iiE `\ CONVENERS REPORT T0 THE MEMBERS 1984 D As our first year of association ends I feel it i; desirable-to summarize our accomplishments for each member. + As most of you are aware `we came into existence as the Agnew Association of the USA in April of 1984 after I accepted Sir Crispin Agnew's request to serve as Convener. In November our name was changed to The Agnew Assoication of America in order to provide a family home for those outside the United States who desired to join. Our f irst member from Canada, LAURETTE AGNEW, joined in I)ecember. [Iowever, if at a future date those in Canada wish t:o organize their own association, this possibility is recognized and we would assist them in every way. As of t:he close of 1984 we have sixty (60) members from eighteen states al``d Canada. The Associatj.on was represented at two Scottish Games during 1984, first the Grandfather Mountain llighland Games, North Carolina in early July and the Virginia Scottish Games, Alexand.ria, Va. in late July. A number of Agnews were found at each and they -were surprised and pleased to find we had our own organization. Next we issued our f irst two newslettters thanlis to our able editor Pat Alexander. We ha.ve received many compliments on these including a request: from the Scottish Internatinal Trust to be placed on the mailj.ng .list. We are deeply endebted to Pat for her efforts. Last, with the assistance of Lois Schj.eck, our secretary, I have completed oiir Consitution which is being submitted to the Internal Revenue Service for approval as a non-profit organization. ---------- ` -------.---- =--` -- Financially we broke even with receipts and expenditures totaling approximately $850 for the year. Our principal expenses were $150 each for registration at the games, $250 for advertising and the newsletters and $300 for printing, reproduction and postage. We will be sending membership renewal notices in March though the new year of membership does not begin untj.i 01 `July as Lois Schj.eck may be traveling later in the spring and because early renewal will provide us the funds for rgistering f or the 1985 gatherings in the United States . As to the future, we are hopeful many will be able to attend the Gathering in Edinburgh al`d in Ireland in `July I.985 and our tentative hope is to try to arrange a U.S. Gathering in Denver, Colorado for 1986. My very best tc> each of you for 1985, Col. `John P.Agnew, Convener, Agnew Association of America INDEX T0 VICARS PREROGATIVE WILLS OF IRELAND /|IAT. LIBRARY-DUBLIN 1536 - 1810 EW/'`JAMES LARNE, CO. ANTRIM-merchant EW/'\JANE MOSSVALE, CO. DOWN-widow AGNEW/CAPTIAN `JOHN LONGSFORD, CO. ANTRIM AGNEW/PATRICK KILWAUGHTER AGNEW/'WILLIAM KIT.WAUGHTER ; 8`8: ii::E:#T:::: AGNEW/'WILLIAM, LT. COIL. 24TII REGIMENT OF FOOT THE AGNEW ARMS Several years ago whj.Ie in Dllblin, I went t:a the I)ublin Castle to see any IRIS}I records of the AGNEW COAT C)F ARMS. I was i ()I:t..unate t:() be ab.1.e to see the original. hand scribed declarat:ion. They photo copied it but lj.I{e so many of the copyj.ng machj.nes in researcti facilities in Ireland, the copiJ was `too poor to reprodiice i.n our newslet:ter. [lere is a typewritten a ()Py . AGNEW Ea=aTl]. and sj.ng`ilar to who-in these presents sl`all collie, I Sir John Bernard B`irke, C.B.ru.I,.D, [Jlster King of Arms and Principal Heralta of all IT:elar`d, Regist..rar and Knight At:t:endent on the Most Illiistrit)`is order of Saj.nt Pat:rick, send greetj.ng WEIEREAS applj.cation has been made t:o me by LJames Wj.Ison Agnew of i:::g:I:r]:fsttrheeet'EXE[e°:J`:trjt-v'ej[tt)`t]:::jLC,°L°£`(}'rm°efrL;as::I:i:£B:gujEte]: rjegislat:i.ve Councj.i, and Chief Secretary and Premier of the said Colony, Doctor of Met3j.cine of the Universi.ty of Glasgow, and a member of The Royal College of Surgeons of Hngland, eldest son a n d> --he±-r -Of--~iraTrfeis-`-W=j.1i:iraTn=<Artr[rew7` -.i.-are=`=oLf -13 a llyTc'ra-r-e-/-isi-t-lne C()iinty ()f Ant:rim, Esquj.re, Doct()r of Medicine of the said University of Glasgow, third eldest. surviving son and heir t]f iJames Agnew, also lat:e of Ballyclare, Aforesaid, Esquire, Doctor of Metaici.r`e t)f the same [lniversj.ty, son of LJames Agnew, late of Donegore, i.n t:he Barony of llpper Ant:rim, i.n t:he County of Ai`t:ri.in, gent..Iemen, al.i deceased, request:ing that I woult] col`firm to him an<3 his descendant:s The Arms long iised by his family: I, the sa.i.d lIlst:er Kj.ng of Arms, t..aking the same int:o ct)nsideration do hereby Gel:tj.fy ant] t]eclare that t:he Armori.al bearings above depicted, namely, Gules, on a Chevron between in Chj.ef Tw() Cj.nquefoils ai`d i.n the base a Salt..ire Couyped Argent, a lref oi.I. S.Lipped Vel:t Cre.st - on a Wreath of the Colours an Bag.1.e Issuant, Rist.ing ant3 Requardant. proper charged on the Breast: wj.th a Trefoil as i.n The Arms. Not:l.o - CONSI1`jlo NON IMPETll,whic,h have been proved to me t:o have been long I)orne by prescript:i.on, are confirmed, and do now of rj.gtit belong and appert:aim unto the saj.d `James Wj,lson Agnew, and hj.s decendants, wit:h due and proper differencT,es accordi.ng to the ljaws of Arms, Wj.thoul. t:he let, hj.nderance, molest:atj.on, or interruption of any person or persons whatst)ever. In wit.ness whereof I have hereiinto subscribed my name on t.he nj.nth day ()f March, in the fj.ft:y foilrt..[` year of the ref.gn of oiir Sovereign Lady, Victoria, by the Grace ()f Got] of Great. Brj.t:lan and Ireland, Queen, and i.n ttie year of oiir rj(.rd, one tho`isand ej.ght-h`indred and ninety-one. (sigi`ed) `J. BERNARD BllRKE. Edj.t..()r's not.e: -`JAMES WII,S0r! AGi``lEW ]?s the grand fat.her of T)Er. AGNEW . / -:/. FROM THE POST OFFICE BOX / B- Ji P-3 DOUGLAS HORNSNELI- - grandson of NANCY AGNEW HORNSNELL and son of /, the ir f irst born SAMUEL GEORGE lloRNSNELI., celebrated his 90th birthday. Douglas was born in St. Paul, Mn. 1894. rlj.s gra`ndparents George and Nancy Agnew [[ornsnell emigrat..ed to America in the late 1840s. Nancy `from County Alit.rj.in, N.I. and f George from County Essex in England. They were marrij±£dJ.IL+I-8-5l- and homesteaded in Dakota County, Mn. in 1852 where Douglas's iii= father was born in 1852. Douglas was a real 'doughboy' being/ in one of tThETfirst groups to sail for France in 1917. He marri<ed hj.s childhood sweetheart Isabelle. While on R and R leave in ljondon, Douglas contacted his father's cousin ADMIRAL._"OMAsi[GiTiEW`of the British Navy, who entertai ned him .`a s -a_mos t welcome m`eiFib`er``of the AGNEW I;-\T'-S brothe r IIARRY AGNEW was delicate as a d-iiasF¥r.-ai=ffi cared for by Douglas's grandmother~`NANCY AGNEW_i.n -ji-r¥il: h[[.ARE{iRRiGNAEG#,EsW :::}ntu[fA]R[Ry¥ b:8:,E3 aan£±S%]::nn%rsyon i.`R|§3£EB + ~~ AGNEW bot.h became doctors i.n Amer].ca. RICEIARI) AGNEW, a member of our assocj.ation, present:|y is practj.cing medicine in Newport Beach, Ca. (this informatj.on c:omes from L0IS [IORNSNELI. SCHEICK) ..........` ...... r,... `T. ISLAY AGNEW BROWN - Daught:er of `JAMES AGNEW. `JAMES was born 12 october 1841 Baroney of Upper Toome,, P_arish of Drupmal, Townland of Groggan, County Antrim. Ere emigralFd to Canadaf in .].850 wj.t`h- his widowed mother MARGRIT INGr.ES (ENGLIS[I) and 2 brothers, WILLIAM AND TIIOMAS; 2 s]..sters RAcrlEL and HANNArl. They cleared land in Teeswater, ontar]..o and bi.lilt a log cal>in. ,JAMES AGNEW dj.ed in Toronto 06 Feb. 1933 at the age of 91. ISI,AY AGNEW BROWN h]..s daughter will be 96 years old this year. EI-IZABETII FELLOWS MCFADYEN Of Phoenix Az. will celebrate her 88th b irthday this year. Elizabeth is the grandaughter of HANNAll AGNEW sister of `JAMES AGNEW above MARGuERTrE KERNS Of Wayne, Michigan will celebrate her 85th birthday t:his year. She too is the granddaughter of HANNA[I AGNEW above. KENNETFI `JAMESON Agnew Association member and of the BALOO AGNEWS is making an excellent recovery f ron a f ive. week hospital stay in ]..ntensive care. Kennet:h and his wife Dorothy l-eased tha elitire LOC[INAW CASTLE just: f or themse.1ves a number of years ago (before Del Agnew took over). The pictilres taken by Dorothy and the narrative written by Kenneth of their stay at the cast:le DONALD AGNEW Of West Vancouver and grandson of T[loMAS AGNEW mentio ned above as `J.AMES AGNEWS'S brother, died 1]. November. IIe was in h]..s 80s and had been in a wheelchair sinc:e age 16. [!e lived for a year with President Franklin Roosevelt: at Warm Springs.
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