South Hams Council Title: Agenda Date: Thursday, 21st May, 2015 Time: 2.00 pm Venue: Council Chamber - Follaton House Full Members: Chairman Cllr Hitchins Vice Chairman Cllr Bramble Members: Cllr Baldry Cllr May Cllr Barnes Cllr Pearce Cllr Bastone Cllr Pennington Cllr Blackler Cllr Pringle Cllr Brazil Cllr Rowe Cllr Brown Cllr Saltern Cllr Cane Cllr Smerdon Cllr Cuthbert Cllr Steer Cllr Foss Cllr Tucker Cllr Gilbert Cllr Vint Cllr Hawkins Cllr Ward Cllr Hicks Cllr Wingate Cllr Hodgson Cllr Wood Cllr Holway Cllr Wright Cllr Horsburgh Interests – Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any Declaration and disclosable pecuniary interest not entered in the Authority's Restriction on register or local non pecuniary interest which they have in any Participation: item of business on the agenda (subject to the exception for sensitive information) and to leave the meeting prior to discussion and voting on an item in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. Committee [email protected] administrator: Page No 1. Election of the Chairman of the Council (The Chairman will then read and sign the declaration of acceptance of office). 2. Address by the New Chairman of Council; 3. Vote of thanks to the Retiring Chairman 4. Response by the Retiring Chairman 5. Appointment of the Vice Chairman of the Council (The Vice Chairman will then read and sign the declaration of acceptance of office). 6. Minutes to approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 12 February 2015 7. Election of Leader of the Council and Chairman of the Executive for the four year term from 2015/16 8. Representation on Political Groups to approve a review carried out in consultation with leaders of the Political Groups. This is reflected in the list of Council Bodies (circulated separately) – see item 9 below 9. Appointment of Members of the Bodies of the Council 1 - 2 to appoint the Members of the following Council Bodies for the 2015/16 Municipal Year:- a) Audit; b) Development Management Committee; c) Executive; d) Licensing Committee; e) Overview and Scrutiny Panel; and f) Salcombe Harbour Board. Page No 10. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Bodies of the 3 - 4 Council to elect the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the following Bodies of the Council for the 2015/16 Municipal Year:- a) Audit Committee; b) Development Management Committee; c) Licensing Committee; d) Overview and Scrutiny Panel; and e) Salcombe Harbour Board (Chairman only). 11. Appointment of Representatives on Outside Bodies 5 - 10 to consider a report concerning the appointment of Members as representatives on Outside Bodies for the 2015/16 Municipal Year (circulated separately); NOTE: Although some of these appointments are accepted by the “Outside Bodies” for a period of years, it is the Council’s practice where possible to review all appointments annually. 12. Appointment of Other Groups 11 - 12 to agree to the appointment of the following Groups for the 2015/16 Municipal Year:- a) Beach Management Working Group; b) Council Tax Setting Panel; c) Design and Conservation Panel; d) Devon Building Control Partnership; e) Income Generation Working Group; f) Political Structures Working Group; g) Public Spaces Working Group; h) Strategic Planning Working Group; and i) Youth Engagement Working Group. 13. Urgent Business the Chairman to announce if any item not on the agenda should be considered on the basis that he considers it as a matter of urgency (any such item to be dealt with under item 18 below); Page No 14. Confidential Business the Chairman to inform the meeting of any confidential item of business; 15. Exempt Information to consider whether the consideration of any item of business would be likely to disclose exempt information and if so the category of such exempt information; 16. Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare any personal; or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting; 17. Chairman's Announcements 18. Business Brought Forward by the Chairman to consider business (if any) brought forward by the Chairman as reported under item 13 above; 19. Questions to consider the following question received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8. 20. Notice of Motion to consider the following motions received (if any) in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.1 21. Calendar of Meetings 2015/16 13 - 20 to consider a report which presents the draft Calendar of Meetings for the 2015/16 Municipal Year (circulated separately); 22. Exclusion of Press and Public- to consider the following resolution to exclude the public and press:- “That in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business in order to avoid the likely disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act”; Page No 23. Local Land Charges 21 - 26 to consider an exempt report which advises Members of the outcome of the settlement proposed for the refund of personal search fees (circulated separately); 24. Re-admittance of Press and Public 25. Reports of Bodies to receive and as may be necessary approve the minutes and recommendations of the under-mentioned Bodies:- * Indicates minutes containing recommendations to Council. (a) Community Life and Housing Scrutiny Panel - 5 February 27 - 34 2015 (b) Salcombe Harbour Board - 9 February 2015 35 - 40 (c) Development Management Committee - 18 February 2015 41 - 58 (d) Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Panel - 19 59 - 64 February 2015 (e) Council Tax Setting Panel - 26 February 2015 65 - 68 (f) Executive * - 5 March 2015 69 - 76 (g) Audit Committee * - 12 March 2015 77 - 82 (h) Development Management Committee - 18 March 2015 83 - 92 (i) Development Management Committee - 15 April 2015 93 - 110 (j) Salcombe Harbour Board * - 20 April 2015 111 - 114 Membership of Council Bodies for 2015 / 2016 A Audit Committee D Licensing Committee Cllr I Bramble Cllr N A Barnes Cllr J Brazil Cllr J I G Blackler Cllr R J Foss Cllr D Brown Cllr J T Pennington Cllr B F Cane Cllr K R H Wingate Cllr P K Cuthbert Cllr R J Foss Cllr P W Hitchins Cllr T R Holway Cllr D Horsburgh Cllr D W May Cllr K Pringle Cllr R Rowe B Development Management Committee E Overview and Scrutiny Panel Cllr I Bramble Cllr K J Baldry Cllr J Brazil Cllr N A Barnes Cllr B F Cane Cllr J I G Blackler Cllr P K Cuthbert Cllr D Brown Cllr R J Foss Cllr J D Hawkins Cllr P W Hitchins Cllr D Horsburgh Cllr J M Hodgson Cllr D W May Cllr T R Holway Cllr J T Pennington Cllr J A Pearce Cllr K Pringle Cllr R Rowe Cllr M F Saltern Cllr R C Steer Cllr P C Smerdon Cllr R J Vint Cllr K R H Wingate Cllr B Woods C Executive F Salcombe Harbour Board Cllr H D Bastone Cllr R D Gilbert (Still awaiting Appointment Panel Cllr M J Hicks recommendations ) Cllr R J Tucker Cllr L A H Ward Cllr S A E Wright Chairman and Vice Chairman of Council Bodies for 2015 / 2016 A. Audit Committee Cllr J T Pennington – Chairman Cllr K R H Wingate – Vice Chairman B. Development Management Committee Cllr R C Steer – Chairman Cllr R J Foss – Vice Chairman C. Licensing Committee Cllr D W May – Chairman Cllr T R Holway – Vice Chairman D. Overview and Scrutiny Panel Cllr K J Baldry OR Cllr M F Saltern – Chairman Cllr K R H Wingate – Vice Chairman E. Salcombe Harbour Board (Still awaiting Appointment Panel recommendation ) AGENDA AGENDA ITEM ITEM 11 SOUTH HAMS DISTRICT COUNCIL 11 NAME OF COMMITTEE COUNCIL DATE 21 May 2015 REPORT TITLE APPOINTMENT OF REPRES ENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES 2015/16 Report of Democratic Services Manager WARDS AFFECTED All Summary of report: To approve the Council’s representation on Outside Bodies and appoint the appropriate representatives to serve on these Bodies Financial implications: There are no financial implications arising directly from this report. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Council RESOLVES that:- 1. The Council should be represented on the list of Outside Bodies (as attached at appendix A); 2. Appropriate representatives be appointed as this Council’s appointments to those Bodies for the 2015/16 Municipal Year and that for the purposes of Members’ Allowances, attendance at meetings of these Bodies be regarded as an approved duty; and 3. Members appointed to Outside Bodies provide regular feedback and consultation on issues affecting the Bodies concerned. Officer contact: Darryl White, Democratic Services Manager, Email: [email protected] Lead Member contact: Cllr John Tucker, Leader of Council, Email: [email protected] 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 The Council makes appointments to a large number of Outside Bodies. 1.2 Some Members will recall that an extensive review was undertaken into the list of Outside Bodies during 2010. The current list (attached at Appendix A) is now subject to an annual review. 2. ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION Providing Feedback to the Wider Membership 2.1 Since Members are appointed to represent the Outside Bodies on behalf of the Council, there is an agreed Council practice (minutes 12/03 and 27/03 refer) of reporting back on the work of the body and highlighting issues of interest to the Council. Some Members adhere to this and produce reports for the Members’ Bulletin. However, in general, feedback and consultation remains at only a moderate level.
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