Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 9-30-1981 University News, September 30 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. , -' I VOLUME 1• ISSUE 18 SEPT.30-0CT.6. 1981 Cycling Madness.inBoise: Thek, The TheRace by Marianne Flagg ITt~·rain.SxvThe~" promisethreateningof a ' '. '.. • downpour is met with only a '....: . s~~~i~1~~ei~:~tri~eS~~f~I The sky's color shifts dramatically throughout, the morning .. The wind chums around in all directions like some sort of atmospheric Cuisinart. About lOQcyclists gather in the parking lot of the Highlands Elementary School and all of them, at one moment or another, .; Continued to paget- . A lone bicyclist slowly works his Way up hill on the bottomhalf of the Bogus Basin Hill Climb . :; l ,The. .. Dark'. Horse. '. " .. \ i !, .Mayor? t, . Boise's Maverick Candidate by Janice Pavlic 7 ~ NORTHODOX' AND REFRESHING earned his high school equivalency diploma 11-'--, •.-,.B',,1 are two words that typify Don in 1954. He served a 20'year hitch in the .- .' " Brannen.: mayoral candidate. ,UnitedState5·Air-.Force'1iY~1l,g.·, in the' This concerned, soft-spoken Phillipines, New York State; Japan, New '-----'-'_--'maverick is frustrated with Jersey and South Vietnam. As a preventive Boise's current political scene and vows to medicine, technician.' with a .chemical, put forth his best effort toward change by biological and radiological background he running. an .•all-out .campaign . to ' beat worked mainly in the area of industrial candidates Kelly Pierce, Paul Buser, and hygiene," . incumbent Dick Eardley. In 1965 he was awarded Iibronze star for Don Brannen i~ not a slickpolltlcian, . obtaining from the Army $8000.00 worth His stands are controversiakhis interviews of Malathion, unavailable to theAir Force. spontaneous.. He aims; for no middle-of- 11t~ pesticide isuseclto killl1loS9irltos the-road popularity contest and his greatest . which were spreading malaria in epidemic conviction is to be the citizen's advocate; proportions near his air 'baseIn Vietnam.' He horsetraded to get the Jour month- World Tour supplyofMaIathionthatcoul~'tbe g~ott~n ... Brannen,SO,wasbornin 1931 in West "thrQugh normal supply channels.' VirgWa and raised .in .Hawaii, where' he After retiring frorntheAir Force ~oBoise ContinuetJ,topagelO • ....f1iiii~i5ii~7T23i!ii~~~~====~=-===~~========~~~~ -AMERICAN EXPRESS HOMECOMING , \ FILM FESTIVAL SPONSORED BY STUDENT ACTIVITIES Free Admission, Showings lZ·Noon, BSU, SUB , Boisean Lounge The Pit and House the Pendulum of Usher Monday '& Tuesday 'Wed & Thur October 5 & 6 October 7&8 J.,.,;FJl FAMIL Y, GAME ROOM ~ tHIS AD GOOD FOR Free T..Shirts American .:~I'I~~.' ./// TWO FREETOKE~S to' first Express 25 people applications I' '& J3;!~r;-), Video. Games Pinball {'iI:' 4;;' / at showin available t":/ 3065M. Cole Rd.- :;'\',l~~,~1lL(", In ~vergreen Plaza Don't leave school without it 'at door. 1~ :-.~.~I:-\;·..,.,"~·:'(,Af\!{ BI\ASS LAMP VISTA ~STA PEACE CORPS Proudly Announces EVERY WEDNESDAY MIGHT IS GIGGLE HIGHT &~~~~~LL S,~.00 Pitchers! Si.00 off ell Pizzas The evening"s cinema presentation is Airplanel . This week"s Dig Screen Cinema schedule: Thurl0/l Frll0/2 Set 101~ Sun 10/4 Mon 10/5 Tues 10/6 Wed 10/7 Ask for selection. from our Classic Night 7:00 Monday 8:00 Cosmos 8:00 Ollp and film end eports library, 8:00 Bugs Bunny,' NlglllFootball 9:00 Superman Dale '''' /;:;:=============================.:BSU vs EKU for exampl., 9:00 Casablanca r 1~:00 Dirty Harry 9:00 Alrplanel AND All This And Less AD" LAYOUT Less hunger and sickness. Less illiteracy. Less poverty and ignorance. Less intolerance and strife. Less ora lotof things th?' , :the world doesn't need. That's why we need more Peace Corps P,.OSIT.IONS volunteers. Talk to our representatives and find out how, where, and why. Peace Corps. The toughest job you'll ever love. ' P.EN FILM SEMINAR: Tu.,. OCt. 13 INFORMATION: OCt. 13-15 INTERVIEWS: Sign up In advanco o N-.. 1:30 pm 9 em- 2 pm' -<:ar_ & Financial 5e<vk:oo " v i'DJII-----~--..JNez Perce Room, SUB SUB Lobby 117 Admlnlstr.Uon Building APPLY NOW FOR OPENINGS BEGINNING IN APPLY AT THE' THE NEXT 3-13 MONTHS I UNIVERSITY NEWS Slipyou~self .. .' a Mickey's 10378 OVERLANDRD. 376-5001 IN 5 MILE PlAZA SHOPPING em. , , Camelot done in a funhouse.-CS5-TV .' Big Mouth from A ,crazy movie. Miclley' 5 Malt ,liquor _. ! ~_ 0. HtlL.IIIA" IAIW'INQ COWAHY. INC.. LA CRQlU, wtlCOfrWN AND ~1A QT1U .' .. PAGEl .. UNIVERSITY NEWS·SEPT.3O-0CT.6 ;' ..... _.~ ..- #_ ·.. ··1· p. ~ -- p ~ I News-- lcoholAtBSU. Real y Meg Fereday Two separate alcohol groups have "Considering the rising costs we that he and Smith had purchased two' joined forces in an effort to bring about a (students) are facing at this time, we've got 'siJt~packs of beer before climbing the nght. b Pacific change in the use of alcohol by BSU to find some way to make education towers. Smith was a pre-law student at affordable," Virgil said. She said that there students on campus. , BSU. The BSU Alcohol Awareness program, is no insurance against the State Board of Lund and Mary Lou Virgil commented on Education raising fees every year, nor is whose purpose, is to promote responsible the tragedy. News there any way of knowing when and how drinking, headed by ASBSU Senator Helen Lund responded that the death was a ' . much the Idaho Legislature' could raise Holt, joined Tuesday with the ASBSU in a "real tragedy." statewide student campaign to allow in-state tuition. "I don't know what. those guys were Service controlled alcohol use on Idaho's university . Encouraging students to drink in an thinking--but had there been somewhere to campuses. The ASBSU effort directed by '1cceptablemanner is another goal shared by go and drink on campus .maybe the tragedy both the Alcohol Awareness Program and REAGANSETTOOKAYMX, B-1 StudentBodyPresident Tony Lund hopes would not have happened." Lund said that to both promote the wise use of alcohol, 'the campaign to allow alcohol on campus. through the Alcohol Awareness program . The New York Daily News say] President The asked the groups whether and make alcoholic beverages available on . News the school can at least help to cutdown on Reagan has made uphis mind to go ahead availability of a pleasant pub or weekend with Doth the MX Missile and the B-1 campus. alcohol abuse. beer garden on campus could help decrease "The death on' campus may have been, Bomber. The paper, citing administration The campaign arose from a resolution the incidence of' alcohol related deaths. sources, says Reagan will shortly announce passed by the Associated Students of avoided if drinking on campus was Such a tragedy occurred last Wednesday, allowed," Virgil said, adding that although the deployment 'of a hundred Mx Missiles Idaho, (AS I) a four campus student September 23. Richard K. Smith, 19, hidden in a thousand silos in the desert near government coalition. The resolution asks drinking is allowed in dorm room, it isn't slipped while descending from his perch on allowed in dormitory lounges, where Las Vegas. At the same time, the President that the Idaho State Board of Education the BSU stadium light tower, and plunged is expected to give the green light to buying allow the president of each university to set students congregate. According to Virgil, a to his death on the parking lot below. student wanting to drink alcohol on between 50 and a hundred B-1'so-at a cost individual campus policies for the use of - According to. an Idaho Statesman article, campus is "restricted to drink in a cage." of 200 million dollars each-while research alcoholic' beverages. Smith's companion, John Parton, 20:said proceeds on the so-called "Stealth" To date, only 'the board may set the Bomber. New York Daily News, policy of alcohol use on campus. Alcoholic September 16. beverages are prohibited on campus, except POSTMAKESBOOK, , in dormitory rooms and residence halls. Plans to launch an all-out lobbying At the end of this month, 13 billion campaign (paid for by the Alcohol dollars' worth of securities will enter the Awareness Program) will begin at BSU Civil Service Retirement Fund, a routine Monday, with the hopes of changing the government procedure that will put the Idaho State Board of Education's alcohol national debt close to a record one trillion policy. The board votes whether to take dollars. In honor of the event, the' action on the resolution at their December Washington Post is running a contest to see meeting in-Lewiston. who can pick the exact day. Entries must As for the chances of success for the ASI indicate the day the national debt reaches proposal, Lund wagers that the odds the { the magic 13-digit mark and how. large the I Board says yes are 50-50. \ contestant thinks the debt will be at the end \" "It's going to be tooth and nails all the of business on that milestone day--to the way" Lund said. Due to this being an nearest million dollars. The winner will election year, State Board members may be have his or her picture in the Post, plus a reluctant to jeopardize their posts by voting free lunch and what's termed as for an issue as controversial as alcohol use "minimally valuable prizes." The paper's on campus.
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