150 LITTLE MALVERN. WORCESTERSHIRE. [KELLy's window retains some glass of the time of Edward IV. : there buildings are incorporated in the mansion. The soil~ are 150 sittings. The register dates from the year 1691. The loamy; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley living is a vicarage, net yearly value £4o, including 10 acres and pasture. The area is 735 acres ; rateable value, £r,o27 . of glebe, in the gift of Lady Henry Somerset, and held since the population in 1891 was 104. ' 1878 by the Rev. Frederick Peel M.A. of Oriel College, Ox· Parish Clerk, John Coldr1Ck. ford, who resides at Barassie house, Malvern Link. The LETTER Box cleared at 8. 30 a.m. & 6. 45 p.m. Letters Catholic church of St. Wulstan, erected and openedin 1862, through Malvern Wells, which is thenearest money order is an edifice of stone in the Gothic style, consisting at present & telegraph office, arrive at 8 a. m of nave and baptistry, and has about 200 sittings; there are attached schools. Little Malvern Court is the seat of Charles Catholic School (mixed), erected in I864, for so children; Michael Berington esq. D.L., J.P. ·who is lord of the manor average attendance, 40; Mrs. Jennings, mistress and principal landowner; some portions of the monastic The Protestant children attend the schools at Malvern Wells Berington Charles Michael D.L., J.P. BullockThos.frmr.Lit.Malvern grounds 1 Gough George, farm bailiff to Charles Little Malvern court Gill Michael, rate collector & assistant Mic)lael Berington esq Moody Robert Sadleir, The Farm overseer, St. Wulstau's Webb John, farmer, Rabbit warren Tidmarsh Rev. Joseph Benedict [Catho· Hill Charles, carpenter Woodyatt 'rhos. gardtmer, Huntley cot lie], The Priory MALVERN WELLS is very healthily situated and property whatever; there are other springs of the same or commands extensive and picturesque views of a large tract simihtr water, which is sent to all parts of England, and here of country, on the eastern side of the ridge of the Malvern quantities of soda and other rninera.l waters are made by Hills and the border of Herefordshire, and was formed in Messrs. W. & J. Burrow, of Malvern, and by Messrs. 1836 into an ecclesiastical parish from the civil parish of Han· Schweppe & Co. the celebrated manufacturers of London. ley Castle with stations on the Worcester and Hereford The water of this well is beautifully clear, with a tempera­ branch of the Great Western, and Worcester and Cheltenham ture of 46° Fahr. and has a cool and pleasant taste; il.l branch of the Midland railways, 5 miles west from Upton­ specific gravity is I ·oo12, and containing in the gallon only on-Severn, 8 north-east from Ledbury, 15 north-east from the 6·4r85 grains of solid matter, it is of extreme purity. Be. Wye and 2 south from Great Malvern, in the Southern divi­ tween the water of this spring and that of St. Ann's well in sion of the county, Lower Pershore hundred, Upton-on· Great Malvern, there is scarcely any material difference, as Severn petty sessional division and union, Great Malvern will be seen from the following analysis of the Holy Well ·county court district, rural deanery of Powick and archdea­ spring by A. N. Tate esq. of the Liverpool College of Chemis­ conry and diocese of Worcester. The church of St. Peter, a try, which gives the amount of the different salts in 1,000 building of stone in a modern imitation of the Early English parts and one gallon respectively :- style, was erected in 1836 by the Rev. P. Boissier, from de­ In I,ooo In one gallon. signs by Mr. Garrard, of Clifton, and consists of chancel, parts. 70,000 grs. nave; transepts and north porch, and has a clock at the west Carbonate of Lime .• •••. '014640 ...... I ·o248o grs. end: the church was reseated, and stained windows and an Carbonate of Magnesia •••••• '021200 •••••• 1'48400" organ added in I865, under the direction of the Rev. F. Hop­ Carbonate of Iron ••• ••• '0031 IO •••••• 0'22470 ,, kinson : the reredos, executed by Forsyth of Worcester, Carbonate of Soda ..• .. • '013330 ...... 0'93310" contains figures of our Lord and the Evangelists : there are ~ulphate of Lime •••.•• ·o2367o •.•.•• 1'65690" soo sittings, 250 being free. The registers date from the Sulphate of Soda •••••• '001380 •••••• o·og66o, • year 1836. The living is a vicarage, average yearly value, Chloride of Sodium .••... ·oi35I9 ..... 0'94570 " £270, derived principally from pew rents, in the gift of Mrs. Iodide of Sodium • • • • • • •••••• 0'00029 ,, Finnie, of the Abbey, Malvern Wells. and held since 1891 by Silica •••••• '002750 • ••••• 0'19250" the Rev. Donald Tait M.A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The Alumina • • • • • • traces. • ••••• traces. Midland Counties Fish Culture Establishment here is a pri­ Organic matter ••• •• • do . • ••••• Q.o. vate and non-commercial undertaking for augmenting and ---- --- improving the stock of fish in the inland waters of this coun­ '093732 try : the arrangements are on an extensive scale, and include PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. 78 ponds of various dimensions ; and two hatcheries, each Miss Emma S. Merryday, sub-postmistress. Letters ar· capable of incubating 6,ooo,ooo ova: the operations of the rive at 7 a.m. 12.30 & 4 p.m. i dispatched at 9 & II.,IO establishment are not restricted to the propagation of sal­ a.m. 6.30 & 7.30 p.m monidre only, a large amount of attention being also bestowed upon the culture of coarse fish, such as perch, dace, roach, WALL BoxEs, Gothic cottage, cleared at 5 & 9 a. m. I2 noon bream, tench &c. A drinking fountain was erected in 1887, & 6.45 p.m. week days only; Tyrol house, cleared at 8.45 near the church, by the parishioners. John Vincent Horn­ & I 1.45 a. m. & 7 p.m. week days only ; Hurst Lee, cleared yold esq. D.L., J.P. of Blackmore Park, is the chief land­ at 5 & 7.15 a. m. 1.15 & 6 p.m. week days only owner. The area is 739 acres ; the population in 189r was National School (mixed & infants), erected by Miss Warring· ton, at the south end of the parish in 1885, at a cost, in· 1 1 013. On the hill side, above the village, is the well-known eluding the site, of £,2,000, for 136 children; average "Holy Well," granted "r Elizabeth (r558-9), under the Great attendance, 8o: Wyndham Hull, master; the old school Seal, to John Hornyold esq. but afterwards encroached from has been converted into a reading room, open from 6.3oto the estate, and subsequently re-purchased in 1843, together 9 p.m. except tuesdays ; Williarn Bott, secretary with the acre of land adjoining it, by T. G. Hornyold esq. County Police Station, Geo. Meek, constable,Westminsterrd who erected, at a cost of .l4oo, the picturesque building Volunteer Fire Brigade, John Vernall, captain & 12 men; which still shelters the well; it is now the property of J. V. keys kept at post office Hornyold esq. of Blaekmore Park, the public having, as in RAILWAY STATIONS:­ centuries past, simply the right of user; the well is famous Midland, Alfred Spriggs, station master for the perfect purity of its water, which has no chemical Great Western, Thomas Haines, station master PRIVATE.RESIDENTS. Hainsworth Misses, Regent lodge Walford Rev. Henry, Wadham lodg~ Attwood Mrs. Carlsruhe Harper Miss, South cottage Warrington Miss, The Belvedere Attwood Tbos. Arth. Carless, Carlsruhe Hellius Henry, The Larches Webb Mrs. Spring hill Jleale Mrs. Ingleside Hill Major Wm. Chas. J.P. The Cottage Werge Miss, Ashdown .rlroadwood Waiter, Ferney Hodgson William Pritchit, Woodlands Whittield Mrs. The Shrubbery Brown Miss, Summeriields Hopkinson Rev. Francis LL.D., F.S.A. Williams Miss, 2 Woodlands Bucknall John, Hillside The Dell COMMERCIAL. Burrow Mrs. Hurst Lee Jennens Mrs. Broomlea Baggott Mark, shopkeeper, The WycM Burrow Waiter, Eaton louge Karslake Mrs Beach Richard, Hornyold Arms hotel Burton Rev. Ezekiel, Rydal mount Kendall Albert, Rockside Bendall Williarn, plumber, painter &c. Campbell Miss, Warkworth cottage Kempson Miss, Highland cottage Rose lawn Cordeaux Mrs. Vi'oodfield lodge Knight Misses, Heathlands Benson Wm. corn. trav. Westminsterrd Delys Madame, Kinnesley house Laing Miss, Cypress cottage Betteridge Joseph, farmer, Firs farm de Satge Henry, Hartfield Peek Rev .Edward M.A.Highfield mount BunceWilliam,grocr. IIWestminsterrd EastwoodChas.Edmd. The Old Vicarage Price Mrs. Eastfield Burgess William, pheasant & ponltt1 Eastwood Mrs. The Old Vicarage Roger Mrs. Graham house food manufacturer Finnie Mrs. The Abbey Sanderson Thomas, Wells road Clare Thomas, saddler Fowler Miss, Villa Nuova Scott Rev. Joseph, Tyrol house Clarke Marrianne (Miss), Essington'S Fowler Mrs. Langdale lodge Smallwood Miss, Carlsruhe private hotel Graham Mrs. Graham villa StableAifredHenryM.A.TheWells house Cotterell James, shopkeeper, Rose col-i Graham William, The Cliffe Swinson Mrs. Bredon house tage, Westminster road Grey-Jones Mrs. Beechlands Tait Rev. Donald M.A. The Vicarage Creese Richard, linen draper Grindrod Chas. Frederick, Wyche side Tillard Alfred Edmund, May place Dee Williarn, shoe maker .
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