The Allentown Association: Serving Buffalo’s Great Historic Neighborhood for 50 years The Allentown Neighbor December 2013 - January, February 2014 Volume 48, Number 4 Published quarterly by The Allentown Association Inc., 14 Allen St., Buffalo, New York 14202 Phone: (716) 881-1024 Email: [email protected] Website: www.allentown.org Should Allentown’s east end become no-smoking zone? The Buffalo Niagara Medi- cal Campus is now entirely smoke-free ̶ not just the build- ings and grounds ̶ but the pub- lic sidewalks and streets, too. And that has implications for the eastern end of Allentown. The BNMC thinks the no- smoking zone should be ex- tended to public areas as far west as North Pearl Street, so that medical campus visitors and employees won't take a short walk across Main Street and make a nuisance of them- selves blowing smoke and flick- ing butts around Allentown businesses and residences. It thinks the zone should A $4.5 million office-residential complex is on the Delaware-Virginia site also extend southeast to the once occupied by Samuel Clemens’ house and later the Cloister. Fruit Belt and McCarley Gar- dens. Twain Tower nears completion The city charter would have to be amended to expand the By JOHN P. PATRISSI nine upscale one- and two-bedroom zone, which would not prohibit Mark Twain's house is long gone, and apartments ̶ for a total of about 9,500- smoking on private property or so is the famed Cloister Restaurant, but square-feet of space. residences, only in the public on the site where they once stood an up- At the rear of the site, a carriage right-of-way. In addition, there scale three-story building is nearing house ̶ the only structure that remains could be waivers for areas such completion. from the days of Mark Twain author as Cathode Ray's covered out- Dubbed Twain Tower, the $4.5 mil- Samuel Clemens ̶ has undergone mas- door patio on the North Pearl lion complex at 268 Delaware Ave. con- sive overhauls including a new roof and sidewalk. sists of three levels of high-end commer- extensive brick restoration. Continued on Page 10 cial space and a residential wing with Continued on Page 10 For quick updates on what’s happening, like The Allentown Association on Facebook. Page 2 The Allentown Neighbor / Winter 2013-2014 Neighborhood news notes Volunteers led by Gretchan Grobe are already planning Santa will be on Allen Street Dec. 6 new attractions for 2014. Applications will be mailed to prospective vendors the second week in January, and be Santa will be making an appear- available for download at www.allentown.org by Jan. 15. ance again this year at the Allentown Completed applications must be returned to the Allen- First Fridays Gallery Walk on Dec. 6. town Association, 14 Allen St., Buffalo, NY 14202, post- First Fridays are always fun on Al- marked by April 7. len Street, and the one in December is Allen West also is looking for new corporate sponsors. great way to kick off the holiday sea- If your business or the company you work for wants expo- son. There'll be free horse-drawn car- sure at a wonderful event that attracts 200,000 people, riage rides 6:30-8:30 p.m., a tree light- please contact the Association at [email protected] ing at Allen and Park streets at 6:30, or at 881-1024. caroling and hot chocolate. Bring your Volunteers run this festival, and can always use help. kids or grandchildren. Leave a message at the above email address or phone num- Art galleries will be open 6-9 p.m., most with special ber if you'd like to assist. attractions. At the College Street Gallery there will be a lighting projection by Keith Harrington. For full informa- tion on what each gallery is planning, check the Greater Tim Hortons, Stone Cold Creamery coming Allentown First Fridays Gallery Tour page on Facebook, or Roast beef will be giving way to donuts and ice cream go to www.firstfridaysallentown.com. at the former Arby's site at 537 Delaware Ave. near Allen Also that night, the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Na- Street. A rather upscale Tim Hortons Cafe & Bake Shop tional Historic Site at 641 Delaware Ave. near Allen will and a Cold Stone Creamery will be moving into a reno- host a wine tasting and silent auction fundraiser at $35 a vated building. The donut shop's new design features ticket, $30 for TR Site members. couches and more comfortable seating. Arby's closed on Sept. 13 after 35 years in business, said franchise owner Association to be cited for preservation Vince Allesandra, who is going into semi-retirement. He will still own the property, leasing it to the chains. The Allentown Association will receive a 2013 New York State Historic Preservation Award on Dec. 5 from the state's Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preserva- Meeting set on school expansion tion. The award cites the Buffalo Neighborhood Preserva- Elmwood Village Charter School will hold a commu- tion Initiative and "pays tribute to the individuals and or- nity meeting at 6 p.m. Dec. 11 at the school, 40 Days Park, ganizations who have made important contributions to rec- to describe a planned expansion so it can offer enrollment ognizing and revitalizing some of Buffalo's largest and up to 8th grade. Architects will be on hand to provide most distinguished historic neighborhoods, including visuals and take in feedback. Allentown, Black Rock, Elmwood West, Hamlin Park and University Park," Commissioner Rose Harvey said. Several No overnight parking on bus routes groups and people from across the state will be similarly Buffalo winter parking restrictions have been in effect honored. since Nov. 15. So until April 1, there is no parking on any bus route in the city between 1:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. The rule Planning begins for Allen West Festival allows city plows to clear the streets of snow overnight. As we all batten down for winter, it's comforting to know that preparations are about to get under way for the An addendum to Night Out story Association's Allen West Festival, which runs June 14 and A story in the autumn edition of this newsletter on the 15 ̶ Allentown Art Festival weekend, Buffalo's traditional Night Out anti-crime picnic held in Symphony Circle on kick-off of summer. Aug. 6 failed to mention a few participants who showed up The 2014 Allen West Festival will be celebrating its or helped out. Prospero Restaurant on Pennsylvania Street 16th year, showcasing our historic neighborhood and the provided a casserole. State Sen. Tim Kennedy and Ellicott artists who participate in this fun, family-friendly event. It District Council Member Darius Pridgen attended and lent is staged west of Elmwood Avenue along Allen and their support. The event was sponsored by the Allentown Wadsworth streets. Last year it attracted 145 booths and Association and the Kleinhans Community Association. vendors and netted $22,700 for the Association. The Allentown Neighbor / Winter 2013-2014 Page 3 Protect yourself against petty crimes of convenience The Crime Prevention and Safety Also, there are at least two men Awareness Committee reminds you to who have been working areas of the always lock your car and to be aware Lower West Side, including Allentown of your surroundings when using your and the D’Youville College campus mobile phone in public. area, stealing smart phones out of the There are one or more or individu- hands of users. als going around the neighborhood The thieves target people who are overnight looking for unlocked cars to either talking or texting, too engrossed steal things from. to notice what is going on around He or they will work an entire them. They ride past on a bicycle, grab block in a night and check EVERY car the phone, and speed away. on the street. If one is unlocked, its Please make the effort to be aware owner will awake to find it rifled of your surroundings when talking or through, with any items the thief does typing on your mobile device. If possi- not want thrown around the car. If the ble, stand so your back is facing a trunk is accessible through a driver- building rather than the street or side- compartment release, it too will be walk. If you see a cyclist approaching, ransacked. be sure to hold your phone firmly or Besides locking your vehicle, never turn your body in a direction that will leave any item that is attractive to make your phone hard to snatch. thieves in view. This especially in- As always, if either of these inci- cludes cell phones, GPS devices, PCs, dents or any other crime happens to tablets, MP3 players or other items you, call 911 and report it. Always that can be quickly resold. Your $600 report ALL incidents of theft, vandal- iPhone is worth $10 to a thief who will ism or other crimes no matter how A new surveillance camera is rapidly resell it for narcotics money. seemingly insignificant. The police up in response to complaints. need to know every incident in order to track trends and to look for crime about loitering, littering and harass- patterns that may require extra patrols ment by creeps at the corner. After in specific areas. The police cannot members of the Crime Prevention fight crimes if they are not aware of Committee met with B District Police the incidents. Chief Brian Patterson, he created a six- On a related note, the city has in- week foot patrol in the area to put an stalled a surveillance camera on the end to the nonsense, and when that northeast corner of Elmwood Avenue ended, the camera went up.
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