6rttnbtlt lttws Btuitw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Volume 47, Number 40 P.O. Box 68, Green belt, Maryland 20770 Thurs., Aug. 23, 1984 County Schools to Open August 29 Headquarters building for Oxford Development Corpor­ by Barbara Likowski the ages of 6 and 16. Those who tention will be focused on compu­ ation planned for Golden Triangle tract. The photograph Wednesday, August 29, is will be five before January 1, ta.tion, problem ,solving and cri­ was Taken from a scale model. the first day of school for 1985 may attend kinder,gaziten. tical thinking. Parents of students new to the The updated program "Safety, approximately 105,500 stu­ school system who have not pre- Touch and Me" for elementary dents in the Prince Georges children will be added to help Oxford Reveals Its "Gem" County school system. (A­ Opening and Closing children become aware of what bout 2500 less than last may be happening to them and year.) The county now oper­ Times for what they can do about it. Before PleasedCityCouncil ates 20 high schools, 48 mid­ Greenbelt Schools Lunch Costs dle schools and 114 elemen­ High School Lunch prices will be the same by Virginia Beauchamp tary schools. The shift from Eleanor Roosevelt as last year: 90c for lunch; 40c, The long-awaited unveiling of plans for the corporate junior high schools of 7th, 9 :30 a.m. - 4 p.m. reduced lunch; 55c, breakfast; headquarters building of Oxford Development Enterprises, 8th and 9th graders to mid­ Middle Schools: 30c, reduced breakfast and 25c Greenbelt 9 a.m. - 3 :30 p.m. for milk for elementary pupils. Inc. brought some excitement to the August 13 city council dle schools holding 7th and meeting. Oxford vice president for development Roger J. 8th graders has been com­ Robert Goddard Lunch for secondary school· stu­ 9 a.m. - 3 :30 p.m. dents will be 95c and breakfast Baker and architect Dan F. Grubb of Clark, Tribble, Harris pleted with ninth graders Elementary Schools: 55c. & Li placed before the council members a scale model of the now attending four year Center 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Reduced and free lunches and proposed four-story building, which will front on Greenbelt high schools. John Carroll breakfasts will be available to Rd. in the west corner of Walker Dr. on the Golden Tri­ Starting his first year as su­ 9 :30 a.m. - 3 :30 p.m. those who qualify. Application angle. perintendent of schools, John A. Magnolia 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. forms can be obtained at the "It was our intent," said Grubb, building will occupy the highest Murphy takes up the job form­ Oakcrest 8 -a.m. - 2 p.m. schools. portion of bhe 2.8-acre site and erly held by Edward Feeney who "to make it a little bit of a Springhill Lake Busing gem." will rise from a pedestal of struc­ has retired. Murphy comes from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. For the first time students at tured parking. Two levels of park­ t he Chicago suburb of Park As the gateway to the Golden Eleanor Roosevelt High school Triangle, with its splendid site ing will be provided, with the Ridge, Illinois. registered _should bring their See SCHOOLS, p. 6, col. 3 opposite the woodlands of the na­ lower one, holding 98 spaces, com­ Operating with a budget of child's birth certificate, proof of tional park, Baker explaineJ that pletely under roof. Thirty-i.vo $33·3,000,000, the Board of Edu­ residence in Prince Georges St. Hugh's Opening Oxford wanted to do something spaces of the upper level will be ca.tion employ,s 500Q teacher.s. County (deed, rental contract), di fferent in design from the rest covered, and 50 will be open. An­ 'About 160 new positions have record of immunization and the St. Hugh's elementary school of the buildings in the Golder. other 110 spaces will be pro­ been added to reflect the board's child's last report c-ard if enter­ will open the day af ter Labor Triangle-all of which are boxy vided on-grade, but all arranged effort to reduce class size. ing first grade or above. Day, Tuesday, September 4. For a ,.d rectilinear. The Oxford build­ in such a way, utilizing the nat­ is r tion Curricula the first week of school pupils will ing will be set at an angle across ural topography, that terrace State law requires school at­ Ma.th will continue to be em­ attend half day sessions frow the corner, facing southeast, with levels will make the parked cars tendance by every child between phasized bhis year. Special at- 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ils facade forming a convex curve invisible from the street. toward the intersection of Walker "We're paying a fortune to Dr. with Greenbelt Rd. It will prov:de parking in the building,'' City Council and Beltway Plaza be constructed of horizontal bands said Baker. "It costs a lot of of brick and dark gray gJass. A money to do that," But Oxford horseshoe-shaped arch will rise wants to reinforce its corporate above the front door, and glass See OXFORD, p. 7, col. 3 Inch Toward Better Undt•rstanding walls at the upper levels, set back from balconies behind this arch, WHAT GOES ON by Bill Rowland ert W. Ruzza, Vice President for :11e11 t u r. til Brown and his or­ will be silver refl ective. Clear Sun., Aug. 26, 7 p.m., The Ba­ Development for "Beltway Plaza A wary cfty council spent ganization have the lease sig­ glass will be used at building en­ varian Austrian Dance Com­ Developers," appeared b e fore over two hours on August 7 nature on the dotted line; a11d trances. pany. Roosevelt Center Mall council and asked its help in get­ with a ke:v representative of that (in Ruzza's words) "With Designers have given particul ar Mon., Aug. 27, 8 p.m., Special Beltway Plaza, trying to es­ ting the State Highway Adminis­ spur-of-the-moment development. a ttention to the siting of the tration to make specific traffic city council m~ting on tablish at least some level . ."- at which point council­ buil ding on the sloping lot, as Hunting Ridge annexation. improvements along Greenbelt member Antoinette Bram inter­ :ell as to provision of parking. of cooperation between the Road. After airing its past Sat., Sept. 1, 9-12 a.m., Blood­ rupted and pointed out that that, The lot drops in grade about 2M mobile at fire Station Pla7.a and the city on owner grievances to Ruzza, council the spur-of-the-moment attitude, feet from north to south. The Sidney Brown's plans for scheduled the work session with is at the heart of the problem major expansion of the him. between Beltway Plaza and the shopping center. By the end Brown was invited to the work city. Bram noted the sharp con­ NOTICE OF of the evening, the three session, but did not attend. Mayor trast with other major develop­ SPECIAL MEETING council members present pro tern Richard Pilski and Coun­ ers, such as Prudential Insurance were still very cautious, but cilmember Thomas White were in the Colden T'riangle, where The City Council of Greenbelt, Maryland both out of town. all land use has been planned m­ hoping that a previously Attitude has called a non-existent avenue of com­ advance and where council has During the work session, coun­ been kept jnformed about those SPECIAL MEETING munication might have been cil members asked Ruzza about plans from the beginning. opened. Their Rttitude was the extent of his influence on Mayor Gil Weidenfeld made a one of wait-and-see as to Brown. Ruzza, who says he has MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1984 strong appeal to Ruzza for co­ 8:00 P.M. whether an improved rela­ been in his job for two years, operation and unity between de­ tionship between the Plaza implied that Brown does accept veloper and city. Ruzza asked To Consider a Number of Items Rela.ting to and the city results. h i s recommendations. Council whether he could meet with the The Proposal to Enlarge ithe Corporate Limits of the City, There has been a long hi.story members noted that they had not city's Advisory Planning Board Based on a Petition Received in Regular Meeting , of non-cooperation b e t w e e n even known of Ruzza's existance (APB), the implication being that on Monday, August 13, 19&4, Brown and the city. ·1n recent or function until a few weeks by Annexing_Certain Lands and Property Contiguous ago. this would ,be a s·tep in the direc­ months a new crescendo of ill­ tion being asked for by council. and Adjoining the Existing Corpora.te Area, feeling within council toward Ruzza wanted to limit discus­ Council agreed to ask APB to Consisting of All Lands Within an Area Brown has built up as the city sion to "highways," but the coun­ meet with Ruzzn for general dis­ Bounded on the North by the Existing Corporate Limits, has lenrned, '!ach time only sec­ cil members insisted on as.ti.ing cussion and recommendations on the West by the Capital Beltway, on the South by ond-hand, of a series of major questions about future develop­ back to council. Good Luck Road, and on t he East by the · expansion st eps being taken or ment plans. Although' they re­ New Shock Eastern Most Right-of-Way Prope,:,ty Line for a Right-of-Way planned by the Plaza's de­ ceived some answers that were of the Potomac Electric Power Company - veloper/ owner.
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