nvfNSsqrffi ,-? THIS ISSUE: ALMA AND THE SONS OF MOSIAH MORE ADVENTURES OF MOLOCKI PLUS CONTEST EXTENDED Let Your Light Shine! id.s To our preciouschildren, The Book of bfGod's Jesusand of how their His love into their lives. rhe"LishC of-yof li families andfriends. hr into td. We ownpersonal testimony of Hi s words and His God TheStaff '.......4 20 into Wilnes6S us F , Bdokstor€ S H rlh"fri". by sue 13 D ryZone W Sue :14 The 15 sh the Skunk by 16 HiddenPictures W BethManens 18 Kids Witness byLana Htiott....... 1q I Wirr.ri rtds would like to expressapprec (FRAA) for its fundingod suppon. ThJough ion dd educarionalaclivnies. childrcn,especially those between $e ages offiveod 12. Confibutionsfor 1 w'rerr rr.t nay besent to: FRAA. 210w whiteOa,k,Independence. MO 64050 Tel. (816)461FR\A FAx: (816)461-5850 Editorial Comnifiee: Ed Slanter,Chaimani LanaElliott. JulieGams! JoanieClddon, BethManens, Sue Num, Belh Spencer,Brenda Trioble A DirectioniBEnt wreatlet GraphicD€sign, Layout and Cover llltrslration: Beth Manens Conbibuting Artistr: JackBerry, Adm cad, Any Hieben,Jin Mash, Belh Martens,Brenda Trinble, Brcnt Wheadey Musicand Lydcs: DavidLamb A..aqem€nt: Ldd Elliottmd DonnaBrcqne **nmffi ',,**w151,i111;51m- """ DAY ffiii:l*,tli"* -.^,,, eooK d i^oR1{\91 ;d11;.ffi}5f"'s.l:lx;'*bee ihe s'tlng\ess Love, fte stqff YOURNAA4E YOURADDRESS I WTNESSKIDS c,/oFRA/A ;,'8,Hi^H[fffi..,,, Sharingthe Light by Beth Spencer Illustrations by Beth Martens Calebgrabbed a bananaand huded to the door. Glancing quickly at his mother,he called,"I'm going out to play." Squintingat the sun,he raceddown the streetto makehis seqet meetingon time. He slippedquickly in a side door and searchedthe crowdedroom for someonehe knew. Weavingin and out, Calebreached his friendsjust when someoneshouted, "Herethey come!" Caleb'sheart beatfaster as he waited and watched. Five young men of large stature enteredthe room. Their clotheswere of fine linen, and the gold bandsaround ther necksand wrists gleamedbright againsttheir suntannedskin. The tallest steppedforward. His eyessquinted as he bellowed a tight-lipped wel- come. "Greetings! I am Alma, son of Alma, the prophet. We havecome today to talk aboutthe false teachingsof my father's church." Calebleaned forward, eagerlygrasping the words of this stong, young man. But all too soon,it was time to leave. "You will hearof our next meetingthrough the silent password,"said Alma. Suddenly,an elbow jabbedhim. "What d' ya thirk, Caleb?"asked one of his friends. "Are you gonnatell your parentsyet?" Calebshrugged and tumed to leave; the thoughtof his family madehim walk faster. As a young boy of twelve, Calebknew his parentswould not approveof him being here. He wantedto tell them, but they wouldn't understand.They had always wamedhim of the dangerin secretmeetings. Later that day, Caleband his family heard a large qowd gatheringin the st[eet. Joining them, they hearda startling proclamation: A ''All xfc rcqucsledlo cor)r. lo thc honle |l1All11lr. lhc froph(-t.lo \\'ilnc\\ lh!- po\\(-f ol Gocll '\lrla. lhc lon ()1'Allrx.hiLs Lree visitcd h.\ rLnlulrel. Becrus. of this crpelience.he lics hclplessLrefore )ou. Tlte rncs\cnqcr'fnovcd cn)lo fepcatthc fcquesLtht|)ughoul thL- cit\. (llcb corrldnL move. Whel ,:lidthis lnern l ( His orothcflrrirbLred lris hxncls. Hcr fircc\honc. anrlller eles sfarl(lcd. CaLeb, rhi\ Llir-\'volr u'ill \!itnei\ th. fowcf of God! \ ('.nrc. lcr'sgalhcf our thi -gstogcthcfi" I Standingamong the multitude, Caleb could seeAlrna lying on his bed. He looked so different, so helpless. Calebtried to sort out the things that had happenedthat day,but everythingwas too cloudy in his mind. For two days and two nights, the priestsfasted and pmyed togetherwhen suddenly, the waiting multitude grew quiet. Caleblooked and sawAlma standingbefore them. "Please,my friends, be of good cheer! I standbeforc you as a witnessof the power of the Almighty God! His love hascleansed my soul from sin. I oncewas lost speakinglies aboutthe church and leading many peopleaway from God. Then an angelappeared to me. With a voice like thunder,he causedthe earth to shake beneathmy feet. The angeltold me to stop destroyingthe churchof God, or I would be destroyed." "Full of fear, I fell to the ground and could not move. My soul was filled with a horrible, fiery pain as I saw my sins. For three days and three nights, I wrestled with the memoryof thosethings I had done." "But then,I criedout for Jesus!Joy filled my soulas I felt his forgivinglove wash overme. Now I am a newman, for I havebeen bom againof God!" As Alma spoke,his face shonewith a brightnessCaleb had never seenbefore. His words were strongand pure... and good. This was no secrctmessage! This was for all people! Calebfelt the fears and questionsfall away as a warmth wrappedarcund him like a blanket. He wormed his way throughthe crowd towardsAlma. Reachinghim, Calebthrew his armsaround Alma. "I've beento someof your meetings,"he cried. "I thoughtit was wrong, but I still went. But now, as you talked to the people,I felt God's spirit, and I fuor" you spokethe tluth!" Strongarms encircled Caleb. "I praiseGod that you've seen the foolishness of my old ways!"said Alma. "I'll prayyou'll continuealong the path of righteousness." Calebthrew his headback and looked into Alma's eyes. When he spoke,his words rang loud and clear. "I will be a witnessof the love of JesusChrist, the Son of God, the Light of the World." The word of God was a prcciousheasur€ to AIna and the sonsof Mosiah. They sharedits light with many people. Fill in the blanksto find the words lor the word search. Alma 16:1,14 Godwants us to His word. Alma 161152 Theword ofGod is like a Alma 16:198-9When we plant the word of God in our heartsand take good care of it, it will be like a tree that grows up to _ Alma9:15-19 Thosewho pay attentionto God'sword will how the ofGod. Alma 10:107 Amulek was Alma's friend who preached with him in many cities. The word ol God was so importantto Arnulek that he gave up all his and and Alma 121131-140Kine Larnoni's wife believedAmmon becauseof her Alma 12:178 The Lamardteswho believedthe words tharAmmon prcachedbecame a PeoPle. Alma 14:93 Ammon and his brotherswere able to con- vert many thousandsol the Lamanitesby the power of the whichwas in them. Ahnal7t79 lf we the word of God, it will lead us to etemallife. ZET ERNALLI FETF AH SBU SI LVERM A V'H AMB E GRI GHTEOUSE I I TE EONQPD ERHUSI NT GD DL SEI RETS YMLGHOL HDPRECI OUS WE S MUR F WO RDOF GODSBG OLD FOUR1VITNESSES FoRtEsus by Ed Slauter illustratedbv Jim Marsh Ammon,Aaron, Onmer and Himni werethe sonsof Mosiah. Their grandfatherwas King Benjamin.They had become very wicked. With lhe help ofAlma, the sonof High PriestAlrna, theytried to destroythe churchof God. Oneday while travelingwith Alrna, an angelappeared before them. Theyheard the voiceof the angeltelling themto rcpent. As the angelspoke, the eartl beganto shake, ard they fell to tl€ gound. They repentedof their sinsand began to servethe Lord. Whentheir fatherasked each one of themto be kings whenhe died,they refused. Instead,tlFy beganto Feach the gospelto the wickedLamanites. They searchedthe scripturs, pmyedand fasted. God waspleased ard ganted themthe spidt of prophecy. For fowteenyears, they tesdfied of Jesusand His love. Becausethey let the love of Jesusshine li,ithin thei hearts,thousands of peoplerepented and werc baptized. Ammon wasthe leaderof the sons. He saida blesshs overeach of his brolhersas they begantheir missionary trip. Amon weff to the landof Ishmaeland b€carnethe servantof King Lamoni. He saved the king's flocks fiom the enemiesof tlle king- dom. lmoni waspleased, and ArDmon began to teachhim aboutJesus ClEist. Lamoni was overcomeby God'sSpirit andfell into a deep sleep.The queenand her servantsthought he wasdead. Two dayslater, he woke up and told his peopleabout his experiencewith Jesus.The king's life waschanged by the for- giving powerof God. He ald Ammonbecame very closeftiends. ThrcughArnmon's ministy, manypeople tumed to the lord. A groupof Lamaniteswere baptized and laid down lheir weaponsof war. neverto taketiem up again. Aaron wasasked by tlle peopleto be their king, but he retused.Aaron and his friends,Muloki and Ammah,went to the landof Middoni to preachthe gospel.They testifiedof the comingof Jesusand His rcsurectionfiom the dead. The people becarneangry and put Aaron andhis friendsin prison. Aaron sufferedftom hungerand thirst. By tlle powerof God,King Larnoniand Ammonhelped to releasethem fiom prison. Aaronbegan to tell King Lamoni'sfather about the gospel.As Aaron spoke,Larnoni's fathet who wasa greatking also,was overcome by God'sSoirit andhis heartwas soft- ened. For the fiIst time in his life, he foundJesus andrepented of his sins. Theking declaredthat Aarcn andhis brothers couldgo anlvhere in the landand preach the gospel.Thousands of Lamaniteswerc con- veriedto tlle Lord. Omner went with Alma andothers on a missionarytrip to the Zomrnites.He hadalready preachedtlrc gospelfor foufieenyears. He trusted God for what he shouldeat, drink andwear. He neverthisted andhad strength during the hip to the Zommites.Any afflictionshe suffered wereforgotten in tlle joy of Chdst.Hepreached in the syna- gogues,in the homesand in the streets.He especiallyhad successamong tne DooL Himni preachedto the Lamanitesfor foute€n years. He wantedmore than an),thing to be an instrumentin God'shards to bdng the Lamanites to a Imowledgeof JesusChrist. He listenedto tle voice of God. Kids: Encourageyour parentsto readMosiah 11:159-207and Alma chapters 12,13, 14 and 15 with you. This couldbe part of your family wor- ship. Sometimesreading the Book of Mormonout loud helpsus to understandits meaning. Bookof MormonDav ForKids ages 5 ' 12! COMEAND HAVE SATURDAY YOURTICTURE AUGUST5, 1995 TAKENWITH ME] 9:30a.m.
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