january/February 1993 Volume 1 9, Number 6 National Stereoscopic Association Up Close to the Fourth Dimension hile we wait for entries to The Rules Any stereographer, amateur or pro- fessional, is eligible. Stereos which have arrive for the new assign- As space allows (and depending on ment, we will publish some won Stereoscopic Society or PSA com- the response) judges will select for pub- petitions are equally eligible, but please of the several "Close-up" entries lication in each issue at least two of the try to send views made within the past that arrived shortly before the best views submitted by press time. eight years. All views will be returned deadline. The view shown here Rather than tag images as first, second within 6 to 12 weeks, but Stereo World caught our attention with its sharp, or third place winners, the idea will be and the NSA assume no responsibility close detail of an absolutely inex- to present as many good stereographs for the safety of photographs. Please plicable object. It becomes even as possible from among those submit- include return postage with entries. more interesting when you learn ted. Submission of an image constitutes Prizes are limited to the worldwide permission for its one-use reproduction from the title on the back that this fame and glory resulting from the pub- is the next logical step beyond a in Stereo World. All other rights are lication of your work. Anyone and any retained by the photographer. stereoscope - a fourth dimension image in any print or slide format is eli- Send all entries directly to: ASSIGN- viewer (or at least a sculpture gible. (Keep in mind that images will MENT 3-D, 5610 SE 71st, Portland, OR attempting to capture its illusion). be reproduced in black and white.) 97206. m Include all relevant ca~tionmaterial Next Assignment: Children and technical data as well as your This may sound like an easy one, name and address. Each entrant may but we hope to see some imagina- submit up to 6 images per assignment. tive stereos of kids from age 30 sec- onds to 12 years that have both "Detail From Apparatus to View the Illlision of Four Dimensionality" by Dale Walsh of good stereo impact and that very St. Laurent, Quebec, who writes: "I wondered what type of apparahrs one worrld use to subjective quality of "human inter- view the illlision of four dimensionality. This Trioscope, for the forrrtli dimension needs est." Any number of kids can be three lenses. Don't ask me who or what worild use them". A small rivet represents the first included, but one or two generally dimension (a point). The disk at the center represents the second dimension (length & get more attention than many. Rel- width), and the spherical shot-put at the left adds the third dimension of depth. Since tlie atively close shots taken from the shadow of a two-dimensional object is one-dimensional and that of a three-dimensional level of a child's world are often object is 2-0, the shadow of a 4-0 object would be 3-0. Viewing the scrrlphire with a the most effective. Send anything strong light from the side of the lens is intended to demonstrate slrcli a sliadow. (Diffrrsed from action views to portraits, but lighting was needed to show the details of the whole device, so we'll have to wait for a do get par- 3-0 look at the next dimension.) ents' permis- sion for pub- lication if ' the subiects are other than your own chil- dren. Dead- line for the "Children" assignment is October 25, 1993 STEREO! Volume 19, Number 6 JanuaryIFebruary 1993 Copyright 01993 by the The Littleton View Company ...................................... 6 National 01 992 by Linda McShane The Biggest, Toughest View-Master in the World .... 14 Connectin the Random Dots ................................... 15 A Review by JoP In Dennis soars of Direcrur:, 17 idy Criscotn, Chairma Fred Li htfoot: 1920-1992 .......................................... Paula R. IFleming by Russel7 Norton David Hi~tchison Concerto for the Earth ................................................ 18 Dieter l-orenz by Don Maven Susan IPinsky T.K. Treadwell 3-D Adds Depth to Huge MONTAGE 93 Festival ........ 24 by Susan Tn'en, Strong Museum, Rochester, NY NSA 01 fficers A Light on Littleton's Stereographic Past .................. 29 CorcIon D. Hoffman, President A Review by John Dennis JohnW~~U~IIIILII, -I--:cL I,!vice President. Activities Larry Hess, Secretary Beyond the Prison Gates ............................................. 30 avid Whee ler, Treasurc North America's Historic Buildings ........................... 36 Ste!re0 Wc orld Staff by Neal Bullington John Dennis, Editor hlark Willke , Art Directclr Idsmith, 51 Editor's View comments and Observations, by John Dennis .................................. 2 .IUII~IJLCI ~uxu Letters Reader's Comments and Questions .................................................. 3 Associat~on The Society News from the Stereoscopic Society of America, by Norman B. Patterson 16 ;hips, renewals, address changes, ........ assified ads, display ad.5) can You Identify the Subjects of These Views?, by Neal Bullington 22 P.O. Box 14801 The Unknowns ....... Columbus, OH 4321 4 View-Master Information on the Reel World, by Wolfgang & Mary Ann Sell ................. 26 (Stereo World back issues) P.O. Box 398 NewViews Current Information on Stereo Today, by David Starkman & Iohn Dennis .......... 32 qycamore, OH 4488? Calendar A Listing of Coming Events ......................................................... 37 itereo World IIditorial I Office Classified BUY, Sell, or Trade It Here .......................................................... 38 (letters to the editor, articles, mlonAn,. lictinncl C"'L,,YU' I.2L.I ry>, 561 0 SE 71 st Ave. Portland, OR 97206 "3-D Treasures" Editor Ron 1 -- 4nson St., Bc Littletorl Vicw (;orrlp~~rlyNo. 1015, "Now I ook Pleasant, Please." 0111, of the best examples of the "NewViekvs" Edit01 sentimental views published by the "nlonber 2" David Starkman company in Littleton. Our feature on the company ox 2368, Culver Clty, CA is from Linda McShane's new book When 1 Want- "The Unknowns" Edi,tor ed the Sun to Shine - Kilburn and other Little- Neal Bullington ton New Hampshire Stereographers. 5880 London Dr., Traverse City, h rliew-Master" Editors Uolfgang fr Mary Ann Sell ~adv~ewDr., Clnc~nnat~,OH 45208 Oliver Wen dell Holm Stereo World (ISSN 01914030) is published bimonthl by the National Stereoscopic Association, lnc., 4.0. Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214. All rights reserved. Materlal in tKis publication may not be reproduced w~thoutwrltten permlsslon Stereoscop~cR esearch L of the NSA, Inc. Printed in USA. A subscription to Stereo World is included with NSA membershlp. Annual membershlp Eastern College, 51:. Davids. PA dues: $22 third class US, $32 first class US., $34 Canada and fore~gnsurface, $48 internat~onalairmall. All memberships are based on the publishing year of Stereo World, which begins in March and ends w~ththe JanuaryiFebruary Issue of the next year. All new memberships recelved will commence w~ththe MarchiAprll issue of the current calendar year. Whm Stereoscopic Society of America applyina for membership, please advise us if you do not desire the back issues of the current volume E. Jack Swarthout, Membersh~pSecretary Member, International Stereoscopic. Union 12 Woodrnere Dr , Par~s,IL 61 944 -- -- -- - Thanks, John! very NSA member and officer where filled with paid profession- Excerpts from a little-known magazine owes John Weiler a resounding als. I have the suspicion that the abolrt stereography published by Evote of thanks for his 14+ years organization would be less effective Underwood & Underwood. of volunteer work for the organiza- wch that office than it has been A look at a software package available with dedicated people like John, for IRM PC, Amiga, and Macintosh tion. Retiring from the position of that makes generating 3-D image NSA Secretary, John is helping final- Larry and Bob. pairs both affordable and thinkable ize the complex process of transfer- Renew Your World even for a beginner. ring the basic duties of that job to These are of course in addition Larry Hess, while redistributing the Don't let your NSA renewal form just sit gathering dust. The variety to some special surprises already many additional tasks that had prepared for Volume 20, as well as of interesting material currently gravitated his way over the years. those that will arrive to surprise us being readied for publication in John had become, essentially, the also. There is simply more of every- Volume 20 of Stereo World is unusu- NSA membership, subscription, thing in the works and on the way ally impressive even to a jaded edi- publishing, mailing, production for both historic and contemporary tor who once briefly wondered and business office. All of these interests. Along with all the inter- what there was left to write about often intertwined jobs have of esting stereo material inside, Vol- in the realm of stereo. Among the course grown as the NSA continues ume 20 will introduce a new look features not to be missed in com- to grow, and all of this was in addi- outside, with a new cover design ing issues are: tion to John's full time day job. For anticipating next year's 20th as long as most current NSA mem- A look at the life, the stereos (both published and unpublished), and anniversary of the NSA and Stereo bers have been in the group, it has the poetry of Keystone's last full World. m been John Weiler who very literally time stereographer, George Lewis. I y I has kept the organization function- A guided tour of Iceland as seen ing on a day-to-day, month-to- through the lenses of a uair of svn- I [ Did YOU \ I month basis. He dealt with adver- chronized, compact 35hm cam: tisers, the printer, the mailing ser- eras.
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