In SI®|. Mdgdzine Ih!ide 166111. Wuler Slreel, Sliile 411 mulwaukee, Wl 53202 NEWS (414) 278-7840 volt® United HIV Services Formed ............... 6 (414) 27&5868 flix INSTErm@AOL.(OM Health Secretay Nixes Drag subsidy ......... 8 Lesbian Avengers Hound Hoiilwphobe§ ........ 8 ISSN# 1045-2435 Madison Considers Pttblic Sex Law ......... 10 Ronold F. 6eimqn Deed Restriction Ha;mpers Hotelwashington . .11 founder Jorge L. Cobol presidenl DEPARTMENTS William Attewell Letters........ edilor.in+h.ief Nedoridl Neuj§ . Jomokoya Health Neujs . news editor Group Notes .......................... 18 Jorge L.Cobol The Arts ,............................ 20 uns editor Memorich.............,...............22 Yvonne Zipter, Shelly Roberts, Arlene Zqfembko, The Calendar ......................... 26 Carl Szotmory, Billy Hollidqy, Chorlene Lichtenslein, The Chasies .......................... 42 Morvin L.ebmon, Jamie Toylor, Mary Shofer, Dole Reynolds,` Richord Mohr, Dennis MCMllion, Owen Keehnen Featu'e [onlrjbulingw[ilers Talk with Filmmakers Rob Epstein and Jeff Friedman Jones Taylor, Jeff Butler The Cellttloid Closet .................... 28 photographers Revieui....,..,......................33 Robert Arnold, Paul Hoffmonn, Robert Kirby, (omper [anoondts Columns Wells Ink Independently Speaking ..... 24 orldireclionondnddesign Out of the Stars ...... ..... 34 Pub!itofion of the none, pheooroph or othel likeDas Of any peron or ongonL zofion in ln Step Magrzlne is rut to be Construed os ony ndiwh'on Of he soxirol, Ifeepir[ In Step ...... ..... 36- religious or pellfi(ol orienm'an, pmcfi(e a/ belies of sock person or members of Humor by Kevin Isom . ..... 38 soch ongonlzafions. We reserve de nghl to edit any submi5stous, odverfeino or editorial ol our solo Inside Out ........, ..... 40 tis(iefion. We ossome no iespemsfoility for typographi{al or others errors unless tom?roieody{opyisprovided.WeossumenoresponsLbiltryfoTadverri5ers'{loims. In Step Mogozine is a Tegisiered rfudemorfu !utre tonterfe indudfro ofrorf s. ing, ©1996 by ln Step Mngozine, except where speditally coted otherwrso. All Cartoons righe reserved. Raprodution, either in whole or pin ls prohlbifed. Sttb Girlz . Lift a Drag Qpeer Dueb (lIJTreac A new program offering anonymous HIV testing, safer sex education. an`d information about HIV and Alos at places where men and women gather in our community. •`nformat`ve •supportive •dnonymoiis •quicker and easier testing [OuTreach Schedule] M&M club Lesbian Health Fair Lcl cage Momci Roux Tliursday Sa\urday _ _ \glecln.e.sday Wednesday 5/2/96.9pmtol2am 5/4/96.12pmto3:30pm 5/8/96.10pmtolam 5/15/96 . 9pm to 12am A Co-operative Venture of Your Favorite Bar... NI Hill Mll.W^uKFE ^(DS PRO|FCT MAP and BESTD Clinic ujorleing together to Serve the gay/lesbian community. Leller§ Wisconsin LesBiGays Have lesbians who arc being physically preserve the leather/levi heritage held by abused, harassed or threatened by some- Domestic Violence Options Rods for so many years. one they are dating but do not share a For those of you that do not know household together. To the Editor- the logo of a L/L club is called the Domestic violence has only recently "Colors of the Club." We arc creating a I am writing you today because of received the attention it deserves in the wall of colors in the new Rods. To be a my concern about a particular stal:ernent made in your recent feature general population. Statistics have part of this Wall of Colors, individuals shown that domestic violence is just as may make a personal domtion as a per- article (Vol. 13, #6) on gay marriages. common in the homosexual population manent reminder of your silpport and The author discussed the benefits of as it is in the heterosexual population marriage which are denied to gay and generosity. A brass plaque engraved (approximately one in every five rcla- with your name will be placed on the lesbian couples. The article stated that tionships), yet it receives minim.al atten- wall for a donation of $50 or more. nowhere in the US do gay couples tion. I am worried that a gay man or Groups may present colors, which will receive the same benefits of married lesbian in an abusive relationship may bc framed and paramountly displayed couples. The reader was then directed have read this article and incorrectly alone with a S loo contribution. to the side bar for a more detailed believed that they could not seek help Any funds raised through this effort explanation of these benefits denied to by the courts because hc or she was not will be used to rebuild Rods and the gay men and lcsbiaus. However, this list married to the abusive partner. I think Hotel Washington comp!cx, to help included the inability of gay men and it is imperative that your readers under- lesbians to obtain domestic violence purchase equipment and items ncccs- stand that a gay man or lesbian in sa[y to rccreatc the atmosphere protection orders. The article seemed to Wisconsin can petition for a domestic wc all loved, imply that all of the benefits mentioned - abuse restraining order. Contributions of any denomination were also denied in Wisconsin. This is will be greatly appreciated. If every per- not the case. Domest;c abuse restrain- Cdristapber Krimmer son that ever walked through the doors ing orders are available for gay men and Medison, Wiscorvin of the Hotel Washington complex gave lesbians in wisconsin. S I , wc would have the funds needed for According to Wisconsin statute. Mr. Rods Seeks Support chc rebuilding. 813.12, any adult household member Please send checks or money orders who has been abused by another adult for Hotel Washington to: S[accy Desolcl, P.O. Box 236, household member may file for a pro- Rebuilding Effort Mcnasha, W'I 54952-0236. tection order (aka restraining order). Gay men and lesbians arc covered by To the Editor- Sttay Desolel this statute. The only limitations are Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, recon- Mchasha, Wiscowin that both persons live within the same struct Rod's walls we must. With the household, both are adults and the type fire and destruction,of the Hotel of abuse is recognized by the statute. Washington behind us, it is now time This abuse includes any intentional to look ahead and prepare for a bigger infliction of. physical pain, physical and bc[ter complex to be enjoyed, injury or illness, any intentional impair- once more, by the gay and lesbian ment of physical condition, sexual community. assault or threats to engage in any of the As Mr. Rods, it is not only my duty, above conduct. but it is my privilege to do my part in Furtherhore, harassment restrain- the reconstruction of the Hotel ing orders are available for gays or Washington. My efforts will be to Ill Svep May 1.May 14,1996 HIT+ Individuals IVcedcd For Survey STD Specialities Clinic is currently seeking persons to complete a short, confidential survey. Qualified individ- uals will have tested positive for the HIV virus and have ahistoryofalcoholuseand/orabuse,druguseand/or abuse, or chemical dependency, Astipendof$20wiubepaidtoqualifiedindividualsfor completion of the survey. For more information, or to set-up ap appointment to completeasurvey,pleasecontactCaseyorPaulaatthe STD Specialities Clinic, 414ve64-8800 Diagnosis&TieatmenlofSexuullyTranrmilledDiseqse Education, Counseling and Support Groups Free Anonymous HIV (AIDS) (ounseling and Tooting Convenient Day rime Anonymous HIV Teding Hours: STD Monday,TuedayndWedmsdry:8anto4:30pm Specialties Clinic Thusdqy:8mt®6pm.Friday:8mto2pm Wdr.haaceepled:1ndqulpmlo4pmorbyrmdnhenl STD Specialli®s (linic . 3251 Norlh lloll®n Ave. Milwaukee, Wl 53212 . 414/264-8800 11 partner ln United HIV Services- Compassion . Care . Cooperdion News Three Milwaukee Agencies Form United HIV Services By Jamakaya (in cooperation with MAP), BESTD offers support groups to Milwaukee -The Brady East STD Clinic, the STD Gay men with HIV and their partners, cionducts preventive Specialties Clinic and the St. Canillus HIV/AIDS Ministry education, and provides ongoing public information about have combined forces in a collaborative effort called United HIV/AIDS and other health issues through its weekly cable HIV Services. The new cntiry will provide "a continuum of TV program "BESTD Clinic Live!" service and care from prevention and diagnasis through dcach Like the BESTD Clinic, STD Specialties at 3251 N. and beyond" for pcoplc with HIV/AIDS. Holton Strcct, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of Although reprcscntatives of United HIV Services were sexually transmitted diseases and offers free anonymous HIV careful to say chat the new group was not started in opposi- counseling, testing and support groups. In collaboration with tiori to the Milwaukee AIDS Project, they acknowledged that MAP, the clinic also provides crucial early intervention set- providing an alternative choice to people with HIV/AIDS in vices to those testing pasitivc. This includes tests to assess the the mctropolitaa-Milwaukee area was one of several individual's immune status and referrals to appropriate compelling motives. "Living with HIV means having to make some very physicians. While the Brady Clinic primarily (though not exclusive- important decisions, and United HIV Services facilitates ly) targets the Gay community, STD Specialities focuses on some options," said Ross Walker, President of the BESTD outrcach to underserved communities threatened by HIV, Clinic. "People are entitled to have choices conccming their particularly the homeless and indigent. The clinic provides health and well-being. " HIV testing, preventive education and physical exams at 22 Doug Nelson, Executive Director of MAP, expressed his sites around Milwaukee, including most of the arca's home- approval of the new group: "I support it. Anytimc we can get less shelters and alcohol/drug abuse treatment centers. "We've always had a good working relationship with the Brady Clinic," STD Specialties Executive Director Fred "People ore entitled lo liqve (hoi(es "Casey" Reilly told ln Step. "I see us as `sister' clinics, whose services and outrcach complement each other. " concerning their heqllh qnd well-being." Both clinics have for some time referred HIV+ clients to -Res5 WIA«AV the St.
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