§ 210.1 10 CFR Ch. II (1–1–01 Edition) Vedette Oil Trading, Inc. Name of firm Location Vickers Energy Corp. W. C. Colquitt Cap Oil Company ......................... Tulsa, OK. W. T. Strickland Champlain Oil Co., Inc ................. South Burlington, VT. W. W. Blanton Chapman, H.A .............................. Tulsa, OK. Cibro Gasoline Corporation .......... Bronx, NY. W.A. Nunnally, Jr., Construction Co. City Service Inc ............................. Kalispell, MT. W.D. Porterfiled Coastal Corporation ...................... Houston, TX. Wellven, Inc. Coline Gasoline Corporation ........ Santa Fe Springs, CA. West Texas Marketing Corp. Collins Oil Co ................................ Aurora, IL. Western Crude Oil, Inc. Columbia Oil Co ........................... Hamilton, OH. Western Fuels, Inc. Conlo Service Inc ......................... East Farmingdale, NY. Wight Nurseries of Oglethorpe Co. Conoco, Inc ................................... Houston, TX. Consolidated Gas Supply Corp .... Hastings, WV. William Seabolt Consolidated Leasing Corp .......... Los Angeles, CA. Wilson’s Used Tractors Consumers Oil Co ........................ Rosemead, CA. Windsor Gas Corp. Continental Resources Company Winter Park, FL. Wyoming Refining Cordele Operating Co ................... Corsicana, TX. Cosby Oil Co., Inc ........................ Whittier, CA. APPENDIX B TO 10 CFR 210.1—FIRMS Cougar Oil Co ............................... Selma, AL. Cross Oil Co., Inc ......................... Wellstone, MO. WITH COMPLETED PAYMENTS SUB- Crystal Oil Company (formerly Shreveport, LA. JECT TO DISTRIBUTION Vallery Corp.). Crystal Petroleum Co ................... Corpus Christi, TX. The following firms have completed mak- Devon Corporation ........................ Oklahoma City, OK. ing restitutionary payments to DOE but Dorchester Gas Corp .................... Dallas, TX. their payments are still subject to distribu- E.B. Lynn Oil Company ................ Allentown, PA. tion by DOE. Each such firm must maintain E.M. Bailey Distributing Co ........... Paducah, KY. Eagle Petroleum Co ..................... Wichita Falls, TX. relevant records until June 30, 1985, unless Earls Broadmoor ........................... Houma, LA. this period is extended on a firm-by-firm Earth Resources Co ..................... Dallas, TX. basis. Relevant records are all records of the Eastern Petroleum Corp ............... Annapolis, MD. firm, including any affiliates, subsidiaries or Edington Oil Co ............................ Los Angeles, CA. predecessors in interest, for the time period Elias Oil Company ........................ West Palm Beach, FL. covered by the judicial or administrative Elm City Filling Stations, Inc ......... New Haven, CT. order, consent order, or other settlement or Empire Oil Co ............................... Bloomington, CA. Endicott, Eugene .......................... Redmond, OR. order requiring the payments, evidencing Enserch Corp ................................ Dallas, TX. sales volume data for each product subject to Enterprise Oil & Gas Company .... Detroit, MI. controls and customers’ names and address- F.O. Fletcher, Inc .......................... Tacoma, WA. es. Fagadau Energy Corporation ....... Dallas, TX. Farstad Oil Company .................... Minot, ND. Name of firm Location Field Oil Co., Inc ........................... Ogden, UT. Fine Petroleum Co., Inc ................ Norfolk, VA. A. Tarricone Inc ............................ Yonkers, NY. Foster Oil Co ................................ Richmond, MI. Adolph Coors Company ............... Golden, CO. Franks Petroleum Inc ................... Shreveport, LA. Allied Materials Corp & Excel ....... Oklahoma City, OK. Froesel Oil Co ............................... Aminoil USA, Inc ........................... Houston, TX. Gas Systems Inc .......................... Ft. Worth, TX. Amtel, Inc ...................................... Providence, RI. Gate Petroleum Co., Inc ............... Jacksonville, FL. Apache Corporation ...................... Minneapolis, MN. GCO Minerals Company .............. Houston, TX. APCO Oil Corporation .................. Oklahoma City, OK. Getty Oil Company ....................... Los Angeles, CA. Arapaho Petroleum, Inc ................ Breckenridge, TX. Gibbs Industries, Inc ..................... Revere, MA. Arkansas Louisiana Gas Com- Shreveport, LA. Glaser Gas Inc .............................. Calhoun, CO. pany. Glover, Lawrence H ...................... Patchogue, NY. Arkla Chemical Corporation .......... Shreveport, LA. Goodman Oil Company ................ Boise, ID. Armour Oil Company .................... San Diego, CA. Grant Rent a Car Corporation ...... Los Angeles, CA. Associated Programs Inc .............. Boca Raton, FL. Grimes Gasoline Co ..................... Tulsa, OK. Atlanta Petroleum Production ....... Fort Worth, TX. Gulf Energy & Development Corp. San Antonio, TX. Automatic Heat, Inc ...................... (also known as Gulf Energy De- Ayers Oil Company ....................... Canton, MD. velopment Corp.). Aztex Energy Corporation ............ Knoxville, TN. Gulf Oil Corp ................................. Houston, TX. Bak Ltd .......................................... Narbeth, PA. Gull Industries, Inc ........................ Seattle, WA. Bayou State Oil/IDA Gasoline ...... Shreveport, LA. H.C. Lewis Oil Co ......................... Welch, WV. Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp ........ Brooklyn, NY. Hamilton Brothers Petroleum Co .. Denver, CO. Belridge Oil Company ................... Los Angeles, CA. Harris Enterprise Inc ..................... Portland, OR. Blaylock Oil Co., Inc ..................... Homestead, FL. Heller, Glenn Martin ...................... Boston, MA. Blex Oil Company ......................... Minneapolis, MN. Hendel’s Inc .................................. Waterford, CT. Boswell Oil Company ................... Cincinnati, OH. Henry H. Gungoll Associates ....... Enid, OK. Box, Cloyce K ............................... Dallas, TX. Hertz Corporation, The ................. New York, NY. Breckenridge Gasoline Company Kansas City, KS. Hines Oil Co ................................. Murphysboro, IL. Brownlie, Wallace, Armstrong ...... Denver, CO. Horner & Smith, A Partnership ..... Houston, TX. Bucks Butane & Propane Service San Jose, CA. Houston Natural Gas Corp ........... Houston, TX. Budget Airport Associates ............ Los Angeles, CA. Howell Corporation/Quintana Re- Houston, TX. Busler Enterprises Inc .................. Evansville, IN. finery Co. Butler Petroleum Corp .................. Butler, PA. Hunt Industries .............................. Dallas, TX. C.K. Smith & Company, Inc ......... Worcester, MA. Hunt Petroleum Corp .................... Dallas, TX. 62 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 13:06 Apr 04, 2001 Jkt 194030 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\194030T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 194030T Department of Energy § 210.1 Name of firm Location Name of firm Location Husky Oil Company of Delaware Cody, WY. Ozona Gas Processing Plant ....... Tyler, TX. Ideal Gas Co., Inc ......................... Nyassa, OR. Pacer Oil Co. of Florida, Inc ......... Ormond Beach, FL. Independent Oil & Tire Company Elyria, OH. Pacific Northern Oil ....................... Seattle, WA. Inland USA, Inc ............................. St. Louis, MO. Panhandle Eastern (Century) ....... Houston, TX. Inman Oil Co ................................. Salem, MO. Parade Company .......................... Shreveport, LA. Internorth, Inc ................................ Omaha, NE. Parham Oil Corporation ................ Nashville, TN. J.E. DeWitt, Inc ............................. South El Monte, CA. Pasco Petroleum Co., Inc ............. Phoenix, AZ. J.M. Huber Corp ........................... Houston, TX. Pedersen Oil, Inc .......................... Silverdale, WA. James Petroleum Corp ................. Bakersfield, CA. Pennzoil Company ........................ Houston, TX. Jay Oil Company .......................... Fort Smith, AR. Perry Gas Processors, Inc ........... Odessa, TX. Jimmys Gas Stations Inc .............. Auburn, ME. Peoples Energy Corp ................... Chicago, IL. Jones Drilling Corporation ............ Duncan, OK. Perta Oil Marketing Corp .............. Beverly Hills, CA. Juniper Petroleum Corporation ..... Denver, CO. Peterson Petroleum Inc ................ Hudson, NY. Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Co Hastings, NE. Petro-Lewis Corp .......................... Denver, CO. Keller Oil Company, Inc ................ Effingham, IL. Petrolane-Lomita Gasoline Co ..... Long Beach, CA. Kenny Larson Oil Co., Inc ............ Petroleum Heat & Power Co. Inc Stamford, CT. Kent Oil & Trading Company ....... Houston, TX. Petroleum Sales/Services Inc ....... Buffalo, NY. Key Oil Co., Inc ............................ Tuscaloosa, AL. Pioneer Corp ................................. Amarillo, TX. Key Oil Company .......................... Bowling Green, KY. Planet Engineers Inc .................... Denver, CO. Kiesel Co ...................................... St. Louis, MO. Plateau, Inc ................................... Albuquerque, NM. King & King Enterprise ................. Kansas City, MO. Plaquemines Oil Sales ................. Belle Chasse, LA. Kingston Oil Supply Corp ............. Port Ewen, NY. Point Landing Inc .......................... Hanrahan, LA. Kirby Oil Company ........................ Port Oil Company, Inc .................. Mobile, AL. L & L Oil Co., Inc .......................... Belle Chasse, LA. Post Petroleum Co ....................... West Sacramento,
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