J 2« - MAN'( IIKSTKH HKHAl.l). Monday, Dec 17. 1984 WEATHER U 1 / White supremacist insists U.S./WORLD FOCUS SPORTS Hiring of Hidalgo Santa gets mail Torrid Whalers Clear, mild tonight; § future beiongs to neo-Nazis started firm’s woes from town notables gaining momentum cloudy Wednesday By Penny Spar But group member Gary Yar­ Officials say some members of United Press International brough,,listed as a suspect in the the Aryan Nations group were ... page 5 ... page 11 ...•page 15 ... oage 2 Denver killing, denied in an dissatisfied with the lack of action The White American Bastion, a interview during the weekend at a by Butler, 65, their leader. In an tiny band of faci.st fanatics that jail in Boise, Idaho, he had interview with the San Francisco white supremacist leader Richard anything to do with the slaying or Examiner Sunday, Butler admit­ Butler called the future of the any other violent crime. ted that the younger, more militant racial purity movement, has burst According to FBI affidavits, the members are eroding his from ob.scurily in a blaze of gunfire White American Bastion plotted to influence. during recent weeks. overthrow the U S. government by "The future is theirs.” Butler Although the group is believed 1999. The "revolution" was to be said. "W e cannot tell them what to comprised of only about a dozen financed witb robberies and coun­ do." members, it has been linked to the terfeiting operations. Butler added he was proud of gangland-style slaying of a liberal FBI officials refused to divulge Robert J. Mathews, the Bastion's leader, who died in the FBI i®anrl|fatrr U m lh Jewish_radio talkshow host at his details, but other law enforcement Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Denver home, two armored car officials say the White American shootout Dec. 8. and called him "a Tuesday, Dec 18, 1984 — Single copy: 25C robberies netting $3.5 million in Bastion is a splinter group formed hero.” \'"i California and Washington state, by members and associates of the "I feel sorry about his death." and a spectacular shootout with Church of Jesus Christ Christian Butler said. "He was a man of the the FBI near Seattle in which its Aryan Nations, a white suprema­ highest idealism and moral char­ chief apostle was believed to have cist sect based in Hayden Lake, acter, He exhibited a willingness $28.1 billion savings been killed. Idaho. and courage to die for his beliefs.” Ludes home [OUR GREATEST HOLIDAY Herald photo oy Tarquinlo to accolades Eye on Hawaii SALE EVER! President decides Dreaming of a trip to Hawaii are these JUST LOOK AT THESE Bv Sarah E. Hall ier and Kelly Adams. The new company Herald Reporter visitors to Designs on Travel, which held bought the former Globe Travel, EXAMPLE BUYS! its grand opening at 555 Main St. according to Larry Metivier, Designs on When Manehe.sler High School t’hiicipal Jat'oh recently. They are (left to right) Terry Travel president. to clip defense Lude.s returned lo work llii.s nioriiing after a Adams. Conrad Pelletier, Yvonne Pellet­ five-day at)senee. In' received pr.u.se .some colleagues claim was two nionltis overdue Bv Norman D. Sandler Asked if the $28.1 billion is the respectively, to keep the deficit- Paper "footsteps " Iraeed a [lalli lo his olfiee. most Reagan believes can be cut United Press International reduction plan on target. with a sign telling visitors "This wa.\ lo the from future defense outlays, While Speakes stre.ssed Reagan Conneelleul Principal ol llie ^'ear " Chocolate RFK’s eldest son heads WASHINGTON - Pre.sident Speakes replied. "That is his had weighed fiscal concerns coins covered wilti gold loil spilled over his desk. Reagan has decided lo scale back decision — Ihut it is the proper against national security priorities Huge red-aiid while haniiers eongralul.iiing him OPEN SUNDAY 12 - 5 military spending by $28.1 billion amount to be cut from defense.” in agreeing to $28.1 billion in hung nutside the school over the next three years as a sign The White House announcement reductions, he appeared to leave The decorations were lo recognize Ludes' efficient, egalitarian firm came -several hours before De­ that all agencies will feel the pinch the door open to further comprom­ status as the only ('onneelieiil principal cited in a fense Secretary Caspar Wein­ of his deficit-reduction plan, the ise by indicating the numbers for national program to lionoi 104 outstanding By Carol Rosenberg This is Joe, the $60,00n-a-year oil — at a profit and used the profits £ FISHER berger was due to go public with White House announced today. 1987 and 1988 were not cast in stone. educators Though the award «a s announced in United Press International businessman, tidking But ask him to finance the heating oil. ^ FISHER his latest budget plans at a White House spokesman Lurry "Tho.se are the figures the October, it was not until last wei'k that Ludes how he got started. Did he have a But the process is not simple. It's FVH725 Speakes acknowledged the reduc­ Pentagon news conference. president has agreed upon for the BOSTOiN — When he's not jelling fV H 7 3 0 m - went to South Seas I’ lanlalion in C,i|>li\ a Island. dee|) interest in energy and a a year-round commitment that tions represent less than half of The presidential decision, ex­ out-years," he said. "But as you nroiind the woiid striking denis Florida, lor a special In Honor ol Kxeellenee" passion to play with the system'.’ requires Kennedy to watch prices those proposed by budget director pected to prompt calls from know, a budget in the out-years is a with oil ministers. Jo.seph P. eonferenee. He cracks a grin. and shuttle between the Middle David Stockman, but added: "The congressional leaders for even plan, and a plan that is subject to Kennedy II sits at the head of a $40i) "W e just fell It (Ludes' eilalioni really hadn’t "It seemed perfectly reasonable East, Africa and South America to budget process continues. It will sharper reductions, followed sev­ looking at each year. million energy eompany — a been recognized. " MHS Vice I’riiieipal Gwen to try," he says of the idea tossed negotiate with oil ministers and continue this year and it will eral weeks of internal debate business that eombines his slain The plan translated into a Brooks said today "Kveryliody seemed lo know around a friend's home six years refineries. He directs every step continue in '87 and '88. " within the administration and loud fiither's idealism with 1980s entre­ three-year cut of $29.6 in budget about it except the students ' ago when oil profits were soaring until the refined oil is brought to Reagan "remains committed" warnings from Capitol Hill that preneurial savvy. Fisher 4-Head VHS Video CasseNe authority, far short of the $121 Ludes said Burger King Corp and the National and the federal fuel assistance Massachusetts and turned over to Fisher 4-Head VHS Video Cassette to his plan to slash the deficit from defense mu.st share the burden of a The business is ealled the Recorder w/WIreless Remote Control billion recommended by Stock- Association of Secondary School Principals program was not yet in place. the state fuel assistance project for $200 billion to $99 billion by 1988 — concerted deficit-reduction effort. Citizens Energy Corp. But it is Recorder with Wireless Remote Control man. Total Pentagon budget au­ "brought in some ol Hie linesi theorists and "I saw on the news that millions distribution. bringing the figure to 4 percent of Speakes said Weinberger, who known to many as ".loe Kennedy's thority for the three years would erilies in Ihe eouiilry ’ for Hie eonferenee and millions of dollars were being Oil was where CEC began, but • Fw I n * In i^irmd iptail Gross National Product in 1986. 3 last week offered $6 billion in Oil Company," named for Robert near $1.1 trillion. "Probably the best part ol II was. you had a made. And people were poor. And the company has expanded with iHitlj pliyM • Stm iM dai percent in 1987 and 2 percent in savings in 1986. had agreed to K. Kennedy's eldest son. who When Weinberger unveiled his chance lo sit and talk w ith your colleagues from nobody was there to help, f interests in natural gas and energy • litHUlic fmt M ill • My* Km U ntil 1988. Speakes said. reduce defense outlays by $8.7 started the firm sl.x years ago to I S(e original numbers last week, some all over the eounlry ’ Ludes said "The palm thought. I wonder if I can gel in on conservation — all part of • 13'hKtM ninlHj rnnle mtril • rnSduml ikctmic tin i/ He declined to speculate on bring eheap borne heating oil to Ihild billion that year —more than the $8 administration officials were skep­ trees didn’t detract Ironi it. eiHier " it'.’ "' Kennedy's search for solutions for • 14-diy, S-pripM titir catbrndy whether the shortfall in Pentagon billion proposed by Stockman and people struggling to keep warm in tical the proposal would achieve Ludes said he gathered "a lot ol good ideas " It was early 1979, he was 26years the problem of staying warm. • lekluicl dictiMic tnet • IE prnK dMMls savings will make Reagan cut other Reagan budget advisers. New England's fieree winter. • MR-ii M wi piMf apply the full savings claimed by the during Ihe five day .session, and planned lo make old.
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