TÄÄUT/CLS ïll'il-/I I/*i&4 -ou Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 7 Bamboos S. Dransfield and E. A.Widjaj a (Editors) \B Backhuys Publishers, Leiden 1995 -4- \J DR SOEJATMI DRANSFIELD is a plant taxonomist specializing in bamboos, who gained her first degree in Plant Taxonomy from Academy of Agriculture, Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia. Born in Nganjuk, Indonesia, she began her botanical career as a staff member of Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia, and gained her PhD from Reading University, United Kingdom (UK), in 1975 with her thesis the 'Revision of Cymbopogon (Gramineae)'. After she moved to UK in 1978, she continued her research on bamboo taxonomy including the generic delimitation of the Old World tropical bamboos. She is currently Honorary Re­ search Fellow at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, writing the account of bamboos from Malesia, Thailand, and Madagascar. DR ELIZABETH A. WIDJAJA is a plant taxonomist who took her doctoral degree from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, in 1984. Her PhD thesis on the revision of Malesian Gigantochloa was mainly based on research con­ ducted in Indonesia. She has spent most of her career at the Herbarium Bo­ goriense, studying the ethnobotany and bamboo taxonomy since 1976. Cip-Data Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag Plant Plant resources of South-East Asia. - Leiden: Backhuys - 111. No. 7: Bamboos / S. Dransfield and E.A. Widjaja (eds.). Published and distributed for the Prosea Foundation. - With index, ref. ISBN 90-73348-35-8 bound NUGI 835 Subject headings: bamboos; South-East Asia. ISBN 90-73348-35-8 NUGI 835 Design: Frits Stoepman bNO. © Prosea Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia, 1995. No part of this publication, apart from bibliographic data and brief quotations embodied in critical reviews, may be reproduced, re-recorded or published in any form including print, photocopy, microfilm, electric or electromagnetic record without written permission from the copyright holder, Prosea Founda­ tion, c/o Publication Office, P.O. Box 341, 6700 AH Wageningen, the Nether­ lands. Printed in the Netherlands. Published and distributed for the Prosea Foundation by Backhuys Publishers, P.O. Box 321,230 0 AH Leiden, the Netherlands. Contents Editors and contributors 9 Prosea Board ofTrustee s and Personnel 11 Foreword 13 1 Introduction 15 1.1 General 15 1.1.1 What is a bamboo? 15 1.1.2 Choice of species 15 1.1.3 Origin and geographic distribution 16 1.1.4 Uses 19 1.1.5 Properties 22 1.1.6 Cultural aspects 25 1.1.7 Problems of interpretation of names 26 1.2 Botany 26 1.2.1 Morphology 27 1.2.2 Anatomy 31 1.2.3 Taxonomy 32 1.2.4 Growth and development$3-^.,. 1.3 Ecology 36 v ' . , ..',"-/•-' 1.4 Exploitation and cultivation 37 1.4.1 History of bamboo exploitation and cultivation 37 1.4.2 Propagation 38 1.4.3 Management 40 1.4.4 Diseases and pests 42 1.4.5 Harvesting 43 1.4.6 Yield 44 1.4.7 Post-harvest handling and processing 44 1.5 Breeding and genetic resources 46 1.6 Prospects 46 1.6.1 Management of the wild resource 46 1.6.2 Cultivation 47 1.6.3 Trade 47 1.6.4 Research priorities and development 47 2 Alphabetical treatment of species 51 Bambusa atra 53 Bambusa balcooa 54 Bambusa bambos 56 Bambusa blumeana 60 Bambusa heterostachya 64 Bambusa multiplex 65 Bambusa polymorpha 67 Bambusa tulda 69 Bambusa tuldoides 72 Bambusa vulgaris 74 Cephalostachyum pergracile 78 Dendrocalamus asper 80 Dendrocalamus brandisii 83 Dendrocalamus giganteus 85 Dendrocalamus latiflorus 87 Dendrocalamus membranaceus 90 Dendrocalamus pendulus 92 Dendrocalamus strictus 93 Gigantochloa albociliata 98 Gigantochloa apus 100 Gigantochloa atroviolacea 102 Gigantochloa atter 104 Gigantochloa balui 106 Gigantochloa hasskarliana 107 Gigantochloa levis 109 Gigantochloa ligulata 111 Gigantochloa manggong 113 Gigantochloa nigrociliata 114 Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea 116 Gigantochloa robusta 118 Gigantochloa scortechinii 120 Gigantochloa thoii 123 Gigantochloa wrayi 124 Melocanna baccifera 126 Phyllostachys aurea 129 Schizostachyum blumei 130 Schizostachyum brachycladum 132 Schizostachyum grande 133 Schizostachyum iraten 135 Schizostachyum jaculans 136 Schizostachyum latifolium 137 Schizostachyum lima 138 Schizostachyum lumampao 140 Schizostachyum zollingeri 142 Thyrsostachys siamensis 145 3 Minor bamboos 148 Literature 156 Acknowledgments 165 Acronyms of organizations 167 Glossary 168 Sources of illustrations 175 Index of scientific plant names 178 Index ofvernacula r plant names 182 The Prosea Foundation 185 Editors and contributors General editors of the Prosea Handbook P.C.M. Jansen, E. Westphal and N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto Editorial staff of this volume - Editors: S. Dransfield and E.A. Widjaja - Associate editors: P.P.H. But, L.G. Clark, P.C.M. Jansen and K.M. Wong - Illustrators: M. Molubin, Iskak Syamsudin and P. Verheij-Hayes - Language corrector: J. Burrough-Boenisch Contributors - Abd. Razak Othman, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Jalan FRI Kepong, P.O. Box 201, 52109 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Schizostachyum zollingeri) - M.K. Alam, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 273, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh (Bambusa balcooa, Dendrocalamus brandisii, Melocanna baccifera) - Azmy Hj. Mohamed, Forest Research Insitute Malaysia (FRIM), Jalan FRI Kepong, P.O. Box 201, 52109 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Gigantochloa scorte- chinii) - P.P.H. But, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong (Bambusa tuldoides) - L.C. Chia, South China Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Hong Kong (Bambusa tuldoides) - Chu Chengde, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, China (Phyllostachys aurea) - L.G. Clark, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Botany, 353 Bessey Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011-1020, United States - S. Dransfield, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB, England (Introduction, Bambusa heterostachya, B. multiplex, B. vulgaris, Dendrocalamus asper, D. pendulus, Gigantochloa ligulata, Schizostachyum blumei, S. brachycladum, S. grande, S. iraten, S. jaculans, S. latifolium, S. lima, Minor bamboos) - S. Duriyaprapan, Prosea Country Office, Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 196 Phahonyothin Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand (Bambusa bambos, B. polymorpha, B. tulda, Cephalo- 10 BAMBOOS stachyum pergracile, Dendrocalamus membranaceus, D. strictus, Gigan- tochloa albociliata, Thyrsostachys siamensis) P.C.M. Jansen, Prosea Publication Office, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Wageningen Agricultural University, P.O. Box 341, 6700 AH Wageningen, the Netherlands (Bambusa bambos, B. polymorpha, B. tulda, Cephalo- stachyum pergracile, Dendrocalamus membranaceus, D. strictus, Gigan- tochloa albociliata, Thyrsostachys siamensis) M.A. Rifai, Herbarium Bogoriense, P.O. Box 110, Bogor 16122, Indonesia (Gigantochloa atter) C.A. Roxas, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau, College, Laguna, the Philippines {Bam­ busa blumeana, Dendrocalamus latiflorus, Schizostachyum lima) V.O. Sinohin, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosys­ tems Research and Development Bureau, College, Laguna, the Philippines {Schizostachyum lumampao) Sutiyono, Puslitbang Hutan &Konservas i Alam, Jl. Gunung Batu, Bogor, In­ donesia {Gigantochloa manggong) F.D. Virtucio, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosys­ tems Research and Development Bureau, College, Laguna, the Philippines {Schizostachyum lumampao) E.A. Widjaja, Herbarium Bogoriense, P.O. Box 110, Bogor 16122, Indonesia (Introduction, Bambusa atra, B. multiplex, B. vulgaris, Dendrocalamus as- per, D. giganteus, Gigantochloa apus, G. atroviolacea, G. hasskarliana, G. manggong, G. nigrociliata, G.pseudoarundinacea, G. robusta, Phyllostachys aurea, Minor bamboos) K.M. Wong, Forest Research Centre, Forestry Department, P.O. Box 1407, 90008 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia {Gigantochloa balui, G. levis, G. thoii, G. wrayi) Prosea Board ofTrustee s and Personnel (December 1994) Board of Trustees Aprilani Soegiarto (LIPI, Indonesia), chairman C.M. Karssen (WAU, the Netherlands), vice-chairman Salleh Mohd. Nor (FRIM, Malaysia) Misty Baloiloi (UNITECH, Papua New Guinea) B.P. del Rosario (PCARRD, the Philippines) Chalermchai Honark (TISTR, Thailand) Dang Huy Huynh (IEBR, Vietnam) Soekiman Atmosoedaryo (Yayasan Sarana Wanajaya) J.M. Schippers (PUDOC-DLO, à titre personnel) Sampurno Kadarsan (à titre personnel) Personnel Indonesia R.E. Nasution, Programme Leader Hadi Sutarno, Country Officer Hernowo, Assistant Country Officer S. Rochani, Assistant Country Officer Malaysia Salleh Mohd. Nor, Programme Leader Elizabeth Philip, Country Officer Mohd. Rizal bin Mohd. Kassim, Assistant Country Officer Papua New Guinea P. Siaguru, Programme Leader R. Matu, Country Officer N. Kure, Assistant Country Officer 12 BAMBOOS The Philippines B.P. del Rosario, Programme Leader R.F. Maligalig, Country Officer V.C. Fandialan, Assistant Country Officer N.P. Gesmundo, Assistant Country Officer Thailand Prapandh Boonklinkajorn, Programme Leader Soonthorn Duriyaprapan, Country Officer Sayan Tanpanich, Assistant Country Officer Vietnam Nguyen Tien Ban, Programme Leader Dzuong Due Huyen, Country Officer La Dinh Moi, Assistant Country Officer Nguyen Van Dzue, Assistant Country Officer Network Office, Bogor, Indonesia J. Kartasubrata, Head T. Sundari, Secretary I. Afandi, Distribution Assistant S. Danimihardja, Regional Data Bank Officer A. Rahmat, Documentation Assistant A. Suharno, Financial Officer
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