahty of educat10n provide1h-w!Jile, , , ,'Resp'ondents in the Media· Gen- : Carolina. The 'company's television !· 51 p~rcent felt \h_e same way about,_ !n·,eral-Associaled Press.poll inciuded stations are WXFL in Tampa, i' ;,Pubhc-s_ch~_ol tmt10ns. ·'.•!• ., . e; · a random, scientific· sampling of, WCBD in· Charleston,.-;S.C.', '·and"'- i\, Only 21: percent_ lh~ught :Pr\vat~;, !;348 adults across the country ; WJKS in Jacksonville, Fla.'·: · . schools.charged the 11ght.~mount, ,. June 1-10. As with all sample sur-, · · · ·>-: · · · :32 __ percent th~ught publ~c-sc~o?l . veys, the results of Media General-.. ,, tmt!onwas a_.fair _value. ·.. •·- : , ' -~ · AP telephone polls can vary from ' :·;,six (n -~o_._~';sp_ondents said __ t_~~Y--~ _the opinions of all Af'.1ericans· be- ' .. · . cause of chance vanation in. the ' ' -\ ~ ··sample.~- -A service of th& Offlc8 of Public Information- Co1Un1( noted. that, iJi~;Soiiiii; 'cur~ - rently '.Jagging. other, parts ,of- the~ria:,; . liq~, in prospei;tty._ dpes .ti~ve t~,U.li,!// : ly higb-te~h,.conc~nfi1!1iQ~:~on~H~ii , North Carolina's niuch·"publlcized•; Research Trlangle,T.where ·first-rate') ' research universities ,have fed,foe';1 velopment; 1~1 J3 ,-.r;j.:.:JbJH -~b'.1(i:,tfb ''.But we• know, Research \-Triangle;] cannot be a !ll_odel_,for.dev~lop'!'ept'.; in every-part of the South';" silid'Cot'.;", 1ins'1': i. ,·: f! ·i ::i):t,q ,t;-:.r1 i-:, r.,; .<f rnrn.r;,tH S~e 'said ·stiite!glivernm~nitJilb{~.1! to encourage,exisling )lusinesses· iind 0- industries to upgrade thei(techriol• ,, ogy... ·. - -- --~-:·:~· ..,j·,;:· ,-;::(~ Collins and ·the oU!er. ~go~ernci;.;;,-; , -"'.itb their. entourages;: toured;,tbe•, high-tech .exhibits .in_, thei &immon,J · · wealt~ C~nvenlion/Ceoter yesterday,\ . ~ornmg .. , ~:J!.J'? ,;tr,( :1 ·: .1G.!l,}~ 2."i-rih ; ·At Humana Inc.'s hospital:technol,1) ,: ogy_display_,Delaware Gov.-,Mlchaei'--, v N, .. Cast!~ . f9und•,~N'!!?~/t,: ii~od_(/i;.<!.;..i , p~stted ~nd _pric~e<l,u,:,-.his 11 finger,,• l anl'w,ay. He. •~m,ely,,<iffer1!1,;.iiP;,:~;) few drops of. his. blood for a quick., ch_glestero1 · test.·"Afterward,,tie said'~ ; bis cholesterol had been nofiiia(liut.; , he wquldn't ·dtvtilge)lie'figure; ,>cu;l ' So, appareritly,'"was his.propiirtfo1i'! of body fat. He-look'off a'·socFiiiic{I ; shoe :so an •attenda'l!llcotlldi'senil::ii'° 1 , mild, electric' current,,through,\his,l body:,- , ·- ,.~•1:.> ,,:H./i~-rn,} -~1;;:;d ~~~·:ff, , ,But ·Castle ,balkedl,.wlieniihe. was;,i 1 urged to lie-in a ctlnltronJ!I;,_ wiili::h'i2 , looked something like -a·modernlstic';/ , bathtub.- ~r coffin.2.r'.:-111 ;~\ r AJ:~- The mo~mg ,nattress,,,which·r·at, .... fi_rst felt like .l\ \v~te~ .~ed, holds tlny,:i blllowlng .~~ds ,PUShed·.around, 1by;, olr pressure. Tho lippling sottne~,ls 1, to prevent .bed_ sores in patients coo:·. fined Jo, beds 'for ii"lcing' time: ',-,,, - When, Castle _, greeted · ali' aiiei/P . dant's suggestion' that be'get t'n'to· the'l! , Clinltr_on w1th·;.l\n '_'emphatic_- _"No;"1f former 'Mississippi'' Gov; Willlam~1' Winter dived in, The''"riti~ndant''1_ . rolled him :around: and 'lie soon/ -bounded out, to onlookers'·applause.'··' •' . •.-' E -,i.'f.!t,l-"~2\-:.~,.._/f.'"~~-..I •,l• ,-- " • ".•!•1,'•:'i ,;:-,. ,:!'We,-have -io leave. the routine ,-:: Jorkioftni?'~oi-Id to 'niany other . On tne topic pt .ted)µ9,Jogy and / 1 the world etonomy;:Levitt said the·,, . ' '~;lnatiorfsJ,t.we b liaVe t;to t, bee dine a United States nad lost-its ·economic :. ,, . ··nation·tohhinkers,'(.'he said.· " '• ' insulati~n and i_\5 CQm~titive' edge .. I . , ;' ,,t,f,:Richard',iBurton; ·manager·:-of ·To·restore•,Anierica's: place in ' .. <User'Systems ;Research;'said work- :the world.,rriarket, Levitt: said, the . , _:·,er,, in,the' coming lnfopnatiori Age · .,. ,wouldineed'to·leam·a:new set of country must rec:luce,its:deficit and:; . ;skill$,every~seven years.,,.;: c1 ' · . demand ·:,that ,foreign\ 'natio.ns.''dis-. i . ;mantle their imjiprt;qaiiieis ...,, ' ' ! ~ :;,i:,.ri't.~~~-bpdy,i~ going,.to_ h~ve to •. · , On_,t)le dom_estic_,~ide,)_he· said,. ! ·, be faced wiili; continually,havmg;lo ·government should'foste'r.a i:limate ·, -·~tearn,'t;.he said. _ -•., r · . , , ~-,, -of ·growth' ' ·to·:ehable• ~ ·-:free.market-,' J , • ' · , ,:,,,TJia:f would· require· a.~aiige ·in .e. • . , ~·.. i.$ •' .• - ~ I .1orces to flounsli;,1;. ::;: .. _,/•":,. ·l;, -s" :. the·, .way•- students•· learn; Burton "Oiir nation 'miistcilmbili1d.;;h.} ·.. said.•-Knowledge no longer.can be nological excellence_ ~tlia'puhlic-) , :viewed as a substance to be· iii- private partnership so tliat- scientif:';, ;stj}l~Jnl~~~!!;,S, b~l,~,~j?;ll:;he 11 ic and ·industrial_' energy)is' not._/ ~~;9,~j. tr-c:;i1 l ,.•~•..!! '1,".J•,.>~Y~-'. \,.,,•~.._,•' I dissipated in the endless ·maneuver- ' '; ·. -. Altliough the panel members ing for ad~antage," he•iiaici),j • : saidr.future ,workers:wouldsneed• to . ·._,_-- ;1rnow;!more than• jusf basic,skills, ··:one saidlthatc,up 1to,·30rpercent, of '. :tOQai,s" experienced• w,orkers lack ' , .: th.e)_a]li!ity to rF~d,; ~te and do ,." l\iTT1P!~dJlathema_\\CS,l!;i/::,,•: ·. .. · . ' · _.,,,D?:y,i4_ll4o_'Nery,-,cha=.an. of,th~ Natiorial ;,Academy, : of. ,Sciences ·P¥,J~l '.\i\tec\ln9logy )1pd .ell)ploy­ menf;j\qliled, that.segmen.t, of the woi-K force !'seriously. impaired." '"n .The'cfuil!enge'of the techn~logi­ ciif"age~is'to produa! a work force ;. :- _:tl\'~f~'adjtist"to:ch~nge; Mdweij .r ._ -: -sa,d:''At the same time,. he sa1_ij,. ·,; ,., ''iechii&ogical'advari~ should• not· : · ··:change;the·kinds' ot'skills required · ·,for .eritiy-level>jobs. · · .,., _. : ' ,Levitt said the stock exchange ., , ··. ··, · nciw ·Jists 159: Southern companies . ·:·/ :Durifigf~e fii'sf's~1ei:tmcinth(of": ,, ,1987;:'those companies had. a mar-, ~- .-, 'ket!vfil/ie!,increase. ·of 48._ percent;·,, ·,,c: ·. higlrerhnan':;'compahies .in otlier · \ '- ·regions'of tl\e country, he said. ---........-;•··- . -. ~ . ----- .,,. ..., ,; . - f .·:U.K··6 1rf@i1tati o'i:t. mrxea reviews• gets '' ,, • ·0AJe,...,.t.J,,.4~rft· · ,. -~ 7 ". ·'· .. -'- · ... , -·· - ·- · " .. I • · .. · '\'1'··?~· . ., ,~::! ,::;\,,:'t, ' ' 1, , :. J t •.-...sy .. Brad--Goop_er~-'l,;,I 1~~-,J,.;,,1 .. _... ., .... ,. ,. •··•;t··•••-f,,'<, ... _ . ., _ I _ , , l ; · ~, . Herald-Leader UK.correJ>pondent ·.,: 1 • • :ir,-When Angi~;Pain(er _cam~ to !",exi'?g•_: ... tori last Deceml:ier to v1s1t,the Umvers1ty , ,.university. They're'(nore,than that," she Pikeville: - of'Keritucky,,as-a·high school senior, it "said ' ··· : "! thoug)lt_ they· did a real good' i · wils'. cold and .i-ainy, and''a :gunman had Group{ of ab;~i 25 freshmen--were job.with"(the··orientation).'.' i- •:,_,.I . \seiied a campus building. :. ,.. , , . guided around campus· by one of 90 Not all freshmen, however, . ''''.It, was not the ideal .'way}or. Miss student ·leaders wh9 participated in the agreed with Avetisian's evaluation . Painter to become acquainted with the orientation. !'Overall, I don't think freshmen , ·.uiiiversity-she,_will'attend for the next In an extra effort: to help the new enjoyed.
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